# coding: utf-8 """ Tests for template filters (as opposed to template tags). The tests are hidden inside a function so that things like timestamps and timezones are only evaluated at the moment of execution and will therefore be consistent. """ from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from django.utils.tzinfo import LocalTimezone, FixedOffset from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe # These two classes are used to test auto-escaping of __unicode__ output. class UnsafeClass: def __unicode__(self): return u'you & me' class SafeClass: def __unicode__(self): return mark_safe(u'you > me') # RESULT SYNTAX -- # 'template_name': ('template contents', 'context dict', # 'expected string output' or Exception class) def get_filter_tests(): now = datetime.now() now_tz = datetime.now(LocalTimezone(now)) now_tz_i = datetime.now(FixedOffset((3 * 60) + 15)) # imaginary time zone today = date.today() return { # Default compare with datetime.now() 'filter-timesince01' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=-1, seconds = -10)}, '1 minute'), 'filter-timesince02' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1, minutes = 1)}, '1 day'), 'filter-timesince03' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1, minutes=25, seconds = 10)}, '1 hour, 25 minutes'), # Compare to a given parameter 'filter-timesince04' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2), 'b':now - timedelta(days=1)}, '1 day'), 'filter-timesince05' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1 minute'), # Check that timezone is respected 'filter-timesince06' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now_tz - timedelta(hours=8), 'b':now_tz}, '8 hours'), # Regression for #7443 'filter-timesince07': ('{{ earlier|timesince }}', { 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '1 week'), 'filter-timesince08': ('{{ earlier|timesince:now }}', { 'now': now, 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '1 week'), 'filter-timesince09': ('{{ later|timesince }}', { 'later': now + timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timesince10': ('{{ later|timesince:now }}', { 'now': now, 'later': now + timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'), # Ensures that differing timezones are calculated correctly 'filter-timesince11' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': now}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timesince12' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': now_tz}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timesince13' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': now_tz_i}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timesince14' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now_tz, 'b': now_tz_i}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timesince15' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now, 'b': now_tz_i}, ''), 'filter-timesince16' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now_tz_i, 'b': now}, ''), # Regression for #9065 (two date objects). 'filter-timesince17' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timesince18' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today + timedelta(hours=24)}, '1 day'), # Default compare with datetime.now() 'filter-timeuntil01' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=2, seconds = 10)}, '2 minutes'), 'filter-timeuntil02' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':(datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1, seconds = 10))}, '1 day'), 'filter-timeuntil03' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':(datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=8, minutes=10, seconds = 10))}, '8 hours, 10 minutes'), # Compare to a given parameter 'filter-timeuntil04' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=1), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1 day'), 'filter-timeuntil05' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1)}, '1 minute'), # Regression for #7443 'filter-timeuntil06': ('{{ earlier|timeuntil }}', { 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timeuntil07': ('{{ earlier|timeuntil:now }}', { 'now': now, 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timeuntil08': ('{{ later|timeuntil }}', { 'later': now + timedelta(days=7, hours=1) }, '1 week'), 'filter-timeuntil09': ('{{ later|timeuntil:now }}', { 'now': now, 'later': now + timedelta(days=7) }, '1 week'), # Ensures that differing timezones are calculated correctly 'filter-timeuntil10' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a': now_tz_i}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timeuntil11' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': now_tz_i, 'b': now_tz}, '0 minutes'), # Regression for #9065 (two date objects). 'filter-timeuntil12' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today}, '0 minutes'), 'filter-timeuntil13' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today - timedelta(hours=24)}, '1 day'), 'filter-addslash01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|addslashes }} {{ b|addslashes }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "'", "b": mark_safe("'")}, ur"\' \'"), 'filter-addslash02': ("{{ a|addslashes }} {{ b|addslashes }}", {"a": "'", "b": mark_safe("'")}, ur"<a>\' \'"), 'filter-capfirst01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|capfirst }} {{ b|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "fred>", "b": mark_safe("fred>")}, u"Fred> Fred>"), 'filter-capfirst02': ("{{ a|capfirst }} {{ b|capfirst }}", {"a": "fred>", "b": mark_safe("fred>")}, u"Fred> Fred>"), # Note that applying fix_ampsersands in autoescape mode leads to # double escaping. 'filter-fix_ampersands01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|fix_ampersands }} {{ b|fix_ampersands }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u"a&b a&b"), 'filter-fix_ampersands02': ("{{ a|fix_ampersands }} {{ b|fix_ampersands }}", {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u"a&amp;b a&b"), 'filter-floatformat01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|floatformat }} {{ b|floatformat }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "1.42", "b": mark_safe("1.42")}, u"1.4 1.4"), 'filter-floatformat02': ("{{ a|floatformat }} {{ b|floatformat }}", {"a": "1.42", "b": mark_safe("1.42")}, u"1.4 1.4"), # The contents of "linenumbers" is escaped according to the current # autoescape setting. 'filter-linenumbers01': ("{{ a|linenumbers }} {{ b|linenumbers }}", {"a": "one\n\nthree", "b": mark_safe("one\n<two>\nthree")}, u"1. one\n2. <two>\n3. three 1. one\n2. <two>\n3. three"), 'filter-linenumbers02': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|linenumbers }} {{ b|linenumbers }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "one\n\nthree", "b": mark_safe("one\n<two>\nthree")}, u"1. one\n2. \n3. three 1. one\n2. <two>\n3. three"), 'filter-lower01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|lower }} {{ b|lower }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "Apple & banana", "b": mark_safe("Apple & banana")}, u"apple & banana apple & banana"), 'filter-lower02': ("{{ a|lower }} {{ b|lower }}", {"a": "Apple & banana", "b": mark_safe("Apple & banana")}, u"apple & banana apple & banana"), # The make_list filter can destroy existing escaping, so the results are # escaped. 