LEXICON Adjective Albanek adj "Scottish. Scots" ; Almaynek adj "German" ; Arabek adj "Arabic" ; Bretonek adj "Breton" ; Brythonek adj "Brittonic, Brittonic Celtic" ; Est adj "East" ; Europek adj "European" ; Eyndek adj "Indian" ; Flamanek adj "Flemish" ; Frynkek adj "French" ; Godhelek adj "Gaelic, Goidelic Celtic" ; Grek adj "Greek" ; Iseldiryek adj "pertaining to the Netherlands, Dutch" ; Italek adj "Italian" ; Iwerdhonek adj "Irish" ; Keltek adj "Celtic" ; Kembrek adj "Welsh" ; Kernewek adj "Cornish" ; Kernowek adj "Cornish" ; Kristyon adj "Christian" ; Manowek adj "Manx" ; Methodek adj "Methodist" ; Moslem adj "Moslem, Muslim" ; Polonek adj "Polish" ; Portyngalek adj "Portuguese" ; Predennek adj "British" ; Romanek adj "Roman" ; sowlek adj "stubbly" ; West adj "West" ; a-berthek adj "intrinsic" ; a-dhevis adj "exact" ; a-dhewis adj "optional" ; a-dhiwedhes adj "late, recent" ; a-gammow adj "progressive" ; a-gevres adj "serial" ; a-gynnik adj "tentative" ; a-lemmyn adj "current (as in current affairs), present" ; a-ves adj "outside, away" ; a-vodh adj "voluntary" ; a-wel adj "visible" ; abel adj "able, capable, fit" ; abostolek adj "apostolic" ; abransek adj "bushy-browed" ; ahas adj "bitter, severe, hateful" ; ahel adj "racial" ; ahwerek adj "distressing" ; amalek adj "peripheral" ; anabel adj "incapable" ; anadhves adj "unripe, immature" ; anannedhadow adj "uninhabitable" ; andhemedhys adj "unmarried" ; anerys adj "untilled, fallow (unploughed)" ; anes adj "troubled, wearied" ; aneth adj "amazing" ; anewn adj "unfair" ; anfel adj "naive" ; anfeusik adj "unfortunate, unlucky" ; anfeyth adj "infertile" ; anfur adj "unwise, imprudent" ; anhwek adj "harsh, unpleasant" ; ankablus adj "not guilty, innocent" ; ankemmeradow adj "unacceptable" ; ankempenn adj "untidy" ; ankenek adj "penitential" ; ankensi adj "grievous" ; ankewar adj "incorrect" ; ankompes adj "uneven" ; ankoth adj "unknown, strange, outlandish" ; ankryjyk adj "unbelieving" ; ankrysadow adj "unbelievable, incredible" ; annedhadow adj "habitable" ; anperfeyth adj "imperfect" ; anpossybyl adj "impossible" ; anreyth adj "abnormal" ; ansans adj "unholy, profane, impious" ; anserhek adj "independent" ; ansodhogel adj "unofficial" ; anstrethys adj "unstructured, informal" ; anteythi adj "incapable, inert, without normal faculties" ; antowlek adj "casual (of labour)" ; antryhadow adj "unbeatable, invincible, impregnable" ; anvab adj "childless" ; anvarwel adj "immortal" ; anven adj "weak" ; anvenowgh adj "infrequent" ; anvlasus adj "insipid, bland, tasteless" ; anvodhek adj "reluctant" ; anweladewder adj "invisibility" ; anweladow adj "invisible" ; anwiw adj "unfit, unworthy, inappropriate, unseemly, unsuitable" ; anwodhvos adj "unknown" ; anwoheladow adj "unavoidable, inevitable" ; anwortosys adj "unexpected" ; anyagh adj "unwell, infirm, unhealthy, unfit {out of condition)" ; apert adj "obvious, evident, open" ; appla adj "more able" ; aradow adj "arable" ; aral adj "other, another" ; aral+adj+Pl: erel # ; arbennek adj "special" ; ardhek adj "lofty" ; arhansek adj "financial" ; arnowydh adj "modern" ; arvek adj "armed" ; arvorek adj "coastal" ; arwodhek adj "symbolic, emblematic" ; asennek adj "ribbed" ; askallek adj "thistly" ; askellek adj "winged" ; askornek adj "bony" ; asper adj "grim, harsh, stern" ; astranj adj "strange, foreign" ; aswek adj "gapped" ; atomek adj "atomic" ; attes adj "comfortable, at ease" ; avlan adj "unclean" ; avlavar adj "dumb, mute, speechless" ; avleythys adj "hardened, obdurate" ; avlymm adj "obtuse" ; awelek adj "windy" ; awenek adj "jawed" ; awenek adj "poetic, creative, imaginative" ; aweylek adj "evangelical" ; ayrek adj "airy" ; ayrgylghyek adj "atmospheric" ; ayselek adj "vinegary" ; badus adj "lunatic, moonstruck" ; baglek adj "crooked (crook-shaped)" ; balek adj "jutting" ; bannek adj "peaked, prominent" ; bardhek adj "bardic" ; bardhonek adj "poetic" ; barrek adj "twiggy" ; barthusek adj "wondrous, wonderful, marvellous" ; barvek adj "bearded" ; barvus adj "bearded" ; bas adj "shallow" ; bedhek adj "daring, venturesome, presumptious" ; behus adj "burdensome, oppressive" ; belerek adj "cressy" ; bennesik adj "blessed" ; bennigys adj "blessed" ; benow adj "female, feminine (grammatical gender)" ; benynek adj "womanly" ; berr adj "short, brief" ; berrgam adj "crook-shanked, bandy-legged, bow-legged" ; berrik adj "plump, obese, gross (fat)" ; bervys adj "bearded" ; bewoniethek adj "biological" ; bian adj "little" ; biblek adj "biblical" ; bilen adj "villainous" ; bledhenyek adj "yearly, annual" ; bleujyowek adj "flowery" ; bleusek adj "floury, farinaceous" ; blewek adj "hairy, shaggy" ; bleydhek adj "abounding in wolves" ; blin adj "soft" ; blogh adj "hairless, bald, close-shaven" ; blonegek adj "greasy, lardy" ; bludh adj "tender, delicate, soft" ; bludhik adj "delicate" ; bodhar adj "deaf" ; bodhek adj "voluntary" ; bohek adj "big-cheeked" ; bohes adj "few, little" ; bohosek adj "poor, indigent, destitute" ; bold adj "bolta (cmp.), bold, daring" ; boll adj "transparent, translucent, gauzy" ; bolonjedhek adj "willing" ; borr adj "fat" ; bosek adj "bushy" ; bothek adj "hump-backed, bossed" ; bothyek adj "hunchback" ; bras adj "big, great, large, huge" ; brassa adj "bigger" ; brav adj "fine, grand" ; breghyek adj "having arms" ; breselek adj "warlike" ; brew adj "broken, injured, bruised" ; breyn adj "rotten" ; brgholek adj "sleeved" ; brith adj "streaked, striped, variegated" ; brithek adj "dappled" ; brithennek adj "freckled" ; broennek adj "rushy" ; bros adj "extremely hot" ; brottel adj "frail, brittle, fickle" ; brygh adj "variegated, speckled, brindled, freckled" ; bryjyek adj "convective" ; bryntin adj "noble, splendid" ; brysoniethel adj "psychological" ; bryttel adj "frail, brittle, fickle" ; buan adj "quick, lively, fast (speedy)" ; budhadow adj "profitable" ; budhek adj "victorious" ; budhogel adj "victorious" ; bugelek adj "pastoral, bucolic" ; burjesek adj "bourgeois" ; bydhlas adj "evergreen" ; byhan adj "small, little" ; bysi adj "busy, occupied, diligent" ; bysyel adj "digital" ; byw adj "alive, quick, active" ; bywbodradow adj "biodegradable" ; bywek adj "lively" ; chast adj "chaste" ; chyf adj "chief" ; cryjyk adj "believing, religious" ; da adj "good, wholesome, of full measure" ; dall adj "blind, without sight" ; darganadow adj "predictable" ; dasannedhi adj "resettle" ; deboner adj "affable, kind, gracious" ; degadow adj "portable" ; degedhek adj "decimal" ; deges adj "closed" ; deghow adj "right (opposite to left), right hand" ; degplek adj "tenfold" ; dekkweyth adj "ten times" ; delledhek adj "worthy, suitable" ; delyek adj "leafy" ; delyowek adj "leafy" ; denel adj "human" ; densek adj "toothy, jagged" ; denteth adj "dainty" ; denti adj "dainty, fastidious, fussy" ; dergh adj "bright" ; derwek adj "abounding in oaks" ; desempis adj "instant, sudden, immediate" ; deserth adj "precipitous, very steep" ; deskernus adj "surly" ; deverel adj "watery" ; devosel adj "ritual, customary" ; devrek adj "watery" ; dewanus adj "penetrable, permeable" ; dewblek adj "double, twofold" ; dewblekhes adj "duplicated" ; dewisek adj "choosy, fastidious" ; dewynnek adj "glittering" ; diaha adj "unalarmed" ; dialhwedh adj "unlocked" ; diallos adj "powerless, impotent, unable, incapable" ; dianal adj "breathless, out of breath" ; diannedh adj "homeless" ; diarhen adj "barefoot" ; diarv adj "unarmed" ; dibarow adj "odd (of numbers), unmatched, unique, unequalled, unlike others" ; dibenn adj "headless, endless" ; diblans adj "distinct, separate, clear" ; dibobel adj "depopulated, deserted" ; dibowes adj "restless" ; dibygans adj "insolvent, improvident" ; dibyta adj "pitiless" ; didhan adj "amusing, funny, pleasing" ; didhanus adj "amusing, entertaining" ; didhemmedh adj "unmarried" ; didheurek adj "interesting" ; didhevnydh adj "useless" ; didhynnargh adj "inhospitable, unwelcome" ; didhysk adj "untaught, inexpert" ; dido adj "roofless" ; didoll adj "tax-free" ; didre adj "homeless" ; didros adj "silent, noiseless" ; diedhom adj "unnecessary" ; diek adj "lazy, idle, slothful" ; dien adj "complete, entire, whole" ; dieskis adj "barefoot" ; difeyth adj "waste" ; difreth adj "feeble, powerless, lacking in energy" ; difun adj "awake, wake up" ; difygyek adj "defective" ; digabester adj "unchained, at liberty, unconstrained" ; digeredh adj "excused" ; digesson adj "discordant, unharmonious" ; digeudh adj "carefree, merry" ; digila adj "alone" ; diglos adj "exposed, without shelter, shut out" ; dignas adj "unnatural, unkindly" ; digolonn adj "fainthearted" ; digommol adj "cloudless" ; digompes adj "irregular" ; digosk adj "sleepless, insomniac" ; digreft adj "inexpert, unskilled, artless" ; digudh adj "unconcealed" ; diguv adj "unkind" ; dihaval adj "dissimilar, different" ; diles adj "profitless, useless" ; diliw adj "colourless" ; dinamm adj "immaculate, spotless" ; dinatur adj "unnatural" ; dinerth adj "powerless, lacking in energy" ; diogel adj "certain, secure" ; diras adj "graceless, profane" ; direson adj "irrational, unreasonable" ; direwl adj "irregular, unruly, disorderly, obstreperous" ; disawor adj "unsavoury, noisome, repulsive" ; diskians adj "ignorant, foolish, witless" ; diskortes adj "impolite, rude" ; diskrassyes adj "unfavoured, disgraced, out of grace" ; diskryjyk adj "unbelieving" ; dislel adj "disloyal" ; dislen adj "unfaithful, faithless" ; disliw adj "discoloured" ; dison adj "soundless, noiseless" ; dispal adj "scot-free" ; distag adj "detached, untethered, unattached" ; distagadow adj "detachable" ; distyr adj "insignificant, meaningless, of no account" ; diswar adj "rash, unwary, reckless" ; divers