!Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 ! or any later version. ! ============================= ! ! File containing abbreviations ! ! ============================= ! ! Lexica for adding tags and periods ! ---------------------------------- ! Splitting in 4 groups, because of the preprocessor ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON Abbreviation ITRAB ; TRNUMAB ; TRAB ; NOAB ; ! Now splitting according to POS, and according to dot or not ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! First collecting POS info, *-noun, *-adv, etc. ! Also splitting when in doubt: -noun-adj => -noun and -adj ! Then pointing to two contlexes, a dot-one and a non-dot-one. LEXICON ab ! No POS, don't know what pos ab-nodot ; ab-dot ; ! Some of these POS !LEXICON ab-noun-adj ! ab-noun ; ! ab-adj ; LEXICON ab-dot-noun-adj ab-dot-noun ; ab-dot-adj ; LEXICON ab-noun ab-nodot-noun ; ab-dot-noun ; LEXICON ab-adj ab-nodot-adj ; ab-dot-adj ; LEXICON ab-adv ab-nodot-adv ; ab-dot-adv ; LEXICON ab-num ab-nodot-num ; ab-dot-num; !still not in use. !LEXICON ab-cc !ab-nodot-cc ; !ab-dot-cc ; ! Here come POS and Case tags, and no period. LEXICON ab-nodot-noun ! The bulk +ABBR+N+Attr:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Nom:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Acc:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Gen:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Ill:%>%:i # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Loc:%>%:s # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Com:%>%:in # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Ess:%>%:n # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+N+Ill:%>%:ii # ; ! no period, that is. !SUB +ABBR+N+Loc:%>%:as # ; ! no period, that is. !SUB +ABBR+N+Com:%>%:ain # ;! no period, that is. !SUB +ABBR+N+Ess:%>%:an # ; ! no period, that is. !SUB +ABBR+N:%>%- RAbbr ; LEXICON ab-nodot-adj !+ABBR:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+A+Attr:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+A+Nom:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+A+Acc:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+A+Gen:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+A:%>%- RAbbr ; LEXICON ab-nodot-adv ! +ABBR:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Adv:%> # ; ! Adv without case, consider this. ! +ABBR+Adv+Attr:%> # ; ! no period, that is. ! +ABBR+Adv+Nom:%> # ; ! no period, that is. ! +ABBR+Adv+Acc:%> # ; ! no period, that is. ! +ABBR+Adv+Gen:%> # ; ! no period, that is. ! +ABBR+Adv:%>%- RAbbr ; LEXICON ab-nodot-num !+ABBR:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Num+Nom:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Num+Acc:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Num+Gen:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Num:%>%- RAbbr ; ! Still not in use. !LEXICON ab-nodot-cc ! +ABBR+CC:%> # ; ! no period, that is. LEXICON ab-nodot ! default !