""" Tests for file field behavior, and specifically #639, in which Model.save() gets called *again* for each FileField. This test will fail if calling a ModelForm's save() method causes Model.save() to be called more than once. """ import os import shutil import unittest from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from regressiontests.bug639.models import Photo, PhotoForm, temp_storage_dir class Bug639Test(unittest.TestCase): def testBug639(self): """ Simulate a file upload and check how many times Model.save() gets called. """ # Grab an image for testing. filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test.jpg") img = open(filename, "rb").read() # Fake a POST QueryDict and FILES MultiValueDict. data = {'title': 'Testing'} files = {"image": SimpleUploadedFile('test.jpg', img, 'image/jpeg')} form = PhotoForm(data=data, files=files) p = form.save() # Check the savecount stored on the object (see the model). self.assertEqual(p._savecount, 1) def tearDown(self): """ Make sure to delete the "uploaded" file to avoid clogging /tmp. """ p = Photo.objects.get() p.image.delete(save=False) shutil.rmtree(temp_storage_dir)