adj "various" ; diveth adj "shameless, unabashed" ; divlam adj "blameless, irreproachable" ; divlas adj "distasteful, disgusting, disgraceful" ; diwedhes adj "late" ; diwedhyn adj "unbending, rigid, stiff" ; diweres adj "helpless" ; diwern adj "dismasted, mastless" ; diwettha adj "later, last" ; diweyth adj "unemployed" ; diwith adj "unprotected" ; diwri adj "seamless" ; diwyethek adj "bilingual" ; diwysek adj "earnest, zealous, conscientious, industrious, diligent" ; diwysyansek adj "industrial" ; domhwelus adj "subversive, revolutionary" ; doos adj "dense (physically)" ; dooth adj "civilized, prudent, discreet" ; dorhysel adj "latitudinal" ; dorlesel adj "longitudinal" ; doroniethel adj "geographical" ; dov adj "tame, gentle, domestic, pet" ; down adj "deep, profound" ; dowrek adj "watery" ; dramasek adj "dramatic" ; drenek adj "thorny, barbed" ; dresniver adj "redundant" ; drewydhek adj "druidical" ; dreysek adj "brambly" ; drog adj "bad, wicked, naughty" ; drog-gerys adj "infamous" ; drok-pes adj "ill-pleased" ; drudh adj "precious, cherished" ; du adj "black, dark, ended, finished, overspent" ; duryadow adj "long-lasting, durable, sempiternal" ; duwenik adj "slightly grieved" ; dyantel adj "dangerous, unstable, ready to fall" ; dyegrys adj "shocked, terrified, trembling" ; dyennek adj "creamy" ; dyenys adj "breathless, out of breath" ; dyffrans adj "different" ; dyllo adj "lively" ; dyowlek adj "devilish, diabolical" ; dyskansek adj "scholastic" ; dyskys adj "learned" ; edhommek adj "needy" ; edregus adj "repentant, regretful" ; efan adj "spacious, wide, broad" ; effeythus adj "effective" ; eglosyek adj "ecclesiastic" ; eglow adj "bright" ; elek adj "big-browed, jutting" ; elinek adj "angular" ; elvennek adj "elementary" ; envius adj "envious" ; enyal adj "desolate, deserted" ; erbysek adj "economical, thrifty" ; erbysiethek adj "economic" ; erhek adj "snowy" ; erwir adj "pious, devout" ; es adj "easy" ; eseliek adj "lanky, long-limbed" ; eskarek adj "hostile" ; estren adj "strange, alien" ; estrenyek adj "foreign" ; esya adj "easier" ; ethnek adj "ethnic" ; euthek adj "dreadful, horrible, terrible" ; euver adj "futile, useless, frivolous" ; euvergryjyk adj "superstitious" ; evr'ek adj "crippled" ; evredh adj "crippled, mutilated, disabled" ; evredhek adj "crippled" ; ewinek adj "clawed, having long finger-nails" ; ewn adj "correct, just, straight, proper" ; ewn-hys adj "of the right length" ; ewnadow adj "correctable" ; ewnhynsek adj "just, upright" ; ewynek adj "frothy, foamy, effervescent" ; eyl adj "(prn.), one of two" ; fals adj "false, treacherous" ; fast adj "firm, fast (fixed)" ; fekyl adj "false, flattering, perfidious" ; fel adj "cunning, wily, crafty" ; fell adj "cruel, fierce, grim" ; felsys adj "split" ; fernoth adj "barelegged" ; fers adj "fierce" ; fethek adj "victorious" ; fethus adj "luxurious, beautiful, well-formed, richly adorned" ; feusik adj "fortunate, lucky" ; feyth adj "fertile, fruitful" ; fin adj "delicate, refined" ; finek adj "final" ; flehigel adj "infantile" ; flerys adj "stinking, fetid, frowzy" ; flohel adj "childlike, childish, puerile" ; flour adj "perfect, eminent" ; fol adj "foolish, crazy, wild, mad" ; frank adj "free, at liberty" ; fre adj "free" ; fresk adj "fresh" ; freth adj "fluent, eloquent, eager" ; freudhek adj "violent" ; frowsus adj "fraudulent" ; fug adj "sham, fictitious, phoney, fake" ; fur adj "wise, cautious, discreet" ; fyrv adj "firm, steadfast" ; fysk adj "impulsive, impetuous, hasty" ; fyslek adj "fussy, fidgetty" ; galant adj "gallant" ; galarek adj "miserable" ; galosek adj "powerful, mighty, potent" ; galwesik adj "professional" ; ganowek adj "big-mouthed, gaping" ; garow adj "rough, rugged, coarse" ; garrek adj "leggy" ; garrgam adj "crook-shanked, bow-legged" ; garwa adj "rougher" ; gell adj "light brown, tawny, fawn-coloured, tan" ; gellik adj "brownish" ; gellrudh adj "auburn, russet brown" ; gelvinek adj "long-beaked" ; gelwys adj "called" ; genesik adj "native-born, natural, aboriginal" ; genynnek adj "genetic" ; genys adj "born" ; gerennek adj "voluble, verbose" ; geryel adj "verbal (concerned with words)" ; gevelys adj "torturd using pincers" ; glan adj "clean, innocent, clear" ; glanyth adj "clean, neat, tidy" ; glas adj "blue, green (of plants), light grey" ; glasrudh adj "purple, violet (colour)" ; glenus adj "adhesive" ; glew adj "sharp, translucent, penetrating" ; gloryus adj "glorious" ; glow adj "bright, brilliant" ; glusek adj "sticky" ; glyb adj "wet, damp, moist" ; godewl adj "dusky" ; godhevus adj "passive" ; godhoniethek adj "scientific" ; godomm adj "lukewarm" ; goethel adj "watery" ; gohelus adj "shy, retiring" ; gokki adj "foolish, silly, stupid, absurd" ; golowek adj "luminous" ; golusek adj "rich, affluent" ; gonedhys adj "worked, wrought" ; gonisogethek adj "cultural" ; goodh adj "wild, fierce, uncultivated" ; gor adj "broody (of hen)" ; gorbollek adj "mad, irrational, out of one's senses" ; gordhroglammek adj "catastrophic" ; gorfals adj "superabundant, profuse" ; gorfennys adj "finished, ended" ; gorgemmerys adj "obsessed" ; gorm adj "brown, dun" ; gormeuledhek adj "triumphant" ; gorow adj "male, masculine (grammatical gender)" ; gorth adj "opposed, contrary, stubborn, perverse" ; gorthsaym adj "greaseproof" ; goruhel adj "sublime, supreme" ; goruvel adj "obsequious" ; gorvarthys adj "stupendous" ; gorwelyek adj "horizontal" ; gorwir adj "surreal" ; gosek adj "bloodstained, bloody" ; goskeusek adj "shady, sheltered, shadowed" ; gossenek adj "rusty" ; gostyth adj "liable, susceptible, obedient, submissive, subservient" ; gothus adj "proud, haughty" ; gourel adj "masculine, manly, virile" ; govedhow adj "tipsy" ; goverek adj "snuffling, snivelling" ; gowek adj "lying" ; gowlek adj "forked" ; gownagh adj "sterile" ; goyeyn adj "cool" ; gramasek adj "grammatical" ; grasek adj "thankful" ; grassyes adj "gracious, pious" ; grolyek adj "craking, cracked-voiced" ; growanek adj "granitic" ; growynnek adj "gravelly" ; grugek adj "heathery" ; grysel adj "grisly, frightful" ; gwag adj "empty, void, vacant" ; gwandrek adj "wandering, peripatetic" ; gwann adj "weak, frail, feeble, immoral" ; gwanus adj "piercing" ; gwar adj "chaste" ; gwariek adj "playful" ; gwarrgrom adj "stooping" ; gwartha adj "upper, higher" ; gwastas adj "flat, smooth" ; gwayadow adj "mobile" ; gwedhow adj "widowed, bereft of wife or husband" ; gwedhyn adj "pliable, flexible, supple" ; gwell adj "better" ; gwella adj "best" ; gwelsek adj "grassy" ; gwelvek adj "thick-lipped" ; gwenonek adj "poisonous, venomous" ; gwerinek adj "popular" ; gwerinel adj "democratic" ; gwernek adj "marshy" ; gwertha adj "worst" ; gweth adj "worse" ; gwettha adj "worst" ; gweythresel adj "functional" ; gwibesek adj "infested by gnats" ; gwir adj "true, real, right" ; gwirhaval adj "likely" ; gwirhevelep adj "plausible" ; gwiryon adj "righteous, genuine, just, true" ; gwius adj "winding, intricate, tortuous" ; gwiw adj "fit, worthy, proper, appropriate, suitable, meet, fitting" ; gwlanek adj "woolly" ; gwlasek adj "pertaining to a country" ; gwlygh adj "wet, damp, moist" ; gwregel adj "feminine, womanly" ; gwresek adj "ardent" ; gwreydhyel adj "radical" ; gwrys adj "done" ; gwydhek adj "wooded" ; gwydhyel adj "wooded" ; gwyls adj "wild, savage, fierce" ; gwynn adj "white, blessed, fair (in colour)" ; gwynnek adj "whitish, hoar" ; gwynnrudh adj "pink" ; gwynnvys adj "blessed, fortunate" ; gwynsek adj "windy" ; gwyr adj "green" ; gwyrdh adj "green" ; gwyrgh adj "virginal, innocent, chaste" ; gwythiek adj "bloodshot, veined" ; gyllys adj "gone" ; hager adj "ugly, hideous, foul" ; hakkra adj "uglier" ; hardh adj "bold, hardy" ; hasek adj "seedy" ; haval adj "similar, resembling" ; havarel adj "fallow in summer" ; havek adj "summery" ; hebask adj "calm, quiet, sedate, peaceful" ; hebleth adj "easy to weave, flexible, supple" ; hedhadow adj "attainable, accessible" ; hedorr adj "fragile, easily breakable" ; hedro adj "fickle, easily changeable" ; hedrogh adj "cuttable" ; hegar adj "amiable, kindly, affectionate, affable" ; hegas adj "hateful, repulsive" ; hegool adj "credulous, trustful, superstitious" ; hegos adj "ticklish" ; hel adj "bountiful, generous, munificent, liberal (with money)" ; helergh adj "late, in the rear" ; hell adj "tardy, slow, reluctant" ; hen adj "old, long-standing" ; henavek adj "senior" ; hengovek adj "traditional" ; heptu adj "neutral" ; hesk adj "milkless (of cow)" ; hesyethek adj "polyglot" ; heudh adj "joyful, merry, glad" ; heudhik adj "glad" ; hevelep adj "like, similar" ; hewel adj "easily visible, obvious, manifest" ; heweres adj "helpful, auxiliary, ready to help" ; hewool adj "vigilant" ; hewul adj "practicable" ; hir adj "long, tall, lengthy" ; hirbedrek adj "rectangular, oblong" ; hirethek adj "longing, yearning, wistful, homesick" ; hirgrenn adj "cylindrical" ; hirgylghyek adj "elliptical, oval" ; holanek adj "salty, saline" ; hornek adj "ferric, like iron" ; hornus adj "ferrous" ; hos adj "hoarse, husky" ; howlyek adj "sunny" ; howtyn adj "haughty" ; hudel adj "magical, enchanting, illusory" ; hudhyglek adj "sooty" ; hvrel adj "liberal (politically)" ; hwansek adj "desirous, wishful, longing" ; hwansus adj "desirous" ; hwar adj "meek, gentle, mild, submissive, passive" ; hwarthus adj "laughable, comic, ridiculous, funny" ; hwarvedhys adj "happened, befallen, occurred, taken place, come to pass" ; hweg adj "sweet, dear, pleasant, pleasing, kind, gentle, nice" ; hwegol adj "darling, sweetest, kindest" ; hwek adj "coloured, hued, tinted" ; hwerow adj "bitter, sharp, harsh" ; hwyflyn adj "roaring, blustering" ; hwynnek adj "weedy" ; idhyowek adj "ivy-clad" ; ifarnek adj "hellish" ; igor adj "open" ; isel adj "low, lowly, modest, vulgar, soft (of sound)" ; issavonek adj "sub-standard" ; istorek adj "historical" ; istrovannel adj "sub-tropical" ; jentyl adj "gentle, pleasing, well-born" ; jolif adj "jolly, lively" ; jynnweythek adj "mechanical" ; kablus adj "guilty, blameworthy, culpable" ; kader adj "comely, beautiful, pretty" ; kales adj "hard, difficult, severe" ; kall adj "cunning" ; kamm adj "bent, crooked, distorted, wrong" ; kammgryjyk adj "heretical" ; kammhynsek adj "unjust, unrighteous, malignant" ; kammnevesel adj "spectral (of spectra)" ; kammskodhek adj "crooked-shouldered" ; kampollys adj "mentioned, aforesaid" ; kann adj "bright white" ; karadow adj "beloved, loving, lovable" ; karnedhek adj "rocky, abounding in cairns" ; karnek adj "rocky" ; kasadow adj "hateful, detestable, repulsive" ; kasek adj "warlike" ; katholik adj "Catholic" ; kebrek adj "abounding in planks" ; keek adj "hedged" ; kegisek adj "abounding in hemlock" ; kegys adj "cooked" ; kehaval adj "similar, equal, corresponding" ; keherek adj "muscular" ; kehys adj "of equal length" ; kel adj "hidden" ; kellek adj "uncastrated" ; kelynnek adj "abounding in holly" ; kelyonek adj "full of flies, flyblown" ; kemmeradow adj "acceptable" ; kemmyn adj "common, vulgar" ; kemmys adj "so much, so, as, as much as, as many as" ; kemmyskreydh adj "hybrid" ; kempenn adj "neat, tidy, orderly" ; kemusur adj "symmetrical, fitting" ; kemynegorek adj "communist" ; ken adj "other, another, different, else" ; kenedhlek adj "national" ; keniver adj "as many, so many" ; kennek adj "scummy" ; kenninek adj "abounding in garlic" ; kentrek adj "spur-shaped" ; kentrevek adj "neighbouring" ; kenwerthel adj "commercial" ; ker adj "dear, costly, expensive, cherished" ; kerensedhek adj "loving, beloved" ; keresik adj "dear" ; kersyek adj "abounding in reeds" ; kes adj "hedged" ; keskar adj "scattered" ; keskeltek adj "inter-Celtic" ; keskolonn adj "unanimous, in accord" ; keslinek adj "cognate, collateral" ; keslinel adj "collinear" ; kesplegadow adj "compatible" ; kesson adj "harmonious, euphonious, consistent" ; kessonennel adj "consonantal" ; kesvyw adj "alive/living at the same time, contemporary" ; keswlasek adj "international" ; keth adj "same, identical" ; keth adj "servile, subject, dependent" ; kethsam adj "selfsame, identical" ; kettep adj "each, every, yn kettep penn [?n?k?t??p?p?n?] (phr.), everyone, everybody" ; kettuel adj "parallel" ; keudhesik adj "sorry, contrite, repentant" ; keunysek adj "abounding in firewood" ; kevogas adj "acent" ; kevos adj "contemporary" ; kevothek adj "powerful, mighty" ; kevrennek adj "participating, associated" ; kevresek adj "serial, sequential" ; kevrinek adj "mysterious, occult, secret" ; kevryllys adj "corrugated" ; kew adj "hollow (f.), kewyow [?k??j??] (pl.), enclosure, hollow" ; kewar adj "correct, exact, precise" ; keworransel adj "additional" ; keynek adj "strong-backed" ; kigliw adj "flesh-coloured" ; klamderek adj "fainting" ; klassek adj "classic" ; klav adj "sick, ill, sore" ; klavorek adj "leprous" ; kledh adj "left (opposite of right)" ; kledhek adj "left-handed" ; klegerek adj "cliffed, precipitous, craggy" ; kler adj "pure, clear, spotless, evident" ; klewwelyek adj "audio-visual" ; klof adj "lame" ; kloppek adj "lame, limping" ; klor adj "mild, meek, modest" ; klos adj "enclosed, closed, shut" ; klys adj "snug, cosy, sheltered" ; knowek adj "nutty" ; kogh adj "blood-red, scarlet" ; kolmek adj "knotty" ; kolonnek adj "hearty, bold, kindly" ; kolorys adj "coloured" ; kolwydhek adj "abounding in hazel-trees" ; kommolek adj "cloudy, overcast" ; kompes adj "even, level, calm" ; komplek adj "complex, complicated" ; kompleth adj "complex, complicated, intricate" ; koneryek adj "rabid, furious, mad (US)" ; konnyk adj "clever" ; konter adj "contrary, opposite, cross" ; kontrari adj "contrary" ; kontrari adj "contrary" ; kontraryus adj "opposed" ; kontronek adj "maggoty, flyblown" ; koog adj "empty, worthless, vain" ; kooth adj "excellent" ; kooth adj "excellent" ; korfek adj "corpulent, portly" ; kornek adj "horned" ; korsek adj "reedy" ; kortes adj "courteous, polite" ; kosek adj "woody" ; kosel adj "quiet, tranquil" ; koselek adj "calm" ; kostek adj "costly, expensive, pricey" ; kostli adj "costly" ; kostli adj "costly" ; koth adj "old, ancient, long untilled, familiar" ; kott adj "short, brief" ; kottha adj "older, senior" ; kow adj "hollow" ; kow adj "hollow" ; kowal adj "complete, entire, whole" ; kowasek adj "showery" ; kowesik adj "hollowed" ; kowethyadow adj "sociable" ; kowgans adj "certain, sure" ; kowlek adj "gluttonous" ; kowrek adj "gigantic, enormous" ; koynt adj "strange, extraordinary, unusual odd (strange)" ; kraf adj "grasping, greedy, tenacious" ; kragh adj "scurvy, scabby" ; kras adj "parched, toasted" ; krebogh adj "wrinkled, withered" ; kreg adj "hoarse" ; krenn adj "round, circular" ; kres adj "central" ; kresek adj "average" ; krev adj "strong, mighty, vigorous" ; krin adj "dry, brittle, parched, withered, arid" ; kriv adj "raw (uncooked), unripe" ; kro adj "fresh (of food)" ; krodhek adj "grumbling, carping, fault-finding" ; krogenek adj "having a shell, thick-shelled" ; kromm adj "curved, crooked, bent" ; kronek adj "skinny" ; krothek adj "pot-bellied" ; krowsek adj "cross-shaped, set crosswise, cross-tempered" ; kryjyk adj "believing, religious" ; kudh adj "hidden, concealed, covert" ; kul adj "narrow" ; kuryus adj "curious" ; kusulyek adj "advisory, consultative" ; kuv adj "dear, kind, loving" ; kwit adj "free" ; kylghyek adj "circular, round" ; kymyk adj "chemical" ; kyns adj "former, previous" ; kynsa adj "first" ; kynsistorek adj "prehistoric" ; kyrhynedhel adj "environmental" ; kywniek adj "mossy" ; labol adj "brindled, striped" ; lafyl adj "lawful, permissible (legally)" ; lagasek adj "big-eyed" ; lahel adj "legal, lawful, permissible (legally)" ; lakka adj "worse" ; larj adj "generous, liberal" ; lasek adj "alcoholic" ; lavurus adj "laborious, toilsome" ; lawen adj "uncastrated" ; le adj "less, lesser, smaller" ; ledan adj "wide, broad" ; ledrek adj "sloping" ; ledrys adj "stolen" ; leel adj "local" ; leg adj "lay, non-clerical" ; lei adj "loyal, faithful, trusty" ; leilsik adj "on heat" ; lel adj "loyal, faithful, trusty" ; len adj "faithful, trusty" ; lent adj "slow" ; lesek adj "botanical" ; lethek adj "milky" ; lettrys adj "literate, learned, lettered" ; leun adj "full" ; leusik adj "on heat" ; leven adj "smooth, even" ; leven adj "smooth, even, level" ; leysyek adj "muddy" ; leyth adj "humid, moist" ; leyth adj "humid, moist, flabby" ; lies adj "many" ; liesek adj "multiple, various, plural" ; lieskenedhlek adj "multi-national" ; liesyethek adj "polyglot" ; lij adj "liege" ; livrel adj "liberal (politically)" ; livwer adj "LibDem (i.e. Liberal Democrat)" ; liwek adj "coloured, hued, tinted" ; logh adj "lax, remiss, negligent" ; logosek adj "abounding in mice" ; lomm adj "bare, nude, naked" ; loorel adj "lunar" ; loos adj "grey, hoary, mouldy" ; lorek adj "lunatic, moonstruck" ; los adj "vile, soiled, squalid" ; losik adj "greyish" ; loskvenek adj "sulphuric" ; loskvenus adj "sulphurous" ; loskvenydhyek adj "volcanic" ; losoniethel adj "botanical" ; losowek adj "herbal" ; lostek adj "big-tailed" ; lovrek adj "leprous, scabby" ; lowamek adj "abounding in foxes" ; lowarnek adj "abounding in foxes" ; lowek adj "lousy" ; lowen adj "joyful, happy, glad" ; lowenek adj "merry, glad, jolly" ; lower adj "many, much" ; lownek adj "laminated, flaky" ; lowr adj "enough" ; lows adj "loose, slack" ; lusek adj "abounding in bilberries" ; lusowek adj "ashy" ; lyennek adj "literary" ; lyha adj "least, smallest, minimum" ; lymm adj "sharp (pointed), keen, acute" ; lynnek adj "abounding in ponds" ; lyskanasek adj "diplomatic" ; mammel adj "maternal, motherly" ; manahek adj "monastic" ; mans adj "crippled, maimed" ; marhasadow adj "marketable, saleable" ; marow adj "dead" ; marthys adj "wonderful, marvellous, amazing, astounding" ; marwel adj "mortal, fatal" ; mas adj "good (morally)" ; materyel adj "material" ; materyolethek adj "materialistic" ; mayn adj "average, mean" ; medhel adj "soft, tender, delicate" ; medhow adj "drunk, intoxicated" ; medhygel adj "medical" ; megys adj "smoked" ; melek adj "honeyed, honey-yielding" ; melgennek adj "suave" ; melhwesek adj "snail-like" ; mellek adj "jointed, articulated" ; melyn adj "yellow, tawny" ; melynik adj "jaundiced, yellowish" ; melyonek adj "clovery" ; melys adj "insipid, very sweet" ; men adj "strong, able, stalwart" ; menydhek adj "mountainous" ; merek adj "snivelling" ; meri adj "merry, intoxicated, high" ; mersiabyl adj "merciful" ; messent adj "musty" ; mestrevek adj "suburban" ; methek adj "ashamed" ; methus adj "shameful, ignominious" ; metrek adj "metric" ; meur adj "great, large, many" ; meurgerys adj "beloved, much loved" ; meynek adj "rocky" ; milblek adj "thousandfold" ; milus adj "brutal, beastly, bestial" ; milwel adj "far better" ; milweth adj "far worse" ; mindu adj "swarthy, blackavised" ; mingow adj "lying" ; minrew adj "grey-bearded" ; minyek adj "long-muzzled, pointed" ; misyek adj "monthly" ; mogh adj "big" ; mogha adj "most" ; mol adj "bald, bare" ; mollothek adj "cursed, accursed, execrable" ; mon adj "slender, thin, slim" ; monek adj "mineral" ; monesek adj "monetary" ; moredhek adj "melancholy, pining, homesick" ; morek adj "maritime" ; morel adj "jet-black" ; mortholek adj "dinted, dented" ; mosek adj "stinking" ; moy adj "more" ; moyha adj "most, maximum" ; moyhes adj "increased" ; munys adj "minute, little" ; mus adj "mad" ; mygyl adj "lukewarm, tepid" ; nahen