#!/bin/bash # $Id$ # This script is written by Børre Gaup and # Tomi Pieski # It is licensed under the GPL, version 2 or later. # # Shell script for exporting divvun.no and giellaktekno www-pages from cvs # to the official www-directory # # To get cvs ssh working without password prompting: # Stand in the home directory of your own machine, and write: # ssh-keygen -t rsa # # chmod 0644 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # then login to victorio, and write # mkdir $HOME/.ssh # chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh # then logout from victorio, and write # scp $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub @victorio.uit.no:.ssh/authorized_keys2 # export LC_ALL=no_NO.UTF-8 FORREST_HOME=$HOME/forrest PATH=$PATH:$FORREST_HOME/bin update_trunk() { cd if ! [ -x trunk ]; then svn co https://victorio.uit.no/repos/trunk else cd trunk svn up cd fi } # This function validates the documents in xtdoc/gt # directory and build the gtuit and ped sites build_and_copy_sites() { cd $HOME/trunk/xtdoc/gtuit sed -i 's///g' src/documentation/skinconf.xml # Build the site, at the same time checking the docs forrest clean rm -rf ../../words/dicts forrest -Dforrest.jvmargs=-Djava.awt.headless=true validate-xdocs if [ "$?" == "0" ] then nice -n 10 forrest -Dforrest.jvmargs=-Djava.awt.headless=true cd build/site scp -r * gtuit@giellatekno.uit.no:public_html/. cd $HOME/trunk/ped nice -n 10 forrest -Dforrest.jvmargs=-Djava.awt.headless=true cd $HOME/trunk/ped/build/site/no scp -r * gtuit@giellatekno.uit.no:public_html/oahpa/. else echo "Build failed ..." exit 1 fi } update_trunk build_and_copy_sites echo "Done updating giellatekno:-)!"