! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2015 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@uit.no or divvun@hum.uit.no Multichar_Symbols +Use/NG ! Do not generate, for isme-ped.fst and apertium +String ! Tag to denote non-numeric strings +NumNum ! Tag to denote real numbers in one form or another LEXICON Root !These 4 lines are for TTS, they are commented out. !< %+String [a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|q|y|z|â|ê|î|ô|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|Â|Ê|Î|Ô]* > ENDLEX ; ! This first line is to allow all letter strings. !+NumNum NUMBERSECTION ; !+NumNum ENDLEXSECTION ; !LEXICON NUMBERSECTION HUNDREDSM ; ! 200M 1:mitâtahtomitanaw% HUNDREDM ; ! 100M 1:mitâtahtomtanaw% HUNDREDM ; ! 100M TENSM ; ! 20-99M TEENSM ; ! 10-19M ONESM ; ! 1-9M !HUNDREDST ; ! 200000-999999 NB 1:mitâtahtomitanaw HUNDREDT ; ! 100000-100999 1:mitâtahtomtanaw HUNDREDT ; ! 100000-100999 TENST ; ! 20000-99999,10000-10999 TEENST ; ! 11000-19999 ONEST ; ! 2000-9999 1:peyak% kihci% mitâtahtomtanaw THOUSAND ; 1:peyak% kihci% mitâtahtomitanaw THOUSAND ; UNDERTHOUSAND ; ! 100-999 TENS ; ! 20-99 TEENS ; ! 10-19 ONES ; ! 1-9 NEARLY ; ! 29-99 LEXICON HUNDREDSM 2:nîso CUODIM ; 3:nisto CUODIM ; 4:newo CUODIM ; ! Google: 459 5:nîyânan CUODIM ; 6:nikotwâsik CUODIM ; 7:tepakohp CUODIM ; 8:ayinânew CUODIM ; 9:kekâmitâtaht CUODIM ; LEXICON CUODIM :mitâtahtomitanaw HUNDREDM ; :mitâtahtomtanaw HUNDREDM ; LEXICON HUNDREDM TENSM ; TEENSM ; %0: ONESM ; %0%0: MILJON ; LEXICON TEENSM 1:luhkie TEENM ; LEXICON TEENM 1:peyak LOHKAIM ; 2:nîso LOHKAIM ; 3:nisto LOHKAIM ; 4:newo LOHKAIM ; 5:nîyânan LOHKAIM ; 6:nikotwâsik LOHKAIM ; 7:tepakohp LOHKAIM ; 8:ayinânew LOHKAIM ; 9:kekâmitâtaht LOHKAIM ; LEXICON LOHKAIM MILJON ; LEXICON TENSM 1%0:luhkie MILJON ; 2:nîso TENM ; 3:nisto TENM ; 4:newo TENM ; 5:nîyânan TENM ; 6:nikotwâsik TENM ; 7:tepakohp TENM ; 8:ayinânew TENM ; 9:kekâmitâtaht TENM ; LEXICON TENM %0:luhkie MILJON ; :luhkie ONESM ; LEXICON ONESM 1:akte% miljon% OVERTHOUSANDS ; 2:nîso MILJON ; 3:nisto MILJON ; 4:newo MILJON ; 5:nîyânan MILJON ; 6:nikotwâsik MILJON ; 7:tepakohp MILJON ; 8:ayinânew MILJON ; 9:kekâmitâtaht MILJON ; LEXICON MILJON :% miljona% OVERTHOUSANDS ; ! ================= ! Under the million ! ================= LEXICON OVERTHOUSANDS HUNDREDST ; ! x00.000.000 1:mitâtahtomitanaw HUNDREDT ; ! 100.000.000 1:mitâtahtomtanaw HUNDREDT ; ! 