!!!Requirements The svn setup requires a few things on the server: * apache http server - that is, a full web server, and port 80 open * discusss the svn setup with the IT guys: ** can we do it? ** more external access - is that ok? * some additional httpd plugins * we want restricted access to some parts of the repo (basically the polderland directories, since some of the content there is under legal embargo) Access methods: * http://-tilgang for alle (dvs anonym) - visse katalogar blokkert - berre les * https://-tilgang for registrerte brukarar - visse katalogar ev. blokkert for nokre brukarar, les-skriv !!Users * from the OS (such that users in a certain group is automatically included) * from an AuthUser list/file (to allow "random" external users write access) Find out what httpd modules are needed to support such a setup. !!!Conversion from CVS to SVN What: * full package, whole repository, all of history and branches ** full package, to preserve everything How: * test-conversion * set up users and make sure everything works: ** check-out ** diffs ** commits ** commit mails ** clients (command line, graphic, other) ** certainly other things as well... * write documentation for system maintainers and end users ** administrators: how to add new users (via OS, or Auth list), access control etc. ** users: linux, mac, windows users (Tortoisecvs > Tortoisesvn) * real conversion, everybody changes to svn !!cvs group members (72): {{{ eero,sjur,trond,kristin,nils,pekka,boerre,laila,maja,royd,roya,torn,nilsjoh, biret,ove,lena,annebr,elaine,maren,berit,thomas,inga,risten,lailap,liv,nilsoh, imge,trost,aylijyra,jpaakkan,heli,tomi,larsnyg,marit,jaska,ida,ilona,per,linda, alona,saara,svein,lene,cvs,anonymous,peter,heini,terje,agnes,silja,mervi,bjarne, eira,kristian,gunn,irene,pia,per-eric,steinarn,mikko,eckhard,larsbor,kimme,svenne, solvar,erling,birgitta,marta,jovsset,karla,beatrine,kirsti }}}