#Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # speller-regressions.txt # This file contains example pairs of known speller bugs. It follows the # same pattern as the src/typos.txt files, ie error and correction separated # by a character: # errorcorrection # Furthermore, this file contains correct entries that should be accepted # as is - their format is: # correct # ie the correct word followed by a char, followed by new-line. # # The file should be extended with examples of all known bugs we have fixed, # and can be used to ensure that we don't brake any old fixes in new releases. # Also problematic patterns not yet properly handled should get test pairs here. # # It is possible, and encouraged, to add a comment with the relevant bug ID # after each (group of) test case. Comments start with ! or #. If # you start a comment with a bug ID, it will ensure that all test pairs # belonging to one bug is grouped together in the test report. # # For maintenance reasons, and to easier ensure that all bugs are covered by # both negative and positive tests, all test pairs are sorted according to bug # number, and test pairs without a bug number in the beginning. Please add new # test pairs at the proper location (usually at the end of the document). # # Format summary: # # errorcorrection#comment # correct!comment # INTERREG:ii INTERREG:i EO:a EO studentaavissas studeantaaviissas ! multiple errors in compound - no sugg skuvlajagin skuvlajagiin ! single error in compound - no sugg nuppogeahčái nuppe geahčái ! "nuppe" is marked nuppogeahčái nuppi geahčái vakumas vakuumis ! still wrong goldasii goldásii ! still wrong sihkarit sihkkarit !"sihkarit" is not marked vuoittohallamin vuoittáhallamin ! still wrong čorgedalla čorgedallá ! still wrong guovttemiesát guovttemiesat ! still wrong skierranis skieranis ! still wrong guššalemiin giššalemiin ! still wrong jápmina jápmima ! still wrong Lulli-Eurohpas Lulli-Eurohpás !no spelling suggestion birrasit birrasii ! still wrong oarje-eurohpai Oarje-Eurohpái ! no spelling suggestion ilgadeamis ilgadeamos ! still wrong eaktudáhtolaččat eaktodáhtolaččat ! does not get marked nazisttain nasisttain !does not get marked eahpenášunálalaččat eahpenášuvnnalaččat !eahpenášunálalaččat does not get marked Máttá-Trøndelágas Mátta-Trøndelagas !no suggestion krimináláššiid kriminálaáššiid ! missing suggestion ERUF ! 2007-06-26 speller test report ERUF:s fitnodatčatnosiin ! 2007-06-26 speller test report ea. ! missing abbreviations (they are in the LexC source files) jna. ! missing abbreviations SÁB ! missing acros - they're in the lexicon NSR ! missing acros - they're in the lexicon BPA ! missing acros - they're in the lexicon LO ! missing acros - they're in the lexicon ođđahistorismma nubbi ! missing ordinal vuosttas ! missing ordinal almmuhanbargu ! actio compound muitalanbargu ! actio compound Almmuhannjuolggadusat ! actio compound Sámirádioi ! sápmi+N+SgGenCmp#rádio+N+Sg+Ill jurdagiiid jurdagiid #367 divtásiiid diktásiid #367 - SUBbed entry diktásiiid diktásiid #367 divtásiid diktásiid #367 jurdagiid #367 diktásiid #367 čiekciin čikčiin #376 čikčiin #376 láibi-sánis #380 - nomin. + hyphen comp šaddat-sánis #380 - nomin. + hyphen comp iige #382 - verb + clitic itge #382 - verb + clitic inge #382 - verb + clitic boahtáge #382 - verb + clitic muitalage #382 - verb + clitic suopmasápmelaš suomasápmelaš #397 - bad compounding guollibusse guollebusse #397 - wrong compounding Oslobiila Oslo-biila #397 - name compounding Harstadbiila Harstad-biila #397 - name compounding oahppuneavvuid oahpponeavvuid #397 - bad compounding suomasápmelaš #397 - bad compounding guollebusse #397 - wrong compounding Oslo-biila #397 - name compounding Harstad-biila #397 - name compounding Harstada-biila Harstad-biila #397 - name compounding oahpponeavvuid #397 - bad compounding váldorádji #397 - comp with vowel shortening váldouksa #397 - comp with vowel shortening giellaguolli #397 - regular vowel comp duottarguolli #397 - regular cons comp bárrastávvalsániin #397 - 3-syll cons comp, act. 3-part comp Guovdageainnu-láđđi Guovdageaidnu-láđđi #397 - Name compounding Guovdageaidnu-láđđi #397 - Name compounding Máŋgasat #399 - missing numerals máŋgasat #399 - missing numerals moaddásat #399 - missing numerals máŋga #399 - missing numerals moadde #399 - missing numerals miljovnna #399 - missing numerals golbma #399 - missing numerals guokte #399 - missing numerals okta #399 - missing numerals Finncomm #400 - multiword names: Finncomm Airlines Airlines #400 - multiword names: Finncomm Airlines bargo-, #402 - word + hyph + comma Bargo-, #402 - word + hyph + comma guldalan-, #402 - word + hyph + comma hupman-, #402 - word + hyph + comma julev- #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp ii-goahti #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp julevbárgodepartemeanta julevbargodepartemeanta #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp julevbargodepartemeanta #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp boaittobealmuorra #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp learretgaskaoapmi #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp maŋŋegeašgálvu #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp maŋŋegeaš- #408 - NounRoot -> Rreal not in discont. comp bahkkejeaddjit #412 - missing derivation garrasepmosit #413 - adj -> adv bargguitjuogadeapmi bargguidjuogadeapmi #414 - wrong compound form on -t Máretgo #415 - nominals with clitic not accepted boahtágo #415 - nominals with clitic not accepted muorraguollenáhkki #419 - 3-part compounds gievrrasmuorra #421 - adj-attr+noun gievramuorra #421 - adj-nom+noun láikiriehpu #421 - adj+noun compound 1983:s #423 - infl. numerals not recognised 2004:s #423 - infl. numerals not recognised Fink #424 - missing names InDesign #424 - missing names Kaplan #424 - missing names Macintosh #424 - missing names OpenOffice.orgii #424 - missing names Gobby #424 - missing names Unicode #424 - missing names X:ii X:i #425 - other words from Divvun.no X:i #425 - other words from Divvun.no BETA #425 - other words from Divvun.no PPC #425 - other words from Divvun.no Prográmmerárat Programmerárat #425 - other words from Divvun.no alfaveršuvdna #425 - other words from Divvun.no diakritihkalaš #425 - other words from Divvun.no generatiivalaš #425 - other words from Divvun.no kompiláhtor #425 - other words from Divvun.no Geavaheaddjedokumentašuvdna Geavaheaddjidokumentašuvdna #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Helssetvuođđoduvvon Helsset-vuođđuduvvon #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Romsaprošeavttat Romsa-prošeavttat #426 - comp words from Divvun.no geavaheaddjiide geavaheddjiide #426 - comp words from Divvun.no guoktedássásaš guovttedássásaš #426 - comp words from Divvun.no loahpahandáhtomiin loahpahandáhtoniin #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Geavaheaddjidokumentašuvdna #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Helsset-vuođđuduvvon #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Romsa-prošeavttat #426 - comp words from Divvun.no geavaheddjiide #426 - comp words from Divvun.no guovttedássásaš #426 - comp words from Divvun.no loahpahandáhtoniin #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Sátnejuohkin #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Unicode-doarjja #426 - comp words from Divvun.no Unicode-standárddas #426 - comp words from Divvun.no alfaveršuvdna #426 - comp words from Divvun.no entusiástajoavkku #426 - comp words from Divvun.no ii-goallostuvvon #426 - comp words from Divvun.no mašiidnakompiláhtora #426 - comp words from Divvun.no ođđasitčállinnjuolggadusaid #426 - comp words from Divvun.no sátnejuohkimis #426 - comp words from Divvun.no sátnejuohkin #426 - comp words from Divvun.no vuolleleksikonat #426 - comp words from Divvun.no čállindárkkistanprográmmaid #426 - comp words from Divvun.no čállindárkkistanprográmmat #426 - comp words from Divvun.no čállindárkkistanprošeavtta #426 - comp words from Divvun.no oidni oinnii #429 - missing suggestion heajus-Oslo heajos-Oslo #431 - lowering in front of hyphen álkis-Oslo álkes-Oslo #431 - lowering in front of hyphen heajus- #431 - lowering in front of hyphen lojis- #431 - lowering in front of hyphen álkis- #431 - lowering in front of hyphen heajos-Oslo #431 - lowering in front of hyphen álkes-Oslo #431 - lowering in front of hyphen lojis-Oslo #431 - adj attr+proper-noun, optional lowering lojes-Oslo #431 - adj attr+proper-noun, optional lowering X #435 - roman numerals missing L #435 - roman numerals missing D #435 - roman numerals missing M #435 - roman numerals missing X:i #435 - roman numerals missing D:s #435 - roman numerals missing L:in #435 - roman numerals missing M:ide #435 - roman numerals missing IV #435 - roman numerals missing XII #435 - roman numerals missing XV:s #435 - roman numerals missing MXVII:i #435 - roman numerals missing Ánne #445 - names beginning in Á Ánná #445 - names beginning in Á Ánde #445 - names beginning in Á Áilu #445 - names beginning in Á Ámmon #445 - names beginning in Á Ávdnos #445 - names beginning in Á Ábo #445 - names beginning in Á SáMI SÁMI #448 - wrong sugg if mostly upper case SÁMI #448 - wrong sugg if mostly upper case suopmasápmelaš suomasápmelaš #449 - suopmasápmelaš comps wrongly accepted suomasápmelaš #449 - suopmasápmelaš comps wrongly accepted Sisasáddejuvvon #451 - verb+noun, verb+verb Gažadanskovvi #451 - verb+noun, verb+verb vástidanproseantage #451 - verb+noun, verb+verb buvttadeaddjiide buvttadeddjiide #452 - several lexical bugs ožžuin oažžuin #452 - several lexical bugs vástideaddjiin vástideddjiin #452 - several lexical bugs buvttadeddjiide #452 - several lexical bugs vástideddjiin #452 - several lexical bugs duodjeregisttarskovvi #452 - several lexical bugs boasttogáldu #452 - several lexical bugs iešdieđiheapmi #452 - several lexical bugs Länsmanis #452 - several lexical bugs agimieljuohkáseapmi #452 - several lexical bugs nuvviid-- nuvviid- #458 - double hyphens after some words - can really only be tested manually, the command line speller will ignore superfluous hyphens biila-- biila- #458 - double hyphens after some words - can really only be tested manually, the command line speller will ignore superfluous hyphens Distat Disdat #461 - missing suggestion Eanadalii Eandalii #461 - missing suggestion Eanadalit Eandalii #461 - SUBbed entry Eandalit Eandalii #461 - SUBbed entry Julis Julius #461 - missing suggestion Odná Otná #461 - missing suggestion bidju #461 - missing suggestion distat disdat #461 - missing suggestion dohkkenit dohkkehit #461 - missing suggestion dáguid dáiguid #461 - missing suggestion dáhálaš dehálaš #461 - missing suggestion guovlui guvlui #461 - missing suggestion gádnat gávdnat #461 - missing suggestion la lea #461 - missing suggestion leal leat #461 - missing suggestion leažžago leažžágo #461 - missing suggestion li lei #461 - missing suggestion láibbiit láibbiid #461 - missing suggestion