! stems according to Edna MacLean LEXICON prop Nayuk propmorph ; LEXICON pron suna pronmorph ; ! what keña pronmorph ; ! who una pronmorph ; ! =KAL ! Tronds additions marked !tt, remove !tt tag when the contlex is checked. LEXICON Nouns aaka tp ; ! a mother aapa tp ; ! a father aapiyaq tp ; ! elder brother !tt aaqagu part ; ! wait a minute aaqhaalliq tp ; ! old squaw duck. ?? One l p. 14, two l p. 39 and 247??? aatauraq tp ; ! elder sister !tt aglak tp ; ! a letter !tt aiviq:aiveq tup ; ! a walrus akiñ:akise tpt ; ! a pillow NB i vs. schwa not in accordance with Edna akiľhun tp ; ! lantern chimney akuq tp ; ! skirt !tt akutuq tp ; ! ice cream !tt akłaq tp ; ! a brown bear akłunaaq tp ; ! a rope !tt amaġuq tp_gem ; ! a wolf amiq:ameq tp ; ! animal hide !tt aniu tp ; ! packed snow annuġaaq tp ; ! piece of clothing apun:apute tpt ; ! snow aqvaluqtaaq tp ; ! something round atakhii:atakhee part ; ! look at that atigi:atege tp ; ! a parka atiq:ateq tup ; ! a name aviŋŋaq:aveŋŋaq tup ; ! a lemming ayuktaq tp ; ! a ball aġnaq tp ; ! a woman aġviq:aġveq tup ; ! a whale aŋaiyyuvik:aŋaiyyuvek tp ; ! church !tt aŋun:aŋute tpt ; ! a man aŋutaiyaaq tp ; ! a boy !tt iglu:eglu tp ; ! a house ii:ee part ; ! yes ini:ene tp ; ! a room iqaluk tup- ; ! fish iqsraq:eqsraq tp ; ! a cheek iqľak tp ; ! hook and line (term. tech.) iri:ere tp ; ! an eye irri:erre tp_sing ; ! cold air iñuk tup- ; ! inuk iġñiq:iġñeq tup ; ! a son iġġi tp ; !a mountain iḷa tp ; ! =KAL ila iḷiappak:iḷeappak tp ; ! poor person, orphan kamik:kamek tup- ; ! boot NB: declination is an unqualified guess kiña:keña pron ; ! who kutchuq tp ; ! chewing gum, resin 'kutchuq' kuuk tp ; ! a river mannik tup- ; ! egg miqłiqtuq:meqłeqtuq tp ; ! a child naagga part ; ! no nasaq tp_gem ; ! a hood natchiq tup ; ! seal 'natchiq' natiq:nateq tup ; ! floor naumi part ; ! no niksik tup- ; ! fishing hook niu:neu tp ; ! a leg nuna tp ; ! land nusaq tp_gem ; ! a strand of hair nuyaq tp_gem ; ! a strand of hair pisiksi:peseksi tp ; ! a bow qakugulu part ; ! until next time qallun tp ; ! a cup qamun:qamute tpt ; !car qaugak tp ; ! a duck qayaq tp ; ! kayak qimmiq tp ; ! a dog quaq tp ; ! frozen meat savik tp ; ! a tp saviľhaq tp ; ! metal siksrik:seksrik tup- ; ! a squirrel siku tp ; ! ice sikľaq tp ; ! a pickax siqiñiq:siqiñeq tup ; !sun suppun:suppute tpt ; ! a gun tatqiq tup ; ! moon tavsi tp ; ! a belt for carrying a baby tiŋŋun:tiŋŋute tpt ; ! an airplane tumi:tume tp ; ! a footprint tupiq:tupeq tup ; ! a tent ulu tp ; ! =KAL umialik tup- ; !Not verified in corpus??? umiaq tp ; uniat:uniaq tp_du ; ! to avoid singular but accept dual endings uniat:uniaq tp_pl ; ! to avoid singular but accept plural endings uvluġiaq tp_gem ; !star etc abbr ; !!just rubbish to fill the slot ! Added from dictionary ! ===================== Agaayun:Agaayute