!Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 ! or any later version. ! ############################## ! !This file contains the Pronouns ! ! ############################## ! ! Pronoun ! ======= !Pointing to all the subgrops, presented in this order below. LEXICON Pronoun Personal ; Interrogative ; Relative ; Demonstrative ; Reflexive ; Reciprocal ; Indefinite ; ! Personal pronouns ! ----------------- !Personal pronouns, splitting in 1st, 2nd, 3rd LEXICON Personal mun+Pron+Pers+Sg1:m firstperspronsg ; mun+Pron+Pers+Du1:m firstpersprondu ; mun+Pron+Pers+Pl1:m perspronpl ; don+Pron+Pers+Sg2:d nonfirstperspronsg ; don+Pron+Pers+Du2:d nonfirstpersprondu ; don+Pron+Pers+Pl2:d perspronpl ; son+Pron+Pers+Sg3:s nonfirstperspronsg ; son+Pron+Pers+Du3:s nonfirstpersprondu ; son+Pron+Pers+Pl3:s perspronpl ; dat+Pron+Pers:da%> datpers ; ! Dat lea ruovttus. !Case suffixes for 1st Sg, pointing to K lexicon LEXICON firstperspronsg +Nom:u%>n K ; +Nom:o%>n K ; +Acc:u%> K ; +Gen:u%> K ; +Gen:u»# NAMAT ; +Ill:u%>nnje K ; +Loc:u%>s K ; +Com:u%>jnna K ; +Ess:u%>nin K ; !Case suffixes for noŋst Sg, pointing to K lexicon LEXICON nonfirstperspronsg +Nom:o%>n K ; +Acc:u%> K ; +Gen:u%> K ; +Gen:u»# NAMAT ; +Ill:u%>tnje K ; +Loc:u%>s K ; +Com:u%>jnna K ; +Ess:u%>nin K ; !Case suffixes for 1st Du, pointing to K lexicon LEXICON firstpersprondu +Nom:oaj%> K ; +Acc:unno%> K ; +Gen:unno%> K ; +Gen:unno»# NAMAT ; +Ill:unnu%>jde K ; +Loc:unno%>s K ; +Com:unnu%>jn K ; +Ess:unno%>n K ; !Case suffixes for noŋst Du, pointing to K lexicon LEXICON nonfirstpersprondu +Nom:oaj%> K ; +Acc:udno%> K ; +Gen:udno%> K ; +Acc:utno%> K ; !SUB +Gen:utno%> K ; !SUB +Gen:udno»# NAMAT ; +Ill:udnu%>jde K ; +Ill:utnu%>jde K ; !SUB +Loc:udno%>s K ; +Loc:utno%>s K ; !SUB +Com:udnu%>jn K ; +Com:utnu%>jn K ; !SUB +Ess:udno%>n K ; +Ess:utno%>n K ; !SUB !Case suffixes for all Pl forms, pointing to K lexicon LEXICON perspronpl +Nom:i%>j K ; +Acc:i%>n K ; +Gen:i%>n K ; +Gen:i%>n»# NAMAT ; +Ill:i%>nsij K ; !SUB +Ill:i%>djijde K ; +Loc:i%>s K ; +Loc:i%>js K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Com:i%>ngujn K ; +Ess:i%>nin K ; LEXICON datpers +Sg3:0 demcassg ; +Pl3:0 demcaspl ; +Ess:nin K ; ! Interrogative pronouns ! ---------------------- !Giving ideosyncratic Sg Nom of gii, mii lexically !Sending the oblique forms of gii, mii to an oblique sublexicon !Giving the stem of guhte, guhtemuš, goabbá LEXICON Interrogative mii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Nom:mij%> K-son ; mii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:májd9 K-son ; !SUB gii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Nom:gij%> K-son ; gii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ill+Foc:gea%>sagii # ; mii+Pron+Interr:ma%> oblintercas ; gii+Pron+Interr:gea%>X5 oblintercas ; guh0te+Pron+Interr:guh'te GUHTECASE ; guhte+Pron+Interr+Sg+Nom:guhte%>s K ; guhtemuš+Pron+Interr:guđemužž GUHTEMUŠCASE ; guhtemuš+Pron+Interr:guhtemuš%> K-son ; !deviating Nom alternant. goabbá+Pron+Interr:goabbá GUHTECASE ; makkár+Pron+Interr:makkár DAKKARInterr ; man% láhkái+Pron+Interr+Sg+Com:mainna#lágiin K-son ; !SUB ! Relative pronouns ! ----------------- LEXICON Relative mii+Pron+Rel+Sg+Nom:mij%> K-son ; mii+Pron+Rel+Sg+Acc:májd9 K-son ; !SUB gii+Pron+Rel+Sg+Nom:gij%> K-son ; mii+Pron+Rel:ma%> oblintercas ; gii+Pron+Rel:gea%>X5 oblintercas ; guh0te+Pron+Rel:guh'te GUHTECASE ; guhte+Pron+Rel+Sg+Nom:guhte%>s K ; guhtemuš+Pron+Rel:guđemužž GUHTEMUŠCASE ; guhtemuš+Pron+Rel:guhtemuš%> K-son ; !deviating Nom alternant. goabbá+Pron+Rel:goabbá GUHTECASE ; man% láhkái+Pron+Rel+Sg+Com:mainna#lági%>in K-son ; LEXICON oblintercas +Sg+Acc:jd9 K-son ; +Pl+Nom:t K ; +Ess:nin K ; +Sg:0 obldemcassg ; +Pl:0 obldemcaspl ; !Then going directly to the case paradigm of the demonstratives ! guhte LEXICON GUHTECASE GUHTE-NE ; GU-GU-OBL ; ! Nom and Ess of guhte LEXICON GUHTE-NE +Sg+Nom:%> K-son ; +Ess:%>n K-son ; ! guhtemuš LEXICON GUHTEMUŠCASE GUHTEMUŠ-NE ; :a GU-GU-OBL ; ! Nom and Ess of guhtemuš LEXICON GUHTEMUŠ-NE +Sg+Nom:%> K-son ; +Ess:a%>n K-son ; ! Oblique paradigm for guhte and guhtemuš LEXICON GU-GU-OBL +Sg+Gen:%>X8 K-son ; +Sg+Gen:%>X8»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:%>X8 K-son ; +Sg+Ill:%>X3j K-son ; !