!!!Free and Open source Finnish analyser gtsvn-fi ;Authors: Divvun and Giellatekno teams, Aajege, community members ;Software version: 2012 ;Documentation license: GNU GFDL ;SVN Revision: $Revision: 68217 $ ;SVN Date: $Date: 2013-01-16 11:31:33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $ !!!GTSVN-sma This is free and open source South Sámi morphology. Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages === Tags for Inflection === !!!DELIMITERS !!!TAGS AND SETS !!Sets containing lists of tags * Sets for parts of speech * Sets for POS sub-categories * Sets for Semantic tags * Sets for Morphosyntactic properties * Sets for Derivation * Sets for Syntactic tags * Sets for Single-word sets !!Sets containing sets of lists and tags * Sets for word or not * Derivational affixes * Case sets * Verb sets * Sets for finiteness and mood * Sets for person * Sets consisting of forms of "leat" (these ones need to be rewritten) * Pronoun sets * Adjectival sets and their complements * Adverbial sets and their complements * Sets for coordinators * Sets for adverbs that have lookalikes * Sets of elements with common syntactic behaviour * Sets for verbs ** V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should be the ones without an N tag following the V. The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V ... N bug. * The set COPULAS is for predicative constructions TRANS-V is the set for verbs really taking objects * Sets for verbs choosing oblique objects or adverbials STRICT-TRANS-V is the set for verbs which don't let a GenAcc be a modifier of anything else than an object, e.g. Mun organiseren eatni gievkkanis. - eatni wants to be the object * Valency sets * __PLACE-V__ Those get only not locative if the target is a member TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or ANIMATE or CONCEPT. Selects more locatives than ONLY-PLACE-LOC-V * Adverb sets * Adjective sets * NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features * The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the expression __WORD - premodifiers__. The set __NOT-NPMOD__ is used to find barriers between NPs. Typical usage: ... (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) ... meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., "scan to the next NP head") * Other negatively defined morphosyntactic noun sets * Noun sets Nominal sets defined according to their morphophonological properties Sets for lexeme homonymy (most of them are moved to where the actual rules are.) The words in the set __N-PO__ can be both N and Po, the set takes that into account. * The LAHKA set family * Nominal sets defined according to their semantical properties * Spatial noun sets. These nouns behave like postpositions * Time sets * Amount sets * Sets for nouns with morpho-syntactic preferences * Number-related sets * Sets for case, possessive, etc. * Sets for nouns as pred * Sets for animals * Sets for things * Sets for qualities * Sets for things, not necessarily tools * Sets for things such that people can be inside them: * Sets for things such that people cannot be inside them: * Part-whole sets for human * Sets for places * Sets that can both be buildings/places and represent humans * Sets denoting relations * Miscellaneous sets * Border sets and their complements * Syntactic sets These were the set types. !!!DISAMBIGUATION RULES   !!!SECTION 1, THE SECTION FOR POPULAR RULES !!Lexicalised derivations * __derN__ removes DER-N if lexicalised non-essives * __derNEss__ removes DER-N if lexicalised essives (revise this) * __derA__ removes DER-A if lexicalised A * __derV__ removes DER-V if lexicalised V, * __derHderAlla, derAlla, derH, derST__ chosses longest Der/tag * __vuohtaNotAttr__ removes Attr for Der/vuohta * __derPassActio__ removes Actio Nom/Gen/Acc for passive forms. I don't think they exist in Sg, we prefer the PrfPrc analysis. !Particular verbs * __leapmaDimin__ removes it * __Der/PassS__ removes some of them which are not likely at all * __LEX-PASS__ removes passive forms of some lemmas in favour for the lexixalised one * __Ger and GER-NOTV__ remove Ger-forms which are not likely at all !!Propernouns ! Removing proper nouns that are lookalikes * __SamediggiProp__ selects Prop after Ášši 01/12 * Rules for removing some Props which are identical to common nouns *Removes __PropPl__, but problems with names as Davviriikkaid Ráđi, there we want Prop Pl * __PropVfin__ selects propernouns which can be Vfin in the beginning of a sentence * __confProp, Lea, Man, Hui, Mo, Prop__ removes Props which confuces the analyser, * __Dert__ Rule for removing Der/t Prop when there are other analysis !Some adjectives are never derived as Adv !Rules for Prop Attr, Sur and Plc * __PropAttrIfPropx__ removes Attr if no Prop on the right side *Selects __Prop__ if capital letter inside clause *Substitute __PlcSur__ (Plc) (Sur) *Removes __PropAttr__ if no Prop on the right side !MISC * __ABBR__ Removes ABBR in favour of Adv, Pcle or Pron, e.g. "dii" when there is no punctuation * __ollit__ removes ollit when ollu - move this one? * __FocbaDu3__ removes Foc/ba when Du3 verbs like máhttiba and Adv like juoba and Prop like Jáhkoba (Acc) * __Focge__ removes Foc/ge when Adv like dieđusge !!!ONE-COHORT DISAMBIGUATION - CYCLE 0 The idea behind "cycle 0" is to have safe rules without context first. These rules typically chose lexicalisations over derivations, Saami words instead of marginal names, etc. !!Lexicalised derivations * Removes __derV__ DER-V if lexicalised. *Removes __derN__ if lexicalised. *Removes __derNEss__ if lexicalised, and both nouns are essive. *Removes __derA__ or PrsPrc or VGen if lexicalised. VGen is a chance. *Removes __derAdv__ when Adv is lexicalised. * Removes __derVhmm__ Does this function? * __derHderAlla__ removes Der/h Der/alla if Der/halla. * __derAlla__ removes Der/halla if Der/alla. * Removes __derH__ if Der/goahti. * Removes __derST__ if Der/ahtti * __derVuohta__ removes A Attr Der/vuohta if A Der/vuohta. !!Adjectives or nouns, not adverbs * __Aifeambbo__ selects A after eambbo * __muhtunlagan__ removes lága Ess if Indef ja lágan A !!Adverbs * IFF __buotSuperl__ : buot Adv in front of Superl !Lexicalised adverbs It is useful to select early the adverbial reading for potensial nouns or verbs. * __aibbasAdv__ áibbas dolin *__aloGen__ removes állu Gen, álo Adv vs. N Gen * __mannelTimeAdv__ golbma jagi maŋŋel * __AdvSTV__ váldit mielde, oahppat bajil. eará? STRICT-TRANS-V is too strong * __cadaAdv__ if oažžut juoidá čađa * __gaskanAdvVGen__ * __ikteAdv__ * __miehtaV__ * __miehtaV__ * __aigiAdv__ guokte vahku áigi * __viimmatAdv__ * __dusseAdv__ * __alggageAdv__ * __bearraiAdv__ * __buresAdv__ * __cadatAdv__ * __cuozzutAdv__ * __dadjatAdv__ * __dainnaAdv__ * __daninAdv__ selects danin Adv. It is a special rule, only negative restrictions. * Select Ess, and then kill? * __dassaAdv__ * __dakkoAdv__ * __duoAdv__ * __duodaidAdv__ * __AdvNotNA__ Adverbs, not nouns or adjectives * __AComp__ remove A Comp when Adv * __birrasii__ removes birrasii N * __eanasAdv__ * __eambbogo__ selects Adv eambbo go * __eanetAdv__ * __AdvComp__ * __easkkaAdv__ * __gaskatAdv__ * __goassigeAdv__ * __gosaAdv__ * __guhkasAdv__ * __VifVFIN__ removes V * __harveAdv__ * __juogoQst__ * __loahpasAdv__ * __luovosAdv__ * __maninAdv__ * __manneAdv__ * __muhtuminAdv3__ * __njuolgaAdv__ * __oddasitAdv__ * __oktanAdv__ * __ovttasAdv__ * __oktiiV__ remove * __oktiiAdv__ select * __ollasitAdv__ selects * __radjaiPo__ selects * __seammaAdv__ selects * __unnanAdv__ selects * __varraAdv__ selects * __vehaziidAdv__ selects * __visotdAdv__ selects * __vuhtiiAdv__ !!Pronouns * __recipr, reciprPl__ select Recipr !!Variant lemmas * Remove lemma2 if lemma 1 !Nouns, not verbs * __UsImprt__ removes Imprt Sg3 for all nouns in -us !Not noun !!Not adposition * The rules __Pooaivai, Pogiedas__ removes oaivái and gieđas as Po !!Not Qst * __AdvQst__ removes dego/nugo Qst !!Interjektions * __Interjlemma__ voja voja nana nana select interj if repeated !!Southern Locative vs. Essive * __SouthLoc__ removes Southern Locative vs. Essive !!Px-rules for special nouns * __NnoPx__ Remove Px for special nouns * __gaskaneaset__ selects Po for gaskaneaset !!Some verb rules * __vfingo__ selects VFIN in front of go Qst * __buoritV__ removes buorit as V * __ImprtCopPrfPrc__ removes imperative readings in front of coopulas and PrfPrc * __FocV__ revmoves Foc when Actio, PrfPrc, VGen, e.g. čađahan, ovttasge !Particular CS * __madeCS__ for mađe/mađi and dađe/dađi * __dadeCS__ for mađe/mađi and dađe/dađi !Verb or Noun? * __Včiehká__ selects V instead of N when nomintive to the right and accusative to the left ''fápmu čiehká luottaid'' !!Adpositions !Adpositions, not verbs * __bealisPo__ removes imperatives when Po lookalikes !!!SECTION 2: LOCAL DISAMBIGUATION - CYCLE 1 !!FAMILY pronouns !Pron Pers 1. p. * __moai__ This rule is not in use because of REMOVE:Prop * __miiPersLeft1, miiPersLeft2, _miiPersRight__ select mii Pers !Pron Pers 2. p. * __donPers__ selecst don as Pers instead of Dem !Pron Pers 3. p. * __sonSG3V, sonRel, goson__ select son as Pers, Rel or Pcle * __sutnje__ ( = forms of the verb "suotnjat") * __danin__ (Pron Ess OR Adv) * __datPlIll__ selects dát Pron Dem Pl Ill * __daiddaVerb__ removes dáidda N Sg Nom * __dasaVGen, dasaLassin dasa,datSg3, datSg3PrfPrc__ ( = forms of the verb "dassat"): * __DemPlLoc__ selects Dem when Dem Pl Loc and agreement, perhaps no need for it here because we have agreement-rules later. Men viktig: her blir vi kvitt duo N. * __DemPlCom__ selects Dem when Dem Pl Com and agreement, perhaps no need for it here because we have agreement-rules later. * __datPersCopulas__ select Pers in front of copula. I setninger som Riššat dat gal leat musge, jus eai leačča njuoskan. tolker jeg dat som Pcle. Derfor constraint hva som kommer etter. * __datPcle1__ selects dat Pcle between N and finite, even if there is agreement between verb and dat . * __datPcle2__ selects dat Pcle when there is no agreement between verb and dat . * __KilldatPcle__ removes the remaining dat Pcle * __PersAcc__ selects Pers Acc in accusativ infinitive clauses with object * __datPers__ selects Pers. I made it stronger than it was. ref. r897 in sme-dis.rle * __datDemSg__ selects Dem from Pron Pers Sg3 Gen * __datPersPl3__ selects dat Pl3 in front of V Pl3 and V Du3 and Rel Pl !!An early rule for "eanaš"/"eanas" * __eanasPron__ selects Pron in front of Pron Loc !!Px constraints First select Px, then remove all remaining Px * Nouns: __NomPxSg1__ (not Ess) as the only word in a sentence. Needs no disambiguation. * Nouns: __AccPxSg1__ after a TV verb. Exception for Aux. * Nouns: __AccPxSg1__ after a TV Inf verb. * __PxSg1LocAcc__ is Acc to the right. * __PxSg1Acc__ is Acc to the right. * coordination __PxSg1coord__ * __PxSg1coordLast__ for the last word of a coordination * __ReflPxSg1__ lean oahppan alddán * Nouns: __PxSg2__ if SG2-V. The rule needs no disambiguation. The DON-constraint because of homonymi with (N Pl) * __PxSg2Acc__ if TV to the right * __PxSg2AccImprt__ if TV Imprt to the left * __PxSg2AccPrfPrc__ after PrfPrc * __PxSg2GenPo__ if in front of Po, after til verb * __PxSg3Loc__ after habitivconstruction * Nouns: __PxSg3Acc__ if Sg3 or Sg to the left * Nouns: __PxSg3AccPrfPrc__ if PrfPrc and Sg3 to the left * __PxSg3CC__ in coordination with the owner * __PxSg3GenPo1__ in front of Po, to the left of the owner * __PxSg3GenPo2__ in front of Po, to the left of the owner * __Genguossis__ is selection Gen, not only with Px. The FAMILY-set would be better than Hum-tag, but there is often a propernoun connected to the noun. guossái and guossis should have Po analysis? * __GenNPFinal__ selects Gen as the modifier of a noun in the end of a sentence. * __PxSg3Nom__ * __PxGenPo__ * __PxGenPr__ We end section 2 by removing all remaining Px * __KillPx__ removes all remaining Px readings !!SECTION 3: Certain verb readings * __NotVGenIfDer__ removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der...(r947) * __NotVGenIfDer__ removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der...(r947) !All imperatives For imperative disambiguation we need the following: Pick imperative contexts, and thereafter remove imperative. Such contexts are: Imperative verb sentence-initially with exclamation mark * __NotEmbeddedImprt__ removed Imprt after CS * __NotImprtWhenInd__ removes Imprt if part of an Ind domain * __NotImprtWhenIndCoor__ removes Imprt when coordination of an Ind domain - a very special case * __NotImprtIfAttrLeft__ removes Imprt after attribute * __NotImprtIfRel__ removes Imprt after Rel, unify this with other left context (r948) !Sg1 - early cycle, safe rules * __VSg1IfLeftMun__ selects Sg1 when "mun" is to the left (r949) * __VSG1IfRightMun__ selects Sg1 when "mun" is to the right (r950) !Sg2 - early cycle, safe rules * __VSG2IfLeftDon__ selects Sg2 when "don" is to the right (r951) * __VSG2IfRightDon__ selects Sg2 when "don" is to the left (r952) * __VInfIfAhte__ removes Inf if there is no other VFIN between BOS and "ahte" (r953) !Sg3 - early cycle, safe rules * __VSG3IfLeftSon__ selects Sg3 when "son" is to the left (r954) * __VSG3IfRithgSon__ selects Sg3 when "son" is to the right (r954) * __VNotSg3When12Left__ removes Sg3 if 12 Pron immediate left (r955) * __VNotSg3IfCom__ removes Sg3 in X with Y is... (r957) * __NegSg3BeforeFoc__ selects Neg before Foc/ge or ConNeg (r959) * __vfin__ removes verb reading when the reading should be noun Negative verb, not abbreviation or roman numeral Ii. !Du1 - early cycle, safe rules These Du1, Du2 rules are (almost) not in use in our corpus, but we keep them for completeness. * __VDu1IfMoaiLeft__ selects Du1 when "moai" left (r960) * __VDu1IfMoaiRight__ selects Du1 when "moai" right (r961) !Du2 - early cycle, safe rules The next two