! =================================== ! ! The Faroese morphophonological file ! ! =================================== ! Alphabet a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å á é ó ú í à è ò ù ì ä ë ö ü ï â ê ô û î ã ý þ ñ ð ß ç A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Æ Ø Å Á É Ó Ú Í À È Ò Ù Ì Ä Ë Ö Ü Ï Â Ê Ô Û Î Ã Ý þ Ñ Ð g2:g i2:i j2:j v2:v %^UUML:0 %^IUML:0 %^eIUML:0 %^W:0 %^EPH:0 %^JI:0 %^OEA:0 %^EDH:0 %^VSH:0 %^GDEL:0 %^GGDEL:0 %^GVDEL:0 %^VDEL:0 %^JDEL:0 %^RDEL:0 %^EIO:0 %^OA:0 %^WVV:0 %^NGKK:0 %^AB1:0 %^AB2:0 %^AB3:0 %^AB4:0 %^AB5:0 %^AB6:0 %^AB7:0 %^aAB:0 %^uAB:0 %>:0 ; Sets Vow = a e i o u y æ ø å á é ó ú í à è ò ù ì ä ë ö ü ï â ê ô û î ã ý ; Cns = b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z ð þ ; Nas = m n ; NonNas = b c d f g h j k l p q r s t v w x z ð þ ; Dummy = %^UUML %^IUML %^eIUML %^W %^EPH %^JI %^OEA %^EDH %^VSH %^GDEL %^GGDEL %^GVDEL %^VDEL %^JDEL %^RDEL %^EIO %^OA %^WVV %^NGKK %^AB1 %^AB2 %^AB3 %^AB4 %^AB5 %^AB6 %^AB7 %^aAB %^uAB %> ; Special = %^UUML %^IUML %^W %^EPH %^JI %^OEA %^GDEL %^GGDEL %^GVDEL %^VDEL %^JDEL %^RDEL; Rules "Deleting j" j:0 <=> _ [ %^JI: | %^JDEL: ] ; ! j for j-deletion dummies Vow g g: _ %>: [ Cns | i ] ; ! j in j-stems Vow g: g: _ [ %^GDEL: | %^GGDEL: ] %>: s ; ! j in ggj genitive Cns _ [ :i | :ý | :e :y ] Cns:* %^IUML: ; !€ beiggj%^JI%>i !€ beigg000i !€ verkj%^JDEL%>ur !€ verk000ur !€ heyggj%>i !€ heygg00i ! Verschärferung "Deleting g" g:0 <=> Vow _ v:0 [ %^GVDEL: | %^GDEL: %>: ] ; ! Deleting the gv Verschärferung 1 Vow _ g:0 j:0 %^GGDEL: %>: s ; ! Deleting gg in ggj Genitive I Vow g:0 _ j:0 [ %^GDEL: | %^GGDEL: ] %>: s ; ! Deleting gg in ggj Genitive II "Deleting v in gv sequences" v:0 <=> Vow g: _ [ %^GVDEL: | [(%^AB1:)| (%^AB5:)|(%^VSH:) | (%^IUML:)] %^VDEL: | %^IUML: %>: i ] ; !€ bógv%^IUML%>i !€ bøg000i !€ flúgv%^IUML%^VDEL !€ flýg000 !€ flúgv%VHS%VDEL%>u !€ flug0000u !€ búgv%^GVDEL%>s !€ bú0000s !€ bógv%^VDEL%>s !€ bóg000s !€ skógv%^GVDEL%>m !€ skó0000m !€ skýggj%^GGDEL%>s !€ ský00000s !€ kríggj%^GDEL%>s !€ kríg0000s !€ sjógv%>ar !€ sjó0v0ar "Deleting r in Genitive of ur stems" r:0 <=> u: _ %^EPH: %^RDEL: %>: a r ; !€ brúður%^EPH%^%RDEL%>ar !€ brúð00000ar "Deleting m in um%>num " m:0 <=> %>: u _ %>: n u m ; g v %>: _ %>: n u m ; !ris%>um%>num !ris00u000num !skógv%>m%>num !skó0000000num "Epenthetic deletion" Vx:0 <=> Vow: Cns:* _ [ r | l | n ] %^EPH: ( Special:* ) %>: Vow ; !Vow was commented out? where Vx in (a i u) ; !€ ak0r00 !€ økur%^EPH%^UUML%>um !€ øk0r000um !€ lykil%^EPH%>an !€ lyk0l00an !€ aftan%^EPH%> !€ aft0n00 "U-umlaut in Front of Nasal" a:o <=> _ Nas (Cns:) Vow: (Cns:) %^EPH: %^UUML: ; _ Nas (Cns:) (Cns:) %^UUML: ; ! _ Nas (Cns:) Vow: (Cns:) %^UUML: ; !Needed??? !€ tank%^UUML !€ tonk0 !den skal heller ikke klare det. den skal klare tonkum, og det gjør den. !€ band^UUML !€ bond00 !€ hamar%^EPH%^UUML%>um !€ hom0r000um "General U-umlaut" a:ø <=> _ NonNas: NonNas:* (Nas) (Vow:) %^UUML: ; !