! =============== ! ! Verb morphology ! ! =============== ! LEXICON s1 ! nevna standard-ir ; ! Verbal forms :%>d l7 ; ! Adjectival forms LEXICON s2 ! keypa standard-ir ; :%>d l39 ; LEXICON s3 ! leiða standard-ir ; :%>d l18 ; LEXICON s4 ! frøa inf ; pres-ir ; prt-dd ; imp-prsptc ; sup-tt ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s5 ! senda standard-ir ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s6 ! hirða standard-ir ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s7 ! rista standard-ir ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s8 ! kenna standard-ir ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s9 ! klippa standard-ir ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s10 ! fylgja standard-j-ir ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s11 ! roykja standard-j-ir ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s12 ! boyggja standard-j-ir ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s13 ! søkkja standard-j-ir ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s14 ! heingja jinf ; pres-ir ; :%^EIO prt-d ; :%^EIO imp-prsptc ; :%^EIO sup ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s15 ! skeinkja jinf ; pres-ir ; :%^EIO prt-d ; :%^EIO imp-prsptc ; :%^EIO sup ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s16 ! flekja jinf ; pres-ir ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s17 ! berja jinf ; pres-ir ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s18 ! krevja jinf ; pres-ur ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s19 ! dylja jinf ; pres-ur ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s20 ! leggja :egg jinf ; :egg pres-ur ; :eg prt-ði ; :øg prt-du ; :ag imp-prsptc ; :ag sup ; :ag%>d l8 ; LEXICON s21 ! selja jinf ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s22 ! ryðja jinf ; pres-ur ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l18 ; LEXICON s23 ! smyrja jinf ; pres-null ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l7 ; LEXICON s24 ! flysa jinf ; pres-null ; :%^WVV prt-d ; :%^WVV imp-prsptc ; :%^WVV sup ; :%>d l5 ; LEXICON s25 ! liva inf ; pres-ir ; prt-d ; imp-prsptc ; :a sup-a ; :%>d l6 ; LEXICON s26 ! plaga inf ; pres-ar ; prt-d ; imp-prsptc ; sup ; :a sup-a ; LEXICON s27 ! spáa inf ; pres-ar ; prt-dd ; imp-prsptc ; sup-tt ; :%>d l18 ; LEXICON s28 ! skaða inf ; pres-ar ; prt-d ; imp-prsptc ; sup ; :%>d l18 ; LEXICON s29 ! brúka inf ; pres-ar ; prt-d ; imp-prsptc ; sup ; :%>t l5 ; LEXICON s30 ! kalla inf ; pres-ar ; prt-a ; :a impsg ; !deviant kalla imppl ; prsptc ; sup-a ; :%>að l6 ; LEXICON s31 ! only the verb gera and Xgera :er inf ; :er pres-null ; :er imp-prsptc ; :jør prt-d ; :jør sup ; :jørd%> l7 ; LEXICON s32 ! búgva :gv inf ; :gv pres-strong-s1 ; :r%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :gv pres-pl ; :gv imp-prsptc ; prt-a ; :gvin l32 ; LEXICON s33 ! rógva :gv inf ; :gv pres-strong-s1 ; :r%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :gv pres-pl ; :gv imp-prsptc ; prt-a ; :%>gvin l32 ; LEXICON s34 ! goyggja :ggj inf ; :r pres-strong-s1 ; :r pres-strong-s23 ; pres-pl ; :ggj imp-prsptc ; prt-a ; sup-a ; ! Strong verbs starting here ! ========================== LEXICON s35 ! bíta inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB1 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^VSH sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^VSHin l26 ; LEXICON s36 ! svíkja :j inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB1 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; :j imp-prsptc ; :%^VSH sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^VSHin l26 ; LEXICON s37 ! bróta inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^AB7 pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB1 prt-null-s ; :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^VSHin l26 ; !LEXICON s38 ! skjóta ! inf ; ! pres-strong-s1 ; !:%^AB7 pres-strong-s23 ; !:%^IUML prt-null-s ; !:%^AB2 prt-u-p ; ! imp-prsptc ; !:%^AB5 sup-null ; !+V+PrtPtc:%^VSHin l26 ; LEXICON s38 ! skjóta present tense inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^AB7 pres-strong-s23 ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB1%^JDEL prt-null-s ; LEXICON s38a ! skjóta past tense and participles :ut prt-u-p ; :ot sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:otin l26 ; !LEXICON s39 ! bjóða ! inf ; ! pres-strong-s1 ; !:%^AB7 pres-strong-s23 ; ! pres-ur ; !:%^AB1 prt-null-s ; !:%^AB2 prt-u-p ; ! imp-prsptc ; !:%^AB5 sup-null ; !