from import BaseCommand, CommandError # from_yaml(cls, loader, node) from ling import Paradigm from words_install import Words from extra_install import Extra from feedback_install import Feedback_install from questions_install import Questions from optparse import make_option import sys def WordGeneration(conf, install_summary, options): FSTPATH = conf['Config']['FSTPATH'] or False LOOKUP_TOOL = conf['Config']['LOOKUP_TOOL'] or False LOOKUP_FLAGS = conf['Config']['LOOKUP_FLAGS'] or False dialects = conf['Config']['FSTs']['Dialects'] or False for item in conf['WordGeneration']: linginfo = Paradigm() words = Words() kwargs = {'delete': None} kwargs['infile'] = fname = item['file'] try: try: open(kwargs['infile'], 'r') except IOError: errmsg = " * File %s not found." % kwargs['infile'] print >> sys.stderr, errmsg raise Exception(errmsg) if item.has_key('tagfile'): linginfo.handle_tags(item['tagfile'], False) if item.has_key('paradigmfile'): linginfo.read_paradigms(item['paradigmfile'], item['tagfile'], False) kwargs['paradigmfile'] = item['paradigmfile'] kwargs['linginfo'] = linginfo if options.has_key('verbose'): kwargs['verbose'] = options['verbose'] if dialects: kwargs['dialects'] = dialects if FSTPATH: kwargs['fstdir'] = FSTPATH if LOOKUP_TOOL: l = LOOKUP_TOOL if LOOKUP_FLAGS: l += ' ' + LOOKUP_FLAGS kwargs['lookup'] = l words.install_lexicon(**kwargs) print "%s done processing." % fname install_summary[fname] = ("Success", "") except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, Exception, e install_summary[fname] = ("Fail", e) return install_summary class Command(BaseCommand): args = '' help = 'Installs data' option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--config', dest='config', default=False, help='Configuration file to use for installation'), make_option('--skip-generation', dest='skip_generation', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip word generation'), make_option('--skip-semantics', dest='skip_semantics', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip adding semantic tags',), make_option('--skip-feedback', dest='skip_feedback', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip adding feedback',), make_option('--skip-questions', dest='skip_questions', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip adding questions',), make_option('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=True, help="Verbose",), make_option('--fst-dir', dest='fst_dir', help='Specify directory containing FSTs',), make_option("-b", "--db", dest="add_db", action="store_true", default=False, help="Used for adding tag infoformation to database"), make_option("-c", "--comments", dest="commentfile", help="XML-file for comments"), make_option("-d", "--delete", dest="delete", action="store_true", default=False, help="delete words that do not appear in the lexicon file of certain pos"), make_option("-e", "--feedbackfile", dest="feedbackfile", help="XML-file for feedback"), make_option("-f", "--file", dest="infile", help="lexicon file name"), make_option("-g", "--grammarfile", dest="grammarfile", help="XML-file for grammar defaults for questions"), make_option("-s", "--sem", dest="semtypefile", help="XML-file semantic subclasses"), make_option("-t", "--tagfile", dest="tagfile", help="List of tags and tagsets"), make_option("-m", "--messagefile", dest="messagefile", help="XML-file for feedback messages"), make_option("-q", "--questionfile", dest="questionfile", help="XML-file that contains questions"), make_option("-w", "--wid", dest="wordid", help="delete word using id or lemma"), make_option("-p", "--pos", dest="pos", help="pos of the deleted word"), make_option("-r", "--paradigmfile", dest="paradigmfile", help="Generate paradigms"), ) def installConfig(self, args, options, config_data): install_summary = {} # Install words and generate if not options.get('skip_generation'): install_summary = WordGeneration(config_data, install_summary, options) else: print >> sys.stderr, "*** Skipping word generation" # Install semantics if options.get('skip_semantics'): print >> sys.stderr, "*** Skipping processing of semantics" else: if config_data.has_key('Supersets'): fname = config_data['Supersets'] extra = Extra() for f in fname: install_summary[f] = 'In progress...' try: extra.read_semtypes(f) install_summary[f] = ("Success", "") except Exception, e: install_summary[f] = ("Fail", str(e)) # Install feedback if options.get('skip_feedback'): print >> sys.stderr, "*** Skipping feedback" else: if config_data.has_key('Feedback'): feedback = Feedback_install() # Read messagefiles for mfile in config_data['Feedback']['messagefiles']: try: feedback.read_messages(mfile) install_summary[mfile] = ("Success", '') except Exception, e: install_summary[mfile] = ("Fail", e) # Read feedbacks for items in config_data['Feedback']['feedbacks']: try: feedback.read_feedback(items['feedbackfile'], items['wordfile']) install_summary[items['feedbackfile'] + ', ' + items['wordfile']] = ("Success", '') except Exception, e: install_summary[items['feedbackfile'] + ', ' + items['wordfile']] = ("Fail", e) # Install questions if options.get('skip_questions'): print >> sys.stderr, "*** Skipping questions" else: for question_set in config_data['MorfaC_Install']['questionfiles']: qfile = question_set['questions'] gfile = question_set['grammar'] questions = Questions() try: questions.read_questions(qfile, gfile) install_summary[qfile] = ("Success", '') except Exception, e: install_summary[qfile] = ("Fail", e) print >> sys.stderr, " === Install summary === " for k, v in install_summary.items(): print >> sys.stderr, "%s\t\t%s\t\t%s" % (v[0], k, v[1]) def handle(self, *args, **options): # TODO: specify install yaml file # TODO: actually use Config.FSTs, currently the install processed # TODO: error handling if process does not complete somehow # TODO: install ordering, need to be able to define ordering of # install steps, since there are some that depend on eachother # grabs these from # TODO: option to specify filename without path, and # automatically grab that line from the config and install. import os, sys import yaml if options['config']: conf_fname = options['config'] cur_path = os.getcwd() parent_path = '/' + '/'.join([a for a in cur_path.split('/') if a][0:-1]) + '/' sys.path.insert(0, parent_path) with open(conf_fname, 'r') as F: data = config_data = yaml.load(data) self.installConfig(args, options, config_data) # More options go here. linginfo = Paradigm() words = Words() # Options from if options['tagfile']: linginfo.handle_tags(options['tagfile'], options['add_db']) if options['paradigmfile']: linginfo.read_paradigms(options['paradigmfile'], options['tagfile'], options['add_db']) if options['wordid']: words.delete_word(options['wordid'],options['pos']) sys.exit() if options['questionfile'] and options['grammarfile']: questions.read_questions(options['questionfile'],options['grammarfile']) sys.exit() if options['semtypefile']: extra.read_semtypes(options['semtypefile']) sys.exit() if options['messagefile']: feedback.read_messages(options['messagefile']) sys.exit() if options['feedbackfile'] and options['infile']: feedback.read_feedback(options['feedbackfile'],options['infile']) sys.exit() if options['infile']: words.install_lexicon(infile=options['infile'],linginfo=linginfo,delete=options['delete'],paradigmfile=options['paradigmfile']) sys.exit()