{% comment %} Template inheritance structure. templates/smaoahpa_main.html templates/smaoahpa.html smadrill/templates/game.html smadrill/templates/leksa.html smadrill/templates/leksa_place.html smadrill/templates/mgame.html smadrill/templates/mgame_a.html smadrill/templates/mgame_l.html smadrill/templates/mgame_n.html smadrill/templates/mgame_p.html smadrill/templates/mgame_v.html smadrill/templates/morfa_tooltip.html smadrill/templates/num.html smadrill/templates/num_ord.html smadrill/templates/clock.html smadrill/templates/dato.html {% endcomment %} {% block title %}{% endblock %} {% if request.session.is_mobile %} {# media="handheld, screen and max-width: 320px" /> #} {% else %} {% endif %} {% block extracss %} {% endblock %} {% block extrajs %} {% endblock %} {% load i18n %}
Skip to content {% comment %} {% if not request.session.is_mobile %} {% trans "On a mobile?" %} {% endif %} {% endcomment %} {% block language_select %}
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% endblock %}
{% block main_content %} {% if request.session.is_mobile %} {% endif %} {% comment %}

{% trans "Online reference materials" %}

{% endcomment %}

{% trans "Åarjel-Oahpa is an internet program for youth and grownups learning South Sámi. The program can be adjusted to different themes and levels of difficulty, and it generates new task sets automatically." %}

{% comment %}

{% trans "Oahpa is connected with online reference materials." %}

{% endcomment %} {#

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#} {% endblock %}
{% include 'google_analytics_snippet.html' %}