+V+PrtPtc:%^VSHin l26 ; LEXICON s39 ! bjóða present tense inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; imp-prsptc ; :%^JI pres-strong-s23 ; LEXICON s39a ! bjóða present singular past tense and participles :eyð prt-null-s ; :uð prt-u-p ; :oð sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:oðin l26 ; LEXICON s40 ! fúka inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; !:%^IUML pres-ur ; :%^AB1 prt-null-s ; :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; LEXICON s41 ! flúgva inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML%^VDEL pres-strong-s23 ; !flýgv, should be flýg :%^AB1%^VDEL prt-null-s ; :%^VSH%^VDEL prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5%^VDEL sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5%^VDELin l26 ; LEXICON s42 ! klúgva inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; ! klýgv, should be klýv !:%^IUML pres-ur ; :%^AB1 prt-null-s ; !kleygv, should be kleyv :%^VSH prt-u-p ; !klugv, should be kluv imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; !klogv, should be klov +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; !klogvin, should be klovin LEXICON s43 ! njóta inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; !njót, should be nýt ! pres-ur ; :%^AB1 prt-null-s ; !njeyt, should be neyt :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; !njut, should be nut imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; !njot, should be not +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; !njotin, should be notin LEXICON s44 ! finna inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB4 prt-du ; !funndu, should be fundu imp-prsptc ; :%^AB4 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB4in l26 ; LEXICON s45 ! binda inf ; pres-ur ; :%^aAB prt-null-s ; !band, should be bant :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB4 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB4in l26 ; LEXICON s46 ! stinga inf ; pres-ur ; :%^NGKK%^aAB prt-null-s ; !stikk, should be stakk :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB4 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB4in l26 ; LEXICON s47 ! svimja :imj inf ; :im pres-ur-j ; :am prt-null-s ; :um prt-u-p ; :im imp-prsptc ; :om sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:om%>in l26 ; !LEXICON s47 ! svimja ! inf ; ! pres-ur ; !:%^aAB prt-null-s ; !:%^AB4 prt-u-p ; ! imp-prsptc ; !:%^oAB sup-null ; !+V+PrtPtc:%^oABin l26 ; LEXICON s48 ! drekka inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB4 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s49 ! detta inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; LEXICON s50 ! røkka inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; : prt-null-s ; :%^AB4 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; LEXICON s51 ! ganga :ang inf ; !:ang pres-strong-s1 ; !:ong pres-strong-s23 ; !2? !:ekk prt-null-s ; !:ing prt-u-p ; ! imp-prsptc ; !:ingi sup-a ; !:ing%>in l26 ; LEXICON s51a ! ganga inf ; !ganga pres-strong-s1 ; !gang :%^AB5 pres-strong-s23 ; !2? gong :%^NGKK prt-null-s ; !gakk, should be gekk :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; !gingu imp-prsptc ; :%^AB6 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB6in l26 ; LEXICON s52 ! veva inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; LEXICON s53 ! leypa :leyp inf ; :loyp pres-strong-s1 ; :loyp pres-strong-s23 ; :leyp prt-null-s ; :leyp imp-prsptc ; :lup prt-u-p ; :lop sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:lopin l26 ; LEXICON s54 ! bera inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; pres-strong-s23-t0; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; LEXICON s55 ! fara inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23-t0 ; !far, should be fer :%^AB3 prt-null-s2 ; :%^AB3 prt-u-p ; sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s56 ! geva inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; :%^AB6 sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB6%>in l26 ; LEXICON s57 ! sita inf ; pres-ur ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s58 ! mala inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB3 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s59 ! stjala inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB3 prt-u-p ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; ! stjol, should be stol imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; ! stjol, should be stol LEXICON s60 ! taka, aka inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB3 prt-u-p ; imp-prsptc ; :%^AB6 sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB6in l26 ; LEXICON s61 ! halda inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :%^IUML prt-null-s ; ! hald / held%>st, should be helt / helt%>st :%^AB6 prt-u-p ; :%^AB6 sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB6in l26 ; LEXICON s62 ! sova :sov inf ; :svev pres-strong-s1 ; :svev pres-strong-s23 ; :svav prt-null-s ; :svóv prt-u-p ; :sovi sup-a ; :sov imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s63 ! koma inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^eIUML pres-strong-s23 ; prt-null-s ; prt-u-p ; sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s64 ! láta inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^eIUML pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s65 ! standa inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; !:%^AB3 prt-null-s ; !stónd, should be stóð !:%^AB3 prt-u-p ; !stónd, should be stóð ! sup-null ; !stand, should be stað imp-prsptc ; LEXICON s65a ! standa ! inf ; ! pres-strong-s1 ; !:%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; !stónd, should be stóð :%^AB3 prt-u-p ; !stónd, should be stóð sup-null ; !stand, should be stað ! imp-prsptc ; LEXICON s66 ! biðja jinf ; pres-ur-j ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:%>in l26 ; LEXICON s67 ! draga inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23 ; !:%^AB3 prt-null-s ; !dróg, should be dró :%^AB3 prt-u-p ; :%^AB2 sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%AB2%>in l26 ; LEXICON s67a ! draga preterite singular :dró prt-null-s ; LEXICON s68 ! hvørva inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; pres-strong-s23 ; :%^AB3 prt-null-s ; :%^AB2 prt-u-p ; :%^AB5 sup-null ; imp-prsptc ; +V+PrtPtc:%^AB5in l26 ; LEXICON s68a ! hvørva (hv to h missing in tvol) :horv sup-null ; +V+PrtPtc:horv%>in l26 ; LEXICON s69 ! sláa inf ; pres-strong-s1 ; :%^IUML pres-strong-s23-t1 ; :%^AB2 prt-null-s ; !:slerdi prt-null-s ; !:slóg prt-u-p ; !:slerd prt-u-p ; !:sligi sup-a ; !:sligin l26 ; LEXICON s70 ! siga :sig inf ; :sig pres-ur ; :segði prt-null-s ; :søgð prt-u-p ; :søgd prt-u-p ; !XXX SUB? :sig imp-prsptc ; :sag sup ; :sagd%> l8 ; LEXICON s71 ! skerja :sker jinf ; :sker pres-ir ; :sker prt-d ; :skert sup-a ; :sker imp-prsptc ; :skerd l7 ; LEXICON s72 ! eta :et inf ; :et pres-ur ; :át prt-null-s ; :ót prt-u-p ; :eti sup-a ; :et imp-prsptc ; :et%>in l26 ; LEXICON s73 ! læa :læ inf ; :lær pres-ur ; :læ prt-d ; :ló prt-null-s ; :læð sup-a ; :læið sup-a ; :læ imp-prsptc ; :læin l26 ; !? LEXICON s74 ! grindast reflinf ; pres-ast ; LEXICON s75 ! balast reflinf ; LEXICON s76 ! ræðast reflinf ; LEXICON s77 ! minnast reflinf ; LEXICON s78 ! farast reflinf ; LEXICON s79 ! skjótast reflinf ; LEXICON s80 ! trivast reflinf ; LEXICON s81 ! kíkjast reflinf ; LEXICON s82 ! f´ylast reflinf ; ! Split lexica ! ============ LEXICON s1/26 s1 ; s26 ; LEXICON s1/30 s1 ; s30 ; LEXICON s11/15 s11 ; s15 ; LEXICON s15/11 s15 ; s11 ; LEXICON s18/16 s18 ; s16 ; LEXICON s19/30 s19 ; s30 ; LEXICON s2/1 s2 ; s1 ; LEXICON s2/30 s2 ; s30 ; LEXICON s21/11 s21 ; s11 ; LEXICON s21/18 s21 ; s18 ; LEXICON s24/2 s24 ; s2 ; LEXICON s25/1 s25 ; s1 ; LEXICON s27/30 s27 ; s30 ; LEXICON s28/30 s28 ; s30 ; LEXICON s29/2 s29 ; s2 ; LEXICON s29/30 s29 ; s30 ; LEXICON s3/30 s3 ; s30 ; LEXICON s30/1 s30 ; s1 ; LEXICON s30/11 s30 ; s11 ; LEXICON s30/19 s30 ; s19 ; LEXICON s30/2 s30 ; s2 ; LEXICON s30/22 s30 ; s22 ; LEXICON s30/27 s30 ; s27 ; LEXICON s30/28 s30 ; s28 ; LEXICON s30/29 s30 ; s29 ; LEXICON s30/40 s30 ; s40 ; LEXICON s30/5 s30 ; s5 ; LEXICON s30/6 s30 ; s6 ; LEXICON s30/9 s30 ; s9 ; LEXICON s36/2 s36 ; s2 ; LEXICON s39/30 s30 ; s39 ; LEXICON s47/19 s47 ; s19 ; LEXICON s49/52 s49 ; s52 ; LEXICON s49/9 s49 ; s9 ; LEXICON s5/30 s5 ; s30 ; LEXICON s52/30 s52 ; s30 ; LEXICON s6/30 s6 ; s30 ; LEXICON s60/30 s60 ; s30 ; LEXICON s7/49 s7 ; s49 ; LEXICON s74/75 s74 ; s75 ; LEXICON s77/74 s77 ; s74 ; LEXICON s8/30 s8 ; s30 ; LEXICON s9/30 s9 ; s30 ; ! Intermediate lexicon groups ! =========================== LEXICON standard-ir inf ; ir-verb ; LEXICON standard-j-ir jinf ; ir-verb ; LEXICON ir-verb pres-ir ; prt-d ; imp-prsptc ; sup ; ! Suffix lexica ! ============= ! Infinitive LEXICON jinf +V+Inf:%>ja # ; +V+Inf+Pass:%>jast #; LEXICON inf +V+Inf:%>a # ; +V+Inf+Pass:%>ast # ; LEXICON reflinf +V+Inf+Pass:%>ast # ; ! Present LEXICON pres-ir +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%>i # ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>ir # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>ir # ; pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-ar +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%>a # ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>ar # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>ar # ; pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-ur +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%>i # ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>ur # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>ur # ; pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-ur-j +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%>ji # ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>ur # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>ur # ; pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-null +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%> # ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%> # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%> # ; pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-strong-s1 +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%>i # ; !pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-strong-s23 +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>ur # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>ur # ; !pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-strong-s23-t0 +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>t # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%> # ; !pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-strong-s23-t1 +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>rt # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>r # ; !pres-pl ; LEXICON pres-pl +V+Ind+Prs+Pl:%>a # ; LEXICON pres-ast +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:%> # ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:%>ast # ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>ast # ; +V+Ind+Prs+Pl:%>ast # ; ! Preterite LEXICON prt-d prt-di ; prt-du ; LEXICON prt-di +V+Ind+Prt+Sg:%>di # ; LEXICON prt-ði +V+Ind+Prt+Sg:%>ði # ; LEXICON prt-du +V+Ind+Prt+Pl:%>du # ; !LEXICON prt-ðu !+V+Ind+Prt+Pl:%>ðu # ; LEXICON prt-dd +V+Ind+Prt+Sg:%>ddi # ; +V+Ind+Prt+Pl:%>ddu # ; LEXICON prt-a +V+Ind+Prt+Sg:%>aði # ; +V+Ind+Prt+Pl:%>aðu # ; LEXICON prt-null-s +V+Ind+Prt+1Sg: # ; +V+Ind+Prt+2Sg:%>st # ; +V+Ind+Prt+3Sg: # ; LEXICON prt-null-s2 +V+Ind+Prt+1Sg: # ; +V+Ind+Prt+2Sg:%>t # ; +V+Ind+Prt+3Sg: # ; LEXICON prt-u-p +V+Ind+Prt+Pl:%>u # ; ! Imperative and present participle LEXICON imp-prsptc imp ; prsptc ; LEXICON imp impsg ; imppl ; LEXICON impsg +V+Imp+Sg: # ; LEXICON imppl +V+Imp+Pl:%^JI%>ið # ; LEXICON prsptc +V+PrsPtc:%>andi # ; ! Supine and preterite participle LEXICON sup +V+Sup:%>t # ; +V+PrtPtc:%>dur # ; LEXICON sup-tt +V+Sup:%>tt # ; +V+PrtPtc:%>ddur # ; LEXICON sup-a ! kalla +V+Sup:%>ð # ; +V+PrtPtc:%>ður # ; LEXICON sup-null ! stungið +V+Sup:%>ið # ; ! Ad hoc, irregular ! ================= LEXICON BLÍVA +Inf:blíva # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:blívi # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:blívur # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:blívur # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:blíva # ; +Ind+Prt+1Sg:bleiv # ; +Ind+Prt+2Sg:bleivst # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:bleiv # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:blivu # ; +Imp+Sg:blív # ; +Imp+Pl:blívið # ; +PrsPtc:blívandi # ; +PrtPtc:blívin # ; +Sup:blívið # ; LEXICON EIGA +Inf:eiga # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:eigi # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:eigur # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:eigur # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:átti # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:áttu # ; +PrsPtc:eigandi # ; +PrtPtc:eigin # ; +Sup:eigið # ; LEXICON HAVA +Inf:hava # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:havi # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:hevur # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:hevur # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:hava # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:hevði # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:høvdu # ; +Imp+Sg:hav # ; +Imp+Pl:havið # ; +PrsPtc:havandi # ; +PrtPtc:havdur # ; +Sup:havt # ; LEXICON KUNNA +Inf:kunna # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:kann # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:kanst # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:kann # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:kunnu # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:kunna # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:kundi # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:kundu # ; +Sup:kunnað # ; LEXICON MEGA +Inf:mega # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:má # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:mást # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:má # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:mugu # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:muga # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:mátti # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:máttu # ; LEXICON MUNNA +Inf:munna # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:man # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:manst # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:man # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:munnu # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:munna # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:mundi # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:mundu # ; +Sup:munnað # ; LEXICON SKULA +Inf:skula # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:skal # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:skalt # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:skal # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:skulu # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:skula # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:skuldi # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:skuldu # ; +Sup:skulað # ; LEXICON VERA +Inf:vera # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:eri # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:ert # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:er # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:eru # ; +Ind+Prt+1Sg:var # ; +Ind+Prt+2Sg:varst # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:var # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:vóru # ; +Sup:verið # ; LEXICON VERÐA +Inf:verða # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:verði # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:verður # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:verður # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:verða # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:varð # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:varðst # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:vórð # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:vórðu # ; +Imp+Sg:verð # ; +Sbj+3Sg:verði # ; !XXX verði ljós +Imp+Pl:verðið # ; +PrsPtc:verðandi # ; +PrtPtc:vorðin # ; LEXICON VILJA +Inf:vilja # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:vil # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:vilt # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:vil # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:vilja # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:vildi # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:vildu # ; +Sup:viljað # ; LEXICON VITA +Inf:vita # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:veit # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:veitst # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:veit # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:vita # ; +Ind+Prt+Sg:visti # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:vistu # ; +Sup:vitað # ; LEXICON SÍGGJA +Inf:síggja # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:síggi # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:sært # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:sær # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:síggja # ; +Ind+Prt+1Sg:sá # ; +Ind+Prt+2Sg:sást # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:sá # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:sóu # ; +Imp+Sg:síggj # ; +Imp+Sg:sí # ; +Imp+Pl:síggið # ; +PrsPrc:síggjandi # ; +PrfPrc:sæddur # ; +Sup:sæð # ; +Sup:sætt # ; LEXICON FÁA +Inf:fáa # ; +Ind+Prs+1Sg:fái # ; +Ind+Prs+2Sg:fært # ; +Ind+Prs+3Sg:fær # ; +Ind+Prs+Pl:fáa # ; +Ind+Prt+1Sg:fekk # ; +Ind+Prt+2Sg:fekst # ; +Ind+Prt+3Sg:fekk # ; +Ind+Prt+Pl:fingu # ; +Imp+Sg:fá # ; +Imp+Pl:fáið # ; +PrfPrc:fingin # ; +Sup:fingið # ; !LEXICON !+Inf: !+Ind+Prs+1Sg: !+Ind+Prs+2Sg: !+Ind+Prs+3Sg: !+Ind+Prs+Pl: !+Ind+Prt+Sg: !+Ind+Prt+Pl: !+Imp+Sg: !+Imp+Pl: !+PrsPrc: !+PrfPrc: !+Sup: