!!!Sámi Speech Synthesis (Text-to-speech) Helsinki University, Department of General Linguistics has approached us with a suggestion for cooperation. They would like to develop a Sámi synthetic voice. The persons presenting the suggestions were __Martti Vainio__ and __Antti Suni__. !!Financing Ideas for Finland: *TEKES *Alfred Kordelin *M A Castrén Norway: *KRD *NFR *UiT/Sámi Center Sweden: *Kulturdept. Nordic: *Nordisk råd EU: *InterReg !!References A further development of the system was presented at NODALIDA this year ([abstract|http://phon.joensuu.fi/nodalida/abstracts/19.shtml]). There's a [demo|http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/suopuhe/demo.shtml] of their Finnish speech synthesiser available. Cf. also the [Home page|http://www.espoo.com/usix/fst.html] of their project.