+Sg+Gen:%> K-son ; ! this should go out +Sg+Loc:%>X4s K-son ; +Sg+Loc:%>X4n K-son ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:%>X5jn K-son ; +Pl+Nom:%>X4t K-son ; +Pl+Gen:%>X5jd9 K-son ; +Pl+Gen:%>X5jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:%>X5jd9 K-son ; +Pl+Ill:%>X5jde K-son ; +Pl+Com:%>X5jgujn K-son ; ! Demonstrative pronouns ! ---------------------- !Giving baseform + all demonstrative stems !Pointing to case paradigms LEXICON Demonstrative dat+Pron+Dem:da%> demcas ; diet+Pron+Dem:die%> demcas ; dát+Pron+Dem:dá%> demcas ; duot+Pron+Dem:duo%> demcas ; dot+Pron+Dem:do%> demcas ; doot+Pron+Dem:doo demcas ; !SUB dahtanaga+Pron+Dem:da%> Dahtanaga-par ; dakkár+Pron+Dem:dakkár DAKKAR ; dákkar+Pron+Dem:dákkar DAKKAR ; !SUB XXX dakkar+Pron+Dem:dakkar DAKKAR ; !SUB XXX dákkár+Pron+Dem:dákkár DAKKAR ; diekkár+Pron+Dem:diekkár DAKKAR ; duokkár+Pron+Dem:duokkár DAKKAR ; dokkár+Pron+Dem:dokkár DAKKAR ; !makkár+Pron+Dem:makkár DAKKAR ; ! Give this one Interr dakkáraš+Pron+Dem:dakkáražž DAKKARAS ; dákkáraš+Pron+Dem:dákkáražž DAKKARAS ; diekkáraš+Pron+Dem:diekkáražž DAKKARAS ; duokkáraš+Pron+Dem:duokkáražž DAKKARAS ; dokkáraš+Pron+Dem:dokkáražž DAKKARAS ; makkáraš+Pron+Dem:makkáražž DAKKARAS ; !Splitting into Sg, Pl and Ess, different paradigms LEXICON demcas +Sg:0 demcassg ; +Pl:0 demcaspl ; +Ess:%>nin K ; !Splitting into oblique and nonoblique !This is because of the interrogatives LEXICON demcassg nomdemcassg ; obldemcassg ; LEXICON demcaspl nomdemcaspl ; obldemcaspl ; LEXICON nomdemcassg !The nominative, then pointing to clitics !This could be conflated, but look out for interr +Nom:t K ; LEXICON nomdemcaspl +Nom:t K ; LEXICON obldemcassg !The other cases, then pointing to clitics +Gen:n K ; +Gen:n»# NAMAT ; +Acc:n K ; +Ill:sa K ; +Loc:s K ; +Com:jnna K ; !dainna Sg Com LEXICON obldemcaspl +Gen:jd9 K ; +Gen:jd9»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jd9 K ; +Ill:jdda K ; +Loc:jn K ; !dain Pl Loc !+Loc:jnna K ; !dainna Pl Loc is deemed out in contemporary language. +Com:jguin K ; !This case paradigm is exceptional and partial. LEXICON Dahtanaga-par +Sg+Nom:%>htanaga # ; +Sg+Gen:%>mmanaga # ; +Sg+Gen:%>mmanaga»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:%>mmanaga # ; +Sg+Ill:%>sanaga # ; +Sg+Loc:%>sttánaga # ; +Sg+Com:%>jnnanaga # ; +Pl+Ill:%>jddanaga # ; +Pl+Loc:%>jnnanaga # ; LEXICON DAKKAR +Sg+Nom:%> K ; +Attr:%> K ; +Attr:»# NAMAT ; +Ess:%>in K ; +Sg+Gen:%>a K ; +Sg+Acc:%>a K ; +Pl+Nom:%>at K ; 00:%>i DAKKARI- ; LEXICON DAKKARI- +Sg+Ill:j K ; +Sg+Loc:s K ; +Sg+Loc:n K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:jn K ; +Pl+Gen:jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:jdda K ; +Pl+Loc:jn K ; +Pl+Com:jgujn K ; LEXICON DAKKARInterr +Sg+Nom:%> K-son ; +Attr:%> K-son ; +Attr:»# NAMAT ; +Ess:%>in K-son ; +Sg+Gen:%>a K-son ; +Sg+Acc:%>a K-son ; +Pl+Nom:%>at K-son ; 00:%>i DAKKARI-Interr ; LEXICON DAKKARI-Interr +Sg+Ill:j K-son ; +Sg+Loc:s K-son ; +Sg+Loc:n K-son ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:jn K-son ; +Pl+Gen:jd9 K-son ; +Pl+Gen:jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:jd9 K-son ; +Pl+Ill:jdda K-son ; +Pl+Loc:jn K-son ; +Pl+Com:jgujn K-son ; LEXICON DAKKARAS +Sg+Nom:%> K ; +Sg+Nom:%>X7 R ; +Ess:%>an K ; :a%> DAKKARASSA- ; LEXICON DAKKARASSA- +Sg+Gen:X4 K ; +Sg+Gen:X8 K ; +Sg+Gen:X4»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Gen:X8»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:X4 K ; +Sg+Acc:X8 K ; +Sg+Ill:X3j K ; +Sg+Loc:X4s K ; +Sg+Loc:X8s K ; +Sg+Loc:X4n K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Loc:X8n K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:X5jn K ; +Pl+Nom:X4t K ; +Pl+Gen:X5jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:X5jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:X5jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:X5jde K ; +Pl+Loc:X5jn K ; +Pl+Com:X5jgujn K ; ! Reflexive pronouns ! ------------------ LEXICON Reflexive !Two nominative reflexives, and pointer to the rest !The Pl one is used for Du as well, here given two entries. !Should one of them be removed? ieš+Pron+Refl+Sg+Nom:ieš%> K ; ieš+Pron+Refl+Sg+Nom:ieš»# NAMAT ; ! <======= ok ieš+Pron+Refl+Du+Nom:ieža%> K ; ieš+Pron+Refl+Du+Nom:ieža»# NAMAT ; !SUB ieš+Pron+Refl+Pl+Nom:ieža%> K ; ieš+Pron+Refl+Pl+Nom:ieža»# NAMAT ; !SUB ieš+Pron+Refl+Gen+PxSg3:ald9 # ; !SUB !SOUTH ieš+Pron+Refl+Ess:iehča%>nassij K ; ieš+Pron+Refl:0 reflobl ; LEXICON reflobl !The V/V2 alternation due to 3rd person vocalism !Pointing directly to 1st and 3rd person sublexica for AG & Loc. !Pointing to exceptional Pl sublexicon for AG and Loc. +Acc:ieža%> PxV2 ; +Gen:ieža%> PxV2 ; +Gen+PxSg1:ieža%>n»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxSg1:ieža%>m9»# NAMAT ; !SUB !SOUTH +Gen+PxSg2:ieža%>t»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxSg3:ieža%>s»# NAMAT ; ! <========= ?? +Gen+PxDu1:ieža%>me»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxDu2:ieža%>de»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxDu3:ieža%>ska»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxPl1:ieža%>met»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxPl2:ieža%>det»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxPl3:ieža%>set»# NAMAT ; +Acc:iehča%> Px1V ; +Gen:iehča%> Px1V ; +Gen+PxSg1:iehča%>n»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxDu1:iehča%>me»# NAMAT ; +Gen+PxPl1:iehča%>met»# NAMAT ; +Acc:ieža%>jd PxCPlstem ; +Gen:ieža%>jd PxCPlstem ; +Gen+PxDu1:ieža%>jdeame»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Gen+PxDu2:ieža%>jdeatte»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Gen+PxDu3:ieža%>jdeaskka»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Gen+PxPl1:ieža%>jdeamet»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Gen+PxPl2:ieža%>jdeattet»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Gen+PxPl3:ieža%>jdeaset»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Ill:alcce%>s PxC ; +Ill:alcca%> PxV ; +Ill:alcce%> PxV2 ; +Ill:alla%>s PxC ; +Ill+PxSg1:allasim9# K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Loc:alddi%> PxV ; +Loc:aldde%> Px3V ; +Loc:aldde%>st PxC ; +Loc:alddi%>n PxCPlstem ; !SUB +Loc:alddi%>jn PxCPlstem ; +Loc:alddá%>n PxCPlstem ; +Com:ieža%>jn PxC ; +Com:ieža%>jd PxCPlCom ; +Ess:iehča%>n PxC ; LEXICON PxCPlstem !This lexicon is here since it only applies to Reflexives. !It handles the exeptional AG and Loc DuPl plural stem forms of ieš. +PxDu1:eame K ; +PxDu2:eatte K ; +PxDu3:easkka K ; +PxPl1:eamet K ; +PxPl2:eattet K ; +PxPl3:easet K ; LEXICON PxCPlCom ! This lexicon for archaic biblical forms like iežaideasetguin. +PxDu1:eameguin K ; +PxDu2:eatteguin K ; +PxDu3:easkkaguin K ; +PxPl1:eametguin K ; +PxPl2:eattetguin K ; +PxPl3:easetguin K ; ! Reciprocal pronouns ! ------------------- ! The first 6 entries handle the first element of the recipr. ! The next 12 handle the 2nd part of the non-Px recipr. ! The members of the third section point to Px lexica. LEXICON Reciprocal nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Du:nubbi # ; !SUB nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl:nuppit # ; !SUB goabbat+Pron+Recipr+Du:goabbat # ; !SUB goabbat+Pron+Recipr+Pl:guhtet # ; !SUB goabbat+Pron+Recipr+Du:goappat # ; !SUB ! Dialectal forms. Norm? goabbat+Pron+Recipr+Pl:guđet # ; !SUB ! Dialectal forms. Norm? nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Du+Acc:nuppi K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Du+Gen:nuppi K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Du+Ill:nubbái K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Du+Loc:nuppis K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Du+Com:nuppiin K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Du+Ess:nubbin K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Acc:nuppiid K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Gen:nuppiid K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Ill:nuppiide K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Loc:nuppiin K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Com:nuppiiguin K ; !SUB nuppi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Ess:nubbin K ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Acc:guoibmá Px1VRecipr ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Gen:guoibmá Px1VRecipr ; !SUB !guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Acc:guoimmá Px2VRecipr ; !SUB !guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Gen:guoimmá Px2VRecipr ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Acc:guoimmi Px23VRecipr ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Gen:guoimmi Px23VRecipr ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Ill:guoibmás PxCPlstem ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Loc:guoimmist PxCPlstem ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Com:guoimmiin PxCPlstem ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Acc:guoimmiid PxCPlstem ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Gen:guoimmiid PxCPlstem ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Ill:guoimmiidasa PxVPlStemRecipr ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Loc:guoimmiin PxCPlstem ; !SUB guoibmi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Com:guoimmiid PxCPlComRecipr ; !SUB nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Gen:nuppi%>id nubbiPxDu ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Acc:nuppi%>id nubbiPxDu ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Ill:nuppi%>idasa Px1VRecipr ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Loc:nuppi%>in nubbiPxDu ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Com:nuppi%>id nubbiPxDuCom ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Gen:nuppi%>id nubbiPxPl ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Acc:nuppi%>id nubbiPxPl ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Ill:nuppi%>idasa Px23VRecipr ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Ill:nuppi%>idasa Px3VPlStem ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Loc:nuppi%>in nubbiPxPl ; nubbi+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Com:nuppi%>id nubbiPxPlCom ; LEXICON Px1VRecipr +PxDu1:me K ; +PxPl1:met K ; LEXICON Px23VRecipr !LEXICON Px2VPlStem !SUB +PxDu2:X2de K ; +PxPl2:X2det K ; LEXICON Px3VPlStem +PxDu3:ska K ; +PxPl3:set K ; LEXICON PxVPlStemRecipr !SUB +PxPl1:met K ; !SUB +PxPl2:det K ; !SUB +PxPl3:set K ; !SUB LEXICON PxCPlComRecipr !SUB +PxPl1:eametguin K ; !SUB +PxPl2:eadetguin K ; !SUB +PxPl3:easetguin K ; !SUB LEXICON nubbiPxDu +PxDu1:eame K ; +PxDu2:eatte K ; +PxDu3:easkka K ; LEXICON nubbiPxPl +PxPl1:eamet K ; +PxPl2:eattet K ; +PxPl3:easet K ; LEXICON nubbiPxDuCom +PxDu1:eameguin K ; +PxDu2:eatteguin K ; +PxDu3:easkkaguin K ; LEXICON nubbiPxPlCom +PxPl1:eametguin K ; +PxPl2:eattetguin K ; +PxPl3:easetguin K ; ! Indefinite pronouns ! ------------------- ! Dividing the indefinites in three groups LEXICON Indefinite declindef-cl ; declindef ; declindef-idiosync ; indeclindef ; indefmulti ; !SUB feara mii ! Declineable indefinite pronouns with case + clitic ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON declindef-cl ! Exceptional nominatives mihkkege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mihkke%>ge # ; mihkkege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:mahkke%>ge # ; mihkkege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:maide%>ge # ; mihkke+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mihkke%> # ; mihkket+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mihkke%>t # ; !SUB mihkkige+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mihkki%>ge # ; mihkkige+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:mahkki%>ge # ; mihkkige+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:maidi%>ge # ; giige+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:gii%>ge # ; giinai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:gii%>nai # ; giijai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:gii%>jai # ; giiat+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:gii%>at # ; dahtai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:daht%>ai # ; miinai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mii%>nai # ; miijai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mii%>jai # ; ieš#giige+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:ieš#gii%>ge # ; ieš#giinai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:ieš#gii%>nai # ; ieš#giijai+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:ieš#gii%>jai # ; ! Pointers to obl sublexicon mihkkege+Pron+Indef:ma%> oblindefcas ; giige+Pron+Indef:gea%> oblindefcas ; giinai+Pron+Indef:gea%> oblindefcas-giinai ; miinai+Pron+Indef:ma%> oblindefcas-miinai ; ieš#giige+Pron+Indef:ieš#gea%> oblindefcas ; ieš#giinai+Pron+Indef:ieš#gea%> oblindefcas-giinai ; guhtege+Pron+Indef:guh'te GUHTEGECASE ; guhtenai+Pron+Indef:guh'te GUHTENAI ; !ieš#guh0te+Pron+Indef:ieš#guh'te GUHTECASE ; ieš#guhtege+Pron+Indef:ieš#guh'te GUHTEGECASE ; ieš#guhtenai+Pron+Indef:ieš#guh'te GUHTENAI ; guhtemušge+Pron+Indef:guđemužž GUHTEMUSGECASE ; guhtemušge+Pron+Indef:guhtemuš%>ge # ; !deviating Nom altarnant. goabbáge+Pron+Indef:goabbá GUHTEGECASE ; goabbánai+Pron+Indef:goabbá GUHTENAI ; !makkárge+Pron+Indef (have a look at this one) !oktage+Pron+Indef (wait with this one until numerals are treated) !The difference between mihkkege and mihkkige !continues through declination (maidege-maidige etc.). !Should they be separated in different lexicons to make it logical? IK LEXICON oblindefcas +Sg:0 oblindemcassg ; +Pl:0 oblindemcaspl ; LEXICON oblindemcassg !The other cases, then pointing to clitics +Gen:nge # ; +Gen:nge»# NAMAT ; +Acc:nge # ; +Ill:sage # ; +Loc:sge # ; +Loc:stege # ; +Com:jnnage # ; LEXICON oblindemcaspl +Gen:jde # ; +Gen:jde»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jde # ; +Gen:jdege # ; +Gen:jdege»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jdege # ; +Gen:jdige # ; +Gen:jdige»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jdige # ; +Ill:jddage # ; +Loc:jnge # ; !Here we do not go to the case paradigm of the demonstratives, !since the clitic path is different. ComPl lacks (intentionally) from paradigm. LEXICON oblindefcas-giinai +Gen:nnai # ; +Gen:nnai»# NAMAT ; +Acc:nnai # ; +Gen:nai # ; +Gen:nai»# NAMAT ; +Acc:nai # ; +Ill:sanai # ; +Ill:sai # ; +Loc:snai # ; +Loc:sai # ; +Loc:stenai # ; +Loc:stai # ; +Com:jnnanai # ; +Com:jnnai # ; +Gen:jdnai # ; +Gen:jdnai»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jdnai # ; +Gen:jdai # ; +Gen:jdai»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jdai # ; +Ill:jddanai # ; +Ill:jddai # ; +Loc:jnnai # ; +Loc:jnai # ; LEXICON oblindefcas-miinai +Gen:nnai # ; +Gen:nnai»# NAMAT ; +Acc:nnai # ; ! +Gen:nai # ; !commented out disamb reasons +Gen:nai»# NAMAT ; ! +Acc:nai # ; !commented out disamb reasons +Ill:sanai # ; +Ill:sai # ; +Loc:snai # ; +Loc:sai # ; +Loc:stenai # ; +Loc:stai # ; +Com:jnnanai # ; +Com:jnnai # ; +Gen:jdnai # ; +Gen:jdnai»# NAMAT ; +Acc:jdnai # ; !commented out disamb reasons ! +Gen:jdai # ; !commented out disamb reasons +Gen:jdai»# NAMAT ; ! +Acc:jdai # ; !commented out disamb reasons +Ill:jddanai # ; ! +Ill:jddai # ; !commented out disamb reasons +Loc:jnnai # ; +Loc:jnai # ; ! guhtege LEXICON GUHTEGECASE GUHTEGE-NE ; GUGE-GUGE-OBL ; ! Nom and Ess of guhtege LEXICON GUHTEGE-NE +Sg+Nom:%>ge # ; +Ess:%>nge # ; ! guhtemušge LEXICON GUHTEMUSGECASE GUHTEMUSGE-NE ; :a%> GUGE-GUGE-OBL ; ! Nom and Ess of guhtemušge LEXICON GUHTEMUSGE-NE +Sg+Nom:%>ge # ; +Ess:a%>nge # ; ! Oblique paradigm for guhtege and guhtemušGE LEXICON GUGE-GUGE-OBL +Sg+Gen:X8ge # ; +Sg+Gen:X8ge»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:X8ge # ; +Sg+Ill:X3jge # ; !+Sg+Gen:ge # ; ! this should go out +Sg+Loc:X4sge # ; +Sg+Loc:X4nge K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:X5jnge # ; +Pl+Nom:X4tge # ; +Pl+Gen:X5jdge # ; +Pl+Gen:X5jdge»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:X5jdge # ; +Pl+Ill:X5jdege # ; +Pl+Loc:X5jnge # ; !SUB because of speller !+Pl+Com:X5jgujnge # ; !ComPl is out. LEXICON GUHTENAI +Sg+Nom:%>nai # ; +Sg+Gen:%>X8nai # ; +Sg+Gen:%>X8nai»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:%>X8nai # ; +Sg+Ill:%>X3jnai # ; +Sg+Loc:%>X4snai # ; +Sg+Com:%>X5jnnai # ; +Ess:%>nnai # ; +Pl+Nom:X4tnai # ; +Pl+Gen:%>X5jdnai # ; +Pl+Gen:%>X5jdnai»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:%>X5jdnai # ; +Pl+Ill:%>X5jdenai # ; +Pl+Loc:%>X5jnnai # ; !SUB because of speller ! Declineable indefinites with normal case paradigms ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON declindef eará+Pron+Indef:eará%> indef-a-even-v ; iežá+Pron+Indef:iežá%> indef-a-even-v ; uhccánaš+Pron+Indef:uhccánažž indef-a-even-c ; unnánaš+Pron+Indef:unnánažž indef-a-even-c ; ea0nas+Pron+Indef:eatnas%> indef-a-uneven ; ea0naš+Pron+Indef:eatnaš%> indef-a-uneven ; muhtin+Pron+Indef:muhtim%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; muhtun+Pron+Indef:muhtum%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; muhtun+Pron+Indef:muhtom%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; !SUB muhtin+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen:muhtin»# NAMAT ; muhtun+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen:muhtun»# NAMAT ; muhtin+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:muhtim%>ijd9»# NAMAT ; muhtun+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:muhtum%>ijd9»# NAMAT ; muhtin+Pron+Indef+Pl+Loc:muhttuin K ; !SUB uhccán+Pron+Indef:uhccán%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; unnán+Pron+Indef:unnán%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; veháš+Pron+Indef:veháž%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; váháš+Pron+Indef:váháž%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; veaháš+Pron+Indef:veaháž%> indef-a-uneven-gahpir ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:soames%> K ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef+Ess:soapmás%>in K ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef:soapmás%> indefattr ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef:soapmás%>X2 indefdeclsguneven-ag ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef:soapmás%> indefdeclsguneven-ilc ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef:soapmás%>X2 indefdeclpluneven-n ; soa0mes+Pron+Indef:soapmás%>i indefdeclpluneven-obl ; nuppát+Pron+Indef:nuppád%> indefsg-a-uneven ; duobbá+Pron+Indef:duobbá%> indef-a-even-v ; dábbá+Pron+Indef:dábbá%> indef-a-even-v ; juobbá+Pron+Indef:juobbá%> indef-a-even-v ; juobbá#goabbá+Pron+Indef: JUOBBAGOABBA ; nubbi+Pron+Indef:nubbi%> nubbicase ; juohkehaš+Pron+Indef:juohkehažž indef-a-even-c ; ollut+Pron+Indef:ollu%> indefdeclpleven ; olut+Pron+Indef:olu%> indefdeclpleven ; moanat+Pron+Indef:moana%> indefdeclpleven ; gallát+Pron+Indef+Attr:gallát%> K ; buohkat+Pron+Indef:buohka%> indefdeclpleven ; gait#divnnat+Pron+Indef:gait#divnna%> indefdeclpleven ; gait#diinnat+Pron+Indef:gait#dijnna%> indefdeclpleven ; gait#tiinnat+Pron+Indef:gait#tijnna%> indefdeclpleven ; gaikkat+Pron+Indef:gajkka%> indefdeclpleven ; goappašagat+Pron+Indef:goappašaga%> indefdeclpleven ; ollugat+Pron+Indef:ollug%> indu-pl-gahpir ; oallugat+Pron+Indef:oallug%> indu-pl-gahpir ; olugat+Pron+Indef:olug%> indu-pl-gahpir ; gal0lis+Pron+Indef:gal'lis%> indefdecluneven ; olus+Pron+Indef:olus%> indefdecluneven ; ol0lus+Pron+Indef:ol'lus%> indefdecluneven ; !SUB substandard soamis+Pron+Indef:soamis%> indefdecluneven ; eambbosat+Pron+Indef:eambbos%> indu-pl-gahpir ; eambbogat+Pron+Indef:eambbog%> indu-pl-gahpir ; guoktásat+Pron+Indef:guoktás%> indu-pl-gahpir ; goappašat+Pron+Indef:goappaš%> indu-pl-gahpir ; goappašat+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:goappaš%>ijd9»# NAMAT ; goappešat+Pron+Indef:goappeš%> indu-pl-gahpir ; eanebut+Pron+Indef+Nom:eaneb%>ut K ; eanebut+Pron+Indef:eaneb%>u indefdeclpluneven-obl ; eanemusat+Pron+Indef:eanemus%>X2 indefdeclpluneven-n ; eanemusat+Pron+Indef:eanemus%>iX2 indefdeclpluneven-obl ; eanebat+Pron+Indef+Nom:eaneb%>at K ; eanebat+Pron+Indef:eaneb%>i indefdeclpluneven-obl ; eatnagat+Pron+Indef:eatnag%> indu-pl-gahpir ; galládat+Pron+Indef:gallád%> indu-pl-gahpir ; ! Declension lexica for the declineable indefinites ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !splitting v- and c-final evensyll in two for NomEss, as usual. LEXICON indef-a-even-v indefattr ; indefdecleven-v-ne ; indefdecleven-obl ; LEXICON indef-a-even-c :%> indefattr ; :%> indefdecleven-c-ne ; :a%> indefdecleven-obl ; LEXICON indefdecleven-obl indefdeclsgeven ; indefdeclpleven ; LEXICON indefdecleven-v-ne +Sg+Nom: K ; +Ess:n K ; LEXICON indefdecleven-c-ne +Sg+Nom: K ; +Ess:an K ; LEXICON indefdeclsgeven +Sg+Gen:X4 K ; +Sg+Gen:X4»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:X4 K ; +Sg+Ill:X3j K ; +Sg+Loc:X4s K ; +Sg+Loc:X4n K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:X5jn K ; LEXICON indefdeclpleven +Pl+Nom:X4t K ; +Pl+Gen:X5jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:X5jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:X5jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:X5jde