# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from smjoahpa.smjdrill.models import * from smjoahpa.smjdrill.forms import * from django.db.models import Q from smjoahpa.smjdrill.game import Game from random import randint class SahkaGame(Game): def update_formlist(self,t): #print "updating formlist" #print t.id if t.formlist.all().count()>0: self.settings['wordlist'] = "" wlist=[] for w in t.formlist.all(): word = w.fullform wlist.append(word) self.settings['wordlist'] = ", ".join(wlist) #print wlist def update_topic(self, topic): if topic.image: self.settings['image'] = topic.image self.update_formlist(topic) def form_utterance(self, utterance): u = utterance.utterance self.update_formlist(utterance) #print u qwords={} for w in u.split(): if w== "": continue word = {'fullform' : [] } if self.global_targets.has_key(w): fullform="" wstring = self.global_targets[w]['target'] if UElement.objects.filter(utterance=utterance, syntax=w).count()>0: tag = UElement.objects.filter(utterance=utterance, syntax=w)[0].tag if Form.objects.filter(word__lemma=wstring, tag=tag).count()>0: fullform = Form.objects.filter(word__lemma=wstring, tag=tag)[0] word['fullform'].append(fullform.fullform) #print fullform.fullform if not fullform: word['fullform'].append(wstring) else: word['fullform'].append(w) qwords[w] = word return qwords def update_game(self, counter, prev_form=None): new_topic=False utterance=None if Topic.objects.filter(Q(dialogue__name=self.settings['dialogue']) & \ Q(number=self.settings['topicnumber'])).count()>0: topic = Topic.objects.get(Q(dialogue__name=self.settings['dialogue']) & \ Q(number=self.settings['topicnumber'])) else: return self.update_topic(topic) if prev_form: prev_utterance_id = prev_form.utterance_id prev_utterance = Utterance.objects.get(id=prev_utterance_id) prev_utttype = prev_utterance.utttype self.global_targets = prev_form.global_targets ####### 1. part: Start or end a new topic # If previous utterance was opening, then go to next utterance if prev_form and prev_utttype == "opening" and topic.utterance_set.filter(utttype="question").count()>0: utterance = topic.utterance_set.filter(utttype="question").order_by('id')[0] # If previous utterance was closing, then create a new topic. if prev_form and prev_utttype == "closing": if prev_utterance.links.filter(target="default"): nextlink = prev_utterance.links.filter(target="default")[0] utterance = nextlink.link topic=utterance.topic self.settings['topicnumber'] = int(topic.number) self.update_topic(topic) new_topic=True # If start of the game or new topic, pick the opening: if counter==1 or new_topic: dia = Dialogue.objects.get(name=self.settings['dialogue']) self.settings['dialogue']=dia.name utterance = topic.utterance_set.all().filter(utttype="opening")[0] # If the utterance was found create it and return if utterance: db_info = {} db_info['userans'] = "" db_info['correct'] = "" db_info['utterance_id'] = utterance.id qwords = self.form_utterance(utterance) db_info['qwords'] = qwords db_info['global_targets'] = self.global_targets form, jee = self.create_form(db_info, counter, 0) self.form_list.append(form) self.num_fields = self.num_fields+1 if not utterance.utttype == "question": self.update_game(counter+1, form) return #### 2. part Follow the link from previous question # If the last question was correctly answered, proceed to next question/utterance # According to the type of the answer if prev_form: nextlink=None #print prev_form.target #print prev_utterance.id #print prev_form.dia_messages for msg in prev_form.dia_messages: msg = msg.lstrip("dia-") if prev_utterance.links.filter(target=msg): nextlink = prev_utterance.links.filter(target=msg)[0] #print "OK" break if not nextlink: if prev_utterance.links.filter(target="default"): nextlink = prev_utterance.links.filter(target="default")[0] if nextlink: utterance = nextlink.link topic=utterance.topic self.settings['topicnumber'] = topic.number self.update_topic(topic) db_info = {} db_info['userans'] = "" db_info['correct'] = "" db_info['utterance_id'] = utterance.id qwords = self.form_utterance(utterance) db_info['qwords'] = qwords db_info['global_targets'] = self.global_targets form, jee = self.create_form(db_info, counter, 0) self.form_list.append(form) self.num_fields = self.num_fields+1 if utterance.utttype == "closing": self.settings['topicnumber'] = int(utterance.topic.number) + 1 if not utterance.utttype == "question": self.update_game(counter+1, form) return else: # If next link was not found, go to topic closing. utterance = topic.utterance_set.all().filter(utttype="closing")[0] topic=utterance.topic self.update_topic(topic) db_info = {} db_info['userans'] = "" db_info['correct'] = "" db_info['utterance_id'] = utterance.id qwords = self.form_utterance(utterance) db_info['qwords'] = qwords db_info['global_targets'] = self.global_targets form, jee = self.create_form(db_info, counter, 0) self.form_list.append(form) self.num_fields = self.num_fields+1 self.settings['topicnumber'] = int(utterance.topic.number) + 1 self.update_game(counter+1, form) return if not self.form_list: # No questions found, so the quiz_id must have been bad. raise Http404('Invalid quiz id.') def create_form(self, db_info, n, data=None): utterance = Utterance.objects.get(Q(id=db_info['utterance_id'])) targets = [] language="nob" if self.settings.has_key('language'): language = self.settings['language'] if utterance.links.filter(~Q(target="")): target_els = utterance.links.filter(~Q(target="")) for t in target_els: targets.append(force_unicode(t.target)) qwords = db_info['qwords'] global_targets = db_info['global_targets'] form = (SahkaQuestion(utterance, qwords, targets, global_targets, language, db_info['userans'], db_info['correct'], data, prefix=n)) return form, None