!================================================================================! !This is the file that hosts the morphology for the Inupiaq morphological parser ! !Rules for phonology and orthography are kept in the rule-file xfst-ipk.txt ! !================================================================================! Multichar_Symbols +N +V +Part +Sg +Du +Pl +1Sg +2Sg +3Sg +4Sg +1Du +2Du +3Du +4Du +1Pl +2Pl +3Pl +4Pl +1SgO +2SgO +3SgO +4SgO +1DuO +2DuO +3DuO +4DuO +1PlO +2PlO+3PlO +4PlO !Objects' persons +Abs +Rel +Trm +Loc +Abl +Mod !cases +Ind +Cau +ConReal +ConUnreal !Voiced is unrealized and voiceless is for ongoing or realized actions. +Arch !tags for archaic forms. In the pilot just use to indicate twin forms not trying to validate relative age !ch sr kh qh ! no digraphs ľ !digraphs plus ľ for voiceless palatalized l %> !morphemeborder %TRUNC !truncation dummy %CVCTRUNC !dummy for very long truncations %VCTRUNC !dummy for long truncation %FRIC !dummy for fricativizing stem-final consonants. Needed to avoid a general rule that also would affect unwantedly as in *aaġagu for aaqagu. The alternative would have been to postulate truncating flexives with a fricative first consonant (*aiviq -q +ġit) but that is hokus pokus %EBLOCK !dummy to block schwa going to a (aŋutik not *aŋuttak) %C ! dummy for intermediate gemination %DEFRIC !dummy when fricatives go stops (amaġuq -> amaqquk) as apposed to %C in niġi+VIK -> niġġivik %SCHWADEL !dummy with derivatives truncating semi-final schwa !%CLIT !dummy with clitics used in Kalaallisut. This far unused in ipk @P.IV.ON@ !Flag - positive inquiry for intransitive wants IV suff @P.TV.ON@ !Flag - positive inquiry for intransitive wants TV suff @R.IV.ON@ !Flag - require test for intransitivity gets IV suff @R.TV.ON@ !Flag - positive inquiry for intransitive gets TV siff @D.IV.ON@ !Flag - disallow test - delete string if unsaturated flag ( @D.TV.ON@ !Flag - disalloq test - delete string if unsaturated flag (=Verb was not transitive) !************************************ !Derivational morphemes and clitics * !************************************ +LLATU +LLATU=NIAQ +NIAQ +NIAQ=ŊIT +ŊIT +SAAĠE +SAAĠE=ŊIT +TEQ ! verb elaborating +VIK ! nominalizers +LU +GUUQ +UNA! clitics ! This file gives the start and end of the Iñupiaq lexicon. ! The lexicon Root points at the different parts of speech. ! Each POS has its own file noun-ipk-lex.txt, etc., which in ! turn points to noun-ipk-morph.txt, etc. ! POS-changing nominalizers are found in verb-ipk-morph.txt and verbalizers in noun-ipk-morph.txt ! It might be a good idea to have noun-ipk-der.txt etc. as well. ! The common, final lexica, are found in this file. LEXICON Root Nouns ; prop ; pron ; Verbs ; !About lexica and continuations. Instead of separate lexica for words that can only be sing or only plur and others for words that can take all numbers, this is a better solution: Normal nouns are tagged tp, tup etc. whereas specials are tagged with the continuation lexicon LEXICON part +Part:%> clit ; LEXICON clit_sing +UNA:%>una clit ; clit ; LEXICON clit +GUUQ:%>guuq f ; +LU:%>lu f ; f ; LEXICON f < "@D.[IT]V.ON@" > # ; !@D.IV.ON@ # ; !@D.TV.ON@ # ;