maddái maiddái #461 - missing suggestion moht mot #461 - missing suggestion molssašumi molsašumi #461 - missing suggestion molssašupmi molsašupmi #461 - missing suggestion muhtim muhtin #461 - missing suggestion mutnos munnos #461 - missing suggestion málmmi máilmmi #461 - missing suggestion nuohtiin nuhtiin #461 - missing suggestion ovda ovdal #461 - missing suggestion ođđ ođđa #461 - missing suggestion romáhat románat #461 - missing suggestion ráði ráđi #461 - missing suggestion suorggiin surggiin #461 - missing suggestion sáhkki sáhkkii #461 - missing suggestion viesot visot #461 - missing suggestion vuhtui vuhtii #461 - missing suggestion Disdat #461 - missing suggestion Eandalii #461 - missing suggestion Julius #461 - missing suggestion Otná #461 - missing suggestion biedju #461 - missing suggestion disdat #461 - missing suggestion dohkkehit #461 - missing suggestion dáiguid #461 - missing suggestion dehálaš #461 - missing suggestion guvlui #461 - missing suggestion gávdnat #461 - missing suggestion lea #461 - missing suggestion leat #461 - missing suggestion leažžágo #461 - missing suggestion lei #461 - missing suggestion láibbiid #461 - missing suggestion maiddái #461 - missing suggestion mot #461 - missing suggestion molsašumi #461 - missing suggestion molsašupmi #461 - missing suggestion muhtin #461 - missing suggestion munnos #461 - missing suggestion máilmmi #461 - missing suggestion nuhtiin #461 - missing suggestion ovdal #461 - missing suggestion ođđa #461 - missing suggestion románat #461 - missing suggestion ráđi #461 - missing suggestion surggiin #461 - missing suggestion sáhkkái #461 - missing suggestion visot #461 - missing suggestion vuhtii #461 - missing suggestion moktige #461 - missing suggestion moktiige #461 - missing suggestion olbmo #461 - missing suggestion olbmoš #461 - missing suggestion Áila #484 - missing names Áile #484 - missing names Áili #484 - missing names Áillohaš #484 - missing names Áillonieida #484 - missing names Áillun #484 - missing names juoidá #486 - missing pronouns juonin #486 - missing pronouns juosat #486 - missing pronouns juostá #486 - missing pronouns rátnubiellu rátnobiellu #489 - lack of stem vowel shortening stohpuspiidni stohpospiidni #489 - lack of stem vowel shortening niibispiidni niibespiidni #489 - lack of stem vowel shortening ránubiellu rátnobiellu #489 - does not follow compound tags niibbispiidni niibespiidni #489 - does not follow compound tags balvvareaŋga balvareaŋga #489 - does not follow compound tags rátnobiellu #489 - does not follow compound tags stohpospiidni #489 - does not follow compound tags niibespiidni #489 - does not follow compound tags balvareaŋga #489 - does not follow compound tags bálddis- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening suoluboazu suoloboazu #489 - does not follow vowel shortening boazu- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening bálggis- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening deaččalakkis- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening ráhtis- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening doaris- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening mális- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening goahti- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening oapmi- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening bákti- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening beaivi- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening loddi- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening čuru- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening seamu- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening bálddes- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening boazo- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening bálgges- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening deaččalakkes- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening ráhtes- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening doares- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening máles- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening goahte- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening oapme- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening bákte- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening beaive- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening lodde- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening čuro- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening seamo- #489 - does not follow vowel shortening sámedikkepresideanta sámediggepresideanta #489 - does not follow compound tags Sámedikkeáirrasin Sámediggeáirrasin #489 - does not follow compound tags Sámeálbmogiidsearvi #489 - does not follow compound tags Sámevuođahistorjá #489 - does not follow compound tags bargoolmmái #489 - lack of stem vowel shortening sámediggepresideanta #489 - does not follow compound tags sámediggeáirrasin #489 - does not follow compound tags bellodat #499 - regressions VG:aid VG:id #508 - accepts SUB entries VG:at VG:t #508 - accepts SUB entries VG:ii VG:i #508 - accepts SUB entries co2:ajn co2:in #508 - accepts smj entries co2:j co2:i #508 - accepts smj entries 1883s 1883:s #508 - accepts SUB entries, 2007-06-26 speller test report 1883as 1883:s #508 - accepts SUB entries 1883:as 1883:s #508 - accepts SUB entries 2003as 2003:s #508 - accepts SUB entries 2003:as 2003:s #508 - 2003:as does not get marked 