!Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 ! or any later version. ! ========================================================================== ! ! Lule Sámi morphophonological rule set ! ! ========================================================================== ! ! twol-smj.txt ! The file contains the rule set for the non-segmental ! Lule Sámi morphphonological rules ! m4 rules for selecting parts of the file to a certain application. changequote(<<,>>) changecom(<>,<< >>) define(<>, <>,<>,1)>>,<>,0)>>)>>)dnl dnl define(<>,0)dnl define(<>,<>)divert(DIVNUM)dnl>>)dnl define(<>,<>)divert(DIVNUM)dnl>>)dnl define(<>, <>,ifelse(eval($1),0,0,-1))divert(DIVNUM)dnl>>)dnl define(<>, <>,ifelse(eval($1),0,-1,0))divert(DIVNUM)dnl>>)dnl define(<>, <>,ifelse(DIVNUM,0,-1,0))divert(DIVNUM)dnl>>)dnl FLAGINIT(<>) FLAGINIT(<>) FLAGINIT(<>) FLAGINIT(<>) Alphabet a á b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ ń ŋ o p q ! small r s t u v w x y z å ä ø ö å æ:æ æ:ä %- é ó ú í à è ò ù ì ë ü ï â ê ô û î ã ý ç č đ ð š ŧ þ ß ª A Á B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ Ń Ŋ O P Q ! capital R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ø Ö Å Æ:Æ Æ:Ä É Ó Ú Í À È Ò Ù Ì Ë Ü Ï Â Ê Ô Û Î Ã Ý Ç Č Đ Ð Š Ŧ þ ! ':0 ! Gradation mark ':0 %/ '7:' ! From sme. KEEPIF(HYPHENATE) # %^ ! Compound boundary and hyphenation mark (hyphenation version) ELSE #:0 %^:0 ! Compound boundary and hyphenation mark ENDKEEP e7:e i7:i o7:o o9:o u7:u z9:z ! Morphophonemes in sme, here temporarily due to common propernoun file h8:h g8:g m8:m n8:n ! these are deleted in nom b9:b d9:d g9:g l9:l m9:m n9:n h9:h r9:r ! these can not occur before # k9:k t9:t s9:s p9:p ! Non-sámi cons clusters a9:a e9:e o9:o æ9:æ Æ9:Æ ä9:ä Ä9:Ä ! Wd-final foreign vow, and non-fluctuating æ/ä X1:0 X2:0 X3:0 X4:0 X5:0 X6:0 X7:0 X8:0 X9:0 ! Diacritics Q1:0 Q2:0 Q3:0 Q4:0 Q5:0 Q6:0 Q7:0 Q8:0 Q9:0 ! They trigger morphophono- Y1:0 Y2:0 Y3:0 Y4:0 Y5:0 Y6:0 Y7:0 Y8:0 Y9:0 ! logical rules OMITIF(HUNSPELL) %>:0 »:0 ! stem-suffix border mark ELSE %> »:%> ! stem-suffix border mark, only visible in Hunspell ENDOMIT ; Sets Vow = a á e i o u y æ ä ø ö å A Á E I O U Y Æ Ä Ø Ä Å é ó ú í à è ò ù ì ë ü ï â ê ô û î ã ý É Ó Ú Í À È Ò Ù Ì Ë Ü Ï Â Ê Ô Û Î Ã Ý a9 e9 o9 æ9 ä9 Æ9 Ä9; æä = æ ä ; Cns = b b9 c d d9 f g g8 g9 h h8 h9 j k l l9 m m8 m9 n n8 n9 ŋ ñ ń p q r r9 s t v w x z z9 ' ; ! All consonants Cns7 = c f h j l m n ŋ ñ ń p q r s t v w x z ; ! Surface cons excl 1st members of xx-type G3 Cns8 = b c d f g h j k l m n ŋ ñ ń p q r s t v w x z ; ! All surface consonants Cns9 = b9 d9 g8 g9 h8 h9 l9 m8 m9 n8 n9 r9 ' ; ! Underlying consonants Cns4 = f l m n ŋ ñ ń r v ; ! Don't remember StemCns = b b9 d d9 g g8 g9 h h8 h9 j l l9 m m8 m9 n n8 n9 ŋ ñ ń r r9 s ; ! Can occur stem-finally DelCns = g8 h8 m8 n8 ; ! deleted in nom... WeG = X2 X3 X7 Y5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q6 ; Dummy = X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 %> » ; Hyph = %- ; Definitions LCnsPhon7 = [ :Cns7 | :n :j | :s :j | :t :j | :t :s ] ; ! Using Cns7, excluding 1st member of two-cns G3 LCnsPhon = [ :Cns8 | :n :j | :s :j | :t :j | :t :s ] ; ! Using Cns8, without the previous restriction ! G3:G2 Here we document our alternation patterns ! S7 kkn:k0n ! S8 f'f:f0f ! S9 jgg:j0g ! S4 hkk:h0k ! S5 xy:zy (no zeros) ! S6 xx:yy (no zeros) ! S7 xy:zy (no zeros) ! S8 (no cg) LowerG2 = [ [ (Cns:0) LCnsPhon7 (Cns:0) LCnsPhon (Cns:0) ! xy that cannot be G3, since x cannot form xy G3. | ! nijbe, [ ! This section is for 3-cons G2. and for 2cns G2 that share the initial cns with 2cns G3 (Cns:0) [:j|:l|:m|:n|:v] (Cns:0) :s :t ! S9, 3cns-G2 bäjstov, etc. | (Cns:0) [ :l | :r | :n ] (Cns:0) :s :k ! S9, 3cns-G2 sválskes, etc. | (Cns:0) [ ! 2cns G2 that share the initial cns wit 2cns G3 :b (Cns:0) [ :d | :m | :j | :l | :n | :n :j | :r | :s | :t :j | :t :s ] ! S9, initial b | ! gábdev :d (Cns:0) [ :j | :n | :n :j ] ! S7, initial d | ! iednev :g (Cns:0) :ŋ ! S7, initial g | ! låg0ŋot :k (Cns:0) [ :n | :k ] ! S7, initial k | :g (Cns:0) :n !däggna:degna ] ! | :r (Cns:0) :s :j :t ! S9, rsjt, bårsjtav ] ] - [ [ d t [s|j] ] | b b | d d | g g | k [ s | t | t j | t s ] | f ':0 f | l ':0 l | m ':0 m | n ':0 n | n ':0 n j | ŋ ':0 ŋ | r ':0 r | s ':0 s | s ':0 s j | v ':0 v ] ]; LowerG1 = (Cns:0) LCnsPhon ; LowerG12 = [ LowerG1 | LowerG2 ] ; G32 = f ':0 f | l ':0 l | m ':0 m | n ':0 n | n ':0 n j | ŋ ':0 ŋ | r ':0 r | s ':0 s | s ':0 s j | v ':0 v ; G3 =[Cns Cns Cns Cns| [b|:b] b m| [d|:d] d [n|j]| [g|:g] g ŋ| k k n| l l [d|j|t]| m m [b|p]| n n d| ŋ ŋ [g|k]| p p [s|t]| s s[k|m|n|t]| b [d d|j j|l l|n n|r r|s s]| j [b b|d d|g g|k k|l l|m m|n n|ŋ ŋ|p p|r r|s s|t t|v v]| l [b b|f f|g g|k k|m m|ŋ ŋ|p p|s s|v v]| m [k k|s s]| n s s| ŋ [n n |t t]| r [b b|[d|:d] d|f f|g g|j j|k k|m m|n n|ŋ ŋ|p p|s s|t t|v v|d d]| v [d d|g g|k k|l l|n n|ŋ ŋ|r r|s s|t t]| h [[k|:k] k|[p|:p] p|[t|:t] t]| d t [j|s]| b b|d d|g g| k[s|t[j|s]]] ; !diphtsimpl IF Vow: G32 AND G2 context - [Y6 Y7 Y9]; ! oa:å <=> Vow: G32 Vow: WeG ; ! Evt. a subset of WeG, if only some WeG Dummys trigger diphtsimpl !!1.86, let's see ! !Definitions ! !! CnsPhon = [ [ Cns7 | Cns8: ] | n j | s j | t j | t s ] ; !! G3 = [ [ CnsPhon CnsPhon [ CnsPhon+ | '] ] - [[[j|l|m|n|v] s t ] | [l|r] s k | r s j t ] ] ; !! G2 = [ CnsPhon CnsPhon | [[[j|l|m|n|v] s t ] | [l|r] s k | r s j t ] ] ; !! G1 = CnsPhon ; !! G12 = [ G1 | G2 ] ; ! ! LowerCnsPhon = [ :Cns7 | :n :j | :s :j | :t :j | :t :s ] ; ! LowerG2 = [ (Cns:0) LowerCnsPhon (Cns:0) LowerCnsPhon (Cns:0) | ! (Cns:0) [[[:j|:l|:m|:n|:v] :s :t ] | ! (Cns:0) [:l|:r] :s :k | ! (Cns:0) :r :s :j :t ] ] ; ! LowerG1 = (Cns:0) LowerCnsPhon ; ! LowerG12 = [ LowerG1 | LowerG2 ] ; Rules ! Consonant alternations in certain pos ! ------------------------------------- ! This is a dummy negative test, in order to get the test paradigm work. !$ a !$ b "Word Final Devoicing of Certain Single Consonants d9 etc." Cx:Cy <=> Vow: (Cns:) (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) _ (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; where Cx in ( b9 d9 g9 m9 h9 ) Cy in ( p t k v j ) matched ; !€ iemed9# !€ iemet0 "Word final weakening -tj and -ttj to -sj part 1" t:s <= Vow: (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) ( d: ) _ j (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; "Word final weakening -tj and -ttj to -sj part 2" t:s => Vow: (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) ( d: ) _ j (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: h:0 _ [j|s] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !facultative in first-part compounds, ts too ENDKEEP ! t:s <=> Vow: (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) _ ( t: ) j (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) (Hyph) #: ; !€ jågåtj# !