LEXICON Verb abandon vs ; abide vs ; abolish vs ; abound vs ; absent vs ; absorb vs ; abstain vs ; abstract vs ; abuse vs ; accede vs ; accelerate vs ; accentuate vs ; accept vs ; accommodate vs ; accompany vs ; accomplish vs ; accord vs ; account vs ; accumulate vs ; accuse vs ; ache vs ; achieve vs ; acknowledge vs ; acquaint vs ; acquiesce vs ; acquire vs ; act vs ; activate vs ; actuate vs ; adapt vs ; add vs ; address vs ; adduce vs ; adhere vs ; adjust vs ; administer vs ; admire vs ; admit vs ; adopt vs ; adore vs ; adorn vs ; advance vs ; adventure vs ; advertise vs ; advise vs ; advocate vs ; aerate vs ; affect vs ; affirm vs ; affix vs ; afford vs ; age vs ; agglomerate vs ; aggravate vs ; agitate vs ; agree vs ; aid vs ; aim vs ; alarm vs ; alert vs ; alienate vs ; alight vs ; align vs ; allay vs ; allege vs ; alleviate vs ; allocate vs ; allons vs ; allot vs ; allow vs ; alter vs ; alternate vs ; amass vs ; amaze vs ; ambush vs ; amend vs ; amortize vs ; amount vs ; amplify vs ; amuse vs ; analyze vs ; angle vs ; annex vs ; annihilate vs ; announce vs ; annoy vs ; ansuh vs ; answer vs ; antagonize vs ; anticipate vs ; apologize vs ; appeal vs ; appear vs ; appease vs ; appellant vs ; applaud vs ; apply vs ; appoint vs ; apportion vs ; appraise vs ; appreciate vs ; apprehend vs ; approach vs ; appropriate vs ; approve vs ; approximate vs ; arbitrate vs ; arch vs ; argue vs ; arise vs ; arm vs ; arouse vs ; arrange vs ; arrest vs ; arrive vs ; arrogate vs ; articulate vs ; ascend vs ; ascertain vs ; ascribe vs ; ask vs ; aspire vs ; assail vs ; assemble vs ; assert vs ; assess vs ; assign vs ; assimilate vs ; assist vs ; associate vs ; assume vs ; assure vs ; astound vs ; atone vs ; attach vs ; attack vs ; attain vs ; attempt vs ; attend vs ; attest vs ; attract vs ; attribute vs ; audition vs ; augment vs ; authenticate vs ; authorize vs ; automate vs ; autopsy vs ; avail vs ; avenge vs ; average vs ; avert vs ; avoid vs ; await vs ; awake vs ; awaken vs ; award vs ; back vs ; backstitch vs ; baffle vs ; bag vs ; bake vs ; balance vs ; ban vs ; bang vs ; banish vs ; bankrupt vs ; bar vs ; barbecue vs ; bare vs ; barge vs ; bargen vs ; bark vs ; barrel vs ; barricade vs ; base vs ; bat vs ; bathe vs ; battle vs ; be: BE ; bear vs ; beat vs ; beautify vs ; beckon vs ; become vs ; befall vs ; beg vs ; beget vs ; begin vs ; begrudge vs ; beguile vs ; behave vs ; behold vs ; believe vs ; belong vs ; bemoan vs ; bench vs ; bend vs ; benefit vs ; beseech vs ; besiege vs ; besmirch vs ; bespeak vs ; best vs ; bestow vs ; bet vs ; betide vs ; betray vs ; better vs ; bevel vs ; bewail vs ; beware vs ; bid vs ; bide vs ; bind vs ; birdie vs ; bite vs ; black vs ; blame vs ; blanket vs ; blast vs ; blaze vs ; blazon vs ; bleed vs ; blend vs ; bless vs ; blind vs ; blink vs ; blister vs ; block vs ; bloom vs ; blossom vs ; blot vs ; blow vs ; bludgeon vs ; blunt vs ; blur vs ; blush vs ; board vs ; boast vs ; bog vs ; boil vs ; bolster vs ; bolt vs ; bomb vs ; boo vs ; boobify vs ; boost vs ; boot vs ; bore vs ; borrow vs ; bother vs ; bounce vs ; bound vs ; bow vs ; box vs ; boycott vs ; brace vs ; brag vs ; branch vs ; brave vs ; break vs ; breathe vs ; breed vs ; bribe vs ; bridge vs ; bring vs ; bristle vs ; broach vs ; broaden vs ; broil vs ; bruise vs ; brush vs ; brynge vs ; buckle vs ; bud vs ; budge vs ; budget vs ; buffet vs ; build vs ; bulldoze vs ; bullshit vs ; bully vs ; bum vs ; bump vs ; bundle vs ; bunt vs ; burden vs ; burn vs ; burne vs ; burrow vs ; burst vs ; bury vs ; bust vs ; busy vs ; butt vs ; buy vs ; buzz vs ; bye vs ; bypass vs ; cable vs ; calculate vs ; call vs ; calm vs ; camouflage vs ; camp vs ; campaign vs ; cancel vs ; canoe vs ; canvass vs ; cap vs ; capitalize vs ; capture vs ; care vs ; caress vs ; caricature vs ; carry vs ; cart vs ; carve vs ; cascade vs ; case vs ; cash vs ; cast vs ; catch vs ; catchee vs ; catechize vs ; categorize vs ; cater vs ; cause vs ; cauterize vs ; caution vs ; cavort vs ; cease vs ; celebrate vs ; cement vs ; center vs ; center-punch vs ; certify vs ; chafe vs ; chalk vs ; challenge vs ; champion vs ; chance vs ; chandelle vs ; change vs ; channel vs ; chant vs ; char vs ; characterize vs ; charge vs ; charm vs ; chart vs ; chase vs ; chat vs ; chatter vs ; cheat vs ; check vs ; cheer vs ; cheere vs ; cherish vs ; chew vs ; chicken vs ; chide vs ; chin vs ; chin-up vs ; choke vs ; choose vs ; chop vs ; chuck vs ; chuckle vs ; cipher vs ; circle vs ; circulate vs ; cite vs ; claim vs ; clamor vs ; clarify vs ; class vs ; classify vs ; clatter vs ; clean vs ; clear vs ; clench vs ; clerk vs ; climax vs ; climb vs ; clinch vs ; cling vs ; clobber vs ; clog vs ; close vs ; clot vs ; clothe vs ; cluster vs ; clutch vs ; co-operate vs ; co-ordinate vs ; coalesce vs ; coat vs ; coax vs ; code vs ; coerce vs ; coexist vs ; cohere vs ; coin vs ; coincide vs ; collaborate vs ; collapse vs ; collar vs ; collect vs ; color vs ; com vs ; combat vs ; combine vs ; come vs ; comend vs ; comest vs ; comfort vs ; command vs ; commemorate vs ; commence vs ; commend vs ; comment vs ; commiserate vs ; commit vs ; commune vs ; communicate vs ; communize vs ; commute vs ; compare vs ; compass vs ; compel vs ; compensate vs ; compete vs ; compile vs ; complain vs ; complement vs ; complete vs ; complicate vs ; comply vs ; comport vs ; compose vs ; compound vs ; comprehend vs ; compress vs ; comprise vs ; compromise vs ; compute vs ; conceal vs ; concede vs ; conceive vs ; concentrate vs ; concern vs ; conciliate vs ; conclude vs ; concur vs ; condemn vs ; condense vs ; condition vs ; conduct vs ; confer vs ; confess vs ; confide vs ; confine vs ; confirm vs ; conflict vs ; conform vs ; confront vs ; confuse vs ; congratulate vs ; congregate vs ; conjure vs ; connect vs ; connote vs ; conquer vs ; consent vs ; conserve vs ; consider vs ; consign vs ; consist vs ; consolidate vs ; constitute vs ; construct vs ; construe vs ; consult vs ; consume vs ; contact vs ; contain vs ; contaminate vs ; contemplate vs ; contend vs ; contendere vs ; content vs ; contest vs ; continue vs ; contract vs ; contradict vs ; contrast vs ; contribute vs ; contrive vs ; control vs ; converge vs ; converse vs ; convert vs ; convey vs ; convict vs ; convince vs ; cook vs ; cool vs ; cooperate vs ; coordinate vs ; cope vs ; copy vs ; core vs ; corral vs ; correct vs ; correlate vs ; correspond vs ; corroborate vs ; corrode vs ; corrupt vs ; cost vs ; coste vs ; cough vs ; counsel vs ; count vs ; counter vs ; counter-drill vs ; counteract vs ; counterattack vs ; counterbalance vs ; counterchallenge vs ; court vs ; cover vs ; covet vs ; crack vs ; crane vs ; crash vs ; crave vs ; crawl vs ; create vs ; credit vs ; creep vs ; cremate vs ; criticize vs ; crochet vs ; cross vs ; crouch vs ; crowd vs ; crown vs ; crumble vs ; crush vs ; cry vs ; crystallize vs ; culminate vs ; cultivate vs ; cumulate vs ; cup vs ; curb vs ; cure vs ; curl vs ; curse vs ; curtail vs ; cushion vs ; custom-make vs ; customer vs ; cut vs ; dabhumaksanigalu'ahai vs ; damage vs ; damn vs ; dampen vs ; dance vs ; dangle vs ; dare vs ; darn vs ; dash vs ; date vs ; daunt vs ; dawn vs ; dazzle vs ; de-iodinate vs ; deal vs ; debate vs ; decay vs ; deceive vs ; decelerate vs ; decertify vs ; decide vs ; deck vs ; declare vs ; decline vs ; decompose vs ; decorate vs ; decrease vs ; decry vs ; deduce vs ; deduct vs ; deed vs ; deem vs ; deepen vs ; defeat vs ; defend vs ; defer vs ; define vs ; defraud vs ; defray vs ; defrost vs ; defy vs ; degrade vs ; dehumanize vs ; delay vs ; delegate vs ; delight vs ; delimit vs ; deliver vs ; delivre vs ; delude vs ; demand vs ; democratize vs ; demonstrate vs ; demoralize vs ; demythologize vs ; denote vs ; denounce vs ; deny vs ; depart vs ; depend vs ; depict vs ; deplore vs ; deport vs ; depose vs ; deposit vs ; depress vs ; deprive vs ; derive vs ; derogate vs ; descend vs ; describe vs ; desegregate vs ; desert vs ; deserve vs ; design vs ; designate vs ; desire vs ; despair vs ; despise vs ; dessier vs ; destroy vs ; detach vs ; detail vs ; detain vs ; detect vs ; deter vs ; deteriorate vs ; determine vs ; detest vs ; detract vs ; detribalize vs ; devastate vs ; develop vs ; deviate vs ; devise vs ; devote vs ; devour vs ; diagnose vs ; dice vs ; dictate vs ; die vs ; differ vs ; differentiate vs ; diffuse vs ; dig vs ; dignify vs ; digress vs ; dilate vs ; dimension vs ; diminish vs ; dine vs ; dip vs ; direct vs ; disable vs ; disabuse vs ; disaffiliate vs ; disagree vs ; disappear vs ; disapprove vs ; disarm vs ; disassemble vs ; disbelieve vs ; discard vs ; discern vs ; discharge vs ; discipline vs ; disclose vs ; disconcert vs ; discontinue vs ; discorporate vs ; discount vs ; discourage vs ; discourse vs ; discover vs ; discriminate vs ; discuss vs ; disdain vs ; disengage vs ; disentangle vs ; disguise vs ; dishearten vs ; disintegrate vs ; dislike vs ; dislodge vs ; dismiss vs ; disown vs ; dispatch vs ; dispel vs ; dispell vs ; dispense vs ; disperse vs ; displace vs ; display vs ; dispose vs ; disprove vs ; dispute vs ; disqualify vs ; disregard vs ; disrobe vs ; disrupt vs ; dissect vs ; dissent vs ; dissolve vs ; dissuade vs ; distil vs ; distinguish vs ; distort vs ; distract vs ; distribute vs ; distrust vs ; disturb vs ; dites vs ; dive vs ; divert vs ; divest vs ; divide vs ; divorce vs ; dock vs ; document vs ; dodge vs ; dole vs ; dominate vs ; donate vs ; dot vs ; double vs ; double-glaze vs ; doubt vs ; dovetail vs ; down vs ; downgrade vs ; draft vs ; drag vs ; drahve vs ; drain vs ; dramatize vs ; drank vs ; draw vs ; draw-file vs ; dream vs ; dress vs ; drier vs ; drift vs ; drill vs ; drink vs ; drive vs ; droop vs ; drop vs ; drown vs ; dry vs ; drywall vs ; duces vs ; duck vs ; dump vs ; dunk vs ; duplicate vs ; dust vs ; dwarf vs ; dwell vs ; dwindle vs ; earn vs ; ease vs ; eat vs ; ebb vs ; echo vs ; economize vs ; edge vs ; edit vs ; educate vs ; effect vs ; effecte vs ; effectuate vs ; effloresce vs ; eject vs ; elaborate vs ; elapse vs ; elect vs ; elicit vs ; eliminate vs ; emancipate vs ; embark vs ; embezzle vs ; embody vs ; embrace vs ; emerge vs ; emit vs ; emphasize vs ; employ vs ; empower vs ; emulate vs ; enable vs ; enact vs ; encamp vs ; enchant vs ; encircle vs ; encompass vs ; encounter vs ; encourage vs ; encroach vs ; end vs ; endanger vs ; endeavor vs ; endorse vs ; endow vs ; endure vs ; enforce vs ; engage vs ; engender vs ; enhance vs ; enjoin vs ; enjoy vs ; enlarge vs ; enlighten vs ; enlist vs ; enrich vs ; enroll vs ; enslave vs ; ensue vs ; ensure vs ; entail vs ; enter vs ; entertain vs ; entitle vs ; entreat vs ; entrust vs ; enunciate vs ; envision vs ; envy vs ; epitomize vs ; equal vs ; equalize vs ; equate vs ; equip vs ; eradicate vs ; erase vs ; erect vs ; err vs ; erupt vs ; escape vs ; eschew vs ; escort vs ; esse vs ; establish vs ; estimate vs ; eulogize vs ; evacuate vs ; evade vs ; evaluate vs ; evaporate vs ; even vs ; eventuate vs ; evidence vs ; evoke vs ; evolve vs ; exaggerate vs ; exalt vs ; examine vs ; exasperate vs ; exceed vs ; excel vs ; except vs ; exchange vs ; excite vs ; exclaim vs ; exclude vs ; excoriate vs ; excuse vs ; execute vs ; exemplify vs ; exempt vs ; exercise vs ; exert vs ; exhaust vs ; exhibit vs ; exist vs ; exonerate vs ; exorcise vs ; expand vs ; expect vs ; expel vs ; expend vs ; experience vs ; experiment vs ; expire vs ; explain vs ; explode vs ; exploit vs ; explore vs ; export vs ; expose vs ; express vs ; expunge vs ; extemporize vs ; extend vs ; extenuate vs ; exterminate vs ; extinguish vs ; extract vs ; extrapolate vs ; extricate vs ; fabricate vs ; face vs ; facilitate vs ; faciunt vs ; fade vs ; fail vs ; fake vs ; fall vs ; falsify vs ; falter vs ; fan vs ; fancy vs ; farm vs ; fascinate vs ; fashion vs ; fasten vs ; father vs ; fathom vs ; fatten vs ; favor vs ; faze vs ; fear vs ; feather vs ; feature vs ; federalize vs ; feed vs ; feel vs ; feint vs ; fell vs ; fermate vs ; ferret vs ; fetch vs ; fete vs ; fetishize vs ; ffreind vs ; field vs ; figger vs ; fight vs ; figure vs ; file vs ; fill vs ; film vs ; filter vs ; finance vs ; find vs ; fine vs ; finger-paint vs ; finish vs ; fire vs ; fit vs ; fix vs ; flag vs ; flame vs ; flash vs ; flatten vs ; flatter vs ; flee vs ; flex vs ; flicker vs ; fling vs ; flip vs ; flirt vs ; flng vs ; float vs ; flock vs ; flog vs ; flood vs ; flounder vs ; flourish vs ; flow vs ; flower vs ; flurry vs ; flush vs ; fly vs ; foam vs ; focus vs ; foil vs ; fold vs ; follow vs ; fool vs ; forbid vs ; force vs ; forecast vs ; forego vs ; foresee vs ; forestall vs ; foretell vs ; forfeit vs ; forget vs ; forgit vs ; forgive vs ; forgo vs ; fork vs ; form vs ; formalize vs ; formulate vs ; forsake vs ; fort vs ; fortify vs ; foster vs ; foul vs ; found vs ; frame vs ; fraternize vs ; free vs ; freeze vs ; frequent vs ; fret vs ; frighten vs ; frown vs ; frustrate vs ; fry vs ; fuck vs ; fulfill vs ; fulminate vs ; function vs ; furnish vs ; further vs ; fuse vs ; fuss vs ; gain vs ; gallop vs ; gamble vs ; game vs ; gang vs ; garage vs ; garden vs ; garner vs ; gas vs ; gasp vs ; gather vs ; gay-ess vs ; gaze vs ; generalize vs ; generate vs ; gentle vs ; germinate vs ; get vs ; gild vs ; gird vs ; git vs ; give vs ; glamorize vs ; glance vs ; glare vs ; glaze vs ; gleam vs ; glean vs ; glide vs ; glimpse vs ; glisten vs ; glorify vs ; glow vs ; glue vs ; gnaw vs ; go vs ; goddamn vs ; gouge vs ; govern vs ; grab vs ; graduate vs ; grant vs ; grapple vs ; grasp vs ; gratify vs ; graunt vs ; graze vs ; greet vs ; grill vs ; grimace vs ; grin vs ; grind vs ; grip vs ; grok vs ; grope vs ; ground vs ; group vs ; grovel vs ; grow vs ; grumble vs ; grunt vs ; gtow vs ; guarantee vs ; guard vs ; guess vs ; guide vs ; gun vs ; guy vs ; guzzle vs ; hail vs ; halt vs ; hammer vs ; hamper vs ; hand vs ; handle vs ; hang vs ; happen vs ; harass vs ; harbor vs ; harden vs ; harm vs ; harry vs ; harvest vs ; hasten vs ; hatch vs ; hate vs ; haul vs ; haunt vs ; have: HAVE ; hazard vs ; head vs ; heal vs ; hear vs ; heare vs ; heat vs ; heave vs ; heed vs ; heighten vs ; help vs ; herd vs ; hesitate vs ; hibachi vs ; hibernate vs ; hide vs ; hike vs ; hint vs ; hire vs ; hit vs ; hobble vs ; hoist vs ; hold vs ; hole vs ; home vs ; homogenize vs ; honeymoon vs ; honor vs ; hook vs ; hoot vs ; hop vs ; hope vs ; horse vs ; house vs ; hover vs ; huckster vs ; hug vs ; hum vs ; humanize vs ; humble vs ; humor vs ; hunch vs ; hunt vs ; hurdle vs ; hurl vs ; hurry vs ; hurt vs ; hustle vs ; hypothesize vs ; identify vs ; idolize vs ; ignite vs ; ignore vs ; illuminate vs ; illumine vs ; illustrate vs ; imagine vs ; imbibe vs ; imitate vs ; impair vs ; impart vs ; imperil vs ; impinge vs ; implement vs ; implicit vs ; implore vs ; imply vs ; import vs ; impose vs ; impress vs ; imprint vs ; improve vs ; improvise vs ; impute vs ; inactivate vs ; incarnate vs ; incise vs ; incite vs ; include vs ; incorporate vs ; increase vs ; incur vs ; index vs ; indicate vs ; induce vs ; indulge vs ; infect vs ; infer vs ; infest vs ; inflame vs ; inflate vs ; inflict vs ; influence vs ; inform vs ; infuriate vs ; inhabit vs ; inherit vs ; inhibit vs ; initiate vs ; inject vs ; innovate vs ; inquire vs ; insert vs ; insist vs ; inspect vs ; inspire vs ; install vs ; instigate vs ; institute vs ; instruct vs ; insulate vs ; insult vs ; insure vs ; integrate vs ; intend vs ; intensify vs ; interact vs ; intercede vs ; intercept vs ; interest vs ; interfere vs ; interpenetrate vs ; interpret vs ; interrupt vs ; intersect vs ; intervene vs ; interview vs ; intimidate vs ; introduce vs ; intrude vs ; inure vs ; invade vs ; invalidate vs ; inveigh vs ; invent vs ; inventory vs ; invert vs ; invest vs ; investigate vs ; invite vs ; invoke vs ; involve vs ; iodinate vs ; iron vs ; irrigate vs ; isolate vs ; issue vs ; itch vs ; iuvabit vs ; jam vs ; jeopardize vs ; jerk vs ; join vs ; joke vs ; jolt vs ; jostle vs ; journey vs ; judge vs ; jump vs ; justify vs ; kayo vs ; keel vs ; keep vs ; key vs ; keynote vs ; kick vs ; kid vs ; kill vs ; kiss vs ; knead vs ; kneel vs ; knit vs ; knock vs ; knoe vs ; knot vs ; know vs ; knuckle vs ; ksu'u'peli'afo vs ; label vs ; labor vs ; lacerate vs ; lacheln vs ; lack vs ; lag vs ; lahk vs ; lampoon vs ; land vs ; lap vs ; lapse vs ; lash vs ; lasso vs ; last vs ; latch vs ; laugh vs ; launch vs ; lay vs ; laze vs ; lead vs ; lean vs ; leap vs ; learn vs ; lease vs ; leave vs ; lecture vs ; legislate vs ; lend vs ; lengthen vs ; lessen vs ; let vs ; level vs ; levy vs ; liberate vs ; license vs ; lick vs ; lie vs ; lift vs ; light vs ; like vs ; likee vs ; limit vs ; line vs ; linger vs ; link vs ; list vs ; listen vs ; live vs ; load vs ; lob vs ; localize vs ; locate vs ; lock vs ; lodge vs ; long vs ; look vs ; lookit vs ; looky vs ; loom vs ; loose vs ; loosen vs ; lose vs ; lounge vs ; louse vs ; love vs ; lower vs ; lug vs ; lull vs ; lunch vs ; lunge vs ; lure vs ; lurk vs ; mach't vs ; mail vs ; maintain vs ; major vs ; make vs ; maltreat vs ; man vs ; manage vs ; maneuver vs ; manifest vs ; manipulate vs ; manufacture vs ; map vs ; mar vs ; march vs ; mark vs ; marry vs ; marshal vs ; marvel vs ; mask vs ; masquerade vs ; mass vs ; massacre vs ; massage vs ; master vs ; match vs ; mate vs ; materialize vs ; matriculate vs ; matter vs ; mature vs ; maximize vs ; mean vs ; measure vs ; meddle vs ; meditate vs ; meet vs ; meld vs ; melt vs ; meminisse vs ; memorize vs ; mend vs ; mention vs ; merge vs ; merit vs ; mesh vs ; mess vs ; mew vs ; migrate vs ; mince vs ; mind vs ; mingle vs ; minimize vs ; mirror vs ; misinterpret vs ; miss vs ; mistake vs ; misunderstand vs ; misuse vs ; miter vs ; mitigate vs ; miuchi vs ; mix vs ; moan vs ; mobilize vs ; mock vs ; model vs ; modernize vs ; modify vs ; moisten vs ; mold vs ; molest vs ; mollify vs ; monopolize vs ; moon vs ; mop vs ; mother vs ; motivate vs ; motor vs ; mould vs ; mount vs ; mourn vs ; move vs ; multiply vs ; munch vs ; murder vs ; murmur vs ; mustard vs ; muster vs ; mutter vs ; nab vs ; name vs ; nationalize vs ; navigate vs ; near vs ; necessitate vs ; neck vs ; need vs ; negate vs ; neglect vs ; negotiate vs ; nerve vs ; nest vs ; neutralize vs ; nickname vs ; nip vs ; nod vs ; noli vs ; nolle vs ; nolo vs ; nominate vs ; normalize vs ; nose vs ; note vs ; notice vs ; notify vs ; nudge vs ; nullify vs ; number vs ; nurture vs ; obey vs ; object vs ; obliterate vs ; obscure vs ; observe vs ; obstruct vs ; obtain vs ; obtaine vs ; occupy vs ; occur vs ; offend vs ; offer vs ; officiate vs ; offset vs ; omit vs ; ooze vs ; open vs ; operate vs ; oppose vs ; orate vs ; orbit vs ; ordain vs ; order vs ; organize vs ; originate vs ; ossify vs ; oust vs ; outclass vs ; outdo vs ; outface vs ; outfox vs ; outgrip vs ; outgrow vs ; outline vs ; outnumber vs ; outrage vs ; outrun vs ; outweigh vs ; outwit vs ; over-emphasize vs ; over-produce vs ; overburden vs ; overcome vs ; overeat vs ; overexpose vs ; overfeed vs ; overfill vs ; overhaul vs ; overheat vs ; overlap vs ; overload vs ; overlook vs ; overreach vs ; override vs ; overshadow vs ; overtake vs ; overthrow vs ; overwhelm vs ; owe vs ; own vs ; pace vs ; pacify vs ; pack vs ; package vs ; pad vs ; paddle vs ; page vs ; paie vs ; paint vs ; pall vs ; pamper vs ; pan vs ; panic vs ; paper vs ; parade vs ; parallel vs ; paralyze vs ; pardon vs ; pare vs ; park vs ; parley vs ; part vs ; partake vs ; participate vs ; party vs ; pass vs ; paste vs ; pat vs ; patrol vs ; patronize vs ; pattern vs ; pause vs ; pave vs ; paw vs ; pay vs ; peccavi vs ; peck vs ; pedal vs ; peddle vs ; peel vs ; peer vs ; pen vs ; penetrate vs ; people vs ; perceive vs ; perch vs ; perform vs ; perish vs ; perk vs ; permeate vs ; permit vs ; perpetuate vs ; perplex vs ; persevere vs ; persist vs ; persuade vs ; pertain vs ; pester vs ; petition vs ; phone vs ; photograph vs ; phrase vs ; pick vs ; picture vs ; piece vs ; pile vs ; pillage vs ; pilot vs ; pin vs ; pinch vs ; pinch-hit vs ; pinpoint vs ; pioneer vs ; piss vs ; pit vs ; pitch vs ; pity vs ; place vs ; plague vs ; plan vs ; plane vs ; plank vs ; plant vs ; play vs ; plead vs ; please vs ; pleasure vs ; plod vs ; plot vs ; plow vs ; pluck vs ; plug vs ; plunder vs ; plunge vs ; poach vs ; point vs ; poison vs ; poke vs ; polarize vs ; polish vs ; ponder vs ; pool vs ; pop vs ; populate vs ; portant vs ; portray vs ; pose vs ; position vs ; possess vs ; post vs ; postpone vs ; postulate vs ; pound vs ; pour vs ; power vs ; practice vs ; prai vs ; praise vs ; pray vs ; preach vs ; precede vs ; preclude vs ; predict vs ; prefer vs ; prefuh vs ; prejudice vs ; prepare vs ; presage vs ; prescribe vs ; present vs ; preserve vs ; preside vs ; press vs ; pressure vs ; presume vs ; presuppose vs ; pretend vs ; prevail vs ; prevaile vs ; prevayle vs ; prevent vs ; price vs ; prick vs ; pride vs ; print vs ; prize vs ; probe vs ; proceed vs ; process vs ; proclaim vs ; procrastinate vs ; procure vs ; prod vs ; produce vs ; profess vs ; profit vs ; program vs ; progress vs ; prohibit vs ; project vs ; prolong vs ; promise vs ; promote vs ; prompt vs ; pronounce vs ; prop vs ; propagate vs ; propel vs ; propitiate vs ; propose vs ; prorate vs ; proscribe vs ; prosecute vs ; prosper vs ; prostitute vs ; protect vs ; protest vs ; protrude vs ; prove vs ; provide vs ; provoke vs ; prowl vs ; pry vs ; publish vs ; puff vs ; pull vs ; pulse vs ; pump vs ; punch vs ; punish vs ; purchase vs ; purge vs ; purify vs ; purport vs ; pursue vs ; push vs ; push-up vs ; put vs ; putt vs ; puzzle vs ; pyramid vs ; quadruple vs ; qualify vs ; quarrel vs ; quell vs ; quench vs ; question vs ; quibble vs ; quicken vs ; quickstep vs ; quiet vs ; quit vs ; quote vs ; race vs ; rack vs ; racket vs ; radiate vs ; radio vs ; raid vs ; rain vs ; raise vs ; rake vs ; rally vs ; ram vs ; ramble vs ; range vs ; ransack vs ; rape vs ; rate vs ; ratify vs ; rationalize vs ; re-activate vs ; re-adopt vs ; re-echo vs ; re-emphasise vs ; re-enter vs ; re-establish vs ; re-evaluate vs ; re-examine vs ; re-explore vs ; re-set vs ; re-use vs ; reach vs ; react vs ; read vs ; readjust vs ; ready vs ; reaffirm vs ; realize vs ; reap vs ; reappear vs ; rear vs ; rearrange vs ; reason vs ; reassemble vs ; reassert vs ; reassign vs ; reassure vs ; reawaken vs ; rebel vs ; rebound vs ; rebuild vs ; rebuke vs ; rebut vs ; recall vs ; recapitulate vs ; recapture vs ; receave vs ; recede vs ; receive vs ; recess vs ; recheck vs ; reciprocate vs ; recite vs ; reckon vs ; reclaim vs ; recognize vs ; recoil vs ; recollect vs ; recommence vs ; recommend vs ; reconcile vs ; reconsider vs ; reconstruct vs ; record vs ; recount vs ; recover vs ; recreate vs ; recruit vs ; recur vs ; rededicate vs ; redeem vs ; redirect vs ; rediscover vs ; redo vs ; redress vs ; reduce vs ; reek vs ; reenact vs ; reestablish vs ; reexamine vs ; refashion vs ; refer vs ; refill vs ; refinance vs ; refine vs ; reflect vs ; reform vs ; refrain vs ; refresh vs ; refuel vs ; refuse vs ; refute vs ; regain vs ; regard vs ; register vs ; regret vs ; regulate vs ; rehash vs ; rehearse vs ; reign vs ; reimburse vs ; reinforce vs ; reinstall vs ; reinterpret vs ; reiterate vs ; reject vs ; rejoice vs ; rejoin vs ; relate vs ; relax vs ; release vs ; relieve vs ; relinquish vs ; relish vs ; relive vs ; rely vs ; remain vs ; remake vs ; remark vs ; remarry vs ; remedy vs ; remember vs ; remind vs ; remonstrate vs ; remove vs ; rend vs ; render vs ; renew vs ; rent vs ; reopen vs ; reorder vs ; reorganize vs ; repair vs ; repay vs ; repeat vs ; repel vs ; repent vs ; replace vs ; replenish vs ; reply vs ; report vs ; represent vs ; repress vs ; reproach vs ; reproduce vs ; repudiate vs ; request vs ; require vs ; reread vs ; rescind vs ; rescue vs ; resemble vs ; resent vs ; reserve vs ; reside vs ; resign vs ; resist vs ; resolve vs ; resort vs ; respect vs ; respond vs ; rest vs ; restock vs ; restore vs ; restrain vs ; restrict vs ; restudy vs ; result vs ; resume vs ; retail vs ; retain vs ; retaliate vs ; retard vs ; retch vs ; retell vs ; rethink vs ; retire vs ; retort vs ; retreat vs ; retrieve vs ; retrograde vs ; return vs ; reunite vs ; reveal vs ; revel vs ; reverence vs ; reverse vs ; revert vs ; review vs ; revise vs ; revitalize vs ; revive vs ; revolve vs ; reward vs ; rewrite vs ; rhyme vs ; rid vs ; ride vs ; ridicule vs ; riffle vs ; rig vs ; ring vs ; rinse vs ; rip vs ; ripple vs ; rise vs ; risk vs ; rival vs ; roam vs ; roar vs ; roast vs ; rob vs ; rock vs ; role-experiment vs ; roll vs ; romanticize vs ; room vs ; root vs ; rot vs ; rotate vs ; rough vs ; round vs ; rouse vs ; rove vs ; row vs ; rub vs ; rude vs ; ruin vs ; rule vs ; run vs ; rush vs ; rust vs ; rustle vs ; sacrifice vs ; saddle vs ; safeguard vs ; sag vs ; sail vs ; salivate vs ; salute vs ; salvage vs ; sample vs ; sanction vs ; satiate vs ; satisfy vs ; sauce vs ; saute vs ; save vs ; savvy vs ; saw vs ; say vs ; scald vs ; scale vs ; scan vs ; scare vs ; scarify vs ; schedule vs ; school vs ; scoop vs ; score vs ; scour vs ; scout vs ; scrape vs ; scratch vs ; scream vs ; screen vs ; screw vs ; scribe vs ; scrub vs ; scuff vs ; seal vs ; sear vs ; search vs ; seat vs ; secede vs ; seclude vs ; secure vs ; see vs ; seek vs ; seem vs ; seep vs ; segregate vs ; seize vs ; select vs ; sell vs ; selle vs ; send vs ; sense vs ; sentimentalize vs ; separate vs ; serve vs ; service vs ; set vs ; settle vs ; sever vs ; sew vs ; shade vs ; shadow vs ; shake vs ; shame vs ; shape vs ; share vs ; sharpen vs ; shatter vs ; shave vs ; shear vs ; shed vs ; shelter vs ; shepherd vs ; shield vs ; shift vs ; shim vs ; shimmy vs ; shine vs ; ship vs ; shiver vs ; shock vs ; shoot vs ; shop vs ; shore vs ; shorten vs ; shoulder vs ; shout vs ; shove vs ; show vs ; shower vs ; shred vs ; shriek vs ; shrink vs ; shu-tt vs ; shudder vs ; shuffle vs ; shun vs ; shut vs ; shute vs ; shy vs ; side-step vs ; sidle vs ; sigh vs ; sight vs ; sign vs ; signal vs ; signify vs ; silence vs ; simmer vs ; simplify vs ; simulate vs ; sin vs ; sing vs ; single vs ; single-foot vs ; sink vs ; sit vs ; size vs ; sizzle vs ; skate vs ; sketch vs ; ski vs ; skindive vs ; skip vs ; skirt vs ; skulk vs ; slant vs ; slap vs ; slash vs ; sleep vs ; slice vs ; slide vs ; slip vs ; slit vs ; slop vs ; slow vs ; slug vs ; slump vs ; smack vs ; smash vs ; smell vs ; smile vs ; smirk vs ; smoke vs ; smooth vs ; smuggle vs ; snag vs ; snap vs ; snatch vs ; sneak vs ; sniff vs ; snoop vs ; snort vs ; snow vs ; soak vs ; socialize vs ; sock vs ; soften vs ; soil vs ; solace vs ; solder vs ; solicit vs ; solo vs ; solve vs ; soothe vs ; sort vs ; sound vs ; sour vs ; sow vs ; space vs ; spade vs ; span vs ; spare vs ; spark vs ; spat vs ; speak vs ; spear vs ; spearhead vs ; specialize vs ; specify vs ; speculate vs ; speed vs ; spell vs ; spend vs ; spice vs ; spike vs ; spill vs ; spin vs ; spiral vs ; spit vs ; splinter vs ; split vs ; spoil vs ; sponge vs ; sponsor vs ; spot vs ; sprawl vs ; spray vs ; spread vs ; spring vs ; sprinkle vs ; sprout vs ; spur vs ; sputter vs ; spy vs ; square vs ; squat vs ; squawk vs ; squeeze vs ; stabilize vs ; staff vs ; stage vs ; stagger vs ; stain vs ; stake vs ; stamp vs ; stampede vs ; stand vs ; stare vs ; start vs ; startle vs ; starve vs ; state vs ; stave vs ; stay vs ; steady vs ; steal vs ; steer vs ; stem vs ; step vs ; sterilize vs ; stick vs ; sticle vs ; stifle vs ; still vs ; stimulate vs ; sting vs ; stink vs ; stipulate vs ; stir vs ; stock vs ; stooooomp vs ; stoop vs ; stop vs ; store vs ; storm vs ; strafe vs ; straggle vs ; straighten vs ; strain vs ; strap vs ; stratify vs ; stray vs ; stream vs ; strengthen vs ; stress vs ; stretch vs ; stride vs ; strike vs ; string vs ; strip vs ; strive vs ; stroke vs ; structure vs ; struggle vs ; study vs ; stuff vs ; stumble vs ; stunt vs ; subdue vs ; subject vs ; subjugate vs ; sublimate vs ; submit vs ; subordinate vs ; subscribe vs ; subside vs ; subsidize vs ; subsist vs ; substantiate vs ; substitute vs ; subtract vs ; succeed vs ; succumb vs ; suck vs ; sue vs ; suffer vs ; suffice vs ; suffuse vs ; suggest vs ; suit vs ; sum vs ; summarize vs ; summate vs ; summon vs ; sun vs ; sunder vs ; sup vs ; superimpose vs ; superintend vs ; supervise vs ; supplant vs ; supplement vs ; supply vs ; support vs ; suppose vs ; suppress vs ; sure vs ; surfeit vs ; surge vs ; surmise vs ; surmount vs ; surpass vs ; surprise vs ; surrender vs ; surround vs ; survey vs ; survive vs ; suspect vs ; suspend vs ; sustain vs ; swallow vs ; swap vs ; swarm vs ; sway vs ; swear vs ; sweat vs ; sweep vs ; swell vs ; swerve vs ; swim vs ; swing vs ; switch vs ; swivel vs ; symbolize vs ; sympathize vs ; synchronize vs ; synthesize vs ; table vs ; tabulate vs ; tack-solder vs ; tackle vs ; tailor-make vs ; take vs ; talk vs ; tally vs ; tame vs ; tamp vs ; tamper vs ; tangere vs ; tangle vs ; tap vs ; taper vs ; tarry vs ; taste vs ; tat vs ; taunt vs ; tax vs ; teach vs ; tear vs ; tease vs ; telegraph vs ; telephone vs ; telescope vs ; tell vs ; temporize vs ; tempt vs ; tend vs ; term vs ; terminate vs ; test vs ; testify vs ; thank vs ; thaw vs ; theorize vs ; thicken vs ; thin vs ; think vs ; thinke vs ; thrash vs ; thread vs ; threaten vs ; thrill vs ; thrive vs ; throng vs ; throw vs ; thrust vs ; thud vs ; thump vs ; thunder vs ; thwart vs ; thynke vs ; tick vs ; tide vs ; tie vs ; tighten vs ; till vs ; tilt vs ; time vs ; tip vs ; tipple vs ; tire vs ; titter vs ; toast vs ; toe vs ; tolerate vs ; toll vs ; tone vs ; top vs ; topple vs ; tore vs ; toss vs ; total vs ; tote vs ; touch vs ; tour vs ; trace vs ; track vs ; trade vs ; trail vs ; train vs ; trammel vs ; trample vs ; transact vs ; transcend vs ; transcribe vs ; transfer vs ; transform vs ; translate vs ; transmit vs ; transplant vs ; transport vs ; travel vs ; traverse vs ; travesty vs ; tread vs ; treat vs ; tremble vs ; trigger vs ; trim vs ; trip vs ; triumph vs ; trot vs ; trouble vs ; truck vs ; trump vs ; trumpet vs ; trust vs ; try vs ; tuck vs ; tug vs ; tumble vs ; tune vs ; tunnel vs ; turn vs ; turne vs ; twist vs ; type vs ; typify vs ; tyrannize vs ; uncap vs ; uncover vs ; underestimate vs ; undergo vs ; underlie vs ; underline vs ; undermine vs ; underrate vs ; underscore vs ; understand vs ; undertake vs ; underwrite vs ; undo vs ; unearth vs ; unfold vs ; unhook vs ; unify vs ; unite vs ; universalize vs ; unleash vs ; unload vs ; unpack vs ; unravel vs ; unscramble vs ; unscrew vs ; unsee vs ; unsheathe vs ; unsolder vs ; unteach vs ; unthaw vs ; untie vs ; unwire vs ; update vs ; upgrade vs ; uphold vs ; upset vs ; urge vs ; use vs ; usher vs ; using vs ; usurp vs ; utilize vs ; utter vs ; uttuh vs ; vacate vs ; vacation vs ; vade vs ; validate vs ; value vs ; vanish vs ; vary vs ; veer vs ; vent vs ; venture vs ; verify vs ; vest vs ; veto vs ; vex vs ; victimize vs ; view vs ; vindicate vs ; violate vs ; visit vs ; visualize vs ; vivify vs ; vocalize vs ; volunteer vs ; vote vs ; voulez vs ; wade vs ; wage vs ; wager vs ; wait vs ; waive vs ; wake vs ; walk vs ; wall vs ; wallow vs ; wander vs ; want vs ; war vs ; warm vs ; warn vs ; warrant vs ; wash vs ; waste vs ; watch vs ; water vs ; wave vs ; waver vs ; wax vs ; weaken vs ; wear vs ; weatherstrip vs ; weave vs ; wed vs ; weed vs ; weep vs ; weigh vs ; welcome vs ; weld vs ; well vs ; wet vs ; while vs ; whimper vs ; whine vs ; whip vs ; whirl vs ; whisper vs ; whistle vs ; widen vs ; wield vs ; will vs ; wilt vs ; win vs ; wind vs ; wing vs ; wink vs ; winnow vs ; wipe vs ; wish vs ; withdraw vs ; wither vs ; withhold vs ; withstand vs ; witness vs ; wobble vs ; woman vs ; wonder vs ; wonduh vs ; woo vs ; woolgather vs ; wop vs ; work vs ; worry vs ; worship vs ; wound vs ; wrap vs ; wreak vs ; wreck vs ; wrest vs ; wrestle vs ; wring vs ; write vs ; writhe vs ; wynne vs ; yank vs ; yawn vs ; yearn vs ; yell vs ; yellow vs ; yield vs ; younger vs ; zip vs ;