!!!Meeting with Polderland 5.6.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!Since last time !Polderland: * currently looking into bug with test system with/without user dictionary ** still not completed yet * Adobe: developing for CS3 - work continues. ** Both Windows and Mac version compile ** InDesign CS3 debug installed ** Solving configuration issues, expect to be able to *really* compile this week (and then encounter the real bugs) * testing Divvun installer for Mac: succeeded for Win + Mac OS 10.3/10.4 * __ŋ__ and __ñ__ exist, but __ń__ must be added - try to complete this week ** work finished, ready for final test & shipment. Will be accompanied by additional documentation on resource fork usage (we encountered some problems in the hyphenation data) * bug 402: tokenization issue, buried deep in code, fix available before final version * bug 409: not repro ** ack, no repair necessary Test string is: {{nuvviD}}, even {{nuvviDpeople}} !Divvun: * CS3 seems to be installed, or is on the way to being installed in at least the biggest printing houses, but I still need to check some of the other publishers ** still some more to check, but it seems CS3 will be a safe lower end supported * been fixing bugs in the released public beta * planning linguistic update towards the end of this week, or next week !!Compounding issue !Japn and Napn The noun and adjective subclasses J[apn] and N[apn] accept also regular J and N classes? - subclass a can have subclasses a and n and classes J and N on the right side - subclass p can have subclasses p and n and classes J and N on the right side - subclass n can have subclasses a, p and n and classes J and N on the right side We are getting unwanted string ''suopmasivaheapmi'' accepted in the speller: {{{ suop-ma NIALR // nominative suop-ma NAL // nominative, used for compounding with regular nouns // assumed not to be compoundable with Ja-tagged words // whereas suo-ma GaAL + si-va-heap-mi JaIALR should be // (and is) ok si-va-heap-mi VI si-va-heap-mi JaIALR }}} The wanted compound is: ''suomasivaheapmi'' (which we get), but we need to be able to exclude the other one. {{{ suo-ma NnIR // Acc suo-ma-- NIAL // Gen override - w/hyph suo-ma-- GaIAL // Gen - w/hyph suo-ma NAL // Gen override suo-ma GaAL // Gen case, should be used for compounding with sivaheapmi }}} What could we do to prevent this behaviour? !The A PLX flag PLD has not really documented the A compound flagg. What does it stand for? From the e-mail you sent us: "add an A flag to every (Proper or common) Noun that can be a left part (or even to all Nouns)" A = Can occur middle in composition? !!Next meeting Next week (19.6) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * check inconsistent speller behaviour depending on the existence of userdict or not __PLD__ * __PLD__ continue to create hyphenator for Adobe InDesign CS3 * __PLD__ try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign CS2. Looks bad. ** old version does not work, user group + Adobe confirms it no longer sold ** check with Sámi publishing houses whether support for CS2 is still needed (__Divvun__) * include ń as character in words (__PLD__), send updated binaries ** finished, testing nearly completed, will be sent today * speller in InDesign/InCopy option (__PLD__)