rules are not found in the corpus, but logically they belong, to cover the whole paradigm. There is no verb-internal homonymy here, but there is homonymy with e.g. Illative for certain verbs. * __VDu2IFDoaiLeft__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the left (r962) * __VDu2IFDoaiRight__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the right (r963) !Du3 - early cycle, safe rules The competitor to Du3 is -ba Foc. * __VDu3IfSoaiLeft__ selects Du3 when "soai" left (r964) * __VDu3IFSoaiLeft__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the right (r965) * __VDu3IfGuokteLeft__ selects Du3 if "guokte" left (r966) - 15 * __VDu3IfGuokteRight__ removes Sg3 if "guokte" right and 0 Du3 (r967) * __VDu3IfNjaNLeft__ selects Du3 as verb with coordinated subject to the left (r968) - 43 * __VDu3IfNjaNRight__ selects Du3 as verb with coordinated subject to the right (r969) - 12 * __VDu3IfCollLeft__ hmm, remove this? !Pl1 - early cycle, safe rules The competitor here is obviously Inf, but also Pl3 and Prt Sg2. * __VPl1IfMiiLeft__ selects Pl1 if "mii" Pron to the left (r971) - 3163 * __VPl1IfMiiRight__ selects Pl1 if "mii" Pron to the right (r972) - 272 * __VPl1NotImprIfMiiLeft__ removes Imprt if if "mii" Pron to the left and 0 = "mii" (r973) - 557 !Pl2 - early cycle, safe rules These rules are not used when disambiguating the corpus * __VPl2IfDiiLeft__ selects Pl2 if "dii" Pron to the left (r974) - 0 * __VPl2IfDiiRight__ selects Pl2 if "dii" Pron to the right (r975) - 0 !Pl3 - early cycle, safe rules Select... * __r976__ SE V Pl1 if *-1 SII * __r977__ SE V Pl1 if *1 SII * __VPl3jaPl3__ selects Prt Pl3 in coordination (r978) The following two may be joined: * __VPl3IfPronRelLeft1__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked to -2 Pl (r979) - 7801 * __VPl3IfPronRelLeft2__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked via COMMA to -3 Pl (r980) - 853 * __VPl3IfCSLinkPl3Left__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked via COMMA to -3 Pl (r979) - 341 Remove... The following two may be joined: * __r982__ removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject - 6002 * __r983__ removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject via CS - 305 * __VPl3Lookalikes__ removes "verbs" like "manne" and "dušše" (r984) - 274 * __VPl3NotSg2BefPassive__ removes Sg2 for Pl3 and Inf before passive (r985) !PrsPrc * __PrsPrc__ selects PrsPrc if coordinated with A - 10 Early rule since many PrsPrc readings are removed later. * Actio Gen * __r1813__ * __r1822__ selects Inf (NOTE, this was further down in sme-dis) !!!SECTION 4: CYCLE 1B: REMOVING THE READINGS THAT WERE LEFT FROM THE 1A RULES We don't need more Px sections, it's done alrady !!Noun, adjectiv, PrsPrc or not? The rules are not documented yet. * __NnotAcoord__ removes A instead of N (earlier: selects N instead of A), based on coordination with N, and a vfin-verb * __NPlbeforeRel, NSgbeforeRel__ select N in front of Rel and MO !!Adjectives and adverbs !Adv or not? maid has many readings and as Rel it is a member of S-BOUNDARY. Therefore we need to disambiguate is early in this file. Most important is to select Adv. Because of that A ang N still can have Vfin readings, it is difficult to make very general rules. * __vaikkomii__ * __Interj__ or not * __maidAdv1__ selects maid Adv when there is no vfin to the right. * __maidAdv2__ selects maid Adv copulas and PrfPrc or Actio Ess. We need this rule because of that there can be an Inf to the right which also has Vfin reading. * __maidAdv3__ selects maid Adv even if there is a vfin to the right. * __maidAdv4__ selects maid Adv between two verbs. * __maidAdv5__ selects maid Adv in front of Comp which at this stage can have vfin analysis. * __maidAdv6__ selects maid Adv between copulas Pl3 and N Pl. * __maidAd7v__ in a special construction with geahččat * __maidAdv8__ selects maid Adv after a Pers * __KillmaidAdv__ removed the remaining maid Adv __matPcle__ The following two rules are omitted. They only inflect on the disambiguation of mat pcle, a wackernagel, which is done in the rule over here, I think. * __olluNom__ * __olluAdv__ !!Disambiguationg abbreviations * __AttrABBRNum__ !!Disambiguationg particles * __sonPcle__ selects son Pcle, the remaining Pcle are removed !!Disambiguationg numerals !!Disambiguationg adpositions * __caddaN__ if čađa and movement-v Commented out som adp-rules we don't need anymore: * __geahcaiPP__ not geahččat V * __madePo__ after Num Gen * __NumMade__ Num before mađe * "miehtá" is also VFIN, and miehtá needs special treatment ** __miehtaPo__ after place or time Gen ** __miehtaPr__ before place or time Gen * "ovddas" has many readings and needs special treatment ** __ovddasPo__ * special rules for rastá because it often is Adv, and it can be an object connected to the PP ** __rastaAdv__ čuohppat/časkit/sahet rastá ** __rastaPo, rastaPr__ fievrridit olbmo man nu rastá ** __rastaPr__ rastá ráji/rájá * __birraPo, birraPr__ special rules for birra because it often is Adv, and it can be an object connected to the PP * "vuostá" has many readings and needs special treatment ** __vuostaAdv__ váldit vuostá/vuostái ** __vuostaPr__ váldit vuostá/vuostái !LIST LG-MATERIAL = Inf Adv Nom ; * __gaskasPosticky, gaskasPrsticky__ selects Po after coordinating language materials * __PoParantes__ selects Po after paranteces * __PoNomCompl__ removes Po if no possible complement to the left * __PrGen1__ selects Pr * __PrGen2__ selects Pr * __PrNoCompl__ removes Pr if no complement to the right * __PoGen__ selects Po !Diambiguation Noun vs. Po or Pr: * __vuollaiPo__ selects * __beallaiPo__ selects * __ovdalPr__ selects * __gaskanPo__ selects * __gaskkasPo__ selects * __ovddasPo1__ selects * __ovddasPo2__ selects * __ovddasPo3__ selects * __ovddasPocoord__ selects * __NwhenPo__ removes N if Po * __VwhenPo__ removes V if Po !!Some particular subjunctions and Neg Sup * __amasCS__ selects CS, not A or Neg Sup * __amasA__ selects A, not CS or Neg Sup * __amasNegSup__ selects Neg Sup, not CS or A * __amatNegSup__ selects Neg Sup, not CS * __dasgoCS__ selects CS, not Qst * Removes __vaikkoAdv__ , it is always CS because of abbr: "vaikko_mii" Pron Indef !!go as CS and Qst Pcle First select all "go" Qst Pcle, then remove them so the rest will be "go" CS * __standQst__ selects Pcle in standard questions * __objQst__ selects Pcle in questions which function as object in the clause * __subQst__ selects Pcle in questions as subordinated clause * __vaiQst__ selects Pcle in questions with vai * __auxQst__ selects Pcle in questions as subordinated clause, starting with AUX * __refQst__ selects Pcle in two main clauses, the first one a question which is referred to in the second. * __nounQst__ selects Pcle for go after NP * __poQst__ selects Pcle for go after Po * __AdvQst__ selects Pcle for go after WORD * __killPcle__ removes all remaining Pcle for go !!!SECTION 9 