169:is 169:s #508 - 169:is does not get marked milljovnna miljovnna #508 - accepts SUB entries 1883:s #508 - accepts SUB entries, 2007-06-26 speller test report 2003:s #508 - 2003:as does not get marked 169:s #508 - 169:is does not get marked miljovnna #508 - accepts SUB entries VG:id #508 - accepts SUB entries VG:t #508 - accepts SUB entries VG:i #508 - accepts SUB entries co2:in #508 - accepts smj entries co2:i #508 - accepts smj entries stuorra-oslolaš stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorraOslolaš stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorra-Oslolaš stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuorra-oslolaš Stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound StuorraOslolaš Stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuorra-Oslolaš Stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuora-oslolaš stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuoraOslolaš stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuora-Oslolaš stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuora-oslolaš Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound StuoraOslolaš Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuora-Oslolaš Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuor-oslolaš stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorOslolaš stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuor-Oslolaš stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuor-oslolaš Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound StuorOslolaš Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuor-Oslolaš Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuorraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuoraoslolaš #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorra-guovdageainnut stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorraGuovdageainnut stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorra-Guovdageainnut stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuorra-guovdageainnut Stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound StuorraGuovdageainnut Stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuorra-Guovdageainnut Stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuora-guovdageainnut stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuoraGuovdageainnut stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuora-Guovdageainnut stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuora-guovdageainnut Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound StuoraGuovdageainnut Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuora-Guovdageainnut Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuor-guovdageainnut stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorGuovdageainnut stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuor-Guovdageainnut stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuor-guovdageainnut Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound StuorGuovdageainnut Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuor-Guovdageainnut Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorGuovdageainnut Stuora-Guovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound Stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuoraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound stuorraguovdageainnut #518 - nominal + Prop/Der compound interr. #520 - r9 and š9 not defined bešš #520 - r9 and š9 not defined muorralastagieraolmmoš #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 4-p, REJECTED muorralastagiera #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 3-p, ACCEPTED gieraolmmoš #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 2-p, ACCEPTED lastagiera #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 2-p, ACCEPTED lastagieraolmmoš #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 3-p, REJECTED veahkkegoahtesilbageaidnu #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 4-p, REJECTED goahtesilbageaidnu #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 3-p, ACCEPTED silbageaidnu #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 2-p, ACCEPTED goahtesilba #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 2-p, ACCEPTED veahkkegoahtesilba #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 3-p, REJECTED muorralastagierraolmmoš #522 - strange compounding behaviour - 4-p, ACCEPTED hilbesrávdojávri #524 - long compounds not accepted geađgeviessoláse #524 - long compounds not accepted láibi-sánis #525 - nomin. + hyphen comp should never be suggested šaddat-sánis #525 - nomin. + hyphen comp should never be suggested beatnagaš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words bártnáš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words nieiddaš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words mánáš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words olbmoš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words biiggáš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words erohusaš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words gonagasaš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words almmustusaš #529 - diminutive of JOHTALAT words beavddelokten #535 - Left-compound-tags in sme-lex do not work niibbidahkan #535 - Left-compound-tags in sme-lex do not work niibbidilli #535 - Left-compound-tags in sme-lex do not work niibbiplánen #535 - Left-compound-tags in sme-lex do not work beavddeahki #535 - Left-compound-tags in