K ; +Pl+Loc:X5jn K ; +Pl+Com:X5jgujn K ; LEXICON nubbicase +Attr:0 K ; +Sg+Nom: K ; +Ess:n K ; +Sg+Gen:X4 K ; +Sg+Gen:X4X7 K ; +Sg+Gen:X4X7»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:X4 K ; +Sg+Acc:X4X7 K ; +Sg+Ill:X3j K ; +Sg+Loc:X4s K ; +Sg+Loc:X4n K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:X5jn K ; +Pl+Nom:X4t K ; +Pl+Gen:X5jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:X5jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:X5jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:X5jde K ; +Pl+Loc:X5jn K ; +Pl+Com:X5jgujn K ; LEXICON JUOBBAGOABBA +Sg+Nom:juobbá%>#goabbá%> K ; +Sg+Gen:juoppá%>#goappá%> K ; +Sg+Gen:juoppá%>#goappá»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Acc:juoppá%>#goappá%> K ; +Sg+Ill:juobbá%>i#goabbá%>i K ; +Sg+Loc:juoppá%>s#goappá%>s K ; +Sg+Com:juoppá%>in#goappá%>in K ; +Ess:juobbá%>n#goabbá%>n K ; +Pl+Nom:juobbá%>t#goabbá%>t K ; +Pl+Gen:juoppá%>jd9#goappá%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:juoppá%>jd9#goappá%>jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:juoppá%>jd9#goappá%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:juobbá%>jde#goabbá%>jde K ; +Pl+Loc:juoppá%>jn#goappá%>jn K ; +Pl+Com:juoppá%>jgujn#goappá%>jgujn K ; ! Intermediate lexica for uneven indefinite pronouns ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON indef-a-uneven indefattr ; indefdecluneven ; LEXICON indef-a-uneven-gahpir indefattr ; indefdecluneven-gahpir ; LEXICON indefsg-a-uneven indefattr ; indu-sg ; LEXICON indefdecluneven indu-sg ; indu-pl-gahpir ; LEXICON indu-sg :X4 indef-sg-u-n ; indef-sg-u-e ; :X2 indefdeclsguneven-ag ; indefdeclsguneven-ilc ; LEXICON indefdecluneven-gahpir indu-sg-gahpir ; indu-pl-gahpir ; LEXICON indu-sg-gahpir indefdeclsguneven-ne ; indefdeclsguneven-ag ; indefdeclsguneven-ilc ; LEXICON indu-pl-gahpir indefdeclpluneven-n ; :i indefdeclpluneven-obl ; indef-sg-u-e ; !For eatnagin ! Suffix lexica for uneven indefinite pronouns ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON indefdeclsguneven-ne indef-sg-u-n ; indef-sg-u-e ; LEXICON indef-sg-u-n +Sg+Nom: K ; LEXICON indef-sg-u-e +Ess:in K ; LEXICON indefdeclsguneven-ag +Sg+Gen:a K ; +Sg+Acc:a K ; LEXICON indefdeclsguneven-ilc +Sg+Ill:ij K ; +Sg+Loc:is K ; +Sg+Loc:in K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:ijn K ; LEXICON indefdeclpluneven-n +Pl+Nom:at K ; LEXICON indefdeclpluneven-obl +Pl+Gen:jd9 K ; +Pl+Acc:jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:jdda K ; +Pl+Loc:jn K ; +Pl+Com:jgujn K ; LEXICON indefattr +Attr:0 K ; ! Multiword indefinites ! - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON indefmulti !SUB added this lexicon, because otherwise these would be in indefattr feara% mii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:feara% mij K-son ; !SUB spellera dihte feara% mii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:feara% májd9 K-son ; !SUB spellera dihte feara% gii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:feara% gij K-son ; !SUB spellera dihte feara% mii+Pron+Indef:feara% ma oblintercas ; !SUB spellera dihte feara% gii+Pron+Indef:feara% gea oblintercas ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% mii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:vaikko% mij K-son ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% mii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:vaikko% májd9 K-son ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% gii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:vaikko% gij K-son ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% mii+Pron+Indef:vaikko% ma oblintercas ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% gii+Pron+Indef:vaikko% gea oblintercas ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% makkár+Pron+Dem:vaikko% makkár DAKKAR ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% guh0te+Pron+Interr:vaikko% guh'te GUHTECASE ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% guhtemuš+Pron+Interr:vaikko% guđemužž GUHTEMUŠCASE ; !SUB spellera dihte vaikko% goabbá+Pron+Interr:vaikko% goabbá GUHTECASE ; !SUB spellera dihte ! some multiword prons, according