WORD-SPECIFIC RULES !!Some particular subjunctions !!Adverb rules !!!MAPPING OF COMP-CS< , COMPLEMENTS OF PARTICLES IN COMPARISON First map all COMP-CS<, then remove the other readings * __ComptimeAdvl__ buoret go ovdal * __Compadvlcase__ eará sivas go fuorrávuođas * __CompNumP__ uhcit go njealji stivrralahtu doarjagiin * __Compvejolas__ go vejolaš * __compNomHead__ NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL) go NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL). VFIN-NOT-IMPRT pga manglende disamgiguering * __CompNomHead__ Comp NP-HEAD-NOM leat go NP-HEAD-NOM * __compMisc__ go geassebuođut, go dán áigge * __compInf__ Inf go Inf * __Compdego__ dego @COMP-CS< * __compAccdego__ Acc dego Acc * __compTVeambbo__ TRANS-V eambbo go Num Acc + Gen * __compCoord__ coordination * __compCoordAttr__ coordination again, now with Attr. Speacial rule because of that Attr also has other readings. * __killAllnotComp__ Removes analysis which are not @COMP-CS< ** ''This was the kill all not Comp rule!!'' * __goCSbeforeComp__ Selects CS analysis in front of @COMP-CS< !!!MAPPING OF CC AND CS Mostly we map both @CNP and @CVP, then we select @CNP, after that we remove them so @CVP remains * __cnpCompSC__ Map @CNP if @COMP-CS< or COMPAR ahte * __CSasCNPCVP__ Map some CSs both @CNP @CVP * __CSasCVP__ Map @CVP to CS * __CCasCNPCVP__ Map (@CNP @CVP) to CC * __ahteCNP__ ahte CC @CNP, remove the rest * __killAllahtenotCS__ All other occurrences of "ahte" are CSs. * __vaiCCCNP__ vai as CC or CS * __vaiCC__ remove vai as CC * __vaiCCNegQst1__ vai CC @CVP before Neg or question * __vaiCCNegQst2__ vai CC @CNP in question about two alternatives * __killAllvainotCSCVP__ Select all vai CS @CVP * __dadeCNP__ removes dađe @CNP, so @CVP remains * __CVPnoVfin__ No potential finite verb following * __CVPnoVfinAdvl__ No finite verb in front ADVLCASE @CNP ADVLCASE * __CVPNPron__ No finite verb or verbalactivity in front N/Pron @CNP N/Pron * __CVPAdvNom__ Nom @CNP Adv Nom * __CVPCopNomInf__ COPULAS Nom @CNP Nom Inf *__CVPoppramsing__ Lásse, Iŋgá ja mun *__CVPRCmpnd__ RCmpnd @CNP * __CVPwrongCmpnd__ wrongly formated compounds * __CVPAAttr__ A Attr @CNP A Attr * __CVPA__ A @CNP A * __CVPAccAdv__ Acc @CNP Adv Acc * __killAllCNP__ removes all remaining @CNP * __XCC-CS__ removes CC and CS with no synttag !!PRONOUNS !Plural? * __PlSg3V__ removes plural in front of Sg3 verb (and __SgPl3V__ does the opposite) !!Interrogative and relative pronouns * __Interr__ selects interrogative pronouns in questions * __InterrIfPot__ selects interrogative pronouns in potential sentences, and after that we remove the remaining Interr * __munPl3__ removes Pron Pers Pl3 if there is no verb agreement * __Rel__ selects Rel * __RelSg1, RelSg2__ select Rel * __RelPl__ selects Rel * __RelPl__ removes Rel !!Emphatic ieš * __ies1Pl, ies2Pl__ select Pl for ieža * __iesDu__ select Pl for ieža !!Numerals * __NifNum__ * __AdvOvtta__ * __AdvNumEss__ * __WWNumOrdIllAttr__ selects Ill Attr and Loc Attr for numerals and ordinals !!Indefinite pronouns The rules are not documented yet * __miiIndef__ it vaikko mii or mii beare !!Demonstrative pronouns - should have a look at these * __DemPlIll__ removes Dem Ill and Dem Loc in front of Acc * __DemSgNom__ selects Dem Nom Sg if VFIN Sg3 * __DemIndefAttr__ selects Dem in front of Indef Attr, no verb to the left * __DemGenSeammas__ selects dat Dem Gen in front seammás * __DemSg__ removes Dem Sg when there is no Sg N to the right * __datPersSg3__ selects dat Pers Sg3 when there is no N to the right * __PersNRel__ selects Pers Sg3 when there is a N and a Rel to the right * __DemMeasure__ removes Dem in front of a Num and MEASURE or NUMUNIT in Ill !!Disambiguating adjectives !Rules related to specific adjectives * boaris A or N * dáláš * dološ * garra N vs. garas A * nanus * nuorra (vs. nuorrat V) * sierra * surgat * veara * __vulitAttr__ * __Comp__ rules select Comp A !Attribute disambiguation * __AttrVFIN__ removes Attr in front of VFIN * __AttrnotNA__ removes Attr when no N or A to the right * __ANomILLA__ selects Nom when ILL-A !Rules for Attr between Dem and N * __AAttrDemSg1, AAttrDemPl1__ * __AAttrDemSg2, AAttrDemPl2__ * __AAttrDemSg3, AAttrDemPl3__ * __AAttrDemSgIll, AAttrDemPlIll__ * __AAttrDemSgLoc, AAttrDemPlLoc__ * __AAttrDemComPl__ * __AAttrDemdakkar__ !Other attribute rules * __AAttrN__ no copulas close to the left * __AAttrCop__ copulas close to the left * __AttrPlacelaš__ This rule selects Plc Der/laš A Attr in front of Prop or N * __AdvManimus__ * __AttrIllCop__ * __AttrAdv__ * __ANom__ removes A Nom * __AAttr__ selects A Attr * __AdvN__ removes Adv * __AAttrPunct__ * __AAttrgoAAttr__ * __AttrTIME__ * __AAttrCoord1__ coordination, first part * __AAttrCoord2__ coordination, first part * __PrfPrcCoordA__ selects PrfPrc in coordination with an A * __ACoordPrfPrc__ selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc * __AAttrContra__ selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc !Special rules for 'buorre' (the only adjective showing case agreement) This block of rules is there to ensure case agreement for comparatives. * Select Pl Nom if V Pl3 * Remove Nom, Acc and Gen if Comp !alit vs. allat Comp Attr * __allat__ in front of ALLAT OR MONEY OR EDUCATION OR go * __alitColour__ in coordination with COLOUR * __alitN__ in front of VEHICLE, CLOTHES, BEDCLOTHES, BUILDING and more * __alitEOS__ in the end of a sentence * __APlNomafterCop__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Pl Nom OR Pl Pron * __APlNomafterDu__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Du * __ASgNomNoSubj__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3 * __ASgNomafterCop__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas and Sg Nom, not so strong constraint for the target * __ASgNomEssCopNeg__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3s, * dsfa !!And now some rules for adverbs that modify adjectives !!Proper nouns !!!VERBS !!Disambiguating verbs - part 1 First ConNeg forms, they are dependent upon Neg verbs. Then Imperative (with their special syntax), infinitive, and other infinite forms. Person comes later (in part 2) !!ConNeg forms Number following the rule headers below refer to numbers of hit in a 13 053 859 word corpus. * __ConNegImp__ selects ConNeg Imprt if Neg Imprt to the left. - 4265 * __PrfPrcConNeg__ to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc * __ConNegIfNeg__ selects Ind ConNeg if Neg Ind to the left. This is the main (and common) ConNeg rule. - 660327 * __ConNegCondIfNeg__ selects Cond ConNeg if Neg Cond to the left. Less used, obviously. - 0 * __ConNegPrfPrc__ selects ConNeg for leat when topicalised PrfPrc between Neg and leat - 713 * __ConNegImpCC__ catches the second ConNeg in cases like don't smile or laugh - 0 * __ConNegIndCC__ catches the second ConNeg in cases like doesn't smile or laugh - 369 * __NotConNegII__ removes ConNegII if no Neg Imprt around. This is important, as the homonym forms are common. - 30850 * __NotConNegIfNotNeg__ removes ConNeg if no Neg to the left. Consider unifying with NotConNegNotNeg. - 1094269 * __NotConNegNotNeg__ removes remaining ConNegs whenever no Neg to the left. - 5862 !!Imperative See also ''Imprt or Ind'' some sections down. * __PassLNotImprt__ removes Imprt when passive (sentence-initial, hence important) * __ImprtLeat__ says BOS Leat A is Imprt - 575 * __ImprtDál__ * __SelImprtExcl__ selects initial Imprt when excl mark * __ImprtComma__ * __ImprtNotVGen__ * __NotImprtInd__ * __NotImprtConNeg__ * __NotImprtA__ * __NotImprtN__ * __NotImprtVFIN__ * __NotImprtSlash__ * __NotImprtGo__ !!Infinitive * __r2974__ was moved up to select PL3-V after N Pl, might be relaxed to REMOVE Inf * __r2976__ was moved up to select PL3-V after N Pl, might be relaxed to REMOVE Inf * __r1809__ Not Pl1 (but Inf) if VFIN to the left, This is the basic Inf rule. * __r1812__ * __InfCompCs__ * __r1811__ * __r1814__ * __EssInf__ Rules that prevent later selection of Inf for a finite verb in the frame ''INF-V...CC...'' * __r1816__ * __r1817__ * __r1818__ * __r1819__ * __r1820__ * __r1821__ * __r1823__ * __r1824__ * __r1825__ * __r1827__ * __r1828__ !!Verbgenitive * __VGen__ selects VGen * __Gen2__ * __VGen3__ * __VGen4__ * __KillAllVGen__ removes all VGen (r1842) !!Supinum vs. potential -- no example found in large corpus !!Perfect Participle * __r1844__ removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and ... N construction * __r1844__ removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and Gen ... N construction (this is marginal) * __PrfPrc_Ess__ removes N Ess if 0 PrfPrc * __r1852__ selects PrfPrc if copula to the left * __r1853__ selects PrfPrc if Rel to the left which again is linked to copula !Topicalized version the following chapter should be possible to unify. * __r1855__ selects PrfPrc if Nom to the left linked to copula * __r1857__ selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to copula * __r1858__ selects PrfPrc if NP head to the left linked to copula * __r1857__ selects PrfPrc if copula to the left * __r1861__ selects PrfPrc if VFIN to the left * __r3576__ selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to activity verb * __r1863__ is the mannan vahkku rule !!Actio !!Present participle *orrut vs. orrot) !!Rules for "addit" (which is an adjective, but more often a verb) !!Actio Loc = Actio Ess !!Actio Gen = Actio Ess !!Imprt or Ind * __removeAllImp__ !!Nouns or verbs The rules are no documented yet * __VFINAttr__ * __NPlbuorit__ * __ActioEssNum__ * __ActEssIfSensationv__ * __NoActorIfSg3__ !!Demonstrative pronouns, agreement in DP - should it be moved to after verbmappings? The rules are no documented yet * __DemAttr__ * __DemCASEPl__ * __DemCASESg__ * __DemAttrNum__ * __DemAcc__ * __DemAttr__ !!!VERB MAPPINGS !!Verbs as predicatives (@SPRED>) and (@) and (@N) - Er ikke ferdig med reglene som kommer her: !(@>N) target PrfPrc * __NPrfPrc1__ with 1C N Nom * __NPrfPrc2__ with -1C Dem or Num or Attr or Indef * __NPrfPrc3__ with PrfPrc or ConNeg to the left, the N can be different cases * __NPrfPrc4__ mannat in front of TIME * __NPrfPrcPr__ after Pr * __NPrfPrcPo__ before Po * __NPrfPrcGen__ after Gen * __NPrfPrc6__ the verb can be to the right * __NPrfPrc7__ Der/Pass, no TIME to the right !(@+FAUXV) and (@+FMAINV) target Neg, orrut * __+FAUXVNeg__ * __+FMAINVorrut__ finite orrut * __FAUXVorrut__ finite orrut * __FAUXVorrut__ infinite orrut !(@Inf__ !(@__ * __-FMAINVLoc__ Actio Loc * __>AActioGen__ Actio Gen !And then we remove the verbs which didn't get any syntactic tag, in favour of verbs with syntactic tags. * __realverbX__ * __NomActLocX__ * __NomActX__ removes other readings when PrfPrc Or Actio Ess * __IfonlyVerb__ selects the FMAINV reading in the cohort * __TEST__ selects some infinte verb readings in the cohort * __X__ !Substitute-rule __TV-IV__ for verbs which are both IV AUX and TV main verb: lávet and sáhttit * __TV-IV__ !!!NOUNS !!Disambiguating nouns !!Nouns vs. adjectives !!Disambiguating proper nouns !!!CASE DISAMBIGUATION !!ACCUSATIVE-GENITIVE DISAMBIGUATION !!Secure rules for choosing Acc * __PGenN__ selects Gen when (Pron Pers) to the left and N to the right ''mu sámevuođa iđuid'' * __CoGen1__ (quite strict) selects the first of coordinated genitives ''riikkaid, čearuid ja boazoorohagaid ovttasbarggu'' ! Semantihkka: Choosing accusative or genitive semantically * __SEMXxr2062__ Removes Gen if you are not a possible possessor (a human) # HAB-ACTOR * __SEMXr2066__ Removes Gen if there is a human or org to the right, exeption for ''čállingiela áhčči'' and so on * __SEMXxr2069__ Removes Acc if there is Genetive + Ess, like ''dálu eamidin'' * __SEMXxr2071__ Revmoves genetiv: Nobody can possess a Proper name? Except from pers.pron. and Mal and Fem * __SEMXxr2072__ Removes genetiv: Who can possess Prop Org? * __SEMXr2073__ Remove genetive: Accusative in front of a human group, ''loktema sámiid buorrin'' * __SEMr2074__ Selects genetive in front of HUMAN-GROUP (or "joavku"?): * __SEMXxr2075__ Select genitive in front of ABSTRACT and RIEKTEDILLI: ''unnitlogu oaidninčiegas'' * __SEMXr2076__ Selects genitive if you are HUMAN or Pron with an ABSTRACT to your right, ''iežaset vuoigatvuođa'' * __SEMXxr2081__ Removes genitiv if NATION or POLITICAL-PLACE are to your right ''dilálašvuođaid sámi'' * __SEMr2084__ Selects genitive for ''hálddašanguovllu suohkanat/gielddat'' * __SEMXr2087__ Selects genitive if you are a Prop/Plc followed by "gielda" or "suohkan" * Selects genitive if you have "eana" or "guovu" immediately to your right * __SEMráđđi__ , tja * __SEMXr2077__ Genitive in front of PLACE-ADV * Accusative in front of a political-place or general-place ''bidjen hildu sadjásis'' * __SEMXr2079__ Removes genitive: because Accusative in front of MANNU ''guđii virggi skábmanánu 1. b.'' * __SEMxhab__ Selects accusative if COPULAS to the left of HAB-ACTOR ''lea min'' * __SEMxboaris__ Selects genitive * __SEMXxr2093__ Selects accusative: if váldit to the left and mielde to the right: ''váldit mielde'' * __SEMXr2096__ Removes genitive: because Accusative in front of an organization * __SEMXxr2098__ Selects genitive (modifier): in front of an organization * __SEMxr2100__ Genitiv if buot in front of plural noun ''buot Norlándda ohppiid'' * __SEMXxr2101__ Removes accusative: if bargat somewhere to the left * __SEMXr2103__ Selects accusative: OASSI is usually accusative ''hálddaša stuora oasi'' * __SEMXxr2104__ Selects accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and you are a TEXT ''čállá vaidaga'' * __SEMXxacc__Removes accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and a noun to the right ''čállit Norgga vásáhusaid'' * __SEMXxr2105__ Selects genitive: An organization´s representative ''Sámiráđi ovdaolmmoš'' * __SEMxr2107__ Acc if *-1 fáktemuš * __SEMXxr2108__ Selects genitive if you