from import BaseCommand, CommandError from optparse import make_option import sys # # # # # Command class # # # # word_attrs = [ 'lemma', 'hid', 'pos', 'wordid', 'wordclass', 'valency', 'stem', 'diphthong', 'soggi', 'rime', 'language', 'attrsuffix', 'compare', 'gradation', 'presentationform', 'frequency', 'geography', ] def printword(word_key): from smadrill.models import Word ws = Word.objects.filter(lemma=word_key) if ws.count() == 0: print >> sys.stderr, "No words found for '%s'." % word_key for w in ws: forms = w.form_set.all() for attr in word_attrs: v = w.__getattribute__(attr) if v: print "%s:\t%s" % (attr, v) print 'semtypes: %s' % ', '.join(w.semtype.all().values_list('semtype', flat=True)) print 'dialects: %s' % ', '.join(w.dialects.all().values_list('dialect', flat=True)) print 'sources: %s' % ', '.join(w.source.all().values_list('name', flat=True)) print 'Wordforms: %d forms generated\n' % forms.count() for form in w.form_set.all(): dialects = form.dialects.all().values_list('dialect', flat=True) if len(dialects) > 0: dialects = ', '.join(dialects) else: dialects = "" print "\t%s\t\t%s\t\t%s" % (form.tag.string, form.fullform, dialects) print for translation in w.wordtranslation_set.all(): print "\t%s - %s" % (translation.language, translation.definition) print '\nQuestion membership:' question_memberships = w.wordqelement_set.all().values_list( 'qelement__question__qid', 'qelement__question__question__qid', 'qelement__question__qatype') ordered_qms = [] for q_m in question_memberships: q_ms = ' - '.join([q for q in q_m[::-1] if q]) ordered_qms.append(q_ms) ordered_qms.sort() ordered_qms.reverse() for q_ms in ordered_qms: print '\t' + q_ms print "--" class Command(BaseCommand): args = '--word' help = """ Print all of the relations for a word by the word's lemma (-w) """ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option("-w", "--word", dest="word_key", default=False, help="Tag element to search for"), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): import sys, os printword(options['word_key'])