Installation Instructions ************************* Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. This document describes how to setup and use the new Giellatekno/Divvun infrastructure. Prepare your environment ======================== 1. define the $GTCORE variable as follows (in ~/.bashrc or similar, but in the same file where GTHOME is defined, and ***after*** the definition of GTHOME): export GTCORE=$GTHOME/gtcore 2. source ~/.bashrc (or the file you edited) or open a new shell Basic Installation ================== 0. cd $GTHOME/langs 1. ./ 2. ./configure 3. make 4. make check # optional 5. [sudo] make install This will compile the transducers and other binary files directly in the source code directory tree. If you prefer to build outside the source code, see the section VPATH building below. Options ======= You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here are some relevant options: --prefix=$HOME - installs the built binaries in suitable subdirs of your $HOME dir --with-hfst - turns on and checks for proper support for compiling hfst transducers `configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run `configure --help' for more details. VPATH building ============== The new infra supports VPATH building, aka out-of-source building. This feature will do all building outside the source code directory tree, and leave the source code mainly uncluttered (except for a few intermediate files created by the autotools). To use VPATH building, do the following instead of the Basic Installation: 0. cd $GTHOME/langs 1. ./ 2. mkdir build # or any other name, it is up to you 3. cd build # cd into the dir you just created 2. ../configure # from the new dir, call `configure' with the options you want 3. make 4. make check # optional 5. [sudo] make install This will result in the following directory structure: langs/... - source files - edit here build/... - makefiles, transducers - do make here Known bugs with VPATH building ------------------------------ NB! The Xerox tools have a hard-coded limit to the argument lengths, which causes failure when doing a VPATH builds (because all filenames get much longer and together all filenames given to lexc sum up to more than the limit, such that the last filenames will be trunkated or completely removed). The bug has been reported to L. Karttunen. That is, for now use VPATH with hfst ONLY, and regular in-source builds with Xerox. Unfortunately you can't have both at the same time, so you have to decide which one you want to build. Hopefully we will receive an update for the Xerox tools soon, by which point you should be free to use VPATH builds for both Xerox and hfst transducers. You can of course also build HFST transducers in-source, so if you want to play with both technologies, then in-source building will be fine (except for the fact that you get all binary files among the source files).