€ jågåsj0 !"Word final weakening of -ttj to -sj" ! t:0 <=> Vow: t:s _ j (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) #: ; ! oajválattja : oajválasj This is moved to the t:0 rule set. ! Still, this will fail if and when clitics are added to the word. ! d:s changed to d: "Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8" Cx:0 <=> Vow _ (%>:) (»:) X3: ; where Cx in ( DelCns ) ; ! The twoL-sme had [X4:|X8:|X6: Cons:|X9:], be prepared to ! expand this rule accordingly. !€ loavddag8X3# !€ l0åv0da000 "Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8" Cx:Cy <=> Vow _ (%>:) (»:) X2: (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; where Cx in (g8 h8 m8) Cy in (t t n ) matched ; ! The twol-sme had [X2: | X7: ], be prepared to expand this rule accordingly. ! Since we use X2, the "2" in g8 etc. may be superfluous... !"Word-final Devoicing of d9, m9" ! Cx:Cy <=> Vow _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) #: ; ! where Cx in ( d9 m9 ) ! Cy in ( t v ) ! matched ; ! iemet:iemeda "Deleting Final h9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables" h9:0 <=> Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; "Deleting Final l9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables" l9:0 <=> Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) [Q1:|X3:] X1: n ; "Deleting Final m9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables" m9:0 <=> Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; "Deleting Final n9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables" n9:0 <=> Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; "Deleting Final r9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables" r9:0 <=> Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; ! where Cx in ( s m h ) ; ! originally it was true for s, m, h. Keep an eye on this. !"Word Final Cluster Simplification" ! málestit : máles ! t:0 <=> Vow (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy: ) s _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) (Hyph) #: ; !be prepared to define more rules on cluster simpl. !moved to Consonant gradation !€ málest# !€ máles00 ! Vowel lengthening ! ----------------- "Compulsatory lengthening in grade I even-syllables" ! a:á <=> Cns [ a|i|u ] [ Cns:0 Cns: | Cns: Cns:0 ] _ (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! in grade I a:á <=> (Cns) [ a|i|u ] [ Cns:0 Cns: (%>:) (»:) | Cns: Cns:0 (%>:) (»:) ] _ (Cns:0 | Cns:) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! in grade I (Cns) [ a|i|u ] Cns:0 [ n | s | t ] j _ ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! nj, sj, tj in grade I (Cns) [ a|i|u ] Cns:0 t s _ (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! ts in grade I Cns _ (%>:) (»:) Y2:0 ; ! Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final Vowel in verbs Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j ; ! Ill sg of Actor nouns bassat : basse : bas'sáj Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y7: ; ! Diminutive of Actor nouns bassat : basse : bassásj _ (%>:) (»:) Y6: X4: (X4:0) (X8:0) [ m | t | d | s ] ; ! Compulsary e:á in Px, Actors! sállat : sálle : sállám ! where Vx in ( a i u ) ; ! not all simple vowels ( e o å æ ) are evidently long! !€ gussaQ1# !€ gu0sá00 !€ skihpaQ1s# !€ ski0bá0s0 ! the right-context facultative consonant in order to ensure skibás. !"Compulsatory lengthening in palatal grade I even-syllables" ! a:á <=> Cns [ a|i|u ] [ n | s | t ] j _ WeG: ; ! nj, sj, tj in grade I ! where Vx in ( a i u ) ; ! not all simple vowels ( e o å æ ) are evidently long! ! example? ! delete if preceeding works ! Diphtong simplification ! ----------------------- "oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part I" o:0 <=> [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 [ a: | i: ] (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; !1 WeG of a- and i-stems [ 0 | [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Q1: ( X5: ) j ; !2 ComSg & G-C Pl of e-stems ! [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) j ; !3 ComSg & G-C Pl of Actor nouns from a-verbs, G1 ! [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) j ; !4 ComSg & G-C Pl of Actor nouns from e-verbs, G1 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Y1: ; !5 Different verb forms [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 o: (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !6 Ill [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | X7: | X4: (X8:) | [Q1:|Q4:] X4: X8: ] ; !7 Long pass, Dim and Prs Sg3 etc. Px ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | Y7: | Y9: | X7: ] ; !7 Long pass, Dim and Prs Sg3 etc. [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 o: Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !8 odd-syll, oblique [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 a [g8:|l9:|s] (%>:) (»:) X3: (X1:) [ (Hyph) [ # | #: ] | n ] ; !9 NE låvda [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Q1:0 t: j [ [ # | #: ] | [Vow:[v|n|h|b|p|[ # | #: ]]]]; !10 Potensialis doadjet:dåjitjav [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Q4: ( X5: ) j ; !11 ComSg & G-C Pl of e-stems [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: LowerG12 o:u (%>:) (»:) [ Q1: | Q4: ] X5: j n ([a:|i:]) ; !12Px Com [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: G32 o:u (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: G32 e:i (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ a: G32 [ a: | i: ] (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; "oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part II" a:å <=> [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 [ a: | i: ] (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; !1 WeG of a- and i-stems [ 0 | [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Q1: ( X5: ) j ; !2 ComSg & G-C Pl of e-stems ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) j ; !3 ComSg & G-C Pl of Actor nouns from a-verbs, G1 ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) j ; !4 ComSg & G-C Pl of Actor nouns from e-verbs, G1 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Y1: ; !5 Different verb forms [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 o: (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !6 Ill [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | X7: | X4: (X8:) | [Q1:|Q4:] X4: X8: ] ; !7 Long pass and Prs Sg3 etc. Px ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | Y7: | Y9: | X7: ] ; !7 Long pass and Prs Sg3 etc. [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 o: Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !8 odd-syll, oblique [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 a [g8:|l9:|s] (%>:) (»:) X3: (X1:) [ (Hyph) [ # | #: ] | n ] ; !9 NE låvda [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Q1:0 t: j [ [ # | #: ] | [Vow:[v|n|h|b|p|[ # | #: ]]]]; !10 Potensialis doadjet:dåjitjav [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 e: (%>:) (»:) Q4: ( X5: ) j ; !11 ComSg & G-C Pl of e-stems. [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ LowerG12 o:u (%>:) (»:) [ Q1: | Q4: ] X5: j n ([a:|i:]) ; !12Px Com [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ G32 o:u (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! X2 X3 X7 Y5 Q1 Q2 Q3 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ G32 e:i (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ G32 [ a: | i: ] (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; !