are SAPMI with an Acc/Gen immediately to your left and a noun immediately to your right ''girji sámi áššiid (birra)'' * __SEMsapmiModifier__ Selects genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa as modifier of noun ''sámi oahpahus'' * __SEMsapmiModifier2__ Select genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa on both sides of CNP as modifier of noun ''Suoma ja Ruošša soahti'' * __SEMXr2115__ Selects genitive (modifier) in front of a lahka-noun ''spábbačiekčanlága vuoigatvuohta'' * __SEMXr2116__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are LAHKA OR ORGANIZATION followed by mannu, day and numerals.. * __SEMXr2117__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are a TEXT in front of KLASS ''doalloplána čuoggái'' * __SEMxr2118__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are a LANGUAGE in front of LESSON OR SATNI ''sámegiela oahpahusa'' * __SEMxr2122__ Gen if N LANGUAGE * __SEMXxr2123__ Gen if Pron giella * __SEMr2129__ oioi, Sámediggi SAPMI sátnevuorká (too narrow?) * __SEMXr2131__ Gen if 0 stáhta 1 org etc. * __SEMr2132__ Gen if FYLKA fylka * __SEMXr2133__ Gen if FYLKA and FYLKA * __SEMXr2134__ Gen if FYLKA and some place or org to the right, barrier NOT-NPMODADVII !Gen and preposition/postposition * __GenAPP__ Selects genitive when a preposition to the left, or when a postposition to the right ''rastá riikarájiid'' * __GenPoCoordPunct__ Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions: with PUNKT to the left * __GenPoCoord__ Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions ''ráŋggáštusa ja buhtadusa hárrái'' * __GenGenPo__ selects Gen in front of postposition-phrase ''álgojagiid soađi maŋŋá'' !Genitive in place adverbials * __GenPlc__ Selects genitive if you are ROUTE, and there is a MOVEMENT-V to your left or right ''boahtiba dán geainnu'' !Accusative as an object * __AccTV1__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the left: ''oste mielkki gávppis'' * __r2206__ Selects genitive: (modifier) when a finite verb to the left and a nominative or accusative to the right: ''lei skuvllajođiheaddjin'' * __r2271__ Removes genitive: when a transitive verb to the left and you (not if you are a pronoun) are followed by Ill/Loc/Com/Adv: ''doalvvui stálu meahccái'' * __AccTV2__ Selects accusative: when a transitive verb to the left * __AccTV3__ Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left if it doesn't find a barrier: COMMA, Num, REAL-V, Ess, S-BOUNDARY * __OLDr2466__ Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left, but not if the TV is FAUX OR LOC-V * __topOBJ1__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the right (topicalized object) * __AccInf__ Selects Acc if the verb to the left is TV + Inf (you are the obj of the Inf). Differs from the other rules by not beeing restricted by an Acc to the right ''hállat eatnigiela'' * __AccCOP__ selects Acc if copulas to the left and nominative to the left of COP ''gápmagat leat áhči'' * __GenNP1__ Select genitive for pronoun (modifier): if NP-BOUNDARY OR Acc (but don't select if the finite verb is TV) to the left and noun to the right * __GenNP2__ Select genitive for noun (modifier): if CC "ja" immediately to your left and accusative to your right ''ja sámi jurddašanvuogi'' * __GenLocNom__ (modifier) selects Gen if 1 is Nom or Loc ''Norgga oaivegávpogis'' * __GenRefl__ (modifier) selects Gen in front of a noun in accusative or nominative case ''iežaset oiviliid'' * __AccAfterCC__ Select accusative: if genitiv to the left, and CC "ja" to the left of genitive ''eamiálbmot- ja globaliserenprošeavtta koordináhtor'' !Accusative in coordination First part * __CoAcc2520__ Select accusative (coordinated acc): if comma to the left and accusative cased NP-head to the left of comma. Comma or CC immediately to your right ''guolleoivviid, dáraid, debbuid, buđeittaid, boares rásiid'' Second part * __CoAcc2521__ Select accusative (coordinated acc): if coordinator to your left and accusative to the left of the coordinator ''deaja dahje sávtta'' * __CoAcc__ (relies on AccTV3) selects Acc if there is a CC to its right with an secure Acc to the right of CC ''semináraid ja diehtojuohkinčoahkimiid'' Third part ... eh, no third part yet. !Intransitive verbs can sometimes be transitive * __IVasTV__ Selects accusative: if you are GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE, ABSTR-ROUTE or EDUCATION and somewhere in the sentence is a intransitive verb acting as a transitive verb ''sii vázzet skuvlla'' * __r1981ja1982__ Selects accusative: if you are ''spábba'' and somewhere is ''viehkat'' * __r1983ja1984__ Selects accusative: if you are SHOE or HUNT-ANIMAL or BOAZU and somewhere is ''vázzit'' * __r1985__ Selects accusative * __r1985ja1986__ Selects accusative * __r1987__ Selects accusative * __r1988__ Selects accusative !Accusative or genitive in front of ALU and in front of adjectives !Exceptional accusative attributes in front of ALU nouns. * __XXr1989__ Acc when Num and right is MEASURE LINK 1 ALU * __XXr1990__ Acc when Num and not Adv, and 1 ALU * __XXr1991__ Acc for Num when right context Num ALU * __NewGen__ (complement of numerals) selects Gen Sg when -1 Num Sg ''guhtta kilu'' ** Ritva comment: This rule is back in buisness! Tt's a good rule that seems to be working quite fine and it replaces many of the below rules. Please specify in which cases it doesn't work so we can work on the constraints. ** Old comment: "It seems like there is no need for this rule because the rule REMOVE: 5755: NAr229 works. If there is still a need for this rule we have to make some constraints." * __XXr1994__ Acc if right context MEASURE * __r1995__ IF Acc Acc MEASURE A is right context * __r1996__ Gen if part of comma separated row before MEASURE * __XXTimeGen__ Gen if 0 TIME 1 áigi * __XXr1998__ Acc for Num before TIME MANNEL * __XAAccNUM1__ Acc for Num before siiddu etc + MANNEL. * __XAAccNUM2__ Acc for Num before ovdalis etc * __XXr1999__ Gen in golbma ''jagi'' boaris ** Ritva comment: Find a rule for "viđa" aswell, this hits "mehter" as it should * __XXr2002__ Selects genitive if there is a numeral immediately to your left, and you are TIME: ''golbma jagi'' * __XXr2003__ Gen if Num and then Acc, and it is somewhat fishy, says Ritva... * __XXr2004__ Gen if -1 Num velggolaš * __XXr2005__ ovtta is Adv if 1 ALU (does not hit...) * __XXr2006__ Selects genitive if you are a numeral and immediately to your right is CURRENCY: ''vihtta ruvnnu'' * __XXr2007__ Selects accusative when you are a numeral with "gitta" immediately to your right followed by a numeral with acc-case: ''180 gitta 200'' * __XXr2008__Selects accusative if you are a numeral with a transitive verb to the left: ''geassá 200 olbmo'' * __XXr1523__Removes accusative if you are a numeral and JAHKI-NUM is immediately to your left ''mávssii mannan jagi 43 ruvnnu'' !Numerals * __NumAcc__ selects Acc for singular numerals if followed by