'filter-make_list01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|make_list }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"), 'filter-make_list02': ("{{ a|make_list }}", {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"), 'filter-make_list03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|make_list|stringformat:"s"|safe }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"), 'filter-make_list04': ('{{ a|make_list|stringformat:"s"|safe }}', {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"), # Running slugify on a pre-escaped string leads to odd behaviour, # but the result is still safe. 'filter-slugify01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|slugify }} {{ b|slugify }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, u"a-b a-amp-b"), 'filter-slugify02': ("{{ a|slugify }} {{ b|slugify }}", {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, u"a-b a-amp-b"), # Notice that escaping is applied *after* any filters, so the string # formatting here only needs to deal with pre-escaped characters. 'filter-stringformat01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|stringformat:"5s" }}. .{{ b|stringformat:"5s" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "ahttp://example.com/?x=&y= http://example.com?x=&y='), 'filter-urlize02': ('{{ a|urlize }} {{ b|urlize }}', {"a": "http://example.com/?x=&y=", "b": mark_safe("http://example.com?x=&y=")}, u'http://example.com/?x=&y= http://example.com?x=&y='), 'filter-urlize03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlize }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": mark_safe("a & b")}, 'a & b'), 'filter-urlize04': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": mark_safe("a & b")}, 'a & b'), # This will lead to a nonsense result, but at least it won't be # exploitable for XSS purposes when auto-escaping is on. 'filter-urlize05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlize }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ""}, ""), 'filter-urlize06': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": ""}, '<script>alert('foo')</script>'), # mailto: testing for urlize 'filter-urlize07': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": "Email me at me@example.com"}, 'Email me at me@example.com'), 'filter-urlize08': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": "Email me at "}, 'Email me at <me@example.com>'), 'filter-urlizetrunc01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlizetrunc:"8" }} {{ b|urlizetrunc:"8" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": '"Unsafe" http://example.com/x=&y=', "b": mark_safe('"Safe" http://example.com?x=&y=')}, u'"Unsafe" http:... "Safe" http:...'), 'filter-urlizetrunc02': ('{{ a|urlizetrunc:"8" }} {{ b|urlizetrunc:"8" }}', {"a": '"Unsafe" http://example.com/x=&y=', "b": mark_safe('"Safe" http://example.com?x=&y=')}, u'"Unsafe" http:... "Safe" http:...'), 'filter-wordcount01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|wordcount }} {{ b|wordcount }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, "3 3"), 'filter-wordcount02': ('{{ a|wordcount }} {{ b|wordcount }}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, "3 3"), 'filter-wordwrap01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|wordwrap:"3" }} {{ b|wordwrap:"3" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, u"a &\nb a &\nb"), 'filter-wordwrap02': ('{{ a|wordwrap:"3" }} {{ b|wordwrap:"3" }}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, u"a &\nb a &\nb"), 'filter-ljust01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|ljust:"5" }}. .{{ b|ljust:"5" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u".a&b . .a&b ."), 'filter-ljust02': ('.{{ a|ljust:"5" }}. .{{ b|ljust:"5" }}.', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u".a&b . .a&b ."), 'filter-rjust01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|rjust:"5" }}. .{{ b|rjust:"5" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u". a&b. . a&b."), 'filter-rjust02': ('.{{ a|rjust:"5" }}. .{{ b|rjust:"5" }}.', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u". a&b. . a&b."), 'filter-center01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|center:"5" }}. .{{ b|center:"5" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u". a&b . . a&b ."), 'filter-center02': ('.{{ a|center:"5" }}. .{{ b|center:"5" }}.', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u". a&b . . a&b ."), 'filter-cut01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"x" }} {{ b|cut:"x" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"&y &y"), 'filter-cut02': ('{{ a|cut:"x" }} {{ b|cut:"x" }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"&y &y"), 'filter-cut03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"&" }} {{ b|cut:"&" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"xy xamp;y"), 'filter-cut04': ('{{ a|cut:"&" }} {{ b|cut:"&" }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"xy xamp;y"), # Passing ';' to cut can break existing HTML entities, so those strings # are auto-escaped. 'filter-cut05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:";" }} {{ b|cut:";" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"x&y x&y"), 'filter-cut06': ('{{ a|cut:";" }} {{ b|cut:";" }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"x&y x&ampy"), # The "escape" filter works the same whether autoescape is on or off, # but it has no effect on strings already marked as safe. 'filter-escape01': ('{{ a|escape }} {{ b|escape }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"x&y x&y"), 'filter-escape02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape }} {{ b|escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, "x&y x&y"), # It is only applied once, regardless of the number of times it # appears in a chain. 'filter-escape03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape|escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), 'filter-escape04': ('{{ a|escape|escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), # Force_escape is applied immediately. It can be used to provide # double-escaping, for example. 'filter-force-escape01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), 'filter-force-escape02': ('{{ a|force_escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), 'filter-force-escape03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"), 'filter-force-escape04': ('{{ a|force_escape|force_escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"), # Because the result of force_escape is "safe", an additional # escape filter has no effect. 'filter-force-escape05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape|escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), 'filter-force-escape06': ('{{ a|force_escape|escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), 'filter-force-escape07': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), 'filter-force-escape08': ('{{ a|escape|force_escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&y"), # The contents in "linebreaks" and "linebreaksbr" are escaped # according to the current autoescape setting. 'filter-linebreaks01': ('{{ a|linebreaks }} {{ b|linebreaks }}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"