100.000.000 %0: TENST ; ! 20.000.000 %0: TEENST ; ! 10.000.000 %0%0: ONEST ; ! 2.000.000 %0%01:peyak% kihci% mitâtahtomtanaw THOUSAND ; %0%01:peyak% kihci% mitâtahtomitanaw THOUSAND ; %0%0%0: UNDERTHOUSAND ; %0%0%0%0: TENS ; %0%0%0%0: TEENS ; %0%0%0%0%0: ONES ; %0%0%0%0%0%0: ENDLEX ; ! x000000 LEXICON HUNDREDST 2:nîso CUODIT ; ! 200000-299999 3:nisto CUODIT ; ! 300000-399999 4:newo CUODIT ; ! 400000-499999 5:nîyânan CUODIT ; ! 500000-599999 6:nikotwâsik CUODIT ; ! 600000-699999 7:tepakohp CUODIT ; ! 700000-799999 8:ayinânew CUODIT ; ! 800000-899999 9:kekâmitâtaht CUODIT ; ! 900000-999999 LEXICON CUODIT :mitâtahtomitanaw HUNDREDT ; ! 100000-199999 :mitâtahtomtanaw HUNDREDT ; ! 100000-199999 LEXICON HUNDREDT ! X = 1-9, Y = 0-9 :% TENST ; ! X2XYYY, X10YYY TEENST ; ! X1XYYY %01:akte THOUSANDS ; %0: ONEST ; ! XX0YYY %0%0: THOUSANDS ; ! X00YYY LEXICON TEENST 1:luhkie TEENT ; 1%0:luhkie THOUSANDS ; LEXICON TEENT 1:peyak LOHKAIT ; 2:nîso LOHKAIT ; 3:nisto LOHKAIT ; 4:newo LOHKAIT ; 5:nîyânan LOHKAIT ; 6:nikotwâsik LOHKAIT ; 7:tepakohp LOHKAIT ; 8:ayinânew LOHKAIT ; 9:kekâmitâtaht LOHKAIT ; LEXICON LOHKAIT THOUSANDS ; LEXICON TENST 2:nîs TANAW ; 3:nistomi TANAW ; 4:nemi TANAW ; 5:nîyânanomi TANAW ; 6:nikotwâsomi TANAW ; 7:tepakohpimi TANAW ; 8:ayinânewomi TANAW ; 9:kekâmitâtahtomi TANAW ; 9:kâmitâtahtomi TANAW ; LEXICON TANAW %0:tanaw% ENDLEX ; :tanaw% ONESTONEXT ; LEXICON TENT %0: THOUSANDS ; 1:akte THOUSANDS ; ! error sma ONEST ; LEXICON ONEST 2:nîso% THOUSANDS ; 3:nisto% THOUSANDS ; 4:newo% THOUSANDS ; 5:nîyânan% THOUSANDS ; 6:nikotwâsik% THOUSANDS ; 7:tepakohp% THOUSANDS ; 8:ayinânew% THOUSANDS ; 9:kekâmitâtaht% THOUSANDS ; LEXICON THOUSANDS ! x > 1 :kihci% mitâtahtomtanaw THOUSAND ; :kihci% mitâtahtomitanaw THOUSAND ; LEXICON THOUSAND :% ayiwâk% UNDERTHOUSAND ; ! 1100-1999 %0:% ayiwâk% TENS ; ! 1020-1099 %0:% ayiwâk% TEENS ; ! 1010-1019 %0%0:% ayiwâk% ONES ; ! 1001-1009 %0%0%0: ENDLEX ; ! 1000 !=========================== !Here starts the 999 numbers !=========================== LEXICON UNDERTHOUSAND HUNDREDS ; 1:mitâtahtomitanaw% HUNDRED ; 1:mitâtahtomtanaw% HUNDRED ; LEXICON HUNDREDS 2:nîso% CUODI ; 3:nisto% CUODI ; 4:newo% CUODI ; 5:nîyânano% CUODI ; !OBS 6:nikotwâsiko% CUODI ; 7:tepakohpo% CUODI ; 8:ayinânewo% CUODI ; 9:kekâmitâtahto% CUODI ; LEXICON CUODI :mitâtahtomitanaw% HUNDRED ; :mitâtahtomtanaw% HUNDRED ; LEXICON HUNDRED :ayiwâk% TENS ; :ayiwâk% TEENS ; %0:ayiwâk% ONES ; %0%0: ENDLEX ; LEXICON TENS 1%0:mitâtaht ENDLEX ; 1%0%.:låhkede ENDLEX ; 2:nîs TEN ; 2:nîsi TEN ; 3:nistomi TEN ; 4:nemi TEN ; 5:nîyânanomi TEN ; 6:nikotwâsomi TEN ; 7:tepakohpimi TEN ; 8:ayinânewomi TEN ; 9:kekâmitâtahtomi TEN ; LEXICON TEN %0%.:låhkede ENDLEX ; ! låhkede to be removed or replaced :tanaw% ONESTONEXT ; %0:tanaw% ENDLEX ; LEXICON NEARLY 29:kekâc% nistôm NEARLY-TEN ; 39:kekâc% newôm NEARLY-TEN ; 49:kekâc% nîyânôm NEARLY-TEN ; 59:kekâc% nikotwâsom NEARLY-TEN ; 69:kekâc% tepakohpim NEARLY-TEN ; 79:kekâc% ayinânewom NEARLY-TEN ; 89:kekâc% kekâ% mitâtahtom NEARLY-TEN ; 90:kekâ% mitâtahtom NEARLY-TEN ; 99:kekâ% mitatahtomtanaw% ayiwâk% kekâ% mitâtaht ENDLEX ; 29:kekâc-nistomi NEARLY-TEN ; 39:kekâc-nemi NEARLY-TEN ; 49:kekâc-nîyânanomi NEARLY-TEN ; 59:kekâc-nikotwâsomi NEARLY-TEN ; 69:kekâc-tepakohpimi NEARLY-TEN ; 79:kekâc-ayinânewomi NEARLY-TEN ; 79:kekâc-ayenânewomi NEARLY-TEN ; 89:kekâc-kekâ-mitâtahtomi NEARLY-TEN ; 90:kekâ-mitatahtomi NEARLY-TEN ; 99:kekâ-mitatahtomitanaw% kekâ-mitâtaht ENDLEX ; LEXICON NEARLY-TEN :tanaw ENDLEX ; LEXICON ONESTONEXT 1:peyakosâp ENDLEX ; 2:nîsosâp ENDLEX ; 3:nistosâp ENDLEX ; 4:newosâp ENDLEX ; 5:niyânanosâp ENDLEX ; 6:nikotwâsosâp ENDLEX ; 7:tepakohposâp ENDLEX ; 8:ayinânewosâp ENDLEX ; 9:kekâmitâtahtosâp ENDLEX ; 1:peyako-sâp ENDLEX ; 2:nîso-sâp ENDLEX ; 3:nisto-sâp ENDLEX ; 4:newo-sâp ENDLEX ; 5:niyânano-sâp ENDLEX ; 6:nikotwâso-sâp ENDLEX ; 7:tepakohp-sâp ENDLEX ; 8:ayinânewo-sâp ENDLEX ; 9:kekâc% nîstanaw ENDLEX ; :ayiwâk% CARDINAL ; LEXICON TEENS 11:peyakosâp ENDLEX ; 12:nîsosâp ENDLEX ; 13:nistosâp ENDLEX ; 14:newosâp ENDLEX ; 15:niyânanosâp ENDLEX ; 16:nikotwâsosâp ENDLEX ; 17:tepakohposâp ENDLEX ; 18:ayinânewosâp ENDLEX ; 19:kekâmitâtahtosâp ENDLEX ; 19:kekâc% nîstanaw ENDLEX ; LEXICON ONES CARDINAL ; LEXICON CARDINAL 1:peyak ENDLEX ; 2:nîso ENDLEX ; 3:nisto ENDLEX ; 4:newo ENDLEX ; 5:niyânan ENDLEX ; 6:nikotwâsik ENDLEX ; 7:tepakohp ENDLEX ; 8:ayinânew ENDLEX ; 8:ayenânew ENDLEX ; 9:kekâmitâtaht ENDLEX ; !LEXICON ENDLEX ! ENDLEX ; ! ENDLEXSECTION ; ! !LEXICON ENDLEXSECTION ! these are not spellchecked!!! ! ENDLEX ; !! % komma% :, Root ; !! % tjuohkkis% :%. Root ; !! % kolon% :%: Root ; !! % sárggis% :%- Root ; ! % la% :%= Root ; ! % gráda% :%° Root ; ! % paragráfa% :§ Root ; !! % násti% :%* Root ; ! % ja% :& Root ; LEXICON ENDLEX # ;