a noun ''logi báhkkoma'' * __NumGen__ selects Gen Sg if there is a Num Sg to your left * __NumAccCo__ (coordinated num) selects Acc if you are Num Sg and to your right: CC with a Num to the right ''guokte ja eanemusat golbma'' !Accusative or genitive in temporal adverbials * __rX2032__ * __rX2034obs__ * __r2052__ *__Xr2053__ * __DurTime__ * __r2056__ * __r2057__ * __GenTime__ selects genitive if 0 TIME and COPULAS somewhere to the left or right * __GenTIME__ Selects genitive when you are TIME and there is a mainverb COPULAS somewhere in the sentence !!Intransitive verbs can sometimes be transitive !!Accusative or genitive in front of ALU and in front of adjectives !!Accusative before @COMP-CS< !!Accusative before some A !!Accusative sentence-finally !!Genitive and accusative in temporal adverbials !!Choosing accusative or genitive semantically !!Genitive * __r2143__ The most frequent genitive rule: Gen when postpos immediately to the right: !!Nominative and accusative *__NomIFInitialThenSg3__ selects Nom if -1 BOS and 1 oblique / Sg3 lookalike. Works in fragments. * __r2281__ marginal !!Nominative * __PostVNom__ selects Nom if a Sg 3p verb to the left with no Nom to the left of it * __NDr2422__ selects Nom if it finds a Nom to the left of CC and to the left of a verb. No verb allowed to the right ''eamit barggai vuođđoskuvllas ja isit fas gymnásas'' !!Accusative !!Illative !!Comitative rules !NP internal disambiguation of Com * __PlSg-W__ removes Pl when SG-WORD * __Locgoabbat__ selects Pl Loc after goabbat Foc/ge * __NumCom__ selects Num Com: guvttiin nieiddain if not plural-noun like: guvttiin heajain * __ComDemNum1__ selects N Com if there is a Dem or Num or buorre + Com to the left: Exception for plural-nouns * __Comburiin__ selects N Com if there is a safe N Com to the right: buriin vugiin * __ComCOM-A__ selects Sg Com after COM-A * __Comduhtavas__ selects Sg Com after duhtavaš !Disambiguation of Com depending on Adv or certain verb or N * __ComComAdv1__ selects Com for ACTOR OR ACTOR-ROLE after og before COM-ADV * __ComComAdv1__ selects Com after COM-ADV or juohke * __Comboahtit__ selects riika Com when boahtit: boahtit riikkainis, which is a special construction * __ComComplPl-N__ selects Sg Com for HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION, STATE, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY, láhka when there is a COM-COMPL-N to the left or right * __Comoktavuohta__ selects Sg Com when oktavuohta is to the left or right * __ComDU-NR__ selects Sg Com after Pers dualis: moai áhčiin, munno vieljain * __ComHumanOrg__ selects HUMAN Sg Com after HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION !Animate nouns * __ComAnimate__ selecst Sg Com if there is an animate to the left, and the noun itself is not a ABSTR-TEXT, TEXT, PLACE, INDUSTRY, EDUCATION, INSTITUTION, ANIMATE * __ComProp__ selecst Prop Sg Com for person names. Exception for habitive constructions. !HAB-ACTOR in habitive-constructions * __LocHab1, LocHab2__ select Pl when HAB-ACTOR !Disambiguation based upon verb valency !COM-V * __ComVR, ComVL__ select Com when COM-V * __ComVOktiiL, ComVOktiiR__ select Com when OKTII-V !tools (concrete and abstract) * __ComTool1, ComTool2, ComToolCoord__ select Com TOOL when ACTIVITY-V, MOVEMENT-V, PLACE-V-V * __ComHuman__ selects Com ABSTR-TOOL OR SATNI when HUMAN-AGENT-V - does it function? !BODY as an instrument * __ComHuman__ selects Com BODY when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V * __ComHuman__ selects Com HUMAN when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V !Dynamic-verbs * __LocdynamicVR, LocdynamicVL__ select Pl Loc if there is a DYNAMIC-V and the noun itself is not a TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, HUMAN, VEHICLE, buorre, Der/NomAc !Disambiguation based upon verb valency * __LocLocVL1, LocLocVR__ select Pl Loc if there is a LOC-V * __LLocAccLocVL__ select Pl Loc if there is a ACC-LOC-V !Event-tool-actio Most actio can be both tool and event. !PLACE-V * __LocFurniture__ select Pl Loc FURNITURE if there is a PLACE-V * __ComPlaceV__ select Com ANIMATE, CONCEPT, TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY if there is a PLACE-V * __LocInstitution__ select Loc INSTITUTION if there is a ABSTR-PLACE-V * __LocPlaceIndustry__ select Loc GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE if there is a INDUSTRY to the right !STATE-V !Movement-verbs !The super-set Dynamic-verb according to choose (Pl Loc) or (Sg Com) The idea is that the superset DYNAMIC-V are not connected to TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or CONCEPT in (Pl Loc). This is the "minste felles multiplum". The sub-sets are different, f.i. many of them (but not all) are not connected to HUMAN in (Pl Loc), one is not connected to ABSTR-ENTITY and ACTOR in (Pl Loc). We work with negation so the rules don´t destroy analysis because of insufficent sets. First the general-rules for selecting (Sg Com), then the more special rules for selecting (Sg Com), and then we selct (Pl Loc) for the rest of them under # Another round of locative rules. * __ComDynV__ Dynamic-verbs selects Com when TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY * Dynamic-verb selects Com when HUMAN, but not for HUMAN-SOURCE-VEHICLE-V * Body-activity-verb selects Com when BODY, for BODY-ACTIVITY-V or VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V * ComVeh * Abstract-entity-com-verbs * Only-place-loc-verb !HUMAN-LOC-V * bivvat * ealihit * ipmirdit / áddet * ruhtadit * suokkardit and čielggadit * vástidit * Coordination !Locative and comitative - Disambiguation based upon coordination !And then we remove the remaining Sg Com analysis !!Essive !!Late case rules (after other case rules have worked). !!!VERBS PART 2, SECTION #22 !!Finite or not !!Indicative or imperative !!Verbs according to person and number !Sg1 - First person singular !Sg2 - Second person singular !Sg3 - Third person singular Infinitive and clausal subject Rules that look backwards for a subject across a relative clause: Rules that look backwards for a subject across a subordinate clause (CP boundary): Extension possibilities: Coordination Son oaidná du ja mu ovdal go boahtit... Coordinated Sg3 verbs Not (V Sg3) !Du1 - First person dual !Du2 - Second person dual !Rules for leahppi = ("leahppi" N Sg Nom) !Du3 - Third person dual !Pl1 - First person plural !Pl2 - Second person plural !Pl3 - Third person plural * __allSg2leat__ removes Sg2 if leat Prs Pl3 * __allPl1__ removes Pl1 if Pl3 * __allPrtSg2__ removes PrtSg2 if PrsPl3 !!Rules for a special infinitive construction !!More finite verbs !!Passive !!Infinitive !!Present Participle !!Actio/Perfect Participle !!Actio !!Selecting some more finite verbs !!Lexical disambiguation of verbs !!!NOMEN !!Case rules !!Other rules for nouns and pronouns !!Determiners !!Adverbs and adjectives !!!NOUNS !!!VERBS !!!NOMEN !!Genitive after