+ABBR:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Attr:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Nom:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Acc:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR+Gen:%> # ; ! no period, that is. +ABBR:%>%- RAbbr ; ! Here come POS and Case tags, with the period added. LEXICON ab-dot ! Default +ABBR+Attr:%.%> # ; +ABBR+Nom:%.%> # ; +ABBR+Acc:%.%> # ; +ABBR+Gen:%.%> # ; LEXICON ab-dot-noun ! This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period. +ABBR+N+Attr:%.%> # ; +ABBR+N+Nom:%.%> # ; +ABBR+N+Acc:%.%> # ; +ABBR+N+Gen:%.%> # ; +ABBR+N+Ill:%.%>%:i # ; +ABBR+N+Loc:%.%>%:s # ; +ABBR+N+Com:%.%>%:in # ; +ABBR+N+Ess:%.%>%:n # ; +ABBR+N+Ill:%.%>%:ii # ; !SUB +ABBR+N+Loc:%.%>%:as # ; !SUB +ABBR+N+Com:%.%>%:ain # ; !SUB +ABBR+N+Ess:%.%>%:an # ; !SUB +ABBR+N:%>%- RAbbr ; ! The idea is that the nominal ones may have case, like e.g. P.E.N. LEXICON ab-dot-adj ! This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period. ! +ABBR:%.%> # ; +ABBR+A+Attr:%.%> # ; +ABBR+A+Nom:%.%> # ; +ABBR+A+Acc:%.%> # ; +ABBR+A+Gen:%.%> # ; LEXICON ab-dot-adv ! This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period. +ABBR+Adv:%.%> # ; ! Adv without case. LEXICON ab-dot-num ! This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period. ! +ABBR:%.%> # ; +ABBR+Num+Nom:%.%> # ; +ABBR+Num+Acc:%.%> # ; +ABBR+Num+Gen:%.%> # ; LEXICON ab-dot-cc +ABBR+CC:%.%> # ; ! Then, as an afterthought, come our two verbs, gč. and vrd. LEXICON ab-verb ! A lexicon for "gč." and perhaps also other abbreviated verbs. ab-dot-verb ; ab-nodot-verb ; ab-dot-IVprfprc ; LEXICON ab-dot-verb +ABBR+V+TV+Imprt:%.%> # ; ! Period. LEXICON ab-nodot-verb +ABBR+V+TV+Imprt:%> # ; ! No period. ! # ; ! riegádan: LEXICON ab-dot-IVprfprc +ABBR+V+IV+PrfPrc:%.%> # ; ! Period. ! The abbreviation lexicon itself ! ------------------------------- ! =============================================== ! ! Intransitive abbreviations ! ! =============================================== ! LEXICON ITRAB ! List the beginning of the alphabet, ! ! in order to account for numbering ! ! of paragraphs etc. ! !dm2 ab-nodot-noun ; !du ab ; ! try to get both, failed. ! !du ab-dot ; ! !kg:kg3 ab-nodot-noun ; ! !km2 ab-nodot-noun ; !^C^ !km:km3 ab-nodot-noun ; ! !m2 ab-nodot-noun ; !^C^ !m3 ab-nodot-noun ; !^C^ ! This one should be tested !mm2 ab-nodot-noun ; !^C^ 1p ab ; !^C^ ! 2p ab ; !^C^ ! 3p ab ; !^C^ ! a ab ; !adjektiiva ! a.-g ab-dot-noun ; !^C^ a./g ab-dot-noun ; !^C^ abess:ab^ess9 ab-noun ; abl ab-noun ; ab^str ab-adj ; adess:ad^ess9 ab-noun ; adj ab-noun ; adv ab-noun ; advl ab-noun ; affekt ab ; akk ab-noun ; akk/gen ab-noun ; !