! Lexicon over Cornish nouns ! These are pointed to from kor-lex.txt LEXICON Noun ! Exceptions ki+N+Msc: KI "dog" ; den+N+Msc: DEN "man"; ojyon+N+Msc: OJYON "ox" ; kar+N+Sg:kar mutation "parent" ; kar+N+Pl:kerens mutation "parents" ; garlont GARLONT "garland" ; marchont GARLONT "merchant" ; tulyfant GARLONT "tulip" ; protestant GARLONT "protestant" ; ! Short overview of the types ! Masculines ! m = ow plural ! m-yow = yow plural ! m-ys = ys plural ! m-yon = yon plural ! m-yn = yn plural *not implemented yet* ! m-ag = -(y)er agent nouns ! m-es = -es plural ! m-ens = -ens plural *not implemented yet* ! m-s = -s plural ! m- = balek-wörter ! m-dual = Duals *not implemented yet* ! m-aff = Root vowel change ! m-yon = yon plural ! m-aff-i = i plural ! m-sgtantum = Singularia tantum ! m-pltantum = Pluralia tantum ! Feminines ! ========= ! f = ow plural ! f-yow = yow plural ! f-yon = yon plural ! Masculine ! ========== ! lexc syntax: ! lemmaform:stem continuationlexicon "facultative translation" ; ! without the colon, lemmaform and stem are identical. ! The morphology is then handeled in noun-kor-morph.txt ! Here the noun types begin: ! ========================== ! ow plural ! -------- !All -(y)ans nouns are here even though the dictionary lists no plurals for them (Brown, p. 30) abatti m "abbey" ; abes m "abbot" ; adhyskans m "education" ; afinans m "decoration" ; aghskrif m "pedigree" ; ahwer m "sorrow" ; !no plural listed akont m "account" ; akontyans m "reckoning" ; akord m "accord" ; !no plural listed akordyans m "agreement" ; akwityans m "receipt" ; babi m "baby" ; bagas m "group" ; bagas-gwari m "play group" ; bagasik m "batch" ; berrskrif m "summary" ; lyther m "letter" ; mammskrif m "original text" ; tas m "father" ; !yow plural !---------- aber m-yow "river mouth" ; grogys m-yow "belt" ; gwrogys m-yow "belt" ; acheson m-yow "reason" ; bal m-yow "mine" ; balyer m-yow "barrel" ; begel m-yow "navel, hillock" ; begh m-yow "load" ; !ys plural acheson m-ys "reason" ; adamant m-ys "diamond" ; akont m-ys "account" ; !yon plural akontydh m-yon "accountant" ; !-(y)er agent nouns aghskrifer:aghskrifor m-ag "genealogist" ; bleujenner:bleujennor m-ag "florist" ; begyer+N+Msc:begyor yonpl "beggar" ; !also m-s ! -es plural ! --------- baban m-es "baby" ; badh m-es "boar" ; ! -s plural bacheler m-s "bachelor" ; balyer m-s "balyers" ; banana m-s "banana" ; begyer m-s "beggar" ; degre m-s "degree" ; gyglet m-s "wanton person" ; popynjay m-s "parrot" ; ! balek-wörter balek:bale3k m ; ! Duals ! abrans m "eyebrow" This needs to be done later on ! Root vowel change ! ======= ! yon plural mab:ma4b m-yon "son" ; ! i plural abostol:abo4sto4l m-aff-i "apostle" ; !not working yet !Singularia tantum adhvetter m-sgtantum "ripeness" ; Afrikan m-sgtantum "African" ; agha m-sgtantum "dread" ; badh m-sgtantum "bath" ; backen m-sgtantum "bacon" ; blam m-sgtantum "blame" ; blas m-sgtantum "taste, smell" ; !Pluralia tantum arghans m-pltantum "money" ; !MF mona m-pltantum "money" ; !NW ! mona is here as illustration, should get a new continuation lex ! €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ ! Longer lists ! €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ ! Masculines ! ========== ! ----- ! ! m-yow ! ! ----- ! aber m-yow "river mouth" ; anken m-yow "misery" ; ankor m-yow "anchor" ; apron m-yow "[a?pr??nj??] (pl.) apron. " ; arhadow m-yow "command" ; aros m-yow "poop" ; askus m-yow "excuse." ; bal m-yow "mine" ; balyer m-yow "balyers [?ba?lj?rs] (pl.)" ; baner m-yow "flag" ; bargen m-yow "bargain." ; bason m-yow "basonys [ba?z??n?s] (pl.)" ; bay m-yow "kiss." ; begel m-yow "navel" ; begh m-yow "burden" ; ben m-yow "stump" ; ber m-yow "roasting spit." ; bleus m-yow "flour; bleus bleuj " ; bleyn m-yow "tip (end)" ; boton m-yow "button." ; brastir m-yow "continent." ; brys m-yow "mind" ; budhyn m-yow "meadow." ; chambour m-yow "bedroom" ; chanj m-yow "change." ; chapel m-yow "chapel." ; charj m-yow "service charge." ; chons m-yow "chance" ; dasson m-yow "echo." ; daswel m-yow "review." ; delow m-yow "statue." ; desin m-yow "design" ; devis m-yow "device" ; devnydh m-yow "material" ; difeythtir m-yow "desert." ; difyk m-yow "failure" ; digomposter m-yow "irregularity." ; dons m-yow "dance; dons-kledha [d?ns ?kl???a] (m.)" ; dorgrys m-yow "earthquake." ; doster m-yow "density (in physics)." ; downder m-yow "depth" ; dowrfols m-yow "leak." ; dowrgleudh m-yow "canal" ; dowrhyns m-yow "watercourse." ; dy'gol m-yow "feast-day" ; dy'gweyth m-yow "working day" ; dydh m-yow "day" ; dynamo m-yow "dynamo." ; ebil m-yow "bolt" ; egin m-yow "sprout" ; elin m-yow "dewelin [d???w??l?n] (dl.)" ; er m-yow "temple (head)." ; erbys m-yow "economy" ; euro m-yow "euro (currency)." ; evredhder m-yow "disability." ; ewnder m-yow "equity" ; fer m-yow "fair" ; fler m-yow "bad smell" ; fols m-yow "split" ; fortun m-yow "fortune" ; galweyth m-yow "crime." ; ger m-yow "word" ; glastir m-yow "verdant ground." ; glesin m-yow "lawn" ; glin m-yow "dewlin [?d??l?n] (dl.)" ; gool m-yow "feast, sail, vigil" ; gorher m-yow "cover" ; gorwel m-yow "horizon." ; gow m-yow "lie" ; gris m-yow "grisys [?gri?z?s] (pl.)" ; grogys m-yow "belt" ; growgleudh m-yow "gravel pit." ; gruglon m-yow "heather-bush." ; gwel m-yow "field, sight" ; gwelstir m-yow "grassland." ; gwerthbris m-yow "sale price." ; gwigh m-yow "squeak." ; gwir m-yow "right" ; gwiwder m-yow "worthiness" ; gwydh m-yow "video." ; gwydhyv m-yow "bill-hook" ; gwyll m-yow "vagrant" ; hansel m-yow "breakfast." ; hansli m-yow "brunch." ; hanterkylgh m-yow "semicircle." ; havalder m-yow "similarity." ; hengov m-yow "tradition." ; hevis m-yow "shirt (rough)" ; heyl m-yow "estuary" ; hin m-yow "border." ; hirgylgh m-yow "ellipse" ; hoghwyw m-yow "boar-spear." ; hweghkorn m-yow "hexagon." ; hwel m-yow "work" ; hweldro m-yow "revolution (in mechanics)." ; hyns m-yow "road" ; iseldir m-yow "lowland." ; iston m-yow "line of harmony (e.g. tenor)." ; jorna m-yow "day." ; justis m-yow "justice (judge)" ; kalgh m-yow "penis. " ; kanon m-yow "[ka?n??nj??] cannon. " ; kanou m-yow "canoe. " ; kansvil m-yow "hundred thousand. " ; kantoler m-yow "chandelier" ; karhyns m-yow "cart-track" ; karjel m-yow "accordion." ; karol m-yow "dance to sung music. " ; karrhyns m-yow "cart-track" ; karrostel m-yow "motel." ; kaskleudh m-yow "entrenchment" ; kaslu m-yow "regiment." ; kav m-yow "cave. " ; kay m-yow "quay" ; kel m-yow "hiding" ; kemper m-yow "junction of streams. " ; kenkidh m-yow "second home" ; keswel m-yow "interview. " ; keur m-yow "choir. " ; keus m-yow "cheese. " ; kevals m-yow "joint" ; kevar m-yow "joint-tillage. " ; kevelin m-yow "cubit." ; kevrin m-yow "mystery" ; keyndir m-yow "background. " ; kig m-yow "meat" ; kigver m-yow "fleshhook" ; kil m-yow "skittle" ; kin m-yow "kinyewow [k?n?j??w??] (pl.)" ; kledha m-yow "sword; kledha byghan [?kl???a?b??han] (m.)" ; kleghtour m-yow "belfry" ; kleudh m-yow "ditch" ; kleys m-yow "trench" ; klos m-yow "klosys [?kl??z?s] (pl.)" ; klus m-yow "heap" ; knegh m-yow "hillock" ; kornet m-yow "nook." ; korrgowser m-yow "microphone. " ; kov m-yow "memory" ; kowbal m-yow "ferry." ; kowses m-yow "conscience" ; kranndir m-yow "scrubland." ; kraw m-yow "hole" ; kren m-yow "tremble" ; krer m-yow "relic (of saint)." ; kreun m-yow "reservoir" ; kreyon m-yow "crayon." ; kris m-yow "fold" ; krodhvol m-yow "complaint." ; kroust m-yow "picnic lunch" ; krow m-yow "hut" ; krowshyns m-yow "crossroads. " ; krygh m-yow "wrinkle" ; krys m-yow "shirt" ; kuldir m-yow "isthmus." ; kwilkyn m-yow "frog." ; kyfeyth m-yow "preserve" ; kylgh m-yow "circle" ; kyttrin m-yow "bus" ; lavrek m-yow "laborious" ; lavurlu m-yow "work-force." ; led m-yow "lead (electrical)." ; les m-yow "plant" ; lestrier m-yow "dresser" ; leur m-yow "ground" ; leys m-yow "mud" ; lien m-yow "kerchief" ; lien m-yow "napkin" ; lin m-yow "fluid" ; lindir m-yow "flax-land." ; lith m-yow "limb" ; liw m-yow "colour" ; loskvenydh m-yow "volcanic losni (m.)" ; loskvenydh m-yow "volcano." ; lowarth m-yow "garden." ; lown m-yow "blade" ; lown m-yow "concourse" ; lown m-yow "open working area " ; lown m-yow "sliver" ; lu m-yow "army" ; lyver-dydh m-yow "lyvrow-dydh " ; lyw m-yow "rudder" ; masken m-yow "bier." ; melon m-yow "melon." ; mengleudh m-yow "opencast mine-working." ; menydh m-yow "mountain" ; merk m-yow "mark." ; mes m-yow "open field" ; mewgh m-yow "bail" ; mil m-yow "thousand." ; mildir m-yow "mile." ; milvil m-yow "million." ; min m-yow "face" ; mis m-yow "month." ; mol m-yow "clot" ; mor m-yow "sea." ; myghtern m-yow "king" ; mysterlu m-yow "trade union." ; myttin m-yow "morning" ; nen m-yow "ceiling" ; nivel m-yow "standard" ; patron m-yow "example" ; pennglin m-yow "coal-tit" ; penntan m-yow "chieftain" ; pennvis m-yow "month's end" ; pols m-yow "instant" ; pons m-yow "bridge" ; pot m-yow "kick " ; praktis m-yow "practice" ; pris m-yow "value" ; prison m-yow "prison " ; prys m-yow "meal-time" ; pynser m-yow "pair of pincers " ; radyo m-yow "radio" ; rannriv m-yow "sea-area" ; rim m-yow "rhyme" ; rin m-yow "mystery" ; ros m-yow "spur (topographic)" ; soler m-yow "attic" ; son m-yow "noise;" ; spis m-yow "spice" ; stank m-yow "chassis" ; sugen m-yow "sap" ; sul m-yow "Sunday (time) adv. on a" ; tabour m-yow "tabor" ; tal m-yow "forehead" ; tan m-yow "fire; gans tan on fire" ; tanker m-yow "tanker; tanker oyl oil tanker " ; tansys m-yow "blaze " ; tavern m-yow "tavern " ; termyn m-yow "term" ; teylu m-yow "household " ; tir m-yow "ground" ; tirwel m-yow "landscape" ; tokyn m-yow "symptom" ; ton m-yow "melody; tone;" ; tour m-yow "steeple." ; treth m-yow "passage over water " ; trog m-yow "coulter of plough " ; trogylgh m-yow "circuit" ; tron m-yow "snout, throne " ; tros m-yow "clamour" ; troyll m-yow "ceilidh" ; tu m-yow "way" ; tyller m-yow "spot (location) " ; uhelder m-yow "superiority " ; uheldir m-yow "highland; An Uheldir " ; uhelgowser m-yow "loudspeaker " ; uskitter m-yow "velocity" ; ! ----- ! ! m-ys ! ! ----- ! kanel m-ys "tap" ; mason m-ys "mason" ; desir m-ys "desire" ; enor