tpt ; ! God (K) Anniqsuun:Anniqsuute tpt ; ! Savior (K) Tiliŋmun:Tiliŋmute tpt ; ! nibitqugai. He wants Tilak to eat them. aanaruiñ:aanaruiñse tpt ; ! suliuqpa savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) (lit. what is your grandmother cooking?) aasiiñ:aasiiñse tpt ; ! and, and then, (used consecutively, contrast with suli, which is used in an additive sense) (N, q) aasriiñ:aasriiñse tpt ; ! and, and then, (used consecutively, contrast with suli, which is used in an additive sense) (K) aatchuun:aatchuute tpt ; ! gift aggun:aggute tpt ; ! corruption (N) aglaan:aglaate tpt ; ! but aglaun:aglaute tpt ; ! pencil aglaun:aglaute tpt ; ! pencil (K) aglautitaun:aglautitaute tpt ; ! typewriter (N) aitchuun:aitchuute tpt ; ! gift aiyugaaġun:aiyugaaġute tpt ; ! invitation aiġun:aiġute tpt ; ! cuff of a sleeve akiḷiun:akiḷiute tpt ; ! wage, price akiqsruun:akiqsruute tpt ; ! promise, covenant (K) akiyaun:akiyaute tpt ; ! stretcher to carry things akiñ:akiñse tpt ; ! pillow allatuun:allatuute tpt ; ! adultery, fornication aluġun:aluġute tpt ; ! sandal alġun:alġute tpt ; ! dog soup pot amiun:amiute tpt ; ! (12) thread for sewing skins together (12) amiun:amiute tpt ; ! thread for skins ammun:ammute tpt ; ! net rope annaun:annaute tpt ; ! salvation (N) anŋun:anŋute tpt ; ! (14) pitch (caulking) (14) apiqsruun:apiqsruute tpt ; ! question apqun:apqute tpt ; ! trail apun:apute tpt ; ! snow apuġun:apuġute tpt ; ! (11) front crosspiece (11) aqsraatchaun:aqsraatchaute tpt ; ! high-kick ball aquġun:aquġute tpt ; ! (17) sled bag (17) atanniqsuġaatin:atanniqsuġaatite tpt ; ! orders you to do it and you must do it atanniun:atanniute tpt ; ! judgment (K) atanġirrun:atanġirrute tpt ; ! liberty atuun:atuute tpt ; ! song aukkun:aukkute tpt ; ! blood vessel (N) aulasraun:aulasraute tpt ; ! jigging stick avanmun:avanmute tpt ; ! toward each other (N) avatmun:avatmute tpt ; ! toward each other (K) avilaitqan:avilaitqate tpt ; ! friend (N) aviḷuqtaun:aviḷuqtaute tpt ; ! bell (an instrument to make repeated noise by hitting) (K, q, p) aviḷuqtaun:aviḷuqtaute tpt ; ! bell (lit. instrument for repeated noise by striking) ayaġun:ayaġute tpt ; ! (4) bed crosspiece (4) aŋaayuqqaun:aŋaayuqqaute tpt ; ! greatness, kingdom (God's) aŋaayyun:aŋaayyute tpt ; ! prayer (N) aŋiqusaun:aŋiqusaute tpt ; ! temptation (kiv, q) aŋiqusraun:aŋiqusraute tpt ; ! temptation (K) aŋiłhisaun:aŋiłhisaute tpt ; ! swing aŋmaun:aŋmaute tpt ; ! can opener (lit. opening tool) aŋun:aŋute tpt ; ! man aŋuun:aŋuute tpt ; ! fin (lit. paddle) aŋuun:aŋuute tpt ; ! paddle (single bladed) aŋuun:aŋuute tpt ; ! paddle, propeller aŋuyaun:aŋuyaute tpt ; ! war (N) aŋuyautairrun:aŋuyautairrute tpt ; ! peace aŋŋun:aŋŋute tpt ; ! game animal ichuun:ichuute tpt ; ! plane, skin scraper (K) ichuun:ichuute tpt ; ! skin scraper, plane (K) ikaaqsaun:ikaaqsaute tpt ; ! (4) bed crosspiece (4) ikaun:ikaute tpt ; ! bridging pole ikiaqsiñ:ikiaqsiñse tpt ; ! rip saw (K) ikun:ikute tpt ; ! match ikuun:ikuute tpt ; ! plane, skin scraper (N) ikuun:ikuute tpt ; ! skin scraper, plane (N) iluqaan:iluqaate tpt ; ! everyone, all iḷitchuġun:iḷitchuġute tpt ; ! cause of recognition, sign iḷumun:iḷumute tpt ; ! true, truth iḷumutun:iḷumutute tpt ; ! true, truth immiġaun:immiġaute tpt ; ! equipment for giving enema (of ugruk intestines) ipiġaqtuun:ipiġaqtuute tpt ; ! dog whip (q) ipun:ipute tpt ; ! oar ipuun:ipuute tpt ; ! oar iqalugniaġusiptiktun:iqalugniaġusiptiktute tpt ; ! like you have caught fish iqaqqun:iqaqqute tpt ; ! soap (N) iqquliñ:iqquliñse tpt ; ! small pointed knife isivġiun:isivġiute tpt ; ! judgment (N) isiŋaiñŋaan:isiŋaiñŋaate tpt ; ! before he entered isummalluaġiitchuatiin:isummalluaġiitchuatiite tpt ; ! you fool! itrisiun:itrisiute tpt ; ! thermometer (K) itrisriun:itrisriute tpt ; ! thermometer (K) ivgun:ivgute tpt ; ! napkin ivruqsiñ:ivruqsiñse tpt ; ! pickaxe (K, q) iñuggun:iñuggute tpt ; ! life (N) iñuguġataqman:iñuguġataqmate tpt ; ! when he finally grew up iñupiatun:iñupiatute tpt ; ! Eskimo language (lit. like Eskimo) iñuqun:iñuqute tpt ; ! prowler (unknown person who is sometimes seen from afar and is blamed for otherwise inexplainable occurances) iñuuniun:iñuuniute tpt ; ! medicine iñuuqan:iñuuqate tpt ; ! one who is born on same day iññiqun:iññiqute tpt ; ! prowler (unknown person who is sometimes seen from afar and is blamed for otherwise inexplainable occurances) iłuaqqun:iłuaqqute tpt ; ! grace (lit. cause for what is right, good, correct) (K, q, n) iłuiḷḷiuġun:iłuiḷḷiuġute tpt ; ! discomfort, trouble (N) iŋilġaan:iŋilġaate tpt ; ! indistinct past kaaksiuġun:kaaksiuġute tpt ; ! famine (N) kaaviliuġun:kaaviliuġute tpt ; ! coffee pot (N) kaivḷuun:kaivḷuute tpt ; ! (1) stanchions (1) kakkiiyaun:kakkiiyaute tpt ; ! handkerchief kanivaun:kanivaute tpt ; ! diaphragm (N) kappun:kappute tpt ; ! scalpel (for blood letting) hypodermic needle kaugun:kaugute tpt ; ! hammer (q) kaviuqqun:kaviuqqute tpt ; ! covetousness (N) kaŋiqsiḷḷagikpiñ:kaŋiqsiḷḷagikpiñse tpt ; ! I can understand you. kigun:kigute tpt ; ! tooth kiiqsiuġun:kiiqsiuġute tpt ; ! pain kilgun:kilgute tpt ; ! warning killukun:killukute tpt ; ! mistake kinataġun:kinataġute tpt ; ! (19) sled brake (19) kipluun:kipluute tpt ; ! cross-cut saw (K) kivluun:kivluute tpt ; ! cross-cut saw (N) kukkiḷiñ:kukkiḷiñse tpt ; ! toothpick kuniun:kuniute tpt ; ! nose tip mamaun:mamaute tpt ; ! udder matun:matute tpt ; ! like this one here miqsruun:miqsruute tpt ; ! needle (N) misuktaun:misuktaute tpt ; ! fountain pen mitqun:mitqute tpt ; ! needle (K) miŋuaqtuun:miŋuaqtuute tpt ; ! pencil (N) naglikkun:naglikkute tpt ; ! mercy nagliksaun:nagliksaute