# This is a makefile that builds the sme-nob translation parser # =========== Tools: ============= # LEXC = lexc -utf8 XFST = xfst -utf8 JV = java MF = -Xmx2048m XSL = net.sf.saxon.Transform XQL = net.sf.saxon.Query SSH = /usr/bin/ssh # =========== Paths & files: ============= # SNHOME = ../../../words/dicts/smenob GTHOME = ../../../gt SMETESTING = $(GTHOME)/sme/testing DICTWORDS = cips_dictwords.txt CIPSTEST = Cips_versions CIPSBIN = cips_bin BIN = bin TEST_SMENOB = cips_source_smenob.xml SV_SMENOB = short_version_cips_smenob_source.xml MACSMENOB = cips_mac_smenob.xml SMENOB = smenob.xml NOBSME = nobsme.xml MACMAC = cips_macdict SCRIPTS = cips_scripts XMLOUT = xml-out XMLPARAD = xml-rest-paradigm PARADLIST = cips_generate-lemma_pos_pairs.xsl RESTRPARAD = cips_restruct_paradigme.xsl ADDPARAD = cips_add-paradigm.xsl COMPDICT = cips_compile_smenob.xsl DICTTOMAC = cips_smenob2macdict.xsl # =========== Other: ============= # DATE = $(shell date +%Y%m%d) snmacdict: $(CIPSTEST)/$(MACMAC)/$(MACSMENOB) $(CIPSTEST)/$(MACMAC)/$(MACSMENOB): $(BIN)/$(SMENOB) \ $(SCRIPTS)/$(PARADLIST) \ $(SCRIPTS)/$(RESTRPARAD) \ $(SCRIPTS)/$(ADDPARAD) \ $(SCRIPTS)/$(DICTTOMAC) @echo @echo "*** Extracting words from dictionary file. ***" @echo @$(JV) $(MF) $(XSL) $< $(SCRIPTS)/$(PARADLIST) > $(SMETESTING)/$(DICTWORDS) @echo @echo "*** Generating paradigms. ***" @echo cd $(SMETESTING) && ./cips_gen-paradigms.sh $(DICTWORDS) $(SNHOME)/$(SCRIPTS)/$(RESTRPARAD) @echo @echo "*** Processing paradigmes. ***" @echo $(JV) $(MF) $(XSL) -s $< -o $@.interim $(SCRIPTS)/$(ADDPARAD) gtpath=$(SMETESTING)/$(XMLOUT) @echo @echo "*** Compiling the dictionary. ***" @echo $(JV) $(MF) $(XSL) -it main $(SCRIPTS)/$(COMPDICT) xmlDir=../$(CIPSTEST)/$(MACMAC)/$(XMLPARAD) source_dict=../$@.interim > $@.tmp @echo @echo "*** Transforming the dictionary into mac-format. ***" @echo $(JV) $(MF) $(XSL) $@.tmp $(SCRIPTS)/$(DICTTOMAC) > $@ # rm -f $@.tmp @cd $(CIPSTEST)/$(MACMAC) && make # saxonxsl smenob.xml ../_restruct/MyScripts/transform_nc.xsl > nobsme.xml # Target to make a MacOS X/Dictionary.app compatible dictionary bundle: nsmacdict: $(MACMAC)/$(NOBSME) # variable depending on the dictionary $(MACMAC)/$(NOBSME): $(CIPSTEST)/$(NOBSME) \ $(SCRIPTS)/$(DICTTOMAC) @echo @echo "*** Generating the mac-version of the nobsme-dict ***" @echo $(XSLT) $(CIPSTEST)/$(NOBSME) $(SCRIPTS)/$(DICTTOMAC) > $@ @cd $(MACMAC) && make cleann: # @rm -f $(MACMAC)/$(NOBSME) cleans: @rm -f $(SMETESTING)/*_v.xml $(SMETESTING)/*_n.xml $(SMETESTING)/*_a.xml $(SMETESTING)/*.paradigm $(SMETESTING)/dictwords.txt # @rm -f bin/*fst bin/*dic bin/*lexc bin/*list bin/*html bin/*xml #macdict/smenob.xml macdict/nobsme.xml