€ toahkkeY6X5jn !€ toahkki00jn !$ toahkkeY6X5jn !$ t0åhkki00jn !€ boalloX4j !€ b0ållu0j ! BUG 193: !€ roavggoX4j !€ roavggu0j !$ roavggoX4j !$ r0åvggu0j ! G3:G2, fake ex ! Here, G2 allows diphtsimpl !€ toas'soQ1X5jn !€ t0ås0su00jn ! And vice versa !$ toas'soQ1X5jn !$ toas0su00jn ! G3:G3, lexical ex, no CG ! will have to have a different lexicon in noun-smj-lex, ! not pointing to Q1. Cf. GOAHTI/STAHTA sme. !$ moas'soX5jn !$ m0ås0su0jn !€ moas'soX5jn !€ moas0su0jn ! The next example shows actor noun in G3 (actor nouns are always G3) !€ goar'roY6X5jn !€ goar0ru00jn ! This test should hit, but fails, since G3 looks like G2 at the lower level. ! Further clever thinking is needed here. ! this is G2 > G3. Derived G3 from a G2 stem (actor noun) !€ goarroY6X5jn !€ goarru00jn ! This example should be like this (no diphsimpl), but at present our analysator gives diphtsimpl ! as it is G2. Whe have two possibilities: ! a. find a way of saying that it is G3 (impossible, I think) ! b. block the diphtsimpl not based upon (invisible) G3, but upon its triggering context. ! The next example shows errouneous dipht simpl for G3. !$ goar'roY6X5jn !$ g0år0ru00jn ! Here, G3 blocks diph simpl !$ goar'roY2 !$ g0år0ru0 ! The following example shows correct diphtong simplification in G2 (3Sg pres) !€ goarroY2 !€ g0årru0 !€ doa0djeY6 !€ doaddje0 !$ doa0djeY6 !$ d0åddje0 !G3 > G2 !€ goar'roY5d9it !€ g0år0ru0dit !$ goar'roY5d9it !$ goar0ru0dit ! The following tests are using fictive, non-existent verbs, to test the correctnes of the mapping rules in twolc ! the verbs are *toabmot, oadot, etc. ! X4 for o:u in illsg, pres. part !€ toa0bmoY6X4j !€ toabbmu00j !€ toabmoX4j !€ t0åbmu0j !$ toa0bmoY6X4j !$ t0åbbmu00j !€ toabmoX7dallat !€ t0å0mu0dallat !$ toabmoX7dallat !$ toa0mu0dallat !€ oaddoY6X4j !€ oaddu00j !€ boassjkoQ1X5jn !€ b0å0sjku00jn !$ boassjkoQ1X5jn !$ boas0jku00jn !€ boajsstoQ1X5jn !€ b0åj0stu00jn !$ boajsstoQ1X5jn !$ boaj0stu00jn !€ boaggoQ1X5jn !€ b0åkku00jn !$ boaggoQ1X5jn !$ boakku00jn KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) "Facultative oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part I" o:0 => _ a: Cns:+ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !Facultative in first-part of compounds "Facultative oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part II" a:å => o: _ Cns:+ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !Facultative in first-part of compounds ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] o: _ Cns:* o: (%>:) (»:) ( Dummy:* - Q3: ) j ; ! o-stems, before j. !rm when tested ! The rule complexes are identical, but fix different parts of the monophtongisation. ! Note that the "o-stems before j" part is restricted to Ill & Com Sg, cf. bug #136. ENDKEEP ! All real sámi æ's are also ä's, but not in these contexts, where other rules will take over. "æ:ä Blocking" æ:ä /<= _ Cns:+ [ o: (%>:) (»:) X4: j | o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | X7: | X4: (X8:) | [Q1:|Q4:] X4: X8:] | o: Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: | a: (%>:) (»:) WeG: | o:u (%>:) (»:) (WeG:) ([Q1:|Q4:] X5: j n ([a:|i:])) | Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ] ; ! Rationale: ! Stop change to ä in all Real Sámi contexts. The idea is to keep Swedish Snälla from becoming Lule Snelav etc. !$mæddoQ1jn !$mätto0jn !$mæddoQ1X5jn !$mättu00jn !$mæddoX4j !$mäddu0j ! æ:e diphthong simplificaton "æ:e Diphthong Simplification 1" æ:e <= [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !6 Ill [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | X7: | X4: (X8:) | [Q1:|Q4:] X4: X8:] ; !7 Long pass, Dim and Prs Sg3 etc. !Px Nom, acc, gen ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | Y7: | Y9: | X7: ] ; !7 Long pass, Dim and Prs Sg3 etc. [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !8 odd-syll, oblique [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 a: (%>:) (»:) ; ! WeG of a-stems !Errouneously gives vællahit:vellahit [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o:u (%>:) (»:) [ Q1: | Q4: ] X5: j n ([a:|i:]) ; !Px Com [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ G32 o:u (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ G32 a: (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) _ Cns:+ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !Facultative in first-part of compounds ENDKEEP "æ:e Diphthong Simplification 2" æ:e => [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !6 Ill [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | X7: | X4: (X8:) | [Q1:|Q4:] X4: X8:] ; !7 Long pass, Dim and Prs Sg3 etc. !Px Nom, acc, gen ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: (Cns:*) (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: | Y4: | Y5: | Y7: | Y9: | X7: ] ; !7 Long pass, Dim and Prs Sg3 etc. [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o: Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !8 odd-syll, oblique [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 a: (%>:) (»:) ; ! WeG of a-stems [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ LowerG12 o:u (%>:) (»:) [Q1:|Q4:] X5: j n ([a:|i:]) ; !Px Com [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ G32 o:u (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! X2 X3 X7 Y5 Q1 Q2 Q3 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ G32 a: (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; "ie:æ Diphthong Simplification Part I" i:0 <=> [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ e: Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) X4: ; !1 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ e: Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) [ Q2: | Y2: | Y3: ] ; !2 Prs Sg of e-stem verbs [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ e: Cns:* e: Cns: (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !3 odd-syll, oblique _ e: (Cns) Cns:+ e:á (Cns:+) (%>:) (»:) [X5:|Y2:|Q2:|Y3:|X7:|Y4:|X4:(X5:|Q1:)|Y6: X4:|Y7:|[Q1:|Q4:] X4: (X4:) X8:] ; ! Vovel change in front of stem vowel variation _ e: (Cns) Cns:+ i:á (%>:) (»:) Y5: Cns:+ ; !Der/r _ e: [[:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+] e:0 (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y9: ] u ; !ielvvet:ælvvu, ielvvet:ælvvup short passive, ImprtII _ e: Cns:+ e:0 (%>:) (»:) Y8: o ; !ielvvet:ælvvop, Imprt _ e: Cns:+ e:0 (%>:) (»:) Q8: u ; !giesset:gessus, ImprtII !