"), 'filter-linebreaks02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|linebreaks }} {{ b|linebreaks }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"



"), 'filter-linebreaksbr01': ('{{ a|linebreaksbr }} {{ b|linebreaksbr }}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"x&
y x&
y"), 'filter-linebreaksbr02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|linebreaksbr }} {{ b|linebreaksbr }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"x&
y x&
y"), 'filter-safe01': ("{{ a }} -- {{ a|safe }}", {"a": u"hello"}, "<b>hello</b> -- hello"), 'filter-safe02': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a }} -- {{ a|safe }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "hello"}, u"hello -- hello"), 'filter-safeseq01': ('{{ a|join:", " }} -- {{ a|safeseq|join:", " }}', {"a": ["&", "<"]}, "&, < -- &, <"), 'filter-safeseq02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|join:", " }} -- {{ a|safeseq|join:", " }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["&", "<"]}, "&, < -- &, <"), 'filter-removetags01': ('{{ a|removetags:"a b" }} {{ b|removetags:"a b" }}', {"a": "x


", "b": mark_safe("x


")}, u"x <p>y</p> x


"), 'filter-removetags02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|removetags:"a b" }} {{ b|removetags:"a b" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x


", "b": mark_safe("x


")}, u"x




"), 'filter-striptags01': ('{{ a|striptags }} {{ b|striptags }}', {"a": "x


", "b": mark_safe("x


")}, "x y x y"), 'filter-striptags02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|striptags }} {{ b|striptags }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x