m-ys "honour" ; entent m-ys "purpose" ; remetant m-ys "remain" ; sant m-ys "course of a meal" ; chalys m-ys "chalice" ; degre m-ys "degree" ; ertaj m-ys "heritage" ; offis m-ys "function" ; polat m-ys "fellow" ; rewl m-ys "rule" ; slod m-ys "sledgehammer" ; splat m-ys "plot of ground" ; tid m-ys "tide" ; trumach m-ys "passage by water" ; vertu m-ys "power" ; ! Feminines ! ========= ! ================ ! ! f with ow plural ! ! ================ ! abases f "abbess" ; tagel f "constriction, choker" ; taklen f "item" ; talgel f "pantry, buttery, store-cellar " ; tanbellen f "bomb, shell (explosive)" ; tanvaglen f "fire-grate " ; tardhel f "vent, loophole, outlet " ; tavel f "probe " ; tavlinen f "tangent" ; tavoseth f "idiom" ; tegen f "trinket, jewel" ; telyn f "harp " ; telynnyores f "harpist " ; tennros f "draw-net " ; tronn f "turn, caunter lode " ; turen f "turtle-dove" ; pellen f "ball, dumpling," ; pellskrifen f "fax (message)," ; pennduen f "," ; penndyskadores f "" ; pennlinen f "headline pennlugarn (m.), pennlugern" ; pennseres f "architect" ; pennseviges f "princess" ; pennsodhva f "headquarters" ; pennwlas f "chief country" ; perlan f "pear " ; pib f "pipe, flute" ; pilen f ", pil fringe" ; plasen f "record, disc," ; plenkyn f "board (timber), shingle, squared timber" ; plentyades f "plaintiff" ; pleth f "plait of hair, ridge of" ; plethen f "plait of hair, braid, reel (dance)" ; plethores f "braider" ; ploumen f "plum" ; pluven f ", pluv pen, feather, quill" ; plyw f "parish" ; pollen f "puddle, rock-pool, little pool" ; ponsfordh f "viaduct" ; poren f ", por leek" ; porthores f "porter " ; porven f ", porv rush" ; prenores f "buyer " ; prien f "clayey place" ; prilehen f "tile" ; prisnores f "prisoner (female) " ; priweythva f "clay-works, pottery " ; prydydhes f "poetess" ; prynses f "princess " ; prynseth f "principality " ; pryven f "worm" ; pyglen f "tarpaulin " ; pysklyn f "fish-pond" ; pystriores f "sorceress " ; pythyonen f "," ; raglen f "over-trousers" ; rakherdhel f "propeller" ; rann f "part, share, portion," ; rannyeth f "dialect" ; rask f "plane (tool)" ; ratheli f "grater, rasp" ; redyores f "reader" ; regydhen f ", regydh" ; rekenva f "till (in shop), check­out" ; reknel f "calculator" ; resegva f "course, career, orbit" ; resell f "cursor, cross-wire," ; restren f "file (document)" ; restrenva f "filing cabinet restrer (m.), comb" ; rev f "oar" ; rewlel f "ruler (tool)" ; risen f ", ris grain of rice" ; ros f "wheel, circle" ; rosel f "rotor, roulette wheel" ; rostel f "skate-board rostya v. roast" ; rosva f "promenade, avenue rosvoes +ow trolley (for food)" ; routh f "crowd, throng," ; ruglen f "rattle" ; rybfordh f "slip-road" ; ryll f "cleft, furrow" ; ruwvanes f "queen" ; saben f ", sab conifer," ; sadronen f ", sadron" ; sanses f "saint (female)" ; savon f "standard" ; sawren f "taste" ; selsigen f ", coil" ; serhegen f "," ; seth f "arrow" ; sewyades f "seamstress" ; sinel f "signal" ; skansen f ", skans" ; skath f "boat" ; skavel f "stool" ; skethen f "strip, tatter" ; skethren f "splinter" ; skeusen f "photograph" ; skinen f "ear-ring" ; skoodh f "shoulder, help " ; skostel f "dashboard" ; skolores f "scholar" ; skowa f "shelter, refuge, shade" ; skrifen f "writing, article, document" ; skrifenyades f "secretary" ; skubel f "broom (implement)" ; skubeloges