tpt ; ! affliction, suffering nagliktuun:nagliktuute tpt ; ! mercy (N) nakuaqsriun:nakuaqsriute tpt ; ! love nalautirrun:nalautirrute tpt ; ! gunsight nalupqisun:nalupqisute tpt ; ! doubt nalġuqsruun:nalġuqsruute tpt ; ! discipline, correction (K) naniġuun:naniġuute tpt ; ! flashlight (K) nanmaun:nanmaute tpt ; ! dog pack nanuun:nanuute tpt ; ! ointment nanġaun:nanġaute tpt ; ! praise, honor napmun:napmute tpt ; ! where to naqitaaġun:naqitaaġute tpt ; ! (13) tie-down rope (13) naqittaġun:naqittaġute tpt ; ! (3) rope lashes (3) nasraun:nasraute tpt ; ! cap (K) natqiksruun:natqiksruute tpt ; ! discipline, correction (N) naukun:naukute tpt ; ! by which way, how naŋirrun:naŋirrute tpt ; ! disease niuġaun:niuġaute tpt ; ! drill, brace niġityaġiñ:niġityaġiñse tpt ; ! would you come to eat! nuliaksraun:nuliaksraute tpt ; ! bride (N) nuqaġun:nuqaġute tpt ; ! (9) lashings for lower stands (9) pauktaun:pauktaute tpt ; ! (7) anchor (7) paulġiñ:paulġiñse tpt ; ! shovel paułhiñ:paułhiñse tpt ; ! shovel (n) paġlan:paġlate tpt ; ! greeting, welcome pichqun:pichqute tpt ; ! law (what is wanted to be done), commandment (K) pigaatin:pigaatite tpt ; ! he (wants) you piksrun:piksrute tpt ; ! shovel piḷiun:piḷiute tpt ; ! blessing (passing of power from a shaman to his disciple) piḷuun:piḷuute tpt ; ! error, crime, sin (N) piḷuun:piḷuute tpt ; ! sin (N) pitchiġiyaun:pitchiġiyaute tpt ; ! key pitqun:pitqute tpt ; ! law (what is wanted to be done), commandment piviuttaqqun:piviuttaqqute tpt ; ! love (N) puptaqun:puptaqute tpt ; ! buoy puptaun:puptaute tpt ; ! net float puptaġun:puptaġute tpt ; ! float (buoy) (K) puttun:puttute tpt ; ! piercing tool putyuun:putyuute tpt ; ! crab (lit. pinching tool) (K) qaaglaan:qaaglaate tpt ; ! when? (past tense interrogative) (K) qaaktuun:qaaktuute tpt ; ! seining net qaipkaġmagitin:qaipkaġmagitite tpt ; ! tell her to come (cause her to come) qakugun:qakugute tpt ; ! when? (future interrogative) qallun:qallute tpt ; ! bailer, cup qallun:qallute tpt ; ! cup, dipper qallutaun:qallutaute tpt ; ! ladel, large spoon (K) qanutun-aglaan:qanutun-aglaate tpt ; ! how far? qanutun:qanutute tpt ; ! how long, how much? qasraun:qasraute tpt ; ! bell (an instrument to make repeated noise by hitting) (K) qasraun:qasraute tpt ; ! bell (lit. instrument for repeated noise by striking) (K) qayyiuġun:qayyiuġute tpt ; ! northern phalarope (Lobipes lobatus) (lit. like a person in a qayaq) qaġruuraqtuun:qaġruuraqtuute tpt ; ! shotgun (N) qilġun:qilġute tpt ; ! (15) upper lashings (15) qiḷaun:qiḷaute tpt ; ! divining rod qiḷaun:qiḷaute tpt ; ! divining rod (used by diviners, e.g. to foretell death or life of a sick person) qiḷaun:qiḷaute tpt ; ! drum qipiġniuġun:qipiġniuġute tpt ; ! desire qipmiḷiqun:qipmiḷiqute tpt ; ! dog whip (K) qisiqsiun:qisiqsiute tpt ; ! branch (N,n) qitiqqaqpalliġman:qitiqqaqpalliġmate tpt ; ! when it was about noon qitiġaġun:qitiġaġute tpt ; ! (16) tug (16) qitiġaġun:qitiġaġute tpt ; ! (5) main tug (5) qunmun:qunmute tpt ; ! asriaq bog cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus) (K) quvluun:quvluute tpt ; ! rip saw (N) quŋisiġun:quŋisiġute tpt ; ! dog collar, neck band salikkuun:salikkuute tpt ; ! broom (q) salummaun:salummaute tpt ; ! cleanness, holiness (N) sanalġun:sanalġute tpt ; ! tool (K) sanalġun:sanalġute tpt ; ! tool (N) saniġaagun:saniġaagute tpt ; ! (12) crossed ropes (12) satkuun:satkuute tpt ; ! ammunition case (N) savaŋniqsutin:savaŋniqsutite tpt ; ! you are working (lit. in state of working) sikuiñŋaan:sikuiñŋaate tpt ; ! before it froze siḷḷiñ:siḷḷiñse tpt ; ! knife sharpener (emery stone) sippun:sippute tpt ; ! gun, rifle (K) siun:siute tpt ; ! ear siutiġun:siutiġute tpt ; ! earpendant sivunniun:sivunniute tpt ; ! plan, purpose, decision sivuġun:sivuġute tpt ; ! (10) front bow (10) sukun:sukute tpt ; ! how, by which way? suluun:suluute tpt ; ! dorsal fin sumiñ:sumiñse tpt ; ! from whence? summan:summate tpt ; ! why? sumun:sumute tpt ; ! to where? suppun:suppute tpt ; ! gun, rifle (N) taapkunatun:taapkunatute tpt ; ! like those taavrumatun:taavrumatute tpt ; ! like that tavluġun:tavluġute tpt ; ! chin tattoo taġġaqtuun:taġġaqtuute tpt ; ! mirror, reflector tiiliuġun:tiiliuġute tpt ; ! tea pot (N) tilliñ:tilliñse tpt ; ! commandment, order tipigiqsaun:tipigiqsaute tpt ; ! perfume (lit. a means or cause of good odor), incense (K) tivliyyaun:tivliyyaute tpt ; ! napkin tivraġiksaun:tivraġiksaute tpt ; ! perfume (lit. a means or cause of good odor), incense (N, q) tiŋmisuun:tiŋmisuute tpt ; ! airplane (K) tiŋŋun:tiŋŋute tpt ; ! airplane (N) tuggaun:tuggaute tpt ; ! poking stick tugrun:tugrute tpt ; ! (11) skin's lashing ropes (11) tulukkatun:tulukkatute tpt ; ! ittuq rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) (lit. like raven) tuquŋaiñŋaaġman:tuquŋaiñŋaaġmate tpt ; ! before he had died . . . tutqiun:tutqiute tpt ; ! peace (N) tutqiun:tutqiute tpt ; ! peace, contentment uiksraun:uiksraute tpt ; ! bridegroom ukiuġaġimman:ukiuġaġimmate tpt ; ! whenever it is winter ukpiġun:ukpiġute tpt ; ! faith ukpiġun:ukpiġute tpt ; ! faith (N) ukunatun:ukunatute tpt ; ! like these ulimaun:ulimaute tpt ; ! adze uluun:uluute tpt ; ! saw unniqsuqłiun:unniqsuqłiute tpt ; ! promise, covenant (N) unnuŋman:unnuŋmate tpt ; ! yesterday (lit. when it was evening) (b) uqsruġun:uqsruġute tpt ; ! ointment uuktuun:uuktuute tpt ; ! parable, example uuktuun:uuktuute tpt ; ! ruler, measuring device uumatun:uumatute tpt ; ! like this uumman:uummate tpt ; ! heart uumman:uummate tpt ; ! heart (K, N) uunaqsaun:uunaqsaute tpt ; ! heater uvlaakun:uvlaakute tpt ; ! tomorrow (lit. by way of morning)