", "b": mark_safe("x


")}, "x y x y"), 'filter-first01': ('{{ a|first }} {{ b|first }}', {"a": ["a&b", "x"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), "x"]}, "a&b a&b"), 'filter-first02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|first }} {{ b|first }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["a&b", "x"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), "x"]}, "a&b a&b"), 'filter-last01': ('{{ a|last }} {{ b|last }}', {"a": ["x", "a&b"], "b": ["x", mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&b a&b"), 'filter-last02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|last }} {{ b|last }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x", "a&b"], "b": ["x", mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&b a&b"), 'filter-random01': ('{{ a|random }} {{ b|random }}', {"a": ["a&b", "a&b"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&b a&b"), 'filter-random02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|random }} {{ b|random }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["a&b", "a&b"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&b a&b"), 'filter-slice01': ('{{ a|slice:"1:3" }} {{ b|slice:"1:3" }}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, "&b &b"), 'filter-slice02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|slice:"1:3" }} {{ b|slice:"1:3" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, "&b &b"), 'filter-unordered_list01': ('{{ a|unordered_list }}', {"a": ["x>", [["x>\n\t\n\t"), 'filter-unordered_list02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|unordered_list }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x>", [["x>\n\t
  • \n\t
\n\t"), 'filter-unordered_list03': ('{{ a|unordered_list }}', {"a": ["x>", [[mark_safe("x>\n\t
  • \n\t
\n\t"), 'filter-unordered_list04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|unordered_list }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x>", [[mark_safe("x>\n\t
  • \n\t
\n\t"), 'filter-unordered_list05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|unordered_list }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x>", [["x>\n\t
  • \n\t
\n\t"), # Literal string arguments to the default filter are always treated as # safe strings, regardless of the auto-escaping state. # # Note: we have to use {"a": ""} here, otherwise the invalid template # variable string interferes with the test result. 'filter-default01': ('{{ a|default:"x<" }}', {"a": ""}, "x<"), 'filter-default02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|default:"x<" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ""}, "x<"), 'filter-default03': ('{{ a|default:"x<" }}', {"a": mark_safe("x>")}, "x>"), 'filter-default04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|default:"x<" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": mark_safe("x>")}, "x>"), 'filter-default_if_none01': ('{{ a|default:"x<" }}', {"a": None}, "x<"), 'filter-default_if_none02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|default:"x<" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": None}, "x<"), 'filter-phone2numeric01': ('{{ a|phone2numeric }} {{ b|phone2numeric }}', {"a": "<1-800-call-me>", "b": mark_safe("<1-800-call-me>") }, "<1-800-2255-63> <1-800-2255-63>"), 'filter-phone2numeric02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|phone2numeric }} {{ b|phone2numeric }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "<1-800-call-me>", "b": mark_safe("<1-800-call-me>") }, "<1-800-2255-63> <1-800-2255-63>"), 'filter-phone2numeric03': ('{{ a|phone2numeric }}', {"a": "How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!"}, "469 729672225-5867464 37647 226 53835 749 747833 49662787!"), # Ensure iriencode keeps safe strings: 'filter-iriencode01': ('{{ url|iriencode }}', {'url': '?test=1&me=2'}, '?test=1&me=2'), 'filter-iriencode02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ url|iriencode }}{% endautoescape %}', {'url': '?test=1&me=2'}, '?test=1&me=2'), 'filter-iriencode03': ('{{ url|iriencode }}', {'url': mark_safe('?test=1&me=2')}, '?test=1&me=2'), 'filter-iriencode04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ url|iriencode }}{% endautoescape %}', {'url': mark_safe('?test=1&me=2')}, '?test=1&me=2'), # Chaining a bunch of safeness-preserving filters should not alter # the safe status either way. 'chaining01': ('{{ a|capfirst|center:"7" }}.{{ b|capfirst|center:"7" }}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, " A < b . A < b "), 'chaining02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|capfirst|center:"7" }}.{{ b|capfirst|center:"7" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, " A < b . A < b "), # Using a filter that forces a string back to unsafe: 'chaining03': ('{{ a|cut:"b"|capfirst }}.{{ b|cut:"b"|capfirst }}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, "A < .A < "), 'chaining04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"b"|capfirst }}.{{ b|cut:"b"|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, "A < .A < "), # Using a filter that forces safeness does not lead to double-escaping 'chaining05': ('{{ a|escape|capfirst }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "A < b"), 'chaining06': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "A < b"), # Force to safe, then back (also showing why using force_escape too # early in a chain can lead to unexpected results). 