f "untidy person" ; skudellas f "dishful" ; skwychel f "switch" ; skyren f ", skyr splinter" ; soodh f "office" ; sodhva f "office (work­place), place of employment" ; sommen f "sum, total" ; souben f "soup, broth" ; sowlwodh f "stubble" ; sowses f "Englishwoman" ; spadel f "spatula" ; spavnel f "iull" ; spernen f ", spern" ; sportva f "stadium" ; steren f ", ster star" ; steus f "course (of study)" ; stevel f "room" ; stokkyn f "stub" ; stredh f "stream, brook" ; studhva f "study (room)" ; stycken f "stake" ; swynnen f "swig, draught" ; sylaben f "syllable" ; synsel f "clip (e.g. paper-clip)" ; ternwelen f "sceptre" ; terthen f "fever, influenza, flu " ; tesen f "cake" ; testen f "subject (of study) " ; teth f "teat " ; tethen f "teat" ; teudherigva f "fuse-box" ; teudhva f "foundry " ; tevesiges f "adult (female) " ; teyrros f "tricycle " ; tigen f "hand-bag, wallet " ; tigres f "tigress" ; tioges f "farmer, countrywoman, housewife " ; tolores f "deceiver (female) " ; tokynva f "ticket-office, booking office " ; toll f "tax, toll, duty" ; tollfordh f "toll-road " ; tollva f "tax-office, toll-booth" ; tommen f "earth-bank, dyke, dam" ; tonn f "wave, billow " ; tonnel f "tun, keeve " ; torr f "belly, stomach" ; torr f "tor" ; torrva f "rupture, breach, breakdown" ; torth f "loaf, large cake " ; towlen f "programme, schedule" ; towlennores f "programmer" ; tra f "thing, article (object)" ; tregeredh f "mercy (loving kindness)" ; trenken f "acid " ; tresen f "trace (as in art)," ; tresklen f ", treskel missel-thrush " ; tresorva f "treasury " ; tresyades f "draughtswoman" ; trethen f "sandy patch " ; trethyades f "female passenger in ferry " ; treus-hesken f "cross-saw " ; treusva f "crossing-place, crossing" ; trev f "farmstead " ; trevas f "harvest, crop " ; trevesiges f "countrywoman " ; trigva f "address (place), abode, country seat" ; troll f "lathe" ; trosell f "pedal" ; troghva f "cutting (e.g. on road)" ; trova f "circuit" ; trovan f "tropic" ; truflen f "trifle" ; tysk f "sheaf, mass (heap) " ; tysken f "sheaf, bunch " ; ughvarhas f "hypermarket " ; unnros f "unicycle" ; verb f "verb. " ; yalgh f "purse." ; Yedhowes f "Jewess. " ; yeth f "language, way of speaking. " ; yew f "yoke. " ; yeynel f "refrigerator." ; ynjinores f "engineer. " ; ynys f "island, isolated place." ; yslan f "rick-yard, mowhay." ; ! ===== ! ! f-yow ! ! ===== ! aden f-yow "binding board of a book" ; als f-yow "cliff" ; alter f-yow "altar" ; amser f-yow "tense (of verb)" ; anwan f-yow "anvil" ; argel f-yow "retreat, sequestered place" ; arwodh f-yow "sign, symbol, emblem, annorial device" ; atalgyst f-yow "dustbin, trash can (US), garbage can (US)" ; avon f-yow "river" ; awedh f-yow "watercourse" ; awel f-yow "wind, gale, weather" ; aweyl f-yow "gospel" ; batel f-yow "battle" ; bis f-yow "vice (tool)" ; bleujen f-yow "flower, bloom, blossom" ; bool f-yow "axe" ; bownder f-yow "lane" ; bresel f-yow "dispute, striwar" ; breuslys f-yow "assize-court, court of law" ; bro f-yow "country, land" ; brow f-yow "handmill, quern" ; bryv f-yow "bleating of sheep" ; bynk f-yow "platform, bench" ; byskoon f-yow "thimble" ; kadon f-yow "chain, bond (link), trace" ; kador f-yow "chair, seat" ; kalter f-yow "kettle" ; kanel f-yow "channel, canal, water-channel, inlet of sea, television channel" ; kansbledhen f-yow "century, hundred