{% extends "smaoahpa.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %} {% block extrajs %} {% if request.session.is_mobile %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% block gamename %}{% endblock %}

{% block instructions %}{% endblock %}

{% block tooltips %}
{% for form in forms %} {% block tooltip %} {% endblock %} {% endfor %} {# Feedback messages #} {% for form in forms %} {% ifequal form.error "error" %} {% if form.feedback %} {% include 'feedback_tooltip.html' %} {% endif %} {% endifequal %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% for form in forms %}
{% block question %}{% endblock %}
{% if form.answer %} {# Show which answers are correct if "show correct" is pressed, else show a form#} {% if show_correct %} {% if form.answertext1 %}{{ form.answertext1 }}{% endif %} {% if form.pron %}{{ form.pron }}{% endif %} {% ifequal form.error "correct" %} {{ form.userans }} {% else %} {% ifequal form.error "error" %} {{ form.userans }} {% else %} {% if not request.session.is_mobile %}________________{% else %}{{ form.correct_answers }}{% endif %}{# Blank answer, this gets hidden via CSS in leksa and morfa, but not morfac #} {% endifequal %} {% endifequal %} {% if form.pron_imp %} {{ form.pron_imp }} {% endif %} {% if form.answertext2 %}{{ form.answertext2 }}{% endif %} {% else %} {# If just test answers, mark correct answers as green #} {% if form.answertext1 %}{{ form.answertext1 }}{% endif %} {% ifnotequal form.userans "" %} {% if form.pron %}{{ form.pron }}{% endif %} {% ifequal form.error "correct" %} {{ form.userans }} {% else %} {{ form.answer }} {% endifequal %} {% if form.pron_imp %}{{ form.pron_imp }}{% endif %} {% else %} {% if form.pron %}{{ form.pron }}{% endif %} {# Display of form needs to be different only for morfa-c #} {% if request.session.is_mobile %} {% ifequal settings.gametype "context" %} {# special behavior for morfa-c #} {{ form.answer }} {% else %}
{{ form.answer }} {% include 'special_chars.html' %}
{% endifequal %} {% else %} {{ form.answer }} {% endif %} {% if form.pron_imp %}{{ form.pron_imp }}{% endif %} {% endifnotequal %} {% if form.answertext2 %}{{ form.answertext2 }}{% endif %} {# Special chars inserted here for morfac #} {% if request.session.is_mobile %} {% ifequal settings.gametype "context" %} {% include 'special_chars.html' %} {% endifequal %} {% endif %} {% ifequal form.error "error" %} {% if form.feedback %}
{% else %} {% if form.tcomm %}{% trans "This is almost correct!" %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endifequal %} {% endif %} {% if show_correct %} {% ifnotequal form.error "correct" %} {{ form.correct_answers }} {% else %} {# Parens around correct, non-relaxed form. #} {% ifequal form.is_relaxed "relaxed" %} ({{ form.correct_answers }}) {{ form.relaxed }} {% endifequal %} {% endifnotequal %} {% else %} {% if forloop.last %} {% ifequal gametype "sahka" %} {% if messages %}
{% for m in messages %}{{ m }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endifequal %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ form.word_id }} {{ form.tag_id }} {{ form.question_id }} {{ form.answer_id }} {{ form.utterance_id }} {{ form.qstring }} {{ form.astring }} {% block hidden %}{% endblock %} {% for detail, value in form.qattrs.items %} {% endfor %} {% for detail, value in form.aattrs.items %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% block submit %} {% if not all_correct %} {% if not show_correct %} {% endif %} {% ifequal count 1 %} {% endifequal %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% if 1 %} {% if all_correct %} {% trans "Congratulations!" %}
{% endif %} {% trans "Your score:" %} {{ score }} {% endif %}
{% if comment %} {{ comment }} {% endif %} {% ifnotequal gametype "sahka" %} {% ifnotequal gametype "sahka_main" %} {% endifnotequal %} {% endifnotequal %} {% ifnotequal gametype "sahka" %} {% ifnotequal gametype "sahka_main" %} {% endifnotequal %} {% endifnotequal %}
{% endblock %}