'chaining07': ('{{ a|force_escape|cut:";" }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &lt b"), 'chaining08': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape|cut:";" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < b"), 'chaining09': ('{{ a|cut:";"|force_escape }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < b"), 'chaining10': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:";"|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < b"), 'chaining11': ('{{ a|cut:"b"|safe }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < "), 'chaining12': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"b"|safe }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < "), 'chaining13': ('{{ a|safe|force_escape }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < b"), 'chaining14': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|safe|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < b"), # Filters decorated with stringfilter still respect is_safe. 'autoescape-stringfilter01': (r'{{ unsafe|capfirst }}', {'unsafe': UnsafeClass()}, 'You & me'), 'autoescape-stringfilter02': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ unsafe|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {'unsafe': UnsafeClass()}, 'You & me'), 'autoescape-stringfilter03': (r'{{ safe|capfirst }}', {'safe': SafeClass()}, 'You > me'), 'autoescape-stringfilter04': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ safe|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {'safe': SafeClass()}, 'You > me'), 'escapejs01': (r'{{ a|escapejs }}', {'a': 'testing\r\njavascript \'string" escaping'}, 'testing\\u000D\\u000Ajavascript \\u0027string\\u0022 \\u003Cb\\u003Eescaping\\u003C/b\\u003E'), 'escapejs02': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escapejs }}{% endautoescape %}', {'a': 'testing\r\njavascript \'string" escaping'}, 'testing\\u000D\\u000Ajavascript \\u0027string\\u0022 \\u003Cb\\u003Eescaping\\u003C/b\\u003E'), # length filter. 'length01': ('{{ list|length }}', {'list': ['4', None, True, {}]}, '4'), 'length02': ('{{ list|length }}', {'list': []}, '0'), 'length03': ('{{ string|length }}', {'string': ''}, '0'), 'length04': ('{{ string|length }}', {'string': 'django'}, '6'), # Invalid uses that should fail silently. 'length05': ('{{ int|length }}', {'int': 7}, ''), 'length06': ('{{ None|length }}', {'None': None}, ''), # length_is filter. 'length_is01': ('{% if some_list|length_is:"4" %}Four{% endif %}', {'some_list': ['4', None, True, {}]}, 'Four'), 'length_is02': ('{% if some_list|length_is:"4" %}Four{% else %}Not Four{% endif %}', {'some_list': ['4', None, True, {}, 17]}, 'Not Four'), 'length_is03': ('{% if mystring|length_is:"4" %}Four{% endif %}', {'mystring': 'word'}, 'Four'), 'length_is04': ('{% if mystring|length_is:"4" %}Four{% else %}Not Four{% endif %}', {'mystring': 'Python'}, 'Not Four'), 'length_is05': ('{% if mystring|length_is:"4" %}Four{% else %}Not Four{% endif %}', {'mystring': ''}, 'Not Four'), 'length_is06': ('{% with var|length as my_length %}{{ my_length }}{% endwith %}', {'var': 'django'}, '6'), # Boolean return value from length_is should not be coerced to a string 'length_is07': (r'{% if "X"|length_is:0 %}Length is 0{% else %}Length not 0{% endif %}', {}, 'Length not 0'), 'length_is08': (r'{% if "X"|length_is:1 %}Length is 1{% else %}Length not 1{% endif %}', {}, 'Length is 1'), # Invalid uses that should fail silently. 'length_is09': ('{{ var|length_is:"fish" }}', {'var': 'django'}, ''), 'length_is10': ('{{ int|length_is:"1" }}', {'int': 7}, ''), 'length_is11': ('{{ none|length_is:"1" }}', {'none': None}, ''), 'join01': (r'{{ a|join:", " }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha, beta & me'), 'join02': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ a|join:", " }}{% endautoescape %}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha, beta & me'), 'join03': (r'{{ a|join:" & " }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha & beta & me'), 'join04': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ a|join:" & " }}{% endautoescape %}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha & beta & me'), # Test that joining with unsafe joiners don't result in unsafe strings (#11377) 'join05': (r'{{ a|join:var }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me'], 'var': ' & '}, 'alpha & beta & me'), 'join06': (r'{{ a|join:var }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me'], 'var': mark_safe(' & ')}, 'alpha & beta & me'), 'join07': (r'{{ a|join:var|lower }}', {'a': ['Alpha', 'Beta & me'], 'var': ' & ' }, 'alpha & beta & me'), 'join08': (r'{{ a|join:var|lower }}', {'a': ['Alpha', 'Beta & me'], 'var': mark_safe(' & ')}, 'alpha & beta & me'), 'date01': (r'{{ d|date:"m" }}', {'d': datetime(2008, 1, 1)}, '01'), 'date02': (r'{{ d|date }}', {'d': datetime(2008, 1, 1)}, 'Jan. 1, 2008'), #Ticket 9520: Make sure |date doesn't blow up on non-dates 'date03': (r'{{ d|date:"m" }}', {'d': 'fail_string'}, ''), # Tests for #11687 'add01': (r'{{ i|add:"5" }}', {'i': 2000}, '2005'), 'add02': (r'{{ i|add:"napis" }}', {'i': 2000}, '2000'), 'add03': (r'{{ i|add:16 }}', {'i': 'not_an_int'}, 'not_an_int'), 'add04': (r'{{ i|add:"16" }}', {'i': 'not_an_int'}, 'not_an_int16'), 'add05': (r'{{ l1|add:l2 }}', {'l1': [1, 2], 'l2': [3, 4]}, '[1, 2, 3, 4]'), 'add06': (r'{{ t1|add:t2 }}', {'t1': (3, 4), 't2': (1, 2)}, '(3, 4, 1, 2)'), 'add07': (r'{{ d|add:t }}', {'d': date(2000, 1, 1), 't': timedelta(10)}, 'Jan. 11, 2000'), }