# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ """ These provide some global choice sets to the forms. They should be fairly easy to edit for anyone who needs to but maybe can't program in Python, by just following the existing format. ('shortname', _(u'Full name')), If errors are encountered in actually using these choices on the site it is likely that the database does not actually have any of the items available. """ # Some day these will just come from XML. BOOK_CHOICES = ( ('a1', _(u'Aalkoe')), ('dej', _(u'Dejpeladtje vætnoeh vuekieh')), ('s1', _(u'Saemesth amma 1')), ('s2', _(u'Saemesth amma 2')), ('s3', _(u'Saemesth amma 3')), ('s4', _(u'Saemesth amma 4')), ('åa1', _(u'Åarjel-saemien 1')), ('åa2', _(u'Åarjel-saemien 2')), ('åa3', _(u'Åarjel-saemien 3')), ('åa4', _(u'Åarjel-saemien 4')), ('åa5', _(u'Åarjel-saemien 5')), ('åa6', _(u'Åarjel-saemien 6')), ('all', _(u'All')), ) # # # # # # # MorfaA # # # # # CASE_CONTEXT_CHOICES = ( ('N-NOM-PL', _('plural')), ('N-ACC', _('accusative')), ('N-ILL', _('illative')), ('N-INE', _('inessive')), ('N-ELA', _('elative')), ('N-COM', _('comitative')), ('N-ESS', _('essive')), ) ADJCASE_CHOICES = ( ('NOMPL', _('plural')), ('ATTR', _('attributive')), ('N-ACC', _('accusative')), ('N-ILL', _('illative')), ('N-INE', _('inessive')), ('N-ELA', _('elative')), ('N-COM', _('comitative')), ('N-GEN', _('genitive')), ('N-ESS', _('essive')), ) ADJ_CONTEXT_CHOICES = ( ('ATTRPOS', _('attributive positive')), ('ATTRCOMP', _('attributive comparative')), ('ATTRSUP', _('attributive superlative')), ('PREDPOS', _('predicative positive')), ('PREDCOMP', _('predicative comparative')), ('PREDSUP', _('predicative superlative')), ) GRADE_CHOICES = ( ('POS', _('positive')), ('COMP', _('comparative')), ('SUPERL', _('superlative')), ) # # # # # # # Numra # # # # # NUM_CONTEXT_CHOICES = ( ('NUM-ATTR', _('attributive')), ('NUM-NOM-PL', _('plural')), ('NUM-ACC', _('accusative')), ('NUM-ILL', _('illative')), ('NUM-LOC', _('locative')), ('NUM-COM', _('comitative')), ('COLL-NUM', _('collective')), ('ORD-NUM', _('ordinals')), ) NUM_BARE_CHOICES = ( ('NOMPL', _('plural')), ('N-ACC', _('accusative')), ('N-ILL', _('illative')), ('N-INE', _('inessive')), ('N-ELA', _('elative')), ('N-COM', _('comitative')), ) NUM_LEVEL_CHOICES = ( ('1', _('First level')), ('2', _('Second level')), ) # # # # # # # MorfaS # # # # # CASE_CHOICES = ( ('NOMPL', _('plural')), ('N-ACC', _('accusative')), ('N-ILL', _('illative')), ('N-INE', _('inessive')), ('N-ELA', _('elative')), ('N-COM', _('comitative')), ('N-GEN', _('genitive')), ('N-ESS', _('essive')), ) # # # # # # # MorfaV # # # # # VTYPE_CHOICES = ( ('PRS', _('present')), ('PRT', _('past')), ('COND', _('conditional')), ('IMPRT', _('imperative')), ('POT', _('potential')), ) VTYPE_CONTEXT_CHOICES = ( ('PRS', _('present')), ('PRT', _('past')), ('V-COND', _('conditional')), ('V-IMPRT', _('imperative')), ('V-POT', _('potential')), ) POS_MOOD_TENSE = { "PRS": ("Ind", "Prs"), "PRT": ("Ind", "Prt"), "COND": ("Cond", "Prs"), # TODO: query not working "IMPRT": ("Imprt", "Prs"), # TODO: query not working "POT": ("Pot", "Prs") # TODO: query not working } # # # # # # # Leksa # # # # # SEMTYPE_CHOICES = ( ('FAMILY', _('family')), ('FOOD/DRINK', _('Food/drink')), ('ANIMAL', _('Animal')), ('OBJECT', _('Object')), ('CONCRETES', _('Concretes')), ('BODY', _('Body')), ('CLOTHES', _('Clothes')), ('BUILDINGS/ROOMS', _('Buildings/rooms')), ('NATUREWORDS', _('Nature words')), ('LEISURETIME/AT_HOME', _('Leisuretime/at home')), ('PLACES', _('Places')), ('ABSTRACTS', _('Abstracts')), ('WORK/ECONOMY/TOOLS', _('Work/economy/tools')), ('TIMEEXPRESSIONS', _('Timeexpressions')), ('LITERATURE/TEXT', _('Literature/text')), ('SCHOOL/EDUCATION', _('School/education')), ('REINDEER/HERDING', _('Reindeerherding')), ('TRADITIONAL', _('Traditional')), ('all', _('all')), ) TRANS_CHOICES = ( ('smanob', _('South Sami to Norwegian')), ('nobsma', _('Norwegian to South Sami')), )