to Nickel !feara% mii iind ; !feara% gii iind ; mii% nu iind ; !SUB spellera gii% nu iind ; !SUB spellera makkár% nu iind ; !SUB spellera makkáraš% nu iind ; !SUB spellera ! The indeclineable indefinites ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON indeclindef ald:ald9 iind ; !SUB buot iind ; buot:buot»# NAMAT ; gait:gajt iind ; gait:gajt»# NAMAT ; eatnat iind ; eatnat:eatnat»# NAMAT ; !fal iind ; ! cf. Nickel s. 126. gallát iind ; goabbat iind ; goabbat:goabbat»# NAMAT ; goappaš iind ; goappaš:goappaš»# NAMAT ; !goappašat iind ; ! thus both Nom and non-Nom. XXX. guhtet iind ; !ieš#guhtet iind ; !XXX Nom only ieš#guhtet:ieš#guhtet»# NAMAT ; ihkinassii iind ; juohke iind ; juohke:juohke»# NAMAT ; ollu iind ; olu iind ; !vaikko iind ; !This is CS, not pron LEXICON iind +Pron+Indef:%>0 K ; ! Separate lexica for exceptional entries ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON declindef-idiosync ! separate lexica for these entries: ! oktat oktahat:ovttaha OVTTAHAT ; seammahat:seammaha OVTTAHAT ; !SUB seammahat+Pron+Indef+Attr:seammahat # ; !SUB seammahat+Pron+Indef+Nom+Sg:seammahat # ; !SUB oktahat+Pron+Indef+Attr:oktahat%> K ; aktahat+Pron+Indef+Attr:aktahat%> K ; oktahat+Pron+Indef+Nom+Sg:oktahat%> K ; aktahat+Pron+Indef+Nom+Sg:aktahat%> K ; earrás EARRAS ; ieš#guhtet+Pron+Indef+Nom:ieš#guhtet%> K ; ieš#guhtet+Pron+Indef+Gen:ieš#guđet%> K ; ieš#guhtet+Pron+Indef+Gen:ieš#guđet»# NAMAT ; ieš#guhtet+Pron+Indef+Acc:ieš#guđet%> K ; simme+Pron+Indef:simme SIMME ; !SUB seamma+Pron+Indef:seamma SEAMMA ; !SUB seammá+Pron+Indef:seammá SEAMMA ; seamma+Pron+Indef+Attr:seamma»# NAMAT ; seamma+Pron+Indef+Attr:seamma%> K ; seammá+Pron+Indef+Attr:seammá # ; !SUB, dict says seamma ~ seammá (#seamma) juoga+Pron+Indef:juo JUOGA ; gal0le+Pron+Indef:gal'l GUOKTE ; !^N^ guktot+Pron+Indef:gukto indefdeclplcontr ; juogamii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:juogamij%> K-son ; juogamii+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:juogamájd9 K-son ; !SUB juogamii+Pron+Indef:juogama%> oblintercas ; ! okta ! juoga mii !oktahat + no OKTAHAT => indefeven / Nom=aktahat / OKTAttr ! OKTattr:n=oktahat, aktahat, oktat, aktat ! o=ovttahat, ovttat !hárvvis + a indef-a- uneven hárve, hárvves !hárvvis + a indef-a- contr hárve, hárvves !Some problematic ones, one form for nsg, one for the rest !oktat+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:oktat%> K ; !oktat+Pron+Indef:ovttat%> K ; !oktahat+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:oktahat%> K ; !oktahat+Pron+Indef+:ovttahat%> K ; LEXICON indefdeclplcontr ! so far guktot +Pl+Nom:%>t K ; +Pl+Gen:%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:%>jd9»# NAMAT ; +Pl+Acc:%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:%>jde K ; +Pl+Loc:%>jn K ; +Pl+Com:%>jn K ; LEXICON EARRAS +Sg+Acc:%>a K ; +Sg+Gen:%>a K ; +Sg+Ill:%>ij K ; +Sg+Loc:%>is K ; +Sg+Loc:%>in K ; !SUB !SOUTH +Sg+Com:%>in K ; ! Essive and plural ??? LEXICON SEAMMA +Sg+Nom:%> K ; +Sg+Acc:%> K ; +Sg+Gen:%> K ; +Sg+Gen:»# NAMAT ; !SUB +Sg+Ill:%>j K ; ! Let's await the verdict of the jury.. ! +Sg+Loc:%>s K ; ! Let's settle for the Adv reading +Sg+Loc:%>n K ; !SUB !SOUTH, well..., probably this one should Adv as well +Sg+Com:%>jn K ; ! Let's await the verdict of the jury.. +Pl+Nom:%>t K ; +Pl+Acc:%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:%>jd9»# NAMAT ; !SUB LEXICON SIMME !SUB +Sg+Nom:%> K ; +Sg+Acc:%> K ; +Sg+Gen:%> K ; +Sg+Ill:%>j K ; +Sg+Loc:%>n K ; +Sg+Com:%>jn K ; +Pl+Nom:%>t K ; +Pl+Acc:%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:%>jd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:%>jd9»# NAMAT ; LEXICON JUOGA +Sg+Nom:ga%> K ; +Sg+Acc:ga%> K ; +Sg+Acc:jdá%> K ; +Sg+Acc:jdá%>jd9 K ; +Sg+Acc:jddá K ; !SUB +Sg+Acc:jaaájd9 K ; !SUB +Sg+Gen:ga%> K ; +Sg+Gen:ga»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Ill:sa%>t K ; +Sg+Loc:stá%> K ; +Sg+Com:jdá%>jn K ; +Ess:jdá%>n K ; +Ess:ni%>n K ; +Attr:da K ; !SUB LEXICON OVTTAHAT +Sg+Acc:g%>a K ; +Sg+Gen:g%>a K ; +Sg+Gen:t»# NAMAT ; +Sg+Ill:hk%>ii K ; +Sg+Loc:g%>as K ; +Sg+Com:g%>ajn K ; +Ess:hk%>an K ; +Pl+Nom:g%>at K ; +Pl+Acc:g%>ajd9 K ; +Pl+Gen:g%>ajd9 K ; +Pl+Ill:g%>ajde K ; +Pl+Loc:g%>ajn K ; +Pl+Com:g%>ajgujn K ;