€ dag%>%^UUMLum !€ døg00um !€ sag%>%^UUMLa !€ søg00a !€ all%>%^UUML !€ øll00 "U-umlaut for akur" a:ø <=> _ k u:0 r (%^EPH:) %^UUML: %>: u ; !€ akur%^EPH%^UUML%>um !€ øk0r000um "I-umlaut" Vx:Vy <=> _ Cns:* %^IUML: ;!(Dummy:) [ %>: i | %>: u r | (%>: Cns:*) #: | %>: g ] ; where Vx in ( a o ø á ó ú ) Vy in ( e y i æ ø ý ) matched ; !€ dag%^IUML%>i !€ deg00i !€ son%^IUML%>i !€ syn00i !€ bógv%^IUML%>i !€ bøg000i "eI-umlaut" Vx:Vy <=> _ Cns:* %^eIUML: ; where Vx in ( o á i ) Vy in ( e e e ) matched; "I-umlaut for bróðir" ó:ø <=> _ Cns:* u: r ( %^EPH: ) %^IUML: ; !€ fjørð%^IUML%>i !€ f0irð00i !€ bjóð%^IUML !€ b0ýð0 "Inverted U-umlaut from ø" ø:a <=> _ Cns* (Vow: Cns) ( %^EPH: ) %^OEA: ; !€ fløtt%^ØAa !€ flatt0a "Inverted U-umlaut from o" o:a <=> _ Cns* (Vow: Cns) ( %^EPH: ) %^OA: ; !€ fonn%^OA%>ar !€ fann00ar "o/ei-Umlaut I" e:o <=> _ i: Cns:+ %^EIO: ; "o/ei-Umlaut II" i:0 <=> e: _ Cns:+ %^EIO: ; !€ dreing%^EIO%>i !€ dro0ng00i "Deleting Double Consonant in Front of Consonant" Cx:0 <=> Vow Cx _ %>: s #: ; ! Cx _ [ i:0 | a:0 | u:0 ] [ l | r ] ( %^EPH: ) %>: Vow ; where Cx in ( b d f g k l m n p r s t v ) ; !€ hjall%>s !€ hjal00s !€ summar%>i !€ sum00r0i !€ hjall%>ar !€ hjall0ar !€ himmal%^EPH%^UUML%>um !€ him00l000um !rygg%>s !ryg00s !tunnil%>i !tun00l%>i !himmal%>i !him00l0i "Deleting stem-final s in s genitive" s:0 <=> Vow s %>: _ ; !€ primus%>s !€ primus000 !grís%>s !grís000 "Realising i2 as i" i2:i => _ %>: ; !svii2%> !svii%> "Realising j in front of vowels" j2:j => _ %>: [ a | u ] ; !€ hylj2%>ar !€ hylj0ar "Vowel deletion in front of na" a:0 <=> _ %^W: n ; !"Special Dative v Deletion" ! v:0 <=> g _ %^IUML: %>: i ; !"Plural i Deletion in faðir" ! i:0 <=> :e ð _ r %^IUML: %>: ; !€ faðir%^IUML%>ar !€ feð0r00ar ! Verbal vowel alternations "Stem vowel change in Weak Verbs" Vx:Vy <=> _ Cns:+ %^WVV: %>: t ; ! WVV = Verb where Vx in (e y) Vy in (a u) matched ; !€ flek%^WVV%>t !€ flak00t !€ flek%^WVV%>t !€ flak00t "Stem Vowel Shortening in Supine and Participle" Vx:Vy <=> _ Cns:+ %^VSH: ; !ok, men flúgv > flýg funker fremdeles ikke ... where Vx in ( á ó í ú ) Vy in ( a o i u ) matched ; ! Adjectival Sandhi rule "Vowel shortening in Neuter" ó:o <=> _ :t %>: t ; !€ góð%>t !€ got0t ! Verbal Sandhi rules "ð Assimilation in Front of Dental Past Suffix -d(i)" ð:d <=> Vow _ %>: d [ #: | i | u ] ; !€ leið%>di !€ leid0di "ð Assimilation in Front of Supine Suffix -t" ð:t <=> Vow _ %>: t #: ; !€ leið%>t !€ leit0t "Adjusting Dental Past Suffix -d(i)" d:t <=> [ p | t | k | s ] %>: _ [ #: | i | u ] ; !€ keyp%>di !€ keyp0ti "Geminate Assimilation in Past Tense d" Cx:0 <=> Cy _ %>: d ; where Cx in ( d ð n p g k t ) Cy in ( n r n p g k l ) matched ; "Geminate Assimilation in Past Tense t" Cx:0 <=> Cy _ %>: t ; where Cx in ( d ð t ) Cy in ( n r l ) matched ; !€ send%>di !€ sen00di !€ hirð%>di !