import decimal import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import get_language, to_locale, check_for_language from django.utils.importlib import import_module from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.utils import dateformat, numberformat, datetime_safe from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe # format_cache is a mapping from (format_type, lang) to the format string. # By using the cache, it is possible to avoid running get_format_modules # repeatedly. _format_cache = {} _format_modules_cache = {} def reset_format_cache(): """Clear any cached formats. This method is provided primarily for testing purposes, so that the effects of cached formats can be removed. """ global _format_cache, _format_modules_cache _format_cache = {} _format_modules_cache = {} def iter_format_modules(lang): """ Does the heavy lifting of finding format modules. """ if check_for_language(lang): format_locations = ['django.conf.locale.%s'] if settings.FORMAT_MODULE_PATH: format_locations.append(settings.FORMAT_MODULE_PATH + '.%s') format_locations.reverse() locale = to_locale(lang) locales = [locale] if '_' in locale: locales.append(locale.split('_')[0]) for location in format_locations: for loc in locales: try: yield import_module('.formats', location % loc) except ImportError: pass def get_format_modules(reverse=False): """ Returns a list of the format modules found """ lang = get_language() modules = _format_modules_cache.setdefault(lang, list(iter_format_modules(lang))) if reverse: return list(reversed(modules)) return modules def get_format(format_type): """ For a specific format type, returns the format for the current language (locale), defaults to the format in the settings. format_type is the name of the format, e.g. 'DATE_FORMAT' """ format_type = smart_str(format_type) if settings.USE_L10N: cache_key = (format_type, get_language()) try: return _format_cache[cache_key] or getattr(settings, format_type) except KeyError: for module in get_format_modules(): try: val = getattr(module, format_type) _format_cache[cache_key] = val return val except AttributeError: pass _format_cache[cache_key] = None return getattr(settings, format_type) def date_format(value, format=None): """ Formats a or datetime.datetime object using a localizable format """ return dateformat.format(value, get_format(format or 'DATE_FORMAT')) def time_format(value, format=None): """ Formats a datetime.time object using a localizable format """ return dateformat.time_format(value, get_format(format or 'TIME_FORMAT')) def number_format(value, decimal_pos=None): """ Formats a numeric value using localization settings """ return numberformat.format( value, get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR'), decimal_pos, get_format('NUMBER_GROUPING'), get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR'), ) def localize(value): """ Checks if value is a localizable type (date, number...) and returns it formatted as a string using current locale format """ if isinstance(value, bool): return mark_safe(unicode(value)) elif isinstance(value, (decimal.Decimal, float, int, long)): return number_format(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return date_format(value, 'DATETIME_FORMAT') elif isinstance(value, return date_format(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): return time_format(value, 'TIME_FORMAT') else: return value def localize_input(value, default=None): """ Checks if an input value is a localizable type and returns it formatted with the appropriate formatting string of the current locale. """ if isinstance(value, (decimal.Decimal, float, int, long)): return number_format(value) if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = datetime_safe.new_datetime(value) format = smart_str(default or get_format('DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS')[0]) return value.strftime(format) elif isinstance(value, value = datetime_safe.new_date(value) format = smart_str(default or get_format('DATE_INPUT_FORMATS')[0]) return value.strftime(format) elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): format = smart_str(default or get_format('TIME_INPUT_FORMATS')[0]) return value.strftime(format) return value def sanitize_separators(value): """ Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and thousand separator setting. Used with form field input. """ if settings.USE_L10N: decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR') if isinstance(value, basestring): parts = [] if decimal_separator in value: value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1) parts.append(decimals) if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR: parts.append(value.replace(get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR'), '')) else: parts.append(value) value = '.'.join(reversed(parts)) return value