# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Vasta command-line tool # # Add this line to your .profile (replace user with your username) # export PYTHONPATH="/home//gtsvn/ped/:/home//gtsvn/ped/oahpa" # # usage: python ped/src/vasta.py -q "N-ESS" -g ped/sme/src/sme-ped.cg3 # from os import environ environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' from random import randint from oahpa.drill.game import * from oahpa.drill.qagame import * from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", "--pos", dest="pos", help="part of speech") parser.add_option("-g", "--grammar", dest="grammar", help="Grammarfile") parser.add_option("-i", "--id", dest="qid", help="Question id") parser.add_option("-c", "--cgout", dest="cgout", action="store_true", default=False, help="Pring cg-output.") parser.add_option("-q", "--qtype", dest="qtype", help="question type") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() qasettings = {'pos' : 'N', 'qtype' : 'N-ILL', 'case' : '', 'allcase':''} if options.pos: qasettings['pos'] = options.pos if options.qtype: qasettings['qtype'] = options.qtype if options.qid: qasettings['qid'] = options.qid # Analyzer.. #fstdir="/Users/saara/gt/sme/bin" #lookup = "/Users/saara/bin/lookup" #lookup2cg = " | /Users/saara/gt/script/lookup2cg" #vislcg3 = "/Users/saara/bin/vislcg3" #preprocess = " | /Users/saara/gt/script/preprocess " #dis = "/Users/saara/ped/sme/src/sme-ped.cg3" fstdir="/opt/smi/sme/bin" lo = "/opt/sami/xerox/c-fsm/ix86-linux2.6-gcc3.4/bin/lookup" lookup2cg = " | lookup2cg" cg3 = "vislcg3" preprocess = " | /usr/local/bin/preprocess " if options.grammar: dis = options.grammar else: dis = "/home/saara/ped/sme/src/sme-ped.cg3" fst = fstdir + "/sme.fst" #fst = fstdir + "/ped-sme.fst" lookup = " | " + lo + " -flags mbTT -utf8 -d " + fst vislcg3 = " | " + cg3 + " --grammar " + dis + " -C UTF-8" disamb = lookup + lookup2cg + vislcg3 qasettings['gametype'] = "context" #qasettings['book'] = settings_form.books[settings_form.default_data['book']] game = QAGame(qasettings) game.init_tags() game.gametype = 'qa' print "++++++" print "Write the answer and press enter." print "Quit the game with \"q\" or \"quit\" or \"exit\"." print "+++++++" db_info = {} contin=True while contin: if not db_info: new_db_info = {} if qasettings.has_key('qid'): db_info = game.get_db_info(new_db_info, None, qasettings['qid']) else: db_info = game.get_db_info(new_db_info, qasettings['qtype']) question = Question.objects.get(Q(id=db_info['question_id'])) qtext = question.string qstring ="" analysis = "" qwords = db_info['qwords'] for w in qtext.split(): cohort="" if qwords.has_key(w): qword = qwords[w] if qword.has_key('word'): if qword.has_key('fullform') and qword['fullform']: cohort = cohort + "\"<" + qword['fullform'][0].encode('utf-8') + ">\"\n" qstring = qstring + " " + qwords[w]['fullform'][0] lemma = Word.objects.filter(id=qword['word'])[0].lemma cohort = cohort + "\t\"" + lemma.encode('utf-8') + "\"" if qword.has_key('tag') and qword['tag']: string = Tag.objects.filter(id=qword['tag'])[0].string tag = string.replace("+"," ") cohort = cohort + " " + tag.encode('utf+8') + "\n" else: word_lookup = "echo \"" + w.encode('utf-8') + "\"" + lookup + lookup2cg word = os.popen(word_lookup).readlines() for c in word: c.lstrip(" ") cohort = cohort + c qstring = qstring + " " + qwords[w]['fullform'][0] else: qstring = qstring + " " + w if not cohort: cohort = w + "\n" analysis = analysis + cohort.decode('utf-8') analysis = analysis + "\"<^qst>\"\n\t\"^qst\" QDL\n" qstring = qstring.lstrip() qstring = qstring[0].capitalize() + qstring[1:] qstring = qstring + "?" print qstring data = sys.stdin.readline() data = ''.join(data) data = data.rstrip() # quit the loop if the user wants so if data == "q" or data=="quit" or data=="exit": contin=False break ans_cohort="" data_lookup = "echo \"" + data + "\"" + preprocess + lookup + lookup2cg #print data_lookup word = os.popen(data_lookup).readlines() for c in word: c.lstrip(" ") ans_cohort = ans_cohort + c.decode('utf-8') analysis = analysis + ans_cohort #print analysis analysis = analysis.rstrip() analysis = analysis.replace("\"","\\\"") ped_cg3 = "echo \"" + analysis.encode('utf-8') + "\"" + vislcg3 #print "***************" #print ped_cg3 checked = os.popen(ped_cg3).readlines() messageObj=re.compile(r'^.*(?P&[\w-]*)\s*$', re.U) msgstrings = [] for line in checked: line = line.rstrip() if options.cgout: print line matchObj=messageObj.search(line) if matchObj: msgstring = matchObj.expand(r'\g') msgstrings.append(msgstring) for m in msgstrings: m = m.replace("&","") if Feedbackmsg.objects.filter(msgid=m).count() > 0: message = Feedbackmsg.objects.filter(msgid=m)[0].message print message else: print m if not msgstrings or (len(msgstrings) == 1 and m == "dia-target"): print "Buorre." db_info = None print