sme-lex do not work oktovuohtadovdu oktovuođadovdu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms bastilvuohtadovdu bastilvuođadovdu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms hárjáneapmisáhka hárjánansáhka #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms gárvodeapmimuorra gárvodanmuorra #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms buoiddusteapmiveahkki buoiddustanveahkki #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms suotnjaleapmiveahkki suotnjalanveahkki #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms geažideapmigárvu geažidangárvu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms giddesteapmisággi giddestansággi #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms sákkasteapmifierbmi sákkastanfierbmi #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms lonuheapmibiila lonuhanbiila #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms luondugáldu luonddugáldu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms oktovuođadovdu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms bastilvuođadovdu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms hárjánansáhka #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms gárvodanmuorra #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms buoiddustanveahkki #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms suotnjalanveahkki #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms geažidangárvu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms giddestansággi #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms sákkastanfierbmi #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms lonuhanbiila #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms luonddugáldu #536 - speller accepts "impossible" compound-forms muorraguorra #539 - speller does not follow compound-tagging muoraidguorra #539 - speller does not follow compound-tagging beavddeguorra beavdeguorra #539 - speller does not follow compound-tagging beavdeguorra #539 - speller does not follow compound-tagging addojupmimuorra addojupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted anistupmimuorra anistupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted arvvosmahttojupmimuorra arvvosmahttojupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted albmabuktojupmimuorra albmabuktojupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted addojupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted anistupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted arvvosmahttojupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted albmabuktojupmi #540 - more "impossible" compounds accepted bajusdovdu #541 - does not recognize compounds lagusgoahti #541 - does not recognize compounds oktahatge #542 - does not accepts pronouns + clitic monge #542 - does not accepts pronouns + clitic dutnjege #542 - does not accepts pronouns + clitic iežáge #542 - does not accepts pronouns + clitic iešguđetge #542 - does not accepts pronouns + clitic iešguhtetge #542 - does not accepts pronouns + clitic ihtaluddandávda #543 - plural actios do not form compounds ihtanmuorra #543 - plural actios do not form compounds albmáidviessu #544 - does not follow cmp-tagging, contracted nouns báldáiddávda #544 - does not follow cmp-tagging, contracted nouns cugŋuiddávda #544 - does not follow cmp-tagging, contracted nouns 1883:a 1883 #555 - speller does not suggest 1883 for 1883:a Bq:a Bq #555 - speller does not suggest 1883 for 1883:a NRK:a NRK #555 - speller does not suggest 1883 for 1883:a Oslo--Biela Oslo-Biela #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Harstad--Biela Harstad-Biela #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Børde--Rene Børde-Rene #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Børde-Rene #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Rød--Rene Rød-Rene #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Rød-Rene #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Børde--Renee Børde-Renee #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Børde-Renee #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens BB--Rød--Rene BB-Rød-Rene #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens TV--Akse TV-Akse #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Myd--Land Myd-Land #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Ryd--Åland Ryd-Åland #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Ryd--Öland Ryd-Öland #575 - name+name suggestions with double hyphens Tearbmajoavkočoahkkin #577 - missing words Tearbmajoavkolahttu #577 - missing words Váilevuohta #577 - missing words Lonuhusgávpeustibat #577 - missing words Báhkár #577 - missing words E-boasta #577 - missing words bajon #577 - missing words tearbmabargovuogádaga #577 - missing words 38jahkásaš 38-jahkásaš #580 - suggests 38jahkásasj for 38-jahkásasj čielgas čielggas #581 - consonant doubling váigas váiggas #581 - consonant doubling stirdas stirddas #581 - consonant doubling stargas starggas #581 - consonant doubling NuorraRomssas Nuorra-Romssas #582 - noun+Prop without hyphen juovla- #583 - BUVSSAT-words and hyphen keasta- #583 - BUVSSAT-words and hyphen čielggasvuođat #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation garasvuođat #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuođat #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuođas #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuođain #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuohtan #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuhtii #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuođaide #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation joavggasvuođaiguin #586 - GARAS-words + vuohta-derivation 8-r.beaivi 8-beaivi #588 - r. taking part in compounding viessor.beaivi viessobeaivi #588 - r. taking part in compounding viessor. viesso #588 - r. taking part in compounding muorrar. muorra #588 - r. taking part in compounding dollar. dollar. #588 - r. taking part in compounding hallat hállat #589 - suggestions involving vowel-replacement ringet riŋget #589 - suggestions involving vowel-replacement bealjeheapme #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjeheami #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjeheapmái #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjeheamis #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjehemiin #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjeheapmin #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjeheamit #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjehemiid #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjehemiide #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi bealjehemiiguin #592 - cases of caritives on -heapmi Hámpparfierbmi #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Mihkalmas-beaivi #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Bihárisvahkku #593 - Missing words in beta 2 spilživahkku #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Šlanzedálkkit #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Ávildit #593 - Missing words in beta 2 gierrinmuorra #593 - Missing words in beta 2 gierrinsoabbi #593 - Missing words in beta 2 fiehtti #593 - Missing words in beta 2 ávildanmuorra #593 - Missing words in beta 2 gierrinbáddi #593 - Missing words in beta 2 gierrinárpu #593 - Missing words in beta 2 ávildanárpu #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Skoalžemielki #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Bahtaboskkan #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Velste #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Ođđasisprenten #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Nuppelohkái #593 - Missing words in beta 2 nubbelohkái nuppelohkái #593 - Missing words in beta 2 guovssahasa guovssahasaid #593 - Missing words in beta 2 ovttatládje ovttat ládje #593 - Missing words in beta 2 sosioleakta #593 - Missing words in beta 2 čolčet #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Dakkobokte Dakko bokte #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Kásterolla #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Čoaffil #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Uffir #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Bálggisbeallá #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Hassat #593 - Missing words in beta 2 Skižihit #593 - Missing words in beta 2 ovdaLot- ovda-Lot- #595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen psykiatriÁlaš- psykiatri-Álaš- #595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen ovda-Lot- #595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen psykiatri-Álaš- #595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen nubbelohki #597 - does not recognize nubbelohki nuppelogi #597 - does not recognize nubbelohki nuppelohkái #597 - does not recognize nubbelohki nuppelogis #597 - does not recognize nubbelohki gievrramusas #598 - superlative case-forms on -mus gievrramussii #598 - superlative case-forms on -mus vuolimusain #598 - superlative case-forms on -mus bajimusa #598 - superlative case-forms on -mus bajimus #598 - superlative case-forms on -mus bajimussan #598 - superlative case-forms on -mus guoktelot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot golbmalot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot njealljelot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot oktalot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot ovttalot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot ovttainlot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot ovtalot ovttalot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot ovtainlot ovttainlot #599 - numeral attr:s on lot sámi-dáru #600 - Gen+hyph compound máilmmicupa #601 - does not recognize compounds on máilmmi máilmmimuorra #601 - does not recognize compounds on máilmmi suomabieldi Suoma bealde #603 - suomabealdi, norggabealdi accepted norggabieldi Norgga bealdi #603 - suomabealdi, norggabealdi accepted Suomabealdi Suoma bealde #603 - suomabealdi, norggabealdi accepted rájirastema #604 - actios as second part of compound ealuratifiserema #604 - actios as second part of compound ealuduvdimii #604 - actios as second part of compound rájiduvdimis #604 - actios as second part of compound rájirasten #604 - actios as second part of compound ealuratifiseren #604 - actios as second part of compound ealuduvdin #604 - actios as second part of compound rájiduvdin #604 - actios as second part of compound rájimuittašeapmi #604 - actios as second part of compound ealumuittašeami #604 - actios as second part of compound Ealumuittašeapmái #604 - actios as second part of compound burkkemuittašeamis #604 - actios as second part of compound heajosvuohtaustit heajosvuođaustit #606 - compound-tags LEXICON VUOHTA NRKGE #607 - acro-compounds without hyphen NRKGA NRKGE #607 - acro-compounds without hyphen ILO-:I ILO:I #608 - acros with hyphen and case Anár-julggaštusa #609 - Anár-julggaštusa not recognized Anar-julggaštusa Anár-julggaštusa #609 - Anár-julggaštusa not recognized ovcciduhát #610 - -duhát words missing gávcciduhát #610 - -duhát words missing čiežaduhát #610 - -duhát words missing guhttaduhát #610 - -duhát words missing vihttaduhát #610 - -duhát words missing oktaduhát #610 - -duhát words missing golbmaduhát #610 - -duhát words missing oktanuppelotduhát #610 - -duhát words missing 0--Finn-márkkuduoddara Finnmárku-duoddara #611 - double hyphen-suggestions Koskivuori--plánenreaiddut Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut #611 - double hyphen-suggestions AP--rávvagat AP-rávvagat #611 - double hyphen-suggestions ANC--reahccut ANC-reahccut #611 - double hyphen-suggestions 10--jahkásačča 10-jahkásačča #611 - double hyphen-suggestions Davimušaláš--geađggit Davimušaláš-geađggit #611 - double hyphen-suggestions guovttenuppelot--Čoarvvegiin guovttenuppelotčoarvvagiin #611 - double hyphen-suggestions Finnmárku-duoddara #611 - double hyphen-suggestions Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut #611 - double hyphen-suggestions AP-rávvagat #611 - double hyphen-suggestions ANC-reahccut #611 - double hyphen-suggestions 10-jahkásačča #611 - double hyphen-suggestions Davimušaláš-geađggit #611 - double hyphen-suggestions guovttenuppelotčoarvvagiin #611 - double hyphen-suggestions makkárin #612 - case-forms of makkár makkára #612 - case-forms of makkár makkárii #612 - case-forms of makkár guovlanráigge #613 - short genitives as second part of compound muitalangoađe #613 - short genitives as second part of compound guovlanalmme #613 - short genitives as second part of compound muorraráigge #613 - short genitives as second part of compound bahtaalmme #613 - short genitives as second part of compound Rinta--aho Rinta-aho #614 - Rinta-aho not accepted but suggested Rintaaho Rinta-aho #614 - Rinta-aho not accepted but suggested Rinta-aho #614 - Rinta-aho not accepted but suggested gávccilágán #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails dakkárhámat #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails seammalágán #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails Ovttaguvllot #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails guoktenuppelotnamat guovttenuppelotnamat #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails vihttanuppelotčoarvvát viđanuppelotčoarvvát #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails vihttasoarttat viđasoarttat #619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails Ald #620 - Missing words in 1.0.1 - sme Ovttastávvalsániin #620 - Missing words in 1.0.1 - sme puddiŋga #620 - Missing words in 1.0.1 - sme ruonasfaskkus #620 - Missing words in 1.0.1 - sme smierrosaláhtta #620 - Missing words in 1.0.1 - sme Máhtebeaivi Máhte-beaivi #620 - Missing words in 1.0.1 - sme gáttátban #622 - Words with clitic -ban not accepted dieđátban #622 - Words with clitic -ban not accepted dieđánban #622 - Words with clitic -ban not accepted leatban #622 - Words with clitic -ban not accepted gulloban #622 - Words with clitic -ban not accepted giellaban #622 - Words with clitic -ban not accepted iešguđet #623 - iešguđet and iešguđetge not accepted in speller iešguhtet #623 - iešguđet and iešguđetge not accepted in speller iešguđetge #623 - iešguđet and iešguđetge not accepted in speller árgabeai- #627 - prefix + hyhpen does not get accepted NjoarostanA-finálaid Njoarostan-A-finálaid #629 - a taking part of compound julevá--gielas julevgielas #629 - a taking part of compound julevá-gielas julevgielas #629 - a taking part of compound julevuá--gielas julevugielas #629 - a taking part of compound julevuá-gielas julevugielas #629 - a taking part of compound Sámediggei-válggaid Sámediggeválggaid #629 - a taking part of compound 051-nummarat #631 - number compound, numbers starting with 0 AP--rávvagat AP-rávvagat #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller ANC--reahccut ANC-reahccut #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller 10--jahkásačča 10-jahkásačča #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller Davimušaláš--geađggit Davimušaláš-geađggit #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller Koskivuori--plánenreaiddut Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller AP-rávvagat #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller ANC-reahccut #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller 10-jahkásačča #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller Davimušaláš-geađggit #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut #633 - extra hyphen inserted by hyphenator, accepted by speller Gáivuona-Návuona #634 - Prop gen + hyphen + Prop gen monnaj monnai #637 - -nai(go) becomes -naj(go) birgennaj birgennai #637 - -nai(go) becomes -naj(go) birgegoađáledjenaj birgegoađáledjenai #637 - -nai(go) becomes -naj(go) muoratnajgo muoratnaigo #637 - -nai(go) becomes -naj(go) birgennajgo birgennaigo #637 - -nai(go) becomes -naj(go) gáttibui #638 - noun comparatives gáttimusas #638 - noun comparatives lulibut #638 - noun comparatives lulimusas #638 - noun comparatives oarjjibut #638 - noun comparatives oarjjimusas #638 - noun comparatives meariunnidanskovi #639 - +Left-marked words as middle part of compound oktaolbmo okta olmmoš #641 - numeral+noun compounds guovttiolbmo guovtti olbmo #641 - numeral+noun compounds Kuorak-ain Kuorak-Ain #642 - noun/adj/proper + hyphen + ain muorra-ain muorra-Ain #642 - noun/adj/proper + hyphen + ain dábálaš-ain dábálaš-Ain #642 - noun/adj/proper + hyphen + ain 1992-93:s #644 - cased numeral+numeral compounds dáppe-olmmoš #646 - adverb+hyphen+noun duoppe-muorra #646 - adverb+hyphen+noun anti-bárdni #646 - adverb+hyphen+noun 1700-LOHKU #647 - numerals+NOUN 0-atnuiváldin atnuváldin #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 0-áigginiibi áiggeniibi #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 0-moaddenuppelotjagi moaddenuppelohkái #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 0-vuosttaš-čájálmas vuosttáščájálmas #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 0-vuosttas-riegádeaddji vuosttášriegádeaddji #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 0--Varfjell-Stifjell-duopmu Varfjell-Stifjell-duopmu #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 0-eanohisdásis geahnohisdásis #648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun Kitaasullasaš Kitaa-sullasaš #649 - name+adj compounds without hyphen Máhttenammasaš Máhtte-nammasaš #649 - name+adj compounds without hyphen Máhttesullasaš Máhtte-sullasaš #649 - name+adj compounds without hyphen Oslosuhteš Oslo-suhteš #649 - name+adj compounds without hyphen VARI VÁRI #652 - UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions VRE IRE #652 - UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions vARI VÁRI #652 - UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions guoktenuppelogát #654 - speller does not recognize ordinals on -nuppelogát golbmanuppelogát #654 - speller does not recognize ordinals on -nuppelogát vihttanuppelogát #654 - speller does not recognize ordinals on -nuppelogát makkárnai #655 - pron + nai datnai #655 - pron + nai saame sáme #658 - suggestions saame (suggestions Saame (with capital S) is proper so in that meaning this bug won't be fixed unless we remove the proper-noun) berrešivčče berrešedje #659 - phon rule does not apply eanodahlaš eanodatlaš #660 - suggestions eanodahlaš lab. #661 - abbr. not recognized dieppimus #665 - adverb superlatives doppimus #665 - adverb superlatives guovtte- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- njealje- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- ovdda ovdda- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- maŋá maŋá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- duogá duogá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- siskká siskká- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- oarjjá oarjjá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- lulá lulá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- davá davá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- mieđá mieđá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- gáttá gáttá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- fávllá fávllá- #666 - guovtte- and njealje- 3:siin #668 - caseforms, ordinals and collectives 3:diin #668 - caseforms, ordinals and collectives gealuldus #674 - missing make-up terms luomaivdni #674 - missing make-up terms čalbmebáđđá #674 - missing make-up terms luomavuoiddas #674 - missing make-up terms bavssašovun #674 - missing make-up terms geallungiisá #674 - missing make-up terms ruvsson #674 - missing make-up terms devkkon #674 - missing make-up terms ruškkon #674 - missing make-up terms guovttenuppelot--Čoarvvegiin guovttenuppelotčoarvvagiin #676 - guovttenuppelot--Čoarvvegiin - both rejected and suggested viđajuolggatvuohta #696 - numerals + NAMAT-adjs + vuohta Njealječiegatvuhtii #696 - numerals + NAMAT-adjs + vuohta viđajuolgatvuohta viđajuolggatvuohta #696 - numerals + NAMAT-adjs + vuohta Njealjičiegatvuhtii Njealječiegatvuhtii #696 - numerals + NAMAT-adjs + vuohta vuosttálašvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta riikkalašvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta riikalašvuohta riikkalašvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta vuostálašvuohta vuosttálašvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta fámuhuhttuj fámuhuhttui #699 - Hunspell-marking and j Surfacing for short passives dekčoj dekčui #699 - Hunspell-marking and j Surfacing for short passives dábálažvuohta dábálažvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta riikkalažvuohta riikkalažvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta vuosttálažvuohta vuosttálažvuohta #697 - +N+Der1+Der/laš+A+Der3+Der/vuohta geavahaeddjeveahkki geavaheaddjiveahkki #700 - ae-diphthong in geavahaeddjeveahkki sámedikkeválga sámediggeválga #709 - s-sámediggeválga váhnenkeahtes #710 - does not recognize -keahtes váhnenkeates váhnenkeahtes #710 - does not recognize -keahtes 21bieivi 21-beaivi #711 - numeral compounds and cases 10ijjs 10-ija #711 - numeral compounds and cases 1996:itd 1996:id #711 - numeral compounds and cases juovla-CD #717 - noun-acro compounds juovla-CDas juovla-CD:s #717 - noun-acro compounds njealjimuora njealji muora #721 - nom- and gen-numerals make compounds with nouns njealljemuora njeallje muora #721 - nom- and gen-numerals make compounds with nouns oktasuolu okta suolu #721 - nom- and gen-numerals make compounds with nouns guovttigahpir guovtti gahpira #721 - nom- and gen-numerals make compounds with nouns máilmmeduohki máilmmiduohki #728 - vowel shortening GenCmp+Left-tagged čalmmiduohki čalmmeduohki #728 - vowel shortening GenCmp+Left-tagged geašjuvla geahčejuvla #739 - Rmiddle-words accepted as first part of compound as well beailámpu beaivelámpu #739 - Rmiddle-words accepted as first part of compound as well