^C^ akt ab ; all ab-noun ; am ab-dot ; ! anat ab-dot-adj ; !anatomalaš ! att ab ; attr ab ; bearj:bearj9 ab-dot-noun ; !Bearjadat bearjad:bearjad9 ab-dot-noun ; bfr ab-nodot ; ! biehttalanh ab-dot-noun ; ! a.D ab-dot-noun ; at ab-dot-noun ; can ab-dot-noun ; kan ab-dot-noun ; fob:fob9 ab-nodot-noun ; gl.res ab-dot-noun ; gt ab-dot-noun ; ie ab-nodot-noun ; Jak ab-dot-noun ; kat ab-dot-noun ; kl ab-dot-noun ; korr ab-dot-noun ; kto ab-dot-noun ; lc ab-nodot-noun ; lab ab-dot-noun ; vt ab-nodot-noun ; govvalab ab-dot-noun ; lat ab-dot-noun ; liks ab-nodot-noun ; lix ab-nodot-noun ; lingv ab-dot-noun ; log ab-dot-noun ; med ab-dot-noun ; miner ab-dot-noun ; mod ab-dot-noun ; mod ab-nodot-noun ; mp ab-nodot-noun ; nd ab-dot ; neg ab-dot-noun ; nto ab-dot-noun ; obsol ab-dot-noun ; op ab-dot-noun ; ord ab-dot-noun ; oss ab-dot-noun ; pa ab-dot-noun ; par ab-dot-noun ; part.prf ab-dot-noun ; pass ab-dot-noun ; pm ab-dot-noun ; pos ab-dot-noun ; post ab-dot-noun ; pp ab-dot-noun ; ps ab-nodot-noun ; pt ab-dot-noun ; pts ab-dot-noun ; pta ab-nodot-noun ; rbl ab-nodot-noun ; reg ab-dot-noun ; rek ab-dot-noun ; sch ab-nodot-noun ; sfr ab-nodot-noun ; sic ab-dot-noun ; sivil#ing ab-dot-noun ; st ab-dot-noun ; st.dieđ ab-dot-noun ; p.b ab-dot-noun ; st.prp ab-dot-noun ; tlg ab-dot-noun ; vol ab-dot-noun ; vulg ab-dot-noun ; yd:yd9 ab-nodot-noun ; biol ab-dot-adj ; bot ab-dot-adj ; Bq ab-nodot-noun ; bto ab-dot ; c ab ; c/o ab-nodot ; !^C^ ca ab-dot ; ! cal ab ; ! can$ ab-nodot ; !^C^ ! et ab-nodot ; ! alii ab-nodot-noun ; cc ab-dot ; ! cea ab-dot-noun ; ! cg ab-nodot-noun ; ! cl ab-nodot-noun ; ! cm ab-nodot-noun ; ! cm3 ab-nodot-noun ; cos ab-nodot-noun ; ! cot ab-nodot-noun ; ! co2 ab-nodot-noun ; C% U% L8R ab-nodot ; ! d ab ; ! daa ab-nodot ; ! dat ab-dot-noun ; dB ab-nodot ; ! dea ab-dot-noun ; dearvvašvuođaoss:dearvvašvuođaoss9 ab-dot-noun ; !Dearvvašvuođaossodat dearvvašvuođaosd ab-dot-noun ; ded ab-dot-noun ; ! dem:dem9 ab ; dept ab-dot-noun ; ! dg ab-nodot ; ! dhj ab-dot ; ! Dj ab-nodot-noun ; !disc jockey dl ab-nodot-noun ; ! dm:dm9 ab-nodot-noun ; !desimehtar dm2 ab-nodot-noun ; dm² ab-nodot-noun ; dm3 ab-nodot-noun ; dm³ ab-nodot-noun ; do ab-dot ; ! doaimm:doaimm9 ab-dot-noun ; ! dual ab-dot-noun ; !dualis dub ab-dot ; duor ab-noun ; !Duorastat duorast ab-dot-noun ; dus ab-dot ; ! e ab ; ! eanadoallolávd ab-dot-noun ; ! eaŋg ab-dot-noun ; ess:ess9 ab-noun ; estteg ab-dot-noun ; etc ab-dot-adv ; ! euf ab-dot ; ! f ab ; ! f ab-dot ; ! fac ab ; ! ff ab ; ! Fim ab-nodot ; !SUB fin ab ; fol ab-dot ; ! fr ab ; ! fuolahus#osd ab-dot-noun ; ! anestesiija#osd ab-dot-noun ; liike#osd ab-dot-noun ; sis#dávda#osd ab-dot-noun ; boras#dávda#osd ab-dot-noun ; bargiid#osd ab-dot-noun ; leasme#dávda#osd ab-dot-noun ; røntgen#osd ab-dot-noun ; čotta#osd ab-dot-noun ; fuom:fuom9 ab ; g ab ; ! gaskkav ab-dot-noun ; !gaskkavahkku gaskav ab-dot-noun ; dii.oahp ab-dot-noun ; ov.sk.oahp ab-dot-noun ; gen ab-noun ; geogr ab-dot-adj ; !geografiijas ! geom ab-dot-adj ; !geometrihkala !