#Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # hyph-regressions.txt # This file contains example pairs of known hyphenation bugs. It follows the # same pattern as the regressions.txt files, ie error and correct pattern # separated by a character: # errorcorrect # # The file should be extended with examples of all known bugs we have fixed, # and can be used to ensure that we don't brake any old fixes in new releases. # Also problematic patterns not yet properly handled should get test pairs here. # # It is possible, and encouraged, to add a comment with the relevant bug ID # after each (group of) test case. Comments start with ! or #. If # you start a comment with a bug ID, it will ensure that all test pairs # belonging to one bug is grouped together in the test report. # # For maintenance reasons, and to easier ensure that all bugs are covered by # both negative and positive tests, all test pairs are sorted according to bug # number, and test pairs without a bug number in the beginning. Please add new # test pairs at the proper location (usually at the end of the document). # # Format summary: # # errorcorrection#comment # kon^seart^apr^ogr^ámma kon^sear^ta#pro^grám^ma #468 - Word 2004 kon^sear^taea^hke^di^s kon^sear^ta#eah^ke^dis #468 - Word 2004 gas^ka^i^jabe^aivvá^š gas^ka^i^ja#beaiv^váš #468 - Word 2004 Már^kome^anu Már^ko#mea^nu #468 - Word 2004 láv^var^datea^hke^da láv^var^dat#eah^ke^da #468 - Word 2004 kon^seartaeah^k^edis kon^sear^ta#eah^ke^dis #468 - Word 2007 láv^var^da^teah^ke^da láv^var^dat#eah^ke^da #468 - Word 2007 servodatb^erošteaddji ser^vo^dat^be^roš^tead^dji #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds olgob^áikkis ol^go^báik^kis #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds sámeg^illii sá^me^gil^lii #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds mái^lmmi má^ilm^mi #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds sátneg^ovat sát^ne^go^vat #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds morašl^uohti mo^raš^luoh^ti #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds Justisl^ávdegoddi Jus^tis^láv^de^god^di #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds Sámed^ikkiin Sá^me^dik^kiin #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds lotnolase^aláhussan lot^no^las^ea^lá^hus^san #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds olggo^saddán olg^gos^ad^dán #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds luit^et lui^tet #547 - hyphen in front of vowel deh^álaš de^há^laš #547 - hyphen in front of vowel kristt^alaš krist^ta^laš #547 - hyphen in front of vowel orr^un or^run #547 - hyphen in front of vowel bearr^ašiin bear^ra^šiin #547 - hyphen in front of vowel Lotnolaseal^áhusas Lot^no^las^ea^lá^hu^sas #547 - hyphen in front of vowel juoiganjur^istan juoi^gan^ju^ris^tan #547 - hyphen in front of vowel iss^oras is^so^ras #547 - hyphen in front of vowel sui^nna suin^na #548 - mid syllable hyphenation dái^nna dáin^na #548 - mid syllable hyphenation Háliidi^vččen Há^lii^divč^čen #548 - mid syllable hyphenation bisáni^včče bi^sá^nivč^če #548 - mid syllable hyphenation le^at leat #548 - mid syllable hyphenation du^ostan duos^tan #548 - mid syllable hyphenation guldaleddjiid gul^da^led^djiid #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - guldale ddjiid Váccedettiin Vác^ce^det^tiin #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - Vácc edettiin magneahtat mag^neah^tat #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - magnea htat prošeavttaide pro^šeavt^tai^de #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - prošeav ttaide duođalašvuohta duo^đa^laš^vuoh^ta #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - duođalašvuoh ta noaiderumbbuid noai^de^rumb^buid #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - noaider umbbuid bávččasvuođa bávč^čas^vuo^đa #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - bávččas vuođa olmmošlašvuođain olm^moš^laš^vuo^đain #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - olmmošlašv uođain govttolašvuođain govt^to^laš^vuo^đain #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - govttolašvuođ ain Dál Dál #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - D ál Gárdegobba Gár^de^gob^ba #570 - some proper nouns do not get hyphened Čeakčačahca Čeak^ča^čah^ca #570 - some proper nouns do not get hyphened Gobba Gob^ba #570 - some proper nouns do not get hyphened Sáivagobba Sái^va^gob^ba #570 - some proper nouns do not get hyphened AP-rávvagat AP-ráv^va^gat #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds ANC-reahccut ANC-reahc^cut #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds 10-jahkásačča 10-jah^ká^sač^ča #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds Davimušaláš-geađggit Da^vi^muš^a^láš-geađg^git #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut Kos^ki^vuo^ri-plá^nen#reaid^dut #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds borgguhan-gihppagis borg^gu^han-gihp^pa^gis #645 - borgguhan-gihppagis gets the hyphen on the next line - TYPO (the hard hyphen is wrong), can contain missing hyphenation without failing the test, the important test is its behavior in InDesign. borgguhangihppagis borg^gu^han^gihp^pa^gis #645 - borgguhan-gihppagis gets the hyphen on the next line guovt^tenup^pelotčoarv^va^gi^in guovt^te^nup^pe^lot^čoarv^va^giin #673 - adj-derivations seam^malágán seam^ma^lá^gán #673 - adj-derivations gál^vo^guo^đa^had^dan^id^ja gál^vo^guo^đa^had^dan^id^ja #677 - Wrongly hyphenated ending -danidja