# Some verbs - to use in drills # The verb should have two parameters: # 1. What case for the noun? (TV, ILL-V...) # 2. What kind of noun-set would suit to the verb? # Can the verb be a member of two sets, or should it have a tag? # # Examples of basic questions for drills # pers = personal pronoun # # IV - intransitive verb # Q: IV-QPN go (pers-QPN) PLACE-Loc? # A: De IV-APN # A: Neg-APN IV-conneg # # TV - transitive verb, the noun will be in Acc # The N-Acc has to fit - verbset vs. nounset (e.g. V-FOOD + FOOD) # Q: TV-QPN go (pers-QPN) N-Acc? # A: De TV-APN # A: Neg-APN TV-conneg (N-Acc) # # ILLV - the noun will be in Ill # The N-Ill has to fit - verbset vs. nounset (e.g. V-FOOD + FOOD) # Q: ILLV-QPN go (pers-QPN) N-Ill? # A: De ILLV-APN # A: Neg-APN ILLV-conneg (N-Ill) # # COMV - the noun will be in Com # The N-Com has to fit - verbset vs. nounset (e.g. V-FOOD + FOOD) # Q: COMV-QPN go (pers-QPN) N-Com? # A: De COMV-APN # A: Neg-APN COMV-conneg (N-Com) # # LOCV - the noun will be in Loc # The N-Loc has to fit - verbset vs. nounset (e.g. V-FOOD + FOOD) # Q: LOCV-QPN go (pers-QPN) N-Loc? # A: De LOCV-APN # A: Neg-APN LOCV-conneg (N-Loc) # # Easiest kind of essive-question: # ESSV - the noun will be in Ess # The N-Ess has to fit - verbset vs. nounset (e.g. V-FOOD + FOOD) # Q: ESSV-QPN go (pers-QPN) dan danin? # A: De ESSV-APN # A: Neg-APN ESSV-conneg (dan) # # dan = dat+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Acc # danin = dat+Pron+Pers+Ess # # # # PLACE (nouns) # siida # latnja # stohpu # hotealla IV boradit leat oađđit orrut TV borrat govvet oastit váldit vuovdit ILLV čujuhit liikot suhttat LOCV ballat beroštit dolkat COMV birget deaivvadit joatkit servvoštallat ESSV atnit gohčodit # Based on semantics V-BEVERAGES birget dolkat juhkat liikot oastit váldit vuovdit # Based on semantics V-FOOD birget borrat dolkat liikot oastit váldit vuovdit