!!!Meeting between Polderland and Divvun (and UiTø project) !!Participants Polderland: * Frank Nusselder (dev.) * Inge de Mönnink sales manag. - did not participate in the meeting) * Peter Beinema (project manager) Divvun/Sámi Parliament: * Sjur Moshagen (project manager, speller & technical issues) * Børre Gaup (everything-man: testing, corpus) * Maaren Palismaa (North Sámi linguist, working on mondays and tuesdays) * Thomas Omma (North and Lule Sámi linguist) * Tomi Pieski (softw. eng.) University/disambiguation project: * Trond Trosterud (project manager, computational linguist) * Saara Huhmarniemi (soft. eng.) !!Communication channels !Mail E-mail addresses available upon request (to reduce spam). !AIM Also AIM screen names are available upon requests (but the Divvun screen names can be found on other pages on this site). !News * server: news.uit.no * group: uit.samiskspraak.giellateknologiija The news server requires username and password, and does only allow connections from selected domains. !Bugzilla [http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/] where you may register yourself !Documentation To be found at: [http://www.divvun.no/] !!Agenda: * presentation * proj. schedule * linguistic questions: ** samples of full paradigm or derivates from one stem * technical questions: ** conversion from Divvun format to PLX(?) ** will PLX be the target format? ** finite state or "traditional" Polderland solution? * formalities: ** publicity of shared documents !!Schedule Planned drop dates: * alpha: 2006-11-01 * beta: 2007-04-01 * final: 2007-09-01 latest !!Project issues Coordination meetings every Tuesday morning, 9:30 unless agreed otherwise. {{{ Project phases Project Progress measurement Testing (including acceptance testing) Risk management Lexical sample material Cooperative development (e.g., form of lexical material) Staff availability Spelling Checker: * can internal spelling lexicon be based on Polderland PLX format, or is an extension with e.g. automata necessary? ==> requires analysis of sample material: - level of agglutination - sound / letter changes in agglutination - agglutination vs. compounding Hyphenator: * are lists of hyphenated words available? * there are rule sets in the XFST formalism that will insert hyphenation points in the input string Mac applications: * PowerPC vs. Intel? - both * XCode vs. CodeWarrior? }}} !!Linguistic issues Basic grammar information can be found at: [http://www.risten.no/bakgrunn/gram/sme/index_no.html] !Tags for derivation These tags will get a common prefix ({{+Der/}} replacing +) in a near future. +adda +ahtti +alla +asti +easti +aš +d +eaddji +eamoš +amoš +eapmi +g +geahtes +gielat !better: +Der/NuA +h +heapmi +hudda +huhtti +huvva +halla +j +l +laš +las +hat +meahttun +muš +n +st +stuvva +upmi +supmi +us +vuohta +lágan +Dimin +viđá +viđi +veara +duohke +duohkai +vuolle +vuollai +vuolde +š <== Dim +goahti <== inchoative !Output from the disambiguator {{{ "" "gullat" V TV Ind Prt Pl3 @+FMAINV "<álggu>" "álgu" N Sg Gen @GP> "" "rájes" Po @ADVL "" "girkoeise#váldi" N Pl Ill @ADVL "<,>" "," CLB "" "bisma" N Pl Ill @ADVL "<,>" }}}