years" ; kantol f-yow "spark-plug" ; kasel f-yow "arm-pit, aisle underarm (US)" ; kloos f-yow "hurdle, fence, crate, trellis, lattice, rack, harrow" ; koloven f-yow "column" ; kon f-yow "late dinner" ; kow f-yow "enclosure, hollow" ; kromlegh f-yow "cromlech, megalithic chamber-tomb" ; krows f-yow "cross, rood" ; krowseryow f-yow "crowseryow" ; kurun f-yow "crown" ; kusul f-yow "advice, counsel, opinion" ; dama f-yow "mother" ; degbledhen f-yow "decade" ; dowrlann f-yow "waterside" ; dydhweyth f-yow "day’s time" ; ehel f-yow "axle" ; eglos f-yow "church" ; elgeth f-yow "chin" ; esker f-yow "diwesker [dɪʊˈwɛˑskɛr] (dl" ; eskeul f-yow "escalator" ; eskis f-yow "shoe" ; eur f-yow "time, o’clock" ; fals f-yow "scythe" ; fenten f-yow "spring (water), fountain, surface well" ; fin f-yow "end" ; finwedh f-yow "end, limit, cessation" ; fiol f-yow "vial, shallow cup" ; fornes f-yow "furnace" ; fun f-yow "cable, long rope" ; gavel f-yow "grasp, hold, capacity" ; geler f-yow "bier, coffin" ; goon f-yow "downland, unenclosed pasture, moor (upland)" ; gwan f-yow "stab, prick, piercing" ; gwarthol f-yow "stirrup" ; gwelgyst f-yow "video-cassette" ; gwers f-yow "gwers meythrin [ˌgwɛrzˈmɛɪθrɪn] nursery-rhyme" ; gweus f-yow "diwweus [ˈdiʊwœs] (dl" ; gweyth f-yow "occasion (time)" ; hel f-yow "hall, parlour" ; hellys f-yow "old court" ; kadon f-yow "chain, bond (link), trace" ; kador f-yow "chair, seat" ; kalter f-yow "kettle" ; kanel f-yow "channel, canal, water-channel, inlet of sea, television channel" ; kansbledhen f-yow "century, hundred years" ; kantol f-yow "spark-plug" ; kasel f-yow "arm-pit, aisle underarm (US)" ; kaskleudh f-yow "(pl" ; ker f-yow "fort, camp (earthwork), hill-fort" ; keryn f-yow "tub, butt (container), open barrel" ; kildro f-yow "backward turn, ruse" ; kloos f-yow "hurdle, fence, crate, trellis, lattice, rack, harrow" ; kloos-platyow f-yow "plate-rack" ; klun f-yow "diwglun [ˈdiʊglɪn] (dl" ; kon f-yow "late dinner" ; koloven f-yow "column" ; kow f-yow "enclosure, hollow" ; kromlegh f-yow "cromlech, megalithic chamber-tomb" ; krows f-yow "cross, rood" ; krowseryow f-yow "krowseryow" ; kurun f-yow "crown" ; kusul f-yow "advice, counsel, opinion" ; kygel f-yow "distaff" ; kyst f-yow "box (container), chest" ; kysten f-yow "small box" ; liv f-yow "lunch(eon)." ; lo f-yow "spoon, ladle, spatula." ; loor f-yow "moon." ; lys f-yow "court, hall, palace" ; lo f-yow "loyow spoon, ladle, spatula" ; magor f-yow "ruin." ; mammvro f-yow "motherland." ; mantol f-yow "balance, scales (for weighing)." ; medyner f-yow "hinge." ; melin f-yow "mill." ; milvledhen f-yow "millennium." ; mogow f-yow "cave." ; nas f-yow "nature (character)" ; new f-yow "trough, sink" ; ostel f-yow "lodging, hostel, hotel" ; penneglos f-yow "cathedral" ; pennseythen f-yow "weekend" ; pennskol f-yow "university," ; penntir f-yow "headland" ; pows f-yow "coat, gown, frock, dress " ; ragarwodh f-yow "portent " ; rannvro f-yow "region " ; raw f-yow "strop, bond " ; rol f-yow "roll, list" ; rys f-yow "ford Rysoghen Oxford" ; sawn f-yow "geo, clegully" ; sel f-yow "base, foundation " ; seythen f-yow "week" ; skol f-yow "school" ; stol f-yow "stole" ; strolgyst f-yow "litter-bin," ; tiogeth f-yow "household" ; treveglos f-yow "churchtown, village " ; tro f-yow "turn, circuit, twist" ; troweyth f-yow "cycle (of motion)" ;