š ger ab-dot ; ggl ab-dot ; ! ggl.cea ab-dot ; gl ab-dot ; ! gl.rs ab-dot ; ! goall ab-dot-noun ; !Goallossátni Gastro#lab ab-dot-noun ; !Org Gastrolaboratoria Vahát#lab ab-dot-noun ; Nagir#lab ab-dot-noun ; Geađge#njár ab-nodot-noun ; !Geađgenjárga Guovdag ab-dot-noun ; !Plc Guovdageaidnu ! Guovdg ab-dot-noun ; !Plc Guovdageaidnu ! GWh ab-nodot-noun ; guovl ab-dot-noun ; ! h ab ; ! ha ab-nodot ; Hedm ab-dot-noun ; !Plc Hedmark hg ab-nodot-noun ; ! hl ab-nodot-noun ; ! hárv ab-dot ; !hárvenaš, hárvenaččat Hz ab-nodot-noun ; i ab ; ! ib:ib9 ab-nodot ; ! ibid:ibid9 ab-nodot ; ! id:id9 ab-nodot-noun ; id ab-dot-noun ; ID ab-nodot-noun ; ID ab-dot-noun ; ill ab-noun ; imp ab-noun ; impers ab-dot ; impf ab ; imprt ab-noun ; ind ab-noun ; indekl ab-dot ; inf ab ; info ab-nodot-noun ; ing ab-dot-noun ; ! instr ab ; interr:interr9 ab-dot-adj ; intr ab-dot-adj ; ipmilbálv ab-dot-noun ; j.d ab-dot ; ! j.d.s ab-dot ; ! j.e ab-dot ; ! j.s ab-dot ; ! j.v ab-dot-adv ; jd ab-dot ; ! jdd ab-dot ; ! je ab-dot ; ! jed ab-dot ; ! jk1 ab-nodot ; jk2 ab-nodot ; jna ab-adv ; !ja nu ain ! jnv ab-adv ; ! journ ab-dot ; jr ab-dot-noun ; !junior js ab-dot ; ! jur ab-dot-adj ; !juridihkalaš ! jv ab ; ! kb/s ab-nodot-noun ; !kilobytes per second kb ab-nodot-noun ; !kilobyte Kbh ab-nodot-noun ; kg ab-nodot-noun ; kHz ab-nodot-noun ; ! km ab-nodot-noun ; km2 ab-nodot-noun ; km² ab-nodot-noun ; km3 ab-nodot-noun ; km³ ab-nodot-noun ; kom:kom9 ab ; komp ab ; kond ab ; konj ab ; konkr ab-dot-adj; !konkrehta Kr ab-noun ; ! kV ab-nodot ; kvm ab-nodot ; kW ab-nodot-noun ; kWh ab-nodot-noun ; l ab-dot-noun ; lm ab-nodot ; Lohk ab-dot ; lok ab-dot-noun ; !lokatiiva lp ab-dot-noun ; !laktapartihkkal lád ab-dot-noun ; !lassiárvodivat lávv ab-dot-noun ; !Lávvardat lávvord:lávvord9 ab-dot-noun ; Muf ab-noun ; !Musikk i Finnmark m ab-noun ; m.fl ab-dot ; matem ab-dot-adj ; !matematihkalaš mearrid ab-dot ; Mellom^vn ab-nodot-noun ; mg ab-nodot-noun ; MHz ab-nodot-noun ; milj ab-num ; miljo ab-dot-num ; mill ab-num ; !This is used also with dot mKr ab-dot ; ml ab-noun ; !mm ab-dot-noun ; mm ab-nodot-noun ; mm2 ab-nodot-noun ; mm² ab-nodot-noun ; mm3 ab-nodot-noun ; mm³ ab-nodot-noun ; mrd ab-num ; mus ab-dot-noun ; !musihkka mV ab-nodot ; mW ab-nodot ; m2 ab-nodot-noun ; m² ab-nodot-noun ; m3 ab-nodot-noun ; m³ ab-nodot-noun ; máŋggaidl ab-dot ; nom:nom9 ab-noun ; NewZ ab-dot-noun ; !New Zealand njukč ab-noun ; !njukčamánnu o.Kr ab-dot-adv ; !Does this exist? o.s ab-dot ; obj ab-noun ; od.prp ab-dot ; oss.jođ ab-dot-noun ; ped.jođ ab-dot-noun ; oKr ab-dot-adv ; ol ab-dot-noun ; !ovttaidlohku op.cit ab-dot ; osd ab-dot ; ovttaidl ab-dot-noun ; ovttaj ab-dot-adj ; ovttajie ab-dot-adj ; ovttajien ab-dot-adj ; P.E.N ab-dot-noun ; part