adj "any other, any more" ; namoy adj "any more" ; naturel adj "natural" ; neb adj "any" ; nebes adj "few" ; nebreydh adj "neuter" ; negedhek adj "negative" ; negedhys adj "apostate" ; nerthek adj "powerful, mighty" ; nervus adj "nervous" ; nes adj "nearer" ; nessa adj "nearest, next, second" ; nevek adj "heavenly, celestial" ; nijys adj "air-borne" ; niverus adj "numerous" ; niwlek adj "misty" ; nobyl adj "noble" ; normanek adj "Norman" ; noth adj "naked, nude" ; nownek adj "hungry" ; nowydh adj "new, fresh, novel" ; oferyasek adj "priestly, sacerdotal" ; ogas adj "near, close" ; oil adj "all, every" ; olivyset adj "global (of Earth)" ; ollgalosek adj "almighty" ; omborth adj "balanced, poised" ; omdhivas adj "bereft" ; omfolsadow adj "fissile omgamma" ; omglywansel adj "sensual" ; omglywansus adj "sensuous" ; omlusek adj "self-adhesive" ; omvodhek adj "self-indulgent" ; onest adj "proper, seemly, decent" ; oor adj "excessively cold, freezing" ; opyn adj "open" ; organek adj "organic" ; orgelous adj "proud" ; ownek adj "afraid" ; owrek adj "golden" ; pals adj "plentiful, numerous" ; parys adj "ready, prepared" ; peblys adj "populated" ; pedrek adj "square" ; pell adj "far, distant" ; penn-bagas adj "shock-headed" ; penn-fol adj "panicky" ; penn-gwynn adj "white-headed" ; penn-kamm adj "wrong-headed" ; penn-kogh adj "broken pate" ; penn-koog adj "empty-headed" ; penn-noth adj "bare-headed" ; penn-skav adj "scatter-brained" ; penn-sogh adj "stupid slow-witted" ; pennardhek adj "salient" ; penndegys adj "perplexed" ; pennek adj "big-headed" ; pennfrosek adj "mainstream" ; pennsemethel adj "architectural" ; perfeyth adj "perfect, entire" ; personel adj "personal" ; pervedhel adj "internal" ; peryllus adj "dangerous, perilous" ; peswar-kornek adj "four-cornered" ; pigornek adj "conical" ; pilb adj "each, every" ; pilennek adj "fringed, ragged" ; pith adj "greedy, avaricious, grasping" ; playn adj "evident, plain" ; plegadow adj "pleasing" ; plen adj "plain" ; plos adj "dirty, filthy" ; plosek adj "dirty" ; plywek adj "parochial" ; poblek adj "public" ; poblus adj "populous" ; poder adj "rotten, decayed, corrupt" ; podredhek adj "corrupt, festering" ; podrek adj "corrupt, decayed, full of misery" ; ponnek adj "dusty" ; ponvosek adj "troubled, vexed" ; poos adj "heavy, important" ; pooth adj "scorching, extremely hot" ; posedhek adj "positive" ; posek adj "important, weighty" ; possybyl adj "possible" ; prederus adj "careful, anxious, solicitous, worrying" ; prederys adj "worried" ; prest adj "readily, ever adv. quickly, continually, incessantly" ; pries adj "married" ; priosel adj "matrimonial, conjugal" ; priva adj "private, intimate, secret" ; privedh adj "secret, private" ; pryskek adj "scrubby" ; pryvesek adj "wormy, verminous" ; pur adj "pure, clean, absolute" ; purek adj "snotty, snivelling" ; pystigys adj "injured, hurt" ; pytethus adj "compassionate, pitiful" ; ragleverys adj "aforesaid, already mentioned" ; ragsettya adj "prescribe" ; rakhenwys adj "aforesaid" ; ranndiryel adj "regional" ; redenek adj "ferny" ; rennys adj "shared, divided" ; revedh adj "strange, astounding" ; rewek adj "frosty" ; reydhel adj "sexual" ; reynys adj "reigning" ; reyth adj "right, regular" ; romansek adj "romantic" ; rond adj "round" ; ronk adj "hoarse, croaking" ; rudh adj "red, scarlet" ; rudhik adj "reddish" ; rudhlas adj "purple" ; rudhlos adj "russet" ; rudhvelyn adj "orange" ; ruskek adj "rough-barked" ; russek adj "Russian" ; ryal adj "royal, kingly, regal" ; rych adj "rich, sumptuous" ; rydh adj "free, open, clear" ; sad adj "serious, constant, steadfast" ; sail adj "salted" ; salow adj "safe, healthy, well" ; sans adj "holy, sacred" ; sansel adj "saintly, pious" ; sansolethus adj "sanctimonious" ; sarfek adj "serpentine" ; sarsynek adj "Moorish" ; savonek adj "standard" ; saw adj "safe, sound, whole" ; sawrek adj "savoury, tasty" ; sawrys adj "seasoned, flavoured" ; sebonus adj "saponaceous, soapy" ; sellys adj "salted" ; selvenek adj "fundamental, basic" ; selyek adj "basic" ; sempel adj "simple, foolish" ; serrys adj "angry" ; sertan adj "certain" ; serth adj "steep, sheer" ; servabyl adj "ready to serve" ; servadow adj "provisional" ; sevur adj "severe" ; sewen adj "successful, prosperous" ; seythbledhenyek adj "septennial" ; seythenyek adj "weekly" ; shyndys adj "injured, hurt, ruined" ; sivil adj "civil" ; skansek adj "scaly, flaky, laminated" ; skant adj "scarce" ; skav adj "light, nimble, swift" ; skentel adj "learned, wise" ; skethennek adj "tattered, shredded" ; skethrek adj "tattered, splintered" ; skeusek adj "shady, shadowy" ; skewyek adj "abounding in elder-trees" ; skiansek adj "wise, intellectual" ; skollyek adj "wasteful" ; skorrek adj "branched" ; skovarnek adj "long-eared" ; skrilthus adj "shocking, horrible" ; skubellek adj "rubbishy, trashy" ; skwith