preposition - round 2 *MAINLY MAPPING-RULES ##### Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages !!!Lexica for nominal declension classes !!Lexica for nouns !Bisyllabic nouns * LEXICON GOAHTI-A pga errortag-branch * LEXICON GOAHTI-I pga errortag-branch * LEXICON GOAHTI-U pga errortag-branch * LEXICON GOAHTI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * LEXICON SPILE Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * LEXICON VIELLJA Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * LEXICON VARRA No -laš Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * LEXICON GOAHTI-IU Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * LEXICON CEAHCI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * LEXICON GOAHTILONG Long nom-compound-forms,long gen * LEXICON GOAHTILONGSHORT Sometimes long nom-compound-forms,long gen * LEXICON ALBMI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON AHCCI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON ALBMILONG Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON IPMI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON ALBMILONGSHORT Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON LOTLOHKU Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON AIGI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen. * LEXICON BEALLE Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen. * LEXICON VIELLJABEALLE Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen. * LEXICON BASSI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, short gen., long heapmi-caritive * LEXICON MUOHTU Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen., long heapmi-caritive * LEXICON EADNI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive * LEXICON RISTEADNI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive * LEXICON VALDI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive * LEXICON RAFI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. short heapmi-caritive * LEXICON OLGU Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen. * LEXICON MIEHTI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON LULLI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON DAHPPA the dáhpahuvvá fix * LEXICON LAHKI * LEXICON BEARRI the *bearáš vs bearaš fix * LEXICON ACTOR +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * LEXICON ACTORCT Long compound-forms * LEXICON ACTORLONGSHORT +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * LEXICON ACTORLONGSHORTCT Sometimes long compound-forms * LEXICON ACTORSHORT +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * LEXICON ACTORSHORTCT Sometimes long compound-forms * LEXICON ACTORLEX Long compound-forms * LEXICON STAHTA Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; i-Illative * LEXICON IIJA Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; a-Illative * LEXICON GADDI Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON GADDILONG long compound forms, short -heapme * LEXICON GADDILONGSHORT NB! No SgIll and SgLoc because davvi is the only word this far Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comp. Forms, long-short nomcmp, long gencmp * LEXICON GADDISHORT Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short nom-compound-forms, SHORT gen. * LEXICON OARJI Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * LEXICON LULLILONG long compound forms * LEXICON LUONDU this word (+vuohta) because of behavior in compounds * LEXICON RUOKTU only this word because of its behavior in compounds * LEXICON MADII Another peculiar word that deserves its own lex. * LEXICON GENTLEMAN cns-final bisyllabic loanwords (stem mana-) * LEXICON BUDEITA Rather special word * LEXICON MANNI Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.ILL:mánnii/mánnái !Trisyllabic nouns * LEXICON EANA * LEXICON MATTAR Tris. Anim. Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON MALIS Short compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON DOAVTTIR Short compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON MALISLONG Long compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON MALISLONGSHORT Long and short compound-forms. Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON OVCCIS Collective numerals * LEXICON BEANA Trisyll. Anim. Gradating 0-Nouns * LEXICON SEAMU Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns * LEXICON SEAMULONG Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns * LEXICON DAHPPAGA the dáhpahuvvá fix nr2 * LEXICON GAHPIR Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON ENGEL Restricted denominals for speller Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON GAHPIRLONGSHORT Long and short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON GAHPIRLONG Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * LEXICON DAIVVAS Tris. Gradating C-Nouns, The Troms declension: dáivvaš:dáivaha, bearaš:bearraha, njunuš:njunnoha !Contracted nouns * LEXICON BOAZU Anim. Contracted 0-Nouns * LEXICON SUOLU Short compound-forms. Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns * LEXICON SUOLULONG Long compound-forms. Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns * LEXICON GISTTA The Noun gistta, gist - * LEXICON FALIS Contracted Anim. C-Nouns * LEXICON LASIS Contracted Inanim. C-Nouns * LEXICON CEAHKES Contracted Inanim. C-Nouns * LEXICON GUOVTTIS Collective numerals * LEXICON GUOVTTU Here because other lexicons don't fit for it * LEXICON GARGIA light fin syll, bisyll. on -o- that doesn't have change o:u in front of j (i): Kino * LEXICON BUFFALO heavy fin syll * LEXICON ESSAYA recent loanwords on vow+a * LEXICON IDEA restricted Px for speller recent loanwords on vow+a * LEXICON MASAI heavy fin syll * LEXICON STRUKTUR Recent loanwords on -vra with short cmp-form * LEXICON KANTUR * LEXICON MAŠIIDNA Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form * LEXICON BENSIN * LEXICON ADRENALIN Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form * LEXICON TELEFON Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form * LEXICON AKTION Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form * LEXICON NATION Recent loanwords on -uvdna with short cmp-form * LEXICON KANON Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form * LEXICON SOSIAL Recent loanwords on -ála with both short and long cmp-form * LEXICON OLLUVUOHTA Exceptional vuohta-Nouns * LEXICON MAGASH * LEXICON EGEZHAGAT * LEXICON EGEZHAHKII * LEXICON BUVSSAT Pl. * LEXICON BUVSSATLONG Pl. * LEXICON MUODUT Like MUOHTU, but plural only * LEXICON DEAHKIT like AIGI but plural only * LEXICON DIEDUT like ALBMI but plural only * LEXICON BADJOSAT Pl. bajus:badjosat * LEXICON BADJOSATLONG Pl. bajus:badjosat * LEXICON ALIMAT Pl. alin:alimat * LEXICON CEAKCAGAT Like seamu but plural only * LEXICON BORALMASAT like JOHTOLAT but plural only * LEXICON DURVAT like LASIS but pl. only * LEXICON GIRKOSADDOT LIKE SATTU but pl, only * LEXICON VUOIGNAHAT LikeDAIVVAS but only Pl. vuoiŋŋaš:vuoigŋahat