;Dialogue title title=Sámi Proofing Tools Setup ;Message displayed in dialogue. Could be empty. Use \n for newline message=Select the language of the installation program ;Button text, add "&" for keyboard shortcut (alt+char) for this button button=OK ;languages appear in drop down list. Separate the languages with a #. The languages appear in this order languages=Davvisámegiella (Northern Sámi)#Julevusámegiella (Lule Sámi)#English#Suomi (Finnish)#Norsk (Norwegian)#Svenska (Swedish) ;actions to perform when a language is choosen. Order should be the same as 'languages' and the number of ;actions must be equal to the number of 'languages'. Action must contain relative path to proper executable ;any slashes must be double. Separate the actions with # actions=installers\\setupSami_Northern.exe#installers\\setupSami_Lule.exe#installers\\setupSami_English.exe#installers\\setupSami_Finnish.exe#installers\\setupSami_Norwegian.exe#installers\\setupSami_Swedish.exe