from django.core.context_processors import PermWrapper from django.utils.functional import lazy, memoize, SimpleLazyObject from django.contrib import messages def auth(request): """ Returns context variables required by apps that use Django's authentication system. If there is no 'user' attribute in the request, uses AnonymousUser (from django.contrib.auth). """ # If we access request.user, request.session is accessed, which results in # 'Vary: Cookie' being sent in every request that uses this context # processor, which can easily be every request on a site if # TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS has this context processor added. This kills # the ability to cache. So, we carefully ensure these attributes are lazy. # We don't use django.utils.functional.lazy() for User, because that # requires knowing the class of the object we want to proxy, which could # break with custom auth backends. LazyObject is a less complete but more # flexible solution that is a good enough wrapper for 'User'. def get_user(): if hasattr(request, 'user'): return request.user else: from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser return AnonymousUser() return { 'user': SimpleLazyObject(get_user), 'messages': messages.get_messages(request), 'perms': lazy(lambda: PermWrapper(get_user()), PermWrapper)(), }