€ ielvveY9ut !€ 0ælvv00ut !€ iehttseY1up !€ 0æhtts00up !€ giesseQ8us !€ g0ess00us ! Note !!! These three rules are supposed to operate in tandem, and shound ALWAYS be kept in synch, except for the operator and operand. "ie:æ Diphthong Simplification Part IIa" ! Norwegian æ is an option... e:æ => [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) X4: ; !1 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) [ Q2: | Y2: | Y3: ] ; !2 Prs Sg of e-stem verbs [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: Cns: (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !3 odd-syll, oblique i: _ (Cns) Cns:+ e:á (Cns:+) (%>:) (»:) [X5:|Y2:|Q2:|Y3:|X7:|Y4:|X4:(X5:|Q1:)|Y6: X4:|Y7:|[Q1:|Q4:] X4: (X4:) X8:] ; ! Vovel change in front of stem vowel variation i: _ (Cns) Cns:+ i:á (%>:) (»:) Y5: Cns:+ ; !Der/r i: _ [[:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+] e:0 (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y9: ] u ; !ielvvet:ælvvu, short passive, ImprtII i: _ Cns:+ e:0 (%>:) (»:) Y8: o ; !ielvvet:ælvvop, Imprt [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ Cns Cns:+ a:á (%>:) (»:) ; ! Verbs: e:æ only Vowel change in front of stem vowel variation, bessat : bæssá ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ Cns:* a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) ; ! Verbs: e:æ only Actor nouns [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ ( [:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+) a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !bessat:bæsse, imprt, du2 and Actor "ie:ä Diphthong Simplification Part IIb" ! Swedish ä is an option... e:ä => [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) X4: ; !1 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) [ Q2: | Y2: | Y3: ] ; !2 Prs Sg of e-stem verbs [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: Cns: (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !3 odd-syll, oblique i: _ (Cns) Cns:+ e:á (Cns:+) (%>:) (»:) [X5:|Y2:|Q2:|Y3:|X7:|Y4:|X4:(X5:|Q1:)|Y6: X4:|Y7:|[Q1:|Q4:] X4: (X4:) X8:] ; ! Vovel change in front of stem vowel variation i: _ (Cns) Cns:+ i:á (%>:) (»:) Y5: Cns:+ ; !Der/r i: _ [[:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+] e:0 (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y9: ] u ; !ielvvet:ælvvu, short passive, ImprtII i: _ Cns:+ e:0 (%>:) (»:) Y8: o ; !ielvvet:ælvvop, Imprt [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ Cns Cns:+ a:á (%>:) (»:) ; ! Verbs: e:æ only Vowel change in front of stem vowel variation, bessat : bæssá ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ Cns:* a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) ; ! Verbs: e:æ only Actor nouns [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ ( [:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+) a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !bessat:bæsse, imprt, du2 and Actor "ie:ä Diphthong Simplification Part IIc" ! And there are no other options. This rule to block the e, and allow for the æ and ä. e:e /<= [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) X4: ; !1 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: (%>:) (»:) [ Q2: | Y2: | Y3: ] ; !2 Prs Sg of e-stem verbs [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] i: _ Cns:* e: Cns: (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !3 odd-syll, oblique i: _ (Cns) Cns:+ e:á (Cns:+) (%>:) (»:) [X5:|Y2:|Q2:|Y3:|X7:|Y4:|X4:(X5:|Q1:)|Y6: X4:|Y7:|[Q1:|Q4:] X4: (X4:) X8:] ; ! Vovel change in front of stem vowel variation i: _ (Cns) Cns:+ i:á (%>:) (»:) Y5: Cns:+ ; !Der/r i: _ [[:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+] e:0 (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y9: ] u ; !ielvvet:ælvvu, short passive, ImprtII i: _ Cns:+ e:0 (%>:) (»:) Y8: o ; !ielvvet:ælvvop, Imprt [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ Cns Cns:+ a:á (%>:) (»:) ; ! Verbs: e:æ only Vowel change in front of stem vowel variation, bessat : bæssá ! [ #: | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ Cns:* a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) ; ! Verbs: e:æ only Actor nouns [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ ( [:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+) a: (%>:) (»:) Y6: ( X5: ) ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !bessat:bæsse, imprt, du2 and Actor ! Note: Check that Q2 above does not overgenerate to nouns! !€ jeh0tsaY6 !€ jæhttse0 !€ jeh0tsaY6 !€ jähttse0 !"Diphthong simplification whenever weak grade in a-stems I" ! Vx:0 <=> _ Vy:Vz Cns:* a ( Cns:0 ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! where Vx in ( o i ) ! Vy in ( a e ) ! Vz in ( å æ ) ! matched ; !"Diphtong simplification whenever weak grade in a-stems II" ! Vy:Vz <=> Vx:0 _ Cns:* a ( Cns:0 ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! where Vx in ( o i ) ! Vy in ( a e ) ! Vz in ( å æ ) ! matched ; !€ boarkkaQ1 !€ b0år0ka0 !€ loavddag8X3# !€ l0åv0da000 !"Vovel change in front of stem vowel variation" ! æ:e <=> _ Cns Cns:+ o:u (%>:) (»:) ; ! ditto "Vowel-change oa:å for verbs part I" å:o <=> [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ 0: [Cns:+|:d d] a:á (%>:) (»:) ; ! hållat:hoallá, presSg3 [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] _ 0: ( [:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+ | :d d ) a: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ( X5: ) ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; ! hållat:hoalle, imprtDu2 "Vowel-change oa:å for verbs part II" 0:a <=> [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] å: _ [Cns:+|:d d] a:á (%>:) (»:) ; [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: | (%>:) (»:) Dummy: ] å: _ ( [:d|:b|:g] [d|b|g] Cns:+ | Cns:+ | h :Cns Cns:+ | :d d ) a: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ( X5: ) ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !€ hå0llaY2 !€ hoallá0 !€ gå00dnaY6 !€ goaddne0 !$ hå0llaY2 !$ hållá0 !??? jf jehtsat. TO: jehtsat:jæhttse !€ gå0h0tsaY6 !€ goahttse0 ! Stem vowel alternations ! ----------------------- ! a-stem alternations ! - - - - - - - - - - "a:e in Present Participle of even-syllable verbs" ! a:e <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6: ; a:e <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 [Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]|n:|s:|v:|m:|t:|d:] ; ! bassat : bas'se !Error message, delete this after testing. ! **** Conflicting pair(s) of contexts: ! Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j ; ! Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6: ; !Left context example: b !Right context example: Y6:0 X4:0 j "a:i in Prs Prc of even-syllable verbs" a:i <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 ( X5:0 ) j ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !€ bas'saY6jt# !€ bas0si0jt0 "a-stem vowel deletion" a:0 <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Y8: | Y9: ] ; !in even-syllable verbs, imp 1du, 1pl and short passives KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !in first-part compounds ! á-stem alternations ! - - - - - - - - - - "á-stem vowel deletion" á:0 <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !in first-part compounds ENDKEEP ! e-stem alternations ! - - - - - - - - - - ! e:i ! - - "e:i in e-stems" e:i <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Q1:0 | Q4:0 ] ( X5:0 ) j ; ! 1) WeG or not, e:i, X5 is added to get e:i also in ComSg. Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Y6:0 | Q7:0 ] (X5:0) j ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; ! 2) Actor nouns Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1:0 t: j [ [ # | #: ] | [Vow:[v|n|h|b|p|[ # | #: ]]]] ; ! 3) "e:i in potentialis" ! 1) biesse -> biesij !€ biesseQ1j !€ bie0si0j ! 2) boahtte -> boahttij !€ boah0teY6j !€ boahtti0j ! 3) !€ gálleQ1tj# !€ gá0li0sj0 !€ gálleQ1tjav# !€ gá0li0tjav0 !€ gálleQ1tjin# !€ gá0li0tjin0 !€ gálleQ1tjihpit# !€ gá0li0tjihpit0 !€ gálleQ1tjibá# !€ gá0li0tjibá0 !€ gálleQ1tjip# !€ gá0li0tjip0 !€ gálleQ1tja# !€ gá0li0tja0 ! e:á ! - - ! The following two rules constitute a <= / => rule pair. "e:á in certain stem types 1" e:á <= [ Vow: - å ] ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) X4:0 (X4:0) (X8:0) [m|t|d|s i [m|t|s|m m e|h t t e|s k a|s á]] ; ! 1) Compulsory e:á in Px! bárnne : bárnnám [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) X4: (X5: | Q1: ) [ [ # | #: ] | v | n | s | j | t | d | g | b | p ] ; ! 2) Ill Sg (context (1) only in part 2) [ Vow: - å ] ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j ; ! 3) Ill Sg Actor nouns [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; ! 4) Uneven N. [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) Y2: ; ! 5) Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final Vowel in verbs [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) Y3: ; ! 6) PrfPrc, gállet : gállám [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) Q2: ; ! 7) gállet : gáláv [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) X7: ; ! 8) báhko : bágusj, goahte : goadásj [ Vow: - å ] ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) Y7: ; ! 9) PrsPrc dim [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) [ Q1:0 | Q4:0 ] X4:0 X8:0 ; ! 10) 1st, 2nd Gen/Acc Px declension [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ Cns:* (%>:) (»:) Y4: Vow ; ! 11)verb der. alla ! [Cns:|#:] [ a|i|u ] [ Cns:0 Cns: | Cns: Cns:0 ] _ (%>:) (»:) Y5: Cns:+ ; !12) verb Der/(u/a/å)d d: i: e: h: t: t: _ (%>:) (»:) Q7: X4: ; ! 2) !€ bálggeX4v !€ bálggá0v ! 6) !€ gálleY3m# !€ gállá0m0 ! 7) !€ gálleQ2v# !€ gá0lá0v0 ! 8) !€ báhkoX7tj# !€ bá0gu0sj0 !€ goahteX7tj# !€ goa0dá0sj0 !$ goahteX7tj# !$ go00dá0sj0 ! e:á <=> [ Vow: - å ] Cns* _ (%>:) (»:) X4:0 [ j #: | s Vow: ] ; "e:á in certain stem types 2" e:á => [ Vow: - å ] ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) X4:0 (X4:0) (X8:0) [m|t|d|s i [m|t|s|m m e|h t t e|s k a|s á]] ; ! 1) Compulsary e:á in Px! bárnne : bárnnám [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) X4: (X5:) [ [ # | #: ] | v | n | s | j | t | d | g | b | p ] ; ! 2) Ill Sg [ Vow: - å ] ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j ; ! 3) Ill Sg Actor Nouns [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; ! 4) Uneven N [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) Y2: ; ! 5) Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final Vowel in verbs [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) Y3: ; ! 6) PrfPrc, gállet : gállám [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) Q2: ; ! 7) gállet : gáláv [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) X7: ; ! 8) báhko : bágusj, goahte : godásj [ Vow: - å ] ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) Y7: ; ! 9) PrsPrc dim [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) [ Q1:0 | Q4:0 ] X4:0 X8:0 ; ! 10)1st, 2nd Gen/Acc Px declension [ Vow: - å ] Cns:+ _ Cns:* (%>:) (»:) Y4: Vow ; ! 11)verb der. alla ! [Cns:|#:] [ a|i|u ] [ Cns:0 Cns: | Cns: Cns:0 ] _ (%>:) (»:) Y5: Cns:+ ; ! 12) verb Der/(u/a/å)d d: i: e: h: t: t: _ (%>:) (»:) Q7: X4: ; ! 1) !€ bárnneX4m !€ bárnná0m !$ bárnneX4m !$ bárnne0m ! The X7 rule could be replaced by a general vowel changer, combined with Q1 in ! the lexicon entry for the Dim suffix. !"e:á in 1st, 2nd person Gen/Acc Px declension." ! bárnne : bárnám, bárnes ! e:á <=> _ (%>:) (»:) Q1:0 X8:0 ; ! The rule for optional e:á does not work. Thus, it is commented out, and ! the Px paradigm only gets ám etc. Return to this issue. ! e:å ! - - "e:å in certain stem types with å as root vowel" e:å <=> å Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) X4:0 [ j [ # | #: ] | s Vow: ] ; ! 1) [ADD examples here] å Cns:* _ Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; ! 2) [ADD examples here] å Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Q2:0 ; ! 3) gådet : gådåv, jåhtet : jådåv å Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y2:0 ; ! 4) gådet : gådå, jåhtet : jåhtå å Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y3:0 ; ! 5) jåhtet : jåhtåm å Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y5:0 ; ! 6) verb derivation å ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) Y7:0 t: j [ (Hyph) [ # | #: ] | Vow: ] ; ! 7) noun derivation låhkke:låhkkåsj å Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y7:0 X7:0 l ; ! 8) noun derivation låhkke:låhkålasj å ([ 0:Cns Cns: | Cns: 0:Cns ]) (Cns:+) _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j [ [ # | #: ] | Cns: ] ; ! 9) noun derivation å Cns:+ _ (%>:) (»:) X7: ; ! 10) dåhpe : dåbåsj ! The first subrule gives Ill. sg. of even-stem ! No shorter version here, bec. of no å-å effect ! The second subrule gives oblique of uneven stem ! The third one is vowel harmony, e:å after root vowel å ! 3) !€ gådeQ2v !€ gådå0v !€ jåhteQ2v !€ jå0då0v ! 4) !€ gådeY2 !€ gådå0 !€ jåhteY2 !€ jåhtå0 ! 5) !€ jåhteY3m !€ jåhtå0m ! 7) !€ låhkkeY7tj !€ låhkkå0sj ! e:u ! - - !"e:u in Verb Derivations" !This holds only for one word (TO) ! e:u <=> Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y4:0 ; ! árret : árrusit ! e:a ! ---- !"e:a in Verb Derivation" !not productive ! e:a <=> [Cns:|#:] [ (Vow:) Vow: - [å:|a:|i:|u:] ] Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y5:0 ; ! láhppet : láhpadit ! e:0 ! ---- "e-stem vowel deletion" e:0 <=> Vow: (%>:) (»:) (Dummy:) [ # | #: ] g:k _ [ # | #: ] ; !clitic ge:k Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Y8: | Y9: ] ; !in even-syllable verbs, imp 1du, 1pl and short passives !€ ielvveY9ut !