ab-dot-noun ; !partihkkal partit ab-dot-noun ; !partitiiva pc ab-noun ; !personal computer perf ab-dot ; perš ab-dot-noun ; !peršuvdna pers ab-dot-noun ; pf ab-dot ; pH ab-nodot-noun ; phil ab-dot ; pl ab-dot ; postp ab-dot-noun ; pot ab-noun ; pr ab-dot ; prep ab-dot-noun ; pres ab ; pret ab ; prf ab-dot ; prol ab-dot-noun ; pron ab-dot-noun ; prot ab-dot ; prs ab-dot-noun ; prt ab ; prv ab-dot ; pst ab ; pvc ab-nodot ; refl ab-adj ; rel ab-dot-noun ; relat ab-dot-adj ; !relatiiva relig ab-dot-noun ; res ab-dot ; rskr ab-dot ; ru ab ; ruoŧag ab-dot-noun ; ry ab-noun ; s.v ab-dot ; sek ab-noun ; sg ab-dot ; sign ab-noun ; skábm:skábm9 ab-noun ; !Skábmamánnu sl ab-dot ; Slalom^vn ab-nodot-noun ; sotn ab-noun ; !Sotnabeaivi spd ab-dot-noun ; Spd ab-dot-noun ; ! stip ab-dot-noun ; subj ab-noun ; subst ab-noun ; suoidn ab-noun ; !Suoidnemánnu sup ab-dot-noun ; sátnečilg ab-dot-noun ; ! tabl ab-dot-noun ; tan ab-noun ; !tangeansa temp ab-dot-noun ; !temporála trans ab-dot-noun ; transl ab-dot-noun ; uŋgárg ab-dot-noun ; UiB ab-nodot-noun ; UiO ab-nodot-noun ; UiT ab-nodot-noun ; vk ab-nodot ; vsu ab-dot-noun ; Vuorká#ášše#nr ab-dot-noun ; ! váldolávdeg ab-dot-noun ; á ab ; ! áššejođih:áššejođih9 ab-noun ; ! Áššemeannud ab-dot-noun ; ! Ášše#nr ab-dot-noun ; ! č ab ; ! č.ortn ab-dot-noun ; ! čilg ab-dot-noun ; čs ab-dot ; ! đ ab ; ! k ab ; ! n ab ; ! o ab ; ! p ab ; ! q ab ; ! t ab ; ! u ab ; ! v ab ; ! w ab ; ! x ab ; ! y ab ; ! z ab ; ! ! This set has been moved to acr-sme-lex.txt ! under LEXICON smallacro! IK ! Here comes a set of acronyms, but ! since they mix small and capital ! letters, they are listed here, and ! not generated in acr-sme-lex.txt !Art ab-nodot ; !Bb:Bb9 ab-nodot ; !Bbl ab-nodot ; !Bargobirašlávdegoddi !DnB:DnB9 ab-nodot-noun ; !Dssn:Dssn9 ab-nodot ; !FBb ab-nodot-noun ; !FGb ab-nodot ; !Flf ab-nodot ; !FoU ab-nodot ; !Gb ab-nodot ; !Guovddášbellodat !Ger ab-dot-noun ; !ImO ab-nodot-noun ; !Jd ab-nodot-noun ; !Ji ab-nodot-noun ; !K-ent ab-nodot-noun ; !Kåfjord Entertainment !KBb ab-nodot ; !Kárášjoga Bargiidbellodat !KoKo ab-nodot ; !Sirkkus KoKo !KoKS ab-nodot ; !KrÁ ab-nodot ; !KáB ab-nodot-noun ; !LaW ab-nodot ; !LuW ab-nodot ; !MiF ab-nodot ; !Musikk i Finnmark !Med-fak ab-nodot-noun ; !MuVá ab-nodot-noun ; !NgL ab-nodot ; !NoKTuRNL ab-nodot ; !Norfu ab-nodot ; !Or ab-nodot-noun ; !Rp:Rp9 ab-nodot ; !Sf ab-nodot-noun ; !SfB ab-nodot ; !SfF ab-nodot ; !Sfruo ab-nodot ; !SMSAm ab-nodot-noun ; !StA ab-nodot ; !SáB ab-nodot-noun ; !SvJT:SvJT9 ab-nodot ; !UiB:UiB9 ab-nodot-noun ; !UiO ab-nodot-noun ; !UiT ab-nodot-noun ; !UiTø ab-nodot-noun ; !Gwh:Gwh9 ab-nodot ; ! ============================================================ ! ! Abbreviations that are not treated as abbreviations ! ! at the end of the sentence ! ! ============================================================ ! LEXICON NOAB ! This class contains homonyms, which are both intransitive ! abbreviations and normal words. The abbreviation usage ! is less common and thus only the occurences in the middle of ! the sentnece can be considered as true cases. du ab-dot-noun ; !dualis ! ============================================================ ! ! Abreviations who are transitive in front of numerals ! ! ============================================================ ! LEXICON TRNUMAB ! For abbrs for which numerals are complements, but other ! words not necessarily are. This group treats arabic numerals as ! if it were transitive but letters as if it were intransitive. ! TODO: Bug the fact that these abbrs do not distinguish between ! cap and small letters, whereast he ITRAB ones do. Apd ab-dot ; ! Aut ab-nodot ; bie ab-dot ; Bnr ab-dot-noun ; ! Dnr ab-noun ; Enr ab-noun ; Gielda#nr ab-dot-noun ; Gnr ab-noun ; ! Kilde#gt ab-dot-noun ; !Kildegata Kommune#nr ab-dot-noun ; Pb ab-noun ; ! Postbox Poasta#nr ab-dot-noun ; Post#nr ab-dot-noun ; Rg ab-nodot ; Rt ab-dot ; ! S.nr ab-noun ; ! Searvg.ped:Searvg.ped9 ab-nodot-noun ; Suohkan#nr ab-dot-noun ; Sál ab-noun ; Kor ab-noun ; Tess:Tess9 ab-noun ; O.nr ab-noun ; ! Ášše#nr ab-dot-noun ; alm ab-dot ; ! anr ab-noun ; bet ab-dot-noun ; b.c ab-dot ; !b.c. 18-22 bc ab-dot ; !bc. 30-42 bnr ab-noun ; ! čk ab-dot ; ! djd ab-dot ; dmu ab-nodot ; !diibmu ds ab-dot ; enr ab-noun ; fnr ab-noun ; fáksa#nr ab-dot-noun ; gnr ab-dot-noun ; ! j ab-dot ; ! jnr ab-dot ; ! kap:kap9 ab-nodot-noun ; ! kap ab-dot-noun ; ! kr ab ; ! lnr ab-noun ; mátke#tlf ab-dot-noun ; njuolggo#tlf ab-dot-noun ; mk ab-noun ; mob:mob9 ab-noun ; nr ab-noun ; ! Nr nicht ! org.nr ab-dot-noun ; Pk ab-dot ; pgf ab-dot ; rieg ab-dot-IVprfprc ; !riegádan rievd ab-dot ; rskr ab-dot-noun ; s ab-noun ; ! spr ab-dot-noun ; !su ab-dot-adv ; ! sullii. Gen of "son". tab:tab9 ab ; ! or: Add capital Tab. ! dii ab-dot ; ! tii ab-dot ; tlf ab-noun ; !Also used without dot vnr ab-dot-noun ; ! ! =============================================== ! ! Transitive abbreviations ! ! =============================================== ! LEXICON TRAB ! For abbrs that always have a constituent following it. ! from here pointing to two types of TRAB: ! TRAB heads (gč. ...) here called h-ab and h-ab-dot ! TRAB attributes (St. ...) here called ab and ab-dot or at-ab? ! !Od ab-dot ; ! 1.aman ab-dot ; !^C^ !1.amanuensis Adr ab-dot-noun ; !Adreassa Boazod:Boazod9 ab-dot-noun ; !SUB !XXX was ist dás? aman ab-dot-noun ; !amanuenssa anár ab-dot ; !anársámegiella art ab-dot-noun ; !artihkkal, artium ass:ass9 ab-dot-noun ; !assisteanta, assortemeanta adr ab-dot-noun ; !adreassa avd ab-dot-noun ; ! avd.dir ab-dot-noun ; ! Avd.dir ab-dot ; !Advelingsdirektør b ab ; ! trab both in 12. b. 2001 and in "lea miessemánu 30. b. mearidán..." b+ABBR+Loc:b. # ; ! Hard-coding