€ hir00di ! Verbal ablaut rules ! Past singular "Past tense singular diphthongs I" 0:Vx <=> Cns _ Vy:Vz Cns:+ %^AB1: ; where Vx in ( e e e e ) Vy in ( í ó u ú ) Vz in ( i y y y ) matched ; "Past tense singular diphthongs II" Vy:Vz <=> Cns :Vx _ Cns:+ %^AB1: ; where Vx in ( e e e e ) Vy in ( í ó u ú ) Vz in ( i y y y ) matched ; "Past tense singular monophthongs" Vx:Vy <=> _ Cns:+ %^AB3: [ #: | %>: i | %>: ] ; _ %^AB3: ; where Vx in ( e ø a o á i ) Vy in ( a a ó a æ a ) matched ; !€ gev%^AB2 !€ gav0 "Past tense plural monophthongs" Vx:Vy <=> _ Cns:+ %^AB2: %>: u ; _ %^AB2: ; where Vx in ( á í ó ú i e a ø ) Vy in ( ó i u u ó ó i u ) matched ; !"Past tense plural monophthongs to ó" !Vx:ó <=> _ Cns:+ %>: u ; ! where Vx in ( i e a o á ) ; "Past tense plural monophthongs to a" Vx:a <=> _ Cns:+ (%^NGKK:) %^aAB: ; where Vx in ( i e ø ) ; !"Past tense plural monophthongs to u" !Vx:u <=> _ Cns:+ %^uAB: ; ! where Vx in ( i e ø ) ; !"Past tense plural monophthongs to o" !Vx:o <=> _ Cns:+ %^oAB: ; ! where Vx in ( i e ø ) ; "Supine u" Vx:u <=> _ Cns:+ %^AB4: ; where Vx in ( i e ø ú ) ; !"Supine u" !Vx:u <=> Cns+ _ %^AB4: %>: ; ! where Vx in ( i e ) ; "Supine o" Vx:o <=> _ Cns:+ %^AB5: ; where Vx in ( a i e ø ó ú ) ; !"Supine o" !Vx:o <=> Cns+ _ %^AB5: %>: ; ! where Vx in ( í ó ú ø i e a ) ; "Supine i" Vx:i <=> _ Cns:+ %^AB6: ; where Vx in ( í a e á ) ; !"Supine i" !Vx:i <=> Cns+ _ %^AB6: %>: ; ! where Vx in ( í a e ) ; "Present tense ý" Vx:ý <=> _ Cns:+ %^AB7: ; where Vx in ( ó ) ; !"Adjective neuter after ð" !t:0 <=> Vow Cns+ Vow ð %^EDH: %>: _ #: ; !€ brekað%>t !€ brekað00 "Adjective neuter after nlr 1" t:ð <=> Vow Cns+ i [ r: | l: | n: ] ( %^EPH: ) %>: _ #: ; "Adjective neuter after nlr 2" Cx:0 <=> Vow Cns+ i _ ( %^EPH: ) %>: :ð ; where Cx in ( l n r ) ; !€ mikil%^EPH%>t !€ miki000ð !€ gamal%^EPH%>t !€ gamal00t "Double consonant simplification in front of t" Cx:0 <=> Vow Cx _ %>: t ; where Cx in ( b g l m n p r k ) ; !€ all%>t !€ al00t ! Possessive Sandhi rules ! "n Deletion in Neuter" conflicts with the "Deleting Double Consonant in Front of Consonant" rule - HJ !"n Deletion in Neuter" ! n:0 <=> _ %>: t t ; "t Deletion in Neuter" t:0 <=> [ r t | Vow Cns+ Vow ð %^EDH: ] %>: _ ; "ng to kk Part 1" n:k <=> Vow _ g:k %^NGKK: ; "ng to kk Part 2" g:k <=> Vow n: _ %^NGKK: ; ! Remove these when the dust has settled !"Vowel-deletion in definite article suffix" ! Vx:0 <=> _ (Dummy:) %>: (Dummy:) [ i [ n | ð ] | u m | s %>: i n s | a | u ] ; ! where Vx in ( i a ) ; !"Deleting initial i in definite suffix" ! i:0 <=> %>: Vow %>: _ [ n u m | n s | n | ð | n i | n a | n n a r ] #: ; ! [ a | u | i ] r (Special:*) %>:* %>: _ [ n [i|a] r #: ]; ! Vow %>:+ _ [ n | ð | n i ] #: ; ! _ %>:+ [ a | u m ] ; !"Deleting initial i in definite suffix after vowel, ð or g last in stem" ! i:0 <=> Vow %>: %>: _ n u m #: ; ! Vow: %>: _ %>: i:0 n u m #: ; ! Vow: %>: i:0 %>: _ n u m #: ; ! Vow: [ ð | g ] (Special:*) %>: ( i:0 ) %>: _ n u m #: ; ! Vow: [ ð | g ] (Special:*) %>: _ %>: i: n u m #: ;