## ### ### Global settings ### ## # These are all global lists that are reused across all the games. # They are stored as references, so, to copy all of the underlying # values, reference them with an asterisk (*) # # Ex.) # # taxonomy: # "stemtype": # model: 'Form' # attr: 'word__stem' # choices: *SYLLTYPES # "source": # attr: 'word__source__name' # choices: *BOOKS # # # This is then interpreted by the YAML parser to be: # # taxonomy: # "stemtype": # model: 'Form' # attr: 'word__stem' # choices: # - ["2syll", "bisyllabic"] # - ["3syll", "trisyllabic"] # # ... etc LanguagePairs: &LANGUAGEPAIRS - ["smanob", "South Sámi to Norwegian"] - ["nobsma", "Norwegian to South Sámi"] - ["smaswe", "South Sámi to Swedish"] - ["swesma", "Swedish to South Sámi"] Books: &BOOKS - ['all', 'All'] - ['a1', 'Aalkoe'] - ['dej', 'Dejpeladtje vætnoeh vuekieh'] - ['s1', 'Saemesth amma 1'] - ['s2', 'Saemesth amma 2'] - ['s3', 'Saemesth amma 3'] - ['s4', 'Saemesth amma 4'] - ['åa1', 'Åarjel-saemien 1'] - ['åa2', 'Åarjel-saemien 2'] - ['åa3', 'Åarjel-saemien 3'] - ['åa4', 'Åarjel-saemien 4'] - ['åa5', 'Åarjel-saemien 5'] - ['åa6', 'Åarjel-saemien 6'] Semtypes: &SEMTYPES - ['HUMAN', 'Human'] - ['RELATIVES', 'Relatives'] - ['WORKERS', 'Professions'] - ['HUMAN_DOING', 'Human doings'] - ['FOOD/DRINK', 'Food/drink'] - ['ANIMAL', 'Animal'] - ['BIRD_FISH', 'Bird/fish'] - ['OBJECT', 'Object'] - ['CONCRETES', 'Concretes'] - ['BODY', 'Body'] - ['CLOTHES', 'Clothes'] - ['BUILDINGS/ROOMS', 'Buildings/rooms'] - ['NATUREWORDS', 'Nature words'] - ['PLANTS', 'Plants'] - ['WEATHERTYPES', 'Weather'] - ['LEISURETIME/AT_HOME', 'Leisuretime/at home'] - ['TRAVEL', 'Traveling'] - ['ABSTRACTS', 'Abstracts'] - ['WORK/ECONOMY/TOOLS', 'Work/economy/tools'] - ['TIMEEXPRESSIONS', 'Timeexpressions'] - ['LITERATURE/TEXT', 'Literature/text'] - ['SCHOOL/EDUCATION', 'School/education'] - ['REINDEER/HERDING', 'Reindeerherding'] - ['TRADITIONAL', 'Traditional'] - ['DUEDTIE', 'Duedtie'] - ['MULTIWORD', 'Multiword'] - ['all', 'all'] Sylltypes: &SYLLTYPES - ["2syll", "bisyllabic"] - ["3syll", "trisyllabic"] MiscDefaults: - question: &MORFASQTYPE model: 'Form' display_attribute: 'baseform' filters: 'tag__pos': 'N' 'tag__case': 'Nom' 'tag__number': ['Sg', 'Pl'] answer: &MORFASATYPE model: 'Form' attribute: 'fullform' - question: &MORFAVQTYPE model: 'Form' display_attribute: 'baseform' filters: 'tag__pos': 'V' 'tag__inf': 'Inf' answer: &MORFAVATYPE model: 'Form' display_attribute: 'fullform' ### ## ## Morfa ## ### MorfaV: data_model: 'Form' options: pronouns: "pronouns" relax_answer: True pronouns: Sg1: "manne" Sg2: "datne" Sg3: "dïhte" Du1: "månnoeh" Du2: "dåtnoeh" Du3: "dah guaktah" Pl1: "mijjieh" Pl2: "dijjieh" Pl3: "dah" taxonomy: "stemtype": model: 'Form' attr: 'word__stem' choices: *SYLLTYPES "source": attr: 'word__source__name' choices: *BOOKS questions: - question: <<: *MORFAVQTYPE name: 'present' abbr: 'V-PRS' answer: <<: *MORFAVATYPE filters: 'tag__string__contains': 'V+Ind+Prs' pronouns: "pronouns" - question: <<: *MORFAVQTYPE name: 'preterite' abbr: 'V-PRT' answer: <<: *MORFAVATYPE filters: 'tag__string__contains': 'V+Ind+Prt' pronouns: "pronouns" - question: <<: *MORFAVQTYPE name: 'imperative' abbr: 'V-IMPRT' answer: <<: *MORFAVATYPE filters: 'tag__string__contains': 'V+Imprt' pronouns: "pronouns" - question: <<: *MORFAVQTYPE name: 'gerund' abbr: 'V-GER' answer: <<: *MORFAVATYPE filters: 'tag__string__contains': 'V+Ger' pronouns: False - question: <<: *MORFAVQTYPE name: 'perfect participle' abbr: 'V-PRF' answer: <<: *MORFAVATYPE filters: 'tag__string__contains': 'V+PrfPrc' pronouns: False - question: <<: *MORFAVQTYPE name: 'verbal genitive' abbr: 'V-VGEN' answer: <<: *MORFAVATYPE filters: 'tag__string__contains': 'V+VGen' pronouns: False # TODO: Now need to autogenerate each game so that there is no need to # define several extra classes in forms.py. This could be more # automatic, then links in the navigation can be populated by this too. MorfaS: data_model: 'Form' taxonomy: "stemtype": attr: 'word__stem' choices: *SYLLTYPES "source": attr: 'word__source__name' choices: *BOOKS questions: # TODO: display form of nom pl is apparently not working yet. - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'nominative plural' abbr: 'NOMPL' filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Nom' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Pl+Nom' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'accusative' abbr: 'N-ACC' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Acc' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'genitive' abbr: 'N-GEN' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Gen' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'illative' abbr: 'N-ILL' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Ill' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'inessive' abbr: 'N-INE' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Ine' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'elative' abbr: 'N-ELA' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Ela' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'comitative' abbr: 'N-COM' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'N+Sg+Com' MorfaAdj: data_model: 'Form' taxonomy: "stemtype": attr: 'word__stem' choices: - ["2syll", "bisyllabic"] - ["3syll", "trisyllabic"] - ["xsyll", "x-syllabic"] "source": attr: 'word__source__name' choices: *BOOKS questions: - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'attributive' abbr: 'A-ATTR' filters: 'tag__string': 'A+Sg+Nom' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'A+Attr' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'comparative' abbr: 'A-COMP' filters: 'tag__string': 'A+Attr' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'A+Comp+Sg+Nom' - question: <<: *MORFASQTYPE name: 'superlative' abbr: 'A-SUPERL' filters: 'tag__string': 'A+Attr' answer: <<: *MORFASATYPE filters: 'tag__string': 'A+Superl+Sg+Nom' ### ## ## Leksa ## ### Geography: &GEOGRAPHY - ['mid', 'mid'] - ['north', 'north'] - ['other', 'other'] - ['south', 'south'] Leksa: questions: - question: model: 'Word' display_attribute: 'lemma' answer: model: 'WordTranslation' display_attribute: 'definition' taxonomy: "transtype": model: 'Word' attr: 'language' choices: *LANGUAGEPAIRS "semtype": model: 'Word' attr: 'semtype__semtype' choices: *SEMTYPES LeksaPlace: questions: - question: model: 'Word' display_attribute: 'lemma' answer: model: 'WordTranslation' display_attribute: 'definition' taxonomy: "geography": model: 'Word' attr: 'geography' choices: *GEOGRAPHY "transtype": model: 'Word' attr: 'language' choices: *LANGUAGEPAIRS