adj "tired, weary" ; skwithhes adj "wearieds" ; skylwynn adj "whitish" ; sley adj "clever, skilful" ; smat adj "hardy" ; snell adj "quick, active" ; sodhogel adj "official" ; sotel adj "crafty, subtle" ; sovran adj "sovereign" ; sowsnek adj "English" ; spadh adj "castrated, gelded, spayed" ; spernek adj "thorny" ; spitus adj "spiteful, malicious" ; splann adj "shining, bright, splendid" ; sprusek adj "pippy" ; stag adj "fixed, fastened" ; stanch adj "staunch, watertight" ; stenus adj "containing tin, stannous" ; sterennek adj "starry" ; sterlyn adj "sterling" ; steroniethek adj "astronomical" ; stlav adj "lisping" ; stlavedh adj "lisping" ; stout adj "proud" ; strik adj "active, nimble" ; strolyek adj "dirty, messy" ; stronk adj "dirty (of liquid)" ; stroth adj "tight, strict, stringent" ; studhyus adj "studious" ; suant adj "level, even" ; sugnus adj "succulent" ; sur adj "sure" ; syger adj "oozing, sluggish, lazy" ; sygh adj "dry, parched, arid" ; synthesek adj "synthetic" ; talek adj "big-browed (m.)" ; talgam adj "sullen (m.), +ow scowl, frown" ; talvosek adj "valuable" ; tanow adj "thin, rare, frugal, scarce" ; taranek adj "thundery, like thunder" ; tarosvannus adj "ghostly, unreal, fantastic, spectral (of ghosts)" ; tasek adj "paternal, patronal m" ; tavosek adj "verbose, talkative" ; tawesek adj "silent, taciturn" ; tebel adj "evil, wicked (m.), +es evil person" ; teg adj "fine, beautiful, pretty (adv.) quite, completely" ; tekka adj "finer, prettier, more beautiful" ; tellek adj "riddled, pockmarked m" ; telynnek adj "lyric" ; temprek adj "temperate" ; tennvenek adj "magnetic" ; ter adj "eager, insistent, urgent" ; termynek adj "dawdling" ; ternoth adj "half naked ternos" ; terros adj "disastrous" ; terrys adj "broken" ; tesek adj "hot, sultry" ; teudh adj "molten, melted, melting" ; tevesik adj "adult" ; tew adj "thick, fat, dense, impervious" ; tewal adj "dark, gloomy, murky" ; tewedhek adj "weather-beaten" ; tewesek adj "sandy" ; tewl adj "dark, gloomy, murky, sombre" ; teythyek adj "indigenous, local, home-grown, vernacular, aboriginal" ; tollek adj "holed" ; tomm adj "warm, ardent" ; tonnek adj "wavy, rough (of sea)" ; tont adj "impudent, saucy, pert, cheeky, impertinent" ; torrek adj "pot-bellied, big-bellied" ; tosek adj "tufted" ; towarhek adj "peaty (f.), -egi peat?bog, turbary" ; tramor adj "overseas, abroad" ; tredanek adj "electric" ; tregeredhus adj "merciful" ; treheriethek adj "sartorial" ; trenk adj "acid, sharp (of taste or smell) acrid" ; trethek adj "sandy" ; treus adj "transverse, cross, wicked" ; treusvysek adj "worldwide" ; trevek adj "urban" ; trevesigel adj "colonial" ; treweythus adj "occasional, scarce" ; trihornek adj "triangular" ; trist adj "sad, mournful, gloomy" ; troblys adj "troubled" ; trogh adj "cut, wretched, cracked, broken" ; tromm adj "sudden, immediate, prompt" ; trosek adj "large-footed" ; trosek adj "noisy" ; trovannel adj "tropical" ; truan adj "miserable, poor, wretched" ; truedhek adj "piteous, compassionate, plaintive, pathetic" ; truesi adj "sad, serious, doleful" ; trufel adj "trifling" ; trygh adj "superior, victorious, triumphant" ; trymisyek adj "termly, quarterly" ; trymynsek adj "three-dimensional" ; tykkli adj "delicate, critical" ; tynn adj "tight, firm, intense, sharp, cruel, strict, taut" ; ugensplek adj "twentyfold" ; ughradh adj "higher grade" ; uhel adj "high, lofty, loud (of sound)" ; uheldiryek adj "highland" ; uhella adj "higher" ; unn adj "one, only, sole art. a, a certain" ; unnik adj "only, single, unique" ; unnlagasek adj "one-eyed (m.), cyclops" ; unnliw adj "monochrome" ; unnplek adj "singular (not plural)" ; unnrann adj "one-piece" ; unnsylabek adj "monosyllabic" ; unnton adj "monotonous" ; unnver adj "agreed, unanimous" ; unnverhes adj "reconciled" ; unnwos adj "akin, of same blood, related by blood" ; unnyethek adj "monolingual" ; unys adj "united, unified" ; uskis adj "quick, nimble, fast (speedy)" ; usys adj "used, usual, habitual" ; uvel adj "humble" ; varyes adj "insane, deranged" ; vas adj "useful, suitable, of service" ; verbel adj "verbal (concerning verbs)" ; vil adj "vile, dreadful, horrible" ; vyth adj "any (in neg. expressions)" ; war adj "aware, wary, cautious" ; wast adj "waste" ; wolkom adj "welcome" ; wondrys adj "wondrous" ; wor'taswerth adj "second-hand" ; wordhi adj "worthy, deserving, honourable" ; yagh adj "healthy, sound, fit, well (not ill)" ; yahus adj "healthful, healing, health-giving, wholesome" ; ydhyl adj "feeble, weak, slight" ; yedhowek adj "Jewish" ; yehesel adj "sanitary" ; yeunek adj "craving, desirous" ; yeyn adj "cold" ; ylyn adj "limpid, transparent, clear, bright, nett" ; yniadow adj "urgent" ; ynjin adj "ingenious" ; ynn adj "narrow, slender, confined" ; yonk adj "young" ; yowynk adj "young" ; yr adj "fresh" ; ysek adj "rich in corn" ;