€ 0ælvv00ut KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !in first-part compounds ENDKEEP ! i-stem alternations ! - - - - - - - - - - ! i:á ! - - "i:á in Verb Derivation" i:á <=> Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y5:0 ; ! guollit : guollár KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) "i-stem vowel deletion" i:0 <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !in first-part compounds ENDKEEP ! o-stem alternations ! - - - - - - - - - - ! The duplicates of the three lines of the two following rules are ! there to resolve the => conflict between the two rules. "o:u in certain stem types 1" o:u => Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !X4 IllSg Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) (Q1:0 | Q4:0) X5:0 j n ; ! Q1 X5 ComSg. !parenthesis (Q1:0) bec of no CG in certain words. elujn Cns: _ Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !Odd-syllable Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: ] ; ! Y1= Y2= Y3=PrfPrc Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y5: ; !verb der. (u/a/å)d Cns: _ Cns:* (%>:) (»:) Y4: Vow ; !verb der. alla Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X5:0 j n ; ! Com sg of Actor nouns elujn Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j ; ! IllSg of Actor nouns Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) X7: ; ! báhko : bágusj, goahte : godásj Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y7: ; ! PrsPrc dim _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) X4:0 (X8:0) ; ! Px áhkko:áhkkum _ (%>:) (»:) [Q1:0|Q4:0] X4:0 X8:0 ; ! 1st, 2nd Gen/Acc Px declension _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) ([Q1:0|Q4:0]) X5: j n [a [m|t]|i [s|m m e|h t t e|s k a|s á]] ; !Px Com "o:u in certain stem types 2" o:u <= Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !X4 IllSg ! Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) (Q1:0 | Q4:0) X5:0 j n ; !parenthesis (Q1:0) bec of no CG in certain words. outcommented because rule is facultative:elujn/ælojn Cns: _ Cns:+ (%>:) (»:) X5: Vow ; !Odd-syllable Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Y1: | Y2: | Y3: ] ; ! Y1= Y2= Y3=PrfPrc Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y5: ; !verb der. (u/a/å)d Cns: _ Cns:* (%>:) (»:) Y4: Vow ; !verb der. alla Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X5:0 j n ; ! Com sg of Actor nouns elujn Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 X4:0 j ; ! IllSg of Actor nouns Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) X7: ; ! báhko : bágusj, goahte : godásj Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) Y7: ; ! PrsPrc dim _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) X4:0 (X8:0) ; ! Px áhkko:áhkkum _ (%>:) (»:) [Q1:0|Q4:0] X4:0 X8:0 ; ! 1st, 2nd Gen/Acc Px declension _ (%>:) (»:) (Y6:0) ([Q1:0|Q4:0]) X5: j n [a [m|t]|i [s|m m e|h t t e|s k a|s á]] ; !Px Com !Old o:u rules ! o:u <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ X4: j | Q1: X5: ] ; !X4 IllSg, Q1 X5 ComSg. ! o:u <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X4: j ; !X4 IllSg, Q1 X5 ComSg. "u:o in contracted nouns" u:o <=> Cns:* _ (%>:) (»:) [ Q3: | X6: ] ; !æddnu:ænoj, boahttsu:boatsoj "o-stem vowel deletion" o:0 <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y9:0 ; !in short passives KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !in first-part compounds ENDKEEP ! å-stem alternations ! - - - - - - - - - - "å:e in Present Participle of even-syllable verbs" å:e <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6: ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6: [ d a |m (a) |n |n a [m|t] |[ s t | n ] i [ h t t e | m m e | s | s [ k a | á ] ] |s (k) (a) |s t a [m|t] |t |v ] :0 - X4: (:0 - X8:) [:0 - s:|:0 - m: |:0 - t: |:0 - d: (a:) ] ; !All this to prevent change in Px ! låhkåt : låhkke "å:i in Actor nouns of even-syllable verbs" å:i <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) Y6:0 ( X5:0 ) j ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; ! låhkåt : låhkkijt "å-stem vowel deletion" å:0 <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [ Y8: | Y9: ] ; !in even-syllable verbs, imp 1du, 1pl and short passives KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !in first-part compounds ENDKEEP ! alternations valid for several stem types ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Stem vowel deletion in even-syllable verbs, imp 3sg, 3du, 2pl, 3pl" Vx:0 <=> Cns: _ (%>:) (»:) [Y1:0|Q8:] ; where Vx in ( a å e ) ; !€ ielvveY1up !€ 0ælvv00up !€ giessaY1up !€ giess00up !€ bårråY1up !€ bårr00up !€ !€ ! Consonant gradation rules ! ------------------------- ! New rules, without conflicts ! The numbering of rules refer to the overview in Spiiks grammar ! Thus !S7-3 means "Series 1, 3-letter patterns", etc. ! Deletion rules ! - - - - - - - - "Consonant gradation b:0" b:0 <=> Vow: ( [l|b] ) _ m Vow: (StemCns:) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S7-2 bbn:b0n, bn:0n ! Vow: _ [d|j|l|n|r|s] Vow: (StemCns:) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-2 Vow: [ j|l|r ] _ b Vow: (StemCns:) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-3 Vow: _ b: m Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation ! bbm:m Vow: b: _ m Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation ! bbm:m KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: ( b ) _ m Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|l|r ] _ b Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; ! first part of compounds Vow: b: _ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; ! first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation d:0" d:0 <=> Vow: ( d ) _ [ n | j ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S7-2 ddn:d0n, dn:0n Vow: ( d ) _ n j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 and S7, dnj:nj Vow: [ b | j | r | v ] _ d Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: _ d: n Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation ddn:n Vow: d: _ n Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation ddn:n Vow: _ t:s j (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; ! oajváladtj# : oajvála0sj0 KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: ( d ) _ [ n | j ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: ( d ) _ n j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ b | j | r | v ] _ d Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: d: _ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation g:0" g:0 <=> Vow: ( g ) _ [ñ|ń|ŋ|l|n] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S7-2 Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ g Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: _ g: [ñ|ń|ŋ] Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation Vow: g: _ [ñ|ń|ŋ] Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: ( g ) _ [ñ|ń|ŋ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ g Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: g: _ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation k:0" k:0 <=> Vow: k _ n Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3 Vow: k _ t j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 Vow: [ j|l|m|r|v ] _ k Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: h _ k Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S4, preasp stops KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: k _ n Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: k _ t j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|l|m|r|v ] _ k Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: h _ k Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation l:0" l:0 <=> Vow: l _ [ d|j|t|n ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3 Vow: l _ t j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 Vow: _ l Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8, II-I Vow: [ j|b|v ] (h) _ l Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: l _ [ d|j|t|n ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: l _ t j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: _ l Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|b|v ] (h) _ l Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation m:0" m:0 <=> Vow: m _ [ b|p ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3 Vow: _ m Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8, II-I Vow: [ j|l|r|v|t ] _ m Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; ! Deleting Final Cns in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: m _ [ b|p ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: _ m Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ m Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation n:0" n:0 <=> Vow: n _ d Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3 Vow: n _ t ([ j|s ]) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 Vow: _ n ( j ) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8, II-I, also palat. Vow: [ b|j|l|ñ|ń|ŋ|r|v|m|g ] _ n Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9, III-II Vow: [ b|r|v ] _ n j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4, III-II KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: n _ d Vow:0 (%>:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: n _ t [ j|s ] Vow:0 (%>:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: _ n ( j ) Vow:0 (%>:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ b|j|l|ñ|ń|ŋ|r|v ] _ n Vow:0 (%>:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ b|r|v ] _ n j Vow:0 (%>:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation p:0" p:0 <=> Vow: p _ (%>:) (»:) ( j ) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S7-4 j Vow: p _ t s Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 ppts:pts Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ p Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: h _ p Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S4 hpp:hp Vow: p _ k Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: p _ [ s|t ] ( j ) Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: p _ t s Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ p Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: h _ p Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation s:0" s:0 <=> Vow: _ s ( [ j|k|m|n|t|p|v|ń|ŋ|ñ ] ) (%>:) (»:) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S8 II-I Vow: _ s j [ k|m|v ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 Vow: [ b|j|l|m|n|r|v ] _ s Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: [ r|l|m ] _ s j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4 Vow: [ r|l|n|j ] _ s k Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4 Vow: [ j|m|n|v|l ] _ s t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4 Vow: r _ s j t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 rssjt:rsjt Vow: s: _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; ! This is a word fin simpl, ss# -> s#, and not CG Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; ! Deleting Final Cns in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: _ s ( [ j|k|m|n|t ] ) Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: _ s j [ k|m|v ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ b|j|l|m|n|r|v ] _ s Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ r|l|m ] _ s j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ r|l|n|j ] _ s k Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|m|n|v ] _ s t Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: r _ s j t Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; ! No real consonant gradation, rather consonant reduction in compounds (X9) Vow: h:0 t:s _ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; ! No real consonant gradation, rather consonant reduction in compounds (X9) ENDKEEP !"Consonant gradation s:0" !s:0 <=> Vow: s _ ( [ j|k|m|n|t ] ) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S8 II-I ! Vow: s _ j [ k|m|v ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-4 ! Vow: [ b|j|l|m|n|r|v ] _ s Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 ! Vow: [ r|l|m ] _ s j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4 ! Vow: [ r|l|n ] _ s k Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4 ! Vow: [ j|m|n|v ] _ s t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9-4 ! Vow: r s _ j t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 rssjt:rsjt ! Vow: s: _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) #: ; ! This is a word fin simpl, ss# -> s#, and not CG ! Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; ! Deleting Final Cns in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables ! Vow: s _ ( [ j|k|m|n|t ] ) Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ! Vow: s _ j [ k|m|v ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ! Vow: [ b|j|l|m|n|r|v ] _ s Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ! Vow: [ r|l|m ] _ s j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ! Vow: [ r|l|n ] _ s k Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ! Vow: [ j|m|n|v ] _ s t Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ! Vow: r s _ j t Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; ! No real consonant gradation, rather consonant reduction in compounds (X9) ! Vow: h:0 t:s _ Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; ! No real consonant gradation, rather consonant reduction in compounds (X9) "Consonant gradation ŋ:0" Cx:0 <=> Vow: _ Cy ( [ g|k ] ) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S7-3, S8 II-I Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ Cy Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: Cy _ k t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: _ Cy ( [ g|k ] ) Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [ j|l|r|v ] _ Cy Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP where Cx in ( ń ŋ ñ ) Cy in ( ń ŋ ñ ) matched ; "Consonant gradation f:0" f:0 <=> Vow: ( [r|l] ) _ f Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8 ff:f, S9 rff:rf Vow: f _ t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8 ff:f, S9 rff:rf KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: ( [r|l] ) _ f Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation r:0" r:0 <=> Vow: ( [ b|j|v ] ) _ r Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8 rr:r, S9 brr etc. KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: ( [ b|j|v ] ) _ r Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation v:0" v:0 <=> Vow: ( [ j|l|r ] ) _ v Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S8 , S9 jvv etc. KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: ( [ j|l|r ] ) _ v Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation j:0" j:0 <=> Vow: [b|r] _ j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: [b|r] _ j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP "Consonant gradation t:0" t:0 <=> Vow: [j|ñ|ń|ŋ|r|v] _ t Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 jtt:jt etc. Vow: [b|j|r|v] _ t j Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: [b|j|v|r] _ t s Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S9 Vow: h: _ t ( [ j|s ] ) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! S4 htt(j) Vow: t:s _ j (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; ! Word final weakening of -ttj to -sj Vow (%>:) (»:) (Dummy:) s _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) [ # | #: ] ; ! W-Final Cl. Simpl. málestit : máles Vow: h: _ t ( [ j|s ] ) Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation ! Second last rule will fail if and when clitics are added to the word. ! Note that there is no weak grade clitic here. KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: [j|ñ|ń|ŋ|r|v] _ t Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [b|j|r|v] _ t j Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: [b|j|v|r] _ t s Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: h: _ t ( [ j|s ] ) Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP !"Gradation Series 4, II-I, h Loss 1" !€ oajváladtj# !€ oajvála0sj0 !h:0 <=> Vow: _ [ k: | p: | t: ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; ! Deleting Final Cns in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables "Gradation Series 4, II-I, tj and ts" h:0 <=> Vow: _ [ k: | p: | t: ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; Vow: _ t [j|s] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; Vow: _ t: t: ( [ j|s ] ) Vow: (%>:) (»:) X6: ; ! III-I special gradation Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) Q1: X1: n ; ! Deleting Final Cns in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: _ [ k: | p: | t: ] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds Vow: _ ( t: ) [j|s] Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP ! (t:) for III-I CG) !"Word final double consonant simplification" !Cy:0 <=> Vow: Cx: _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) #: ; ! where Cx in ( s ) ! Cy in ( s ) ! matched ; ! Moved to the CG chapter. But does this rule wait for more cases? ! Change rules ! - - - - - - "Gradation Series 4, II-I" Cx:Cy <=> Vow: h:0 _ Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; where Cx in ( k p t ) Cy in ( g b d ) matched ; !"Gradation Series 5, III-II, dtj, dts" ! d:t <=> Vow: (»:) _ t Cx Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! where Cx in ( j s ) ; "bb:pp" b:p <=> Vow: _ b: Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; Vow: b: _ Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: _ b:0 Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP ! Vow: _ (%>:) (»:) (Hyph) #:0 ; ! This gives Jakob:Jakop, and it is unclear what it gives. ! The last rule is for unnep : unnebu. It must be revised in two ways: ! a. it should be extended to more consonants ! b. it should be restricted, perhaps b should be replaced with b8 !€ oabbáQ1 !€ oappá0 "gg:kk" g:k <=> Vow: _ g: Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; Vow: g: _ Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: _ g:0 Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP !€ vággeQ1 !€ vákke0 !$ vággeQ1 !$ vágge0 !€ vággeX9 !€ vák000 !$ vággeX9 !$ vág000 "g:k change for clitic -ge" g:k => Vow: (%>:) (»:) (Dummy:) [ # | #: ] _ e: [ # | #: ] ; !clitic ge:k "dd:tt and dtj, dts" d:t <=> Vow: _ d: Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; Vow: d: _ Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; KEEPIF(SHORTCOMP) Vow: _ d:0 Vow:0 (%>:) (»:) X9: ; !first part of compounds ENDKEEP Vow: (»:) _ t [ j|s ] (%>:) (»:) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; !"Gradation Series 6, III-II, bb, gg 1" ! Cx:Cy <=> Vow: _ Cz: Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! where Cx in ( b d g ) ! Cy in ( p t k ) ! Cz in ( b d g ) ! matched ; !"Gradation Series 6, III-II, bb, gg 2" ! Cx:Cy <=> Vow: :Cy _ Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! where Cx in ( b d g ) ! Cy in ( p t k ) ! matched ; "Gradation Series 7, III-II, ks(t), kt, ktj, kts" k:v <=> Vow: _ [ s|t ] (t) Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; Vow: _ t [ j|s ] Vow: ( StemCns: ) (%>:) (»:) WeG: ; ! Exceptional II-III inverse gradation in present participles ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! This gradation is only for II-I syllable verbs that get III as ! present participles. ! Candidates: !! bbm - bm - m !! ddn - dn - n !! ddnj- dnj- nj !! ggŋ - gŋ - ŋ !! ddj - dj - dj !! hkk - hk - g !! hpp - hp - b !! htt - ht - d !! httj- htj- tj !! htts- hts- ts ! Strategy: Do insertion rule for the initial element. "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with bm,gŋ" 0:Cx <=> :Vow+ _ Cx Cy Vow: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; where Cx in ( b g ) Cy in ( m ŋ ) matched ; "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with dn/j" 0:d <=> :Vow+ _ d [ n | n j | j ] Vow: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with hk, hp," 0:Cx <=> :Vow+ h _ Cx Vow: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; where Cx in ( k p ) ; "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with htt(j/s)" 0:t <=> :Vow+ h _ t (j|s) Vow: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !removed Q7, fixed in smj-lex "Consonant insertion as I-III strengthening gradation with d" 0:d <=> :Vow+ _ d Vow: (%>:) (»:) [ Y6: | Y7: | Y9: ] ([Hyph|(Hyph) [ # | #: ]]) ; !Did more changes to the ñ issue: Replaced ñ with all three n-s also when it alternated with other letters. !In the cases where ñ was the one to be deleted, in the context of double ñ, we made Cx / Cy variables, e.g. like !this: