% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % List of morphological and syntactic tags used in the Ïnupiaq corpus % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Table of contents % 0. A short explanation % 1. Structure of the different POS (the details of sect. 1 are just the sme ones) % 2. List of the tags, and their internal distribution (these lists are the smj ones) % The Document has two parts. % The first part outlines the internal structure of % the complex POS, these should be built as boxes or panes. % The last part is a list over the different morphosyntactic categories. % The tags are in complementary distribution within each tag column. % The derivation component is ignored. % 1. Structure of the different POS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Note!!! The tag grouping under this section is not up to date % Tag syntax for the larger POS % Not all combinations within each box are possibe. % "-" indicates optionality. It is perhaps not needed. "|" means "OR". % The Function: list is listed below, and not indicated here. % The name of these boxes are now legible, rather than the tags (tags in parentheses?) % Noun: N % Derivation: - % Number: Sg|Du|Pl % Case: Abs|Rel|Trm|Abl|Loc % Possessive: -|1Sg|2Sg|3Sg|4Sg|1Pl|2Pl|3Pl|4Pl|1Du|2Du|3Du|4Du % Clitic: -|Clt % Function: % Verb: V % Mood: Ind|Int|Opt|Cau|ConReal|ConUnreal % Tense: Prs|Prt % SubjectPersonNumber: 1Sg|2Sg|3Sg|4Sg|1Pl|2Pl|3Pl|4Pl|1Du|2Du|3Du|4Du % ObjectPersonNumber: 1SgO|2SgO|3SgO|4SgO|1PlO|2PlO|3PlO|4PlO|1DuO|2DuO|3DuO|4DuO % Clitic: -|Clt % Function: % Adverb: Adv % Case: Loc|Abl|Via|Trm % Clitic: -|Qst % Function: % Pronoun: Pron % Case: Abs|Rel|Trm|Abl|Loc|Aeq|Ins|Via|Voc % Number: Sg|Pl % Clitic: -|Clt % Function: % Numeral: Num % Case: -|Abs|Rel|Trm|Abl|Loc|Aeq|Ins|Via % Number: Sg|Pl % Function: % DerivedRoot % Comment: These are tags for what the words have been at an earlier stage % in the derivation. They are syntactically irrelevant. % 2. List of the tags, and their internal distribution % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initial star = not yet found in kal file N Noun V Verb Part Particle #Wordclass Prop Propernoun #Subclass Sg Singular Pl Plural Du Dual #Number Abs Absolutive Rel Relative Trm Terminal Abl Ablative Loc Locative Aeq Aequative Ins Instrumental Via Vialis Voc Vocative #Case Attr Attribute #Attributive Comp Comparative Superl Superlative #Grade 1Sg Possessive Singular 1st Person 2Sg Possessive Singular 2nd Person 3Sg Possessive Singular 3rd Person 1Du Possessive Dual 1st Person 2Du Possessive Dual 2nd Person 3Du Possessive Dual 3rd Person 1Pl Possessive Plural 1st Person 2Pl Possessive Plural 2nd Person 3Pl Possessive Plural 3rd Person 4Sg Possessive Singular 4th Person 4Du Possessive Dual 4th Person 4Pl Possessive Plural 4th Person #Possessive Ind Indicative Int Interrogative ConReal ConReal ConUnread ConUnreal Cau Causative #Mood Prs Present Pst Past #Tense 1Sg First Person singular 2Sg Second Person singular 3Sg Third Person singular 4Sg Fourth Person singular 1Du First Person dual 2Du Second Person dual 3Du Third Person dual 4Du Fourth Person dual 1Pl First Person plural 2Pl Second Person plural 3Pl Third Person plural 4Pl Fourth Person plural #SubjectPersonNumber 1SgO First Person singular 2SgO Second Person singular 3SgO Third Person singular 4SgO Fourth Person singular 1DuO First Person dual 2DuO Second Person dual 3DuO Third Person dual 4DuO Fourth Person dual 1PlO First Person plural 2PlO Second Person plural 3PlO Third Person plural 4PlO Fourth Person plural #ObjectPersonNumber Clt #Clitic