package langTools::Corpus; use utf8; use open 'utf8'; use warnings; use strict; use XML::Twig; use Carp qw(cluck carp); use Exporter; our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)/g; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&add_error_markup &pdfclean &txtclean); #@EXPORT_OK = qw(&process_paras); #our ($fst); our %types = ("£" => "synt", "€" => "lex", "\$" => "ort"); our $sep = quotemeta("€§£\$"); our $sep_c = "\§|\$|€|\£"; our $str = "[^$sep\\s\\(\\)]+?"; our $str_par = "\\([^$sep\\(\\)]+?\\)"; our $plainerr = "($str|$str_par)[$sep]($str|$str_par)"; # Change the manual error markup § to xml-structure. sub add_error_markup { my ($twig, $para) = @_; my @new_content; for my $c ($para->children) { my $text = $c->text; my $new_text; my $nomatch = 0; # separator: either §, $,€ or £ while ($text && $text =~ /[$sep]/) { # No nested errors, no parentheses if ($text =~ s/^([^$sep]*\s)?(?:\()?($plainerr)(?:\))?(?=$|\n|\s|\p{P})//) { if($1) { push @new_content, $1; } get_error($2, \@new_content); } elsif ($text =~ s/^([^$sep\(\)]*\s)?(?:\()($plainerr)(?=[$sep])//) { if ($1) { push @new_content, $1; } my $tmp = $2; (my $error = $tmp) =~ s/[\(\)]//g; get_error($error, \@new_content); my $last_err = pop @new_content; if ($text =~ s/^([$sep](?:\()?[^$sep\\(\\)]+?)(?:\))?(?=$|\n|\s)//) { my $tmp = $1; (my $error = $tmp) =~ s/[\(\)]//g; get_error($error, \@new_content, $last_err); } } else { #print "NOT MATCH $text\n"; push @new_content, $text; $text =""; } } if ($text) { push @new_content, $text; } } $para->set_content(@new_content); } sub get_error { my ($text, $cont_ref, $first_err) = @_; if ($text =~ m/^(.*?)([$sep])(.*)$/ ) { my $error = $1; my $separator = $2; my $correct = $3; #print "JEE $separator\nERROR $error\nCORRECT $correct\n"; $error =~ s/\s$//g; (my $corr = $correct) =~ s/\s?$//; $error =~ s/[\(\)]//g; $corr =~ s/[\(\)]//g; my $error_elt; if ($first_err && ! $error) { $error_elt = XML::Twig::Elt->new(error=>{correct=>$corr}); $first_err->paste('last_child', $error_elt); } else { $error_elt = XML::Twig::Elt->new(error=>{correct=>$corr}, $error); } if ($types{$separator}) { $error_elt->set_att('type', $types{$separator}); } push (@$cont_ref, $error_elt); } #else { print "NOT MATCH get_error: $text\n"; } } # Clean the output of an extracted pdf-file sub pdfclean { my $file = shift @_; if (! open (INFH, "$file")) { print STDERR "$file: ERROR open failed: $!. "; return; } my $number=0; my $string; my @text_array; while ($string = ) { # Clean the
			next if ($string =~ /pre>/);
			# Leave  the line as is if it starts with html tag.
			if ($string =~ m/^\\n

"; } } if ($string =~ /^\d+\s*$/) { $number=1; next; } # Headers are guessed and marked # This should be done after the decoding to get the characters correctly. $string =~ s/^([\d\.]+[\w\s]*)$/\n<\/p>\n


\n/; $number = 0; push (@text_array, $string); } close (INFH); open (OUTFH, ">$file") or die "Cannot open file $file: $!"; print(OUTFH @text_array); close (OUTFH); } # routine for printing out header in the middle of processing # used in subroutine txtclean. sub printheader { my ($header, $fh) = @_; $header->print($fh); $header->DESTROY; print $fh qq||; } # Add prelimnary xml-structure for the text files. sub txtclean { my ($file, $outfile, $lang) = @_; my $replaced = qq(\^\@\;|–<|\!q|>); my $maxtitle=30; # Open file for printing out the summary. my $FH1; open($FH1, ">$outfile"); print $FH1 qq||, "\n"; print $FH1 qq||, "\n"; # Initialize XML-structure my $twig = XML::Twig->new(); $twig->set_pretty_print('indented'); my $header = XML::Twig::Elt->new('header'); my $body = XML::Twig::Elt->new('body'); # Start reading the text # enable slurp mode local $/ = undef; if (! open (INFH, "$file")) { print STDERR "$file: ERROR open failed: $!. "; return; } my $text=0; my $notitle=1; my $p; while(my $string=){ # print "string: $string\n"; $string =~ s/($replaced)//g; $string =~ s/\\//g; # remove all the xml-tags. $string =~ s/<.*?>//g; $string =~ s/[<>]//g; my @text_array; my $title; return if (! $string); # The text contains newstext tags: if ($string =~ /\@(.*?)\:/) { while ($string =~ s/(\@(.*?)\:[^\@]*)//) { push @text_array, $1; } for my $line (@text_array) { if ($line =~ /^\@(.*?)\:(.*?)$/) { my $tag = $1; my $text = $2; if ( $tag =~ /(tittel|m.titt)/ && $text ) { $text =~ s/[\r\n]+//; # If the title is too long, there is probably an error # and the text is treated as normal paragraph. if(length($text) > $maxtitle) { $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('p'); $p->set_text($text); $p->paste('last_child', $body); $p=undef; next; } if ($notitle) { $title = XML::Twig::Elt->new('title'); $title->set_text($text); $title->paste( 'last_child', $header); $notitle=0; } my $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('p'); $p->set_att('type', "title"); $p->set_text($text); $p->paste('last_child', $body); $p=undef; next; } if ( $tag =~ /(tekst|ingress)/ ) { my $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('p'); $p->set_text($text); $p->paste('last_child', $body); $p=undef; next; } if ( $tag =~ /(byline)/ ) { my $a = XML::Twig::Elt->new('author'); my $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('person'); $p->set_att('firstname', ""); $p->set_att('lastname', "$text"); $p->paste( 'last_child', $a); $p=undef; $a->paste( 'last_child', $header); next; } my $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('p'); $p->set_text($text); $p->set_att('type', "title"); $p->paste('last_child', $body); $p=undef; next; } else { carp "ERROR: line did not match: $line\n"; return "ERROR"; } } } # The text does not contain newstext tags: else { $notitle=0; my $p_continues=0; my @text_array = split(/[\n\r]/, $string); for my $line (@text_array) { $line .= "\n"; if (! $p ) { $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('p'); $p->set_text($line); $p_continues = 1; next; } if( $line =~ /^\s*\n/ ) { $p_continues = 0; next; } if($p_continues ) { my $orig_text = $p->text; $line = $orig_text . $line; $p->set_text($line); } else { $p->paste('last_child', $body); $p=undef; $p = XML::Twig::Elt->new('p'); $p->set_text($line); $p_continues = 1; } } } } close INFH; if ($p && $body) { $p->paste('last_child', $body); } $header->print($FH1); $body->print($FH1); print $FH1 qq||; close $FH1; } 1; __END__