miessemánu 1.b. čakčamánu 14. beaivái. bd ab-dot ; ! biht ab-dot ; ! Bj ab-dot ; !Bjørn, Bjarne bbl ab-noun ; !Bargobirašláhka borgem ab-dot-noun ; ! bnr ab-dot-noun ; buo ab-dot ; ! cand.mag ab-dot-noun ; ! cand.oecon ab-dot-noun ; ! cand.philol ab-dot-noun ; ! cand.real ab-dot-noun ; ! cand.scient ab-dot-noun ; ! cand.theol ab-dot-noun ; ! cand:cand ab-dot-noun ; ! Chr ab-dot ; !Christian cuoŋom ab-dot-noun ; ! d.l ab-dot ; ! d.g ab-dot ; darj ab-dot "Ter" ; ! davvisuopm ab-dot-noun ; ! dbm ab-dot-noun ; ! dearvvašv ab-dot ; ! Dep ab-dot ; !Departemeantta dhj ab-dot ; !dahje dieđ ab-noun ; ! 30 %dieđ without final dot. ! dieđ.nr ab-noun ; ! dipl.ing ab-dot-noun ; ! dipl.ins ab-dot-noun ; ! dir ab-dot-noun ; !direktevra dr ab-dot-noun ; !doktor dr.art ab-dot-noun ; !doktor artium esc ab-nodot-noun ; dr.med ab-dot-noun ; ! dr.philos ab-dot-noun ; ! dr.poilit ab-dot-noun ; dr.theol ab-dot-noun ; ! dáb ab-dot ; e.e ab-dot-adv ; ! ea ab ; ! ea.ea ab ; ! 15 %ea.ea without final dot.! Edv ab-dot-noun ; !Edvard ee ab-adv ; ! Ee ab ; !erret eará eksp ab-dot-noun ; !Eksp. áigi eksp.hoavd ab-dot-noun ; ! eksp.sj ab-dot-noun ; ! eren ab-dot-adj ; ! erenoamášped ab-dot ; evtt ab-dot-noun ; ! ex ab ; ! ex.fac ab-dot-noun ; eŋg ab-dot-noun-adj; ! fax ab-dot-noun ; fenr ab-dot-noun ; ! fig ab-dot ; ! fil.tri ab-dot-noun ; ! Gnr ab-dot-noun ; geassem ab-dot-noun ; ! gen.lt ab-dot-noun ; ! genr ab-dot-noun ; ! genr.lt ab-dot-noun ; ! germ ab-dot ; ! gield ab-dot "Kildin" ; ! golggotm ab-dot-noun ; ! guovvam ab-dot-noun ; ! gárj ab-dot ; ! geahč ab-verb ; !Must accept no-dot gč ab-verb ; ! XXX accept no-dot (?) ! Gč ab-dot ; ! Reintrod. ! H.K.H ab-dot ; !Hans/hennes kongelige høyhet H.M ab-dot ; !Hans/hennes majestet h.r.adv ab-dot ; ! hr ab-dot ; ! inkl ab-dot ; ! Innst ab-dot ; !Innstilling institušuvn ab-dot ; ! isl ab-dot ; ! Joh:Joh9 ab-noun ; !Johannes Johs ab-dot-noun ; !Johannes juovlam ab-dot-noun ; ! kapt ab-dot-noun ; ! kard ab-dot-noun ; ! koord ab-dot-noun ; ! korp ab-dot-noun ; ! korpr ab-dot-noun ; ! Kr ab-dot-noun ; !Kristian, Kristin, Kristus lekt ab-dot-noun ; ! lic ab-dot-noun ; ! lnr ab-dot ; ! ltn ab-dot-noun ; ! Luk ab-noun ; !Lukas lul ab-dot ; !lullisámegiela, lulesamisk lullisuopm ab-dot-noun ; ! lágid ab-dot-noun ; !Could be also verb m/s ab-nodot ; mag ab-dot ; ! mag.art ab-dot-noun ; ! merc ab-dot ; ! Mield ab-dot ; !Mieldde miessem ab-dot-noun ; ! milj ab-dot-num ; ! Miss:Miss9 ab-nodot-noun ; mr ab-dot ; ! Mr ab-dot-noun ; ! mrs ab-dot ; ! Mrs ab-dot-noun ; ! ms ab-dot ; ! Ms ab-dot-noun ; ! mársm ab-dot-noun ; ! ng ab-dot ; ! njukčam ab-dot-noun ; ! nuort ab-dot "Skolt" ; ! nuortasuopm ab-dot-noun ; ! o.m.d ab-dot-adv ; ! oahp ab-dot-noun "teacher" ; ! oarjesuopm ab-dot-noun ; ! obl ab-dot ; ! oblt ab-dot ; ! Od.dieđ.nr ab-dot-noun ; !Odeldikkedieđahusa nummar Od.prop ab-dot-noun ; !Odeldikkeproposišuvdna Od.prp ab-dot-noun ; !Odeldikkeproposišuvdna Od.prp.nr ab-dot-noun ; ! Od:Od9 ab-nodot-noun ; !Odelstinget odont ab-dot ; ! oecon ab-dot ; ! omd ab-dot-adv ; ! omd:omd9 ab-nodot-adv ; ! ordf ab-dot-noun ; !ordførar ossod.dir ab-dot-noun ; !ossodatdirektevra Ot ab-dot-noun ; ! Ot.prop:Ot.prop9 ab-noun ; ! Ot.prop.nr ab-noun ; !Odelstingsproposisjon nummer Ot.prp ab-noun ; ! Ot.prp.nr ab-noun ; !Odelstingsproposisjon nummer Oth.prop:Oth.prop9 ab-noun ; !h? Oth.prp ab-noun ; ! Oth:Oth9 ab-dot-noun ; ! ovd ab-dot ; !SUB ovdasu ab-dot ; ! overs ab-dot ; !oversatt, oversetter ođđaj ab-dot-noun ; ođđajagem ab-dot-noun ; ! ped ab-dot ; !padagoga, pedagogihkka, pedagogalaš pharm ab-dot-adj ; ! philol ab-dot ; ! pol ab-dot ; ! polit ab-dot-adj ; ! priv ab-dot-adj ; ! pro ab ; ! prof ab-dot-noun ; ! Proavássb ab-dot-noun ; prop ab-dot-noun ; prp ab-dot ; ! prp:prp9 ab-nodot-noun ; ! psychol ab-dot-noun ; ! psyk ab-dot-adj ; ! r ab-dot-IVprfprc ; !+None !riegadan red ab-dot-noun ; ! res.kap ab-dot-noun ; ! resipr ab-dot-adj ; !resiprohka TRAB or ITRAB? Rom:Rom9 ab-noun ; !Girje romalaččaide Sadj.b ab-dot-noun ; !Sadjebáhppa Sadjb ab-dot-noun ; !Sadjebáhppa Savkadasv ab-nodot-noun ; !Savkadasveien sb ab-dot-noun ; Sd ab-noun ; ! Sd.dieđ.nr ab-noun ; !Stuorradikkedieđahus nummer Sd.prp ab-noun ; ! Sd.prp.nr ab-noun ; ! Seb ab-dot-noun ; !Sebastian, Sebedeus skábmam ab-dot-noun ; ! sos ab-dot-adj ; !sosiálalaš spes.ped ab-dot-noun ; !spesiála St ab-noun ; ! St.d.nr ab-dot-noun; ! St.died ab-dot-noun ; ! St.dieđ ab-dot-noun ; ! St.dieđ.nr ab-dot-noun ; ! St.meld ab-dot-noun ; ! St.meld.nr ab-dot-noun ; ! St.nr ab-dot-noun ; ! St.prp ab-dot-noun ; !Stortingsproposisjon St.prp.nr ab-dot-noun ; !Stortingsproposisjon nummer stud ab-dot-noun ; ! stud.philol ab-dot-noun ; ! sugr ab-dot ; !suoma-ugralaš suoidnem ab-dot-noun ; ! suopm ab-dot-noun ; ! suorgg ab-dot-noun ; !suorggid/-us/-it/-eapmi sá ab-dot ; ! sásu ab-dot ; ! tel ab-noun ; !Used also without dots Th ab-dot-noun ; tlf ab-dot-noun ; tri ab-dot-noun ; !tohtori Turnusbálv ab-dot-noun ; ! ubm ab-dot ; !ubmesámegiella urál ab-dot ; !urálalaš Vik.pr ab-dot-noun ; vit.ass ab-dot-noun ; ! vrd ab-dot-verb ; ! Vrd ab-dot ; ! vrd:vrd9 ab-nodot-verb ; !veardit ! Vrd:Vrd9 ab-nodot ; ! vs ab-dot-cc ; ! vsá ab-dot-noun ; ! Vsá ab-dot-noun ; čakčam ab-dot-noun ; ! čuj:čuj9 ab-dot-noun ; !čujuhus čuo ab ; ! ! Here comes the initials ! They are found in names etc. A ab-noun ; B ab-noun ; C ab-noun ; D ab-noun ; E ab-noun ; F ab-noun ; G ab-noun ; H ab-noun ; I ab-noun ; J ab-noun ; K ab-noun ; L ab-noun ; M ab-noun ; N ab-noun ; O ab-noun ; P ab-noun ; Q ab-noun ; R ab-noun ; S ab-noun ; T ab-noun ; U ab-noun ; V ab-noun ; W ab-noun ; X ab-noun ; Y ab-noun ; Z ab-noun ; Æ ab-noun ; Ø ab-noun ; Å ab-noun ; Ä ab-noun ; Ö ab-noun ; Č ab-noun ; Š ab-noun ;