(* A script to run the spell checker in MS Word on the input file, using MS Word itself. INPUT: - ARGV #1: LANGUAGE code - ARGV #2: input file - ARGV #3: output file - ARGV #4: filename for file containing speller engine version - ARGV #5: 2004 or 2008 - which version of Word to launch; default is 2004; this argument is optional The input file is expected to be one long paragraph, with each word separated by a space. Also, due to limitations in Word and in the speller, certain input strings are removed before being sent to Word (this is done in the Makefile). This includes strings containing spaces, full stops and hyphens. Spaces in input string: these are considered separate words by the speller (and by MS Word), and can't be corrected by a spell checker. Thus, such cases are irrelevant for testing the spell checker. Full stops and hyphens: MS Word treats these chars as word-breaking chars, which means that one can't reliably send such strings through the speller. There might be some way around this, but none found so far. If we could be sure to send the whole string to the speller, it would certainly be able to deal with them. For now it is best to remove such data. OUTPUT: A tab-separated file of the following scheme: Orig SpellerCategory Suggestions where: Orig = the original string in the input file (ie the word to be spell-checked) SpellerCategory = either one of: - SplCor (correct spelling according to the speller) - SplErr (spelling error according to the speller - CapErr (capitalization error, don't know exactly what this means) Suggestions = list of suggestions given by the speller, potentially empty. The list is tab separated Input and Output files are UTF-16-encoded. This AppleScript will call whichever MS Word version it finds first, and probably prefer newer over older. This means that until we have proofing tools for MS Office 2008 available, make sure MS Word 2004 is running *before* you start the spell test. Otherwise MS Word 2008 is likely to be run, which will return nonsense or nothing. This AppleScript file is best edited using Script Editor - it will give great help with syntax colouring & checking etc. *) on run argv -- we set up a reference to the indata file: set f1 to item 2 of argv -- input file set infile to POSIX file f1 -- infile is a file object again -- we set up a reference to the output file: set f2 to item 3 of argv -- output file set outfile to POSIX file f2 -- outfile is a file object again try set ufile to open for access outfile with write permission on error return "The file " & outfile & " could not be opened!" end try -- we set up a reference to the speller engine version file: set f3 to item 4 of argv -- version file set versionfile to POSIX file f3 -- version is a file object again try set vfile to open for access versionfile with write permission on error return "The file " & versionfile & " could not be opened!" end try set testLang to item 1 of argv try set WordVersion to item 5 of argv on error set WordVersion to "" end try set savedTextItemDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "} -- do the actual processing of the test document: if WordVersion is "2008" then set MSWordVersion to checkdocument2008(infile, ufile, testLang) else set MSWordVersion to checkdocument2004(infile, ufile, testLang) end if set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedTextItemDelimiters close access ufile if MSWordVersion contains "11" then set MSWordVersionHuman to " (= 2004)" else if MSWordVersion contains "12" then set MSWordVersionHuman to " (= 2008)" else set MSWordVersionHuman to "(= Unknown)" end if set VersionText to "MS Word " & MSWordVersion & MSWordVersionHuman & ", AppleScript version: $Revision$ $Date$" & return write VersionText to vfile close access vfile end run on checkdocument2004(infile, ufile, testLang) tell application "Macintosh HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2004:Microsoft Word" set MSWordVersion to application version open infile set theDocument to active document set myRange to set range text object of active document start 0 end (end of content of text object of theDocument) if testLang is "sme" then set language ID of myRange to catalan -- due to bug in MS Office 2004 else if testLang is "smj" then set language ID of myRange to basque -- due to bug in MS Office 2004 else if testLang is "nob" then set language ID of myRange to norwegian bokmol else if testLang is "nno" then set language ID of myRange to norwegian nynorsk else if testLang is "swe" then set language ID of myRange to swedish else if testLang is "fin" then set language ID of myRange to finnish else if testLang is "isl" then set language ID of myRange to icelandic else if testLang is "dan" then set language ID of myRange to danish else if testLang is "eng" then set language ID of myRange to english uk else if testLang is "ger" then set language ID of myRange to german else if testLang is "deu" then set language ID of myRange to german end if -- The final EOF char is counted as a "word", thus the word count is actually one less set wc to (count of words of myRange) - 1 repeat with i from 1 to wc set SugRec to text range spelling suggestions of word i of myRange set checkedWord to content of word i of myRange if type class of SugRec = spelling correct then set spellType to "SplCor" else if type class of SugRec = spelling not in dictionary then set spellType to "SplErr" else set spellType to "CapErr" end if set suggestions to list of SugRec tell me -- necessary to put the file-out commands in the domain of the script, and not of MS Word if (count of suggestions) = 0 then write checkedWord & " " & spellType & " " & " " to ufile as Unicode text else set suggText to (suggestions as string) write checkedWord & " " & spellType & " " & suggText & " " to ufile as Unicode text end if end tell end repeat close active document saving no end tell return MSWordVersion end checkdocument2004 on checkdocument2008(infile, ufile, testLang) tell application "Macintosh HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2008:Microsoft Word.app" set MSWordVersion to application version open infile file converter open format encoded text without confirm conversions and add to recent files set theDocument to active document set myRange to set range text object of active document start 0 end (end of content of text object of theDocument) if testLang is "sme" then set language ID of myRange to catalan -- due to bug in MS Office 2004 else if testLang is "smj" then set language ID of myRange to basque -- due to bug in MS Office 2004 else if testLang is "nob" then set language ID of myRange to norwegian bokmol else if testLang is "nno" then set language ID of myRange to norwegian nynorsk else if testLang is "swe" then set language ID of myRange to swedish else if testLang is "fin" then set language ID of myRange to finnish else if testLang is "isl" then set language ID of myRange to icelandic else if testLang is "dan" then set language ID of myRange to danish else if testLang is "eng" then set language ID of myRange to english uk else if testLang is "ger" then set language ID of myRange to german else if testLang is "deu" then set language ID of myRange to german end if -- The final EOF char is counted as a "word", thus the word count is actually one less set wc to (count of words of myRange) - 1 repeat with i from 1 to wc set SugRec to text range spelling suggestions of word i of myRange set checkedWord to content of word i of myRange if type class of SugRec = spelling correct then set spellType to "SplCor" else if type class of SugRec = spelling not in dictionary then set spellType to "SplErr" else set spellType to "CapErr" end if set suggestions to list of SugRec tell me -- necessary to put the file-out commands in the domain of the script, and not of MS Word if (count of suggestions) = 0 then write checkedWord & " " & spellType & " " & " " to ufile as Unicode text else set suggText to (suggestions as string) write checkedWord & " " & spellType & " " & suggText & " " to ufile as Unicode text end if end tell end repeat close active document saving no end tell return MSWordVersion end checkdocument2008