// // Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // // Copyright (c) 1997-2005, Sen:te (Sente SA). 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Failures in explicit * test assertions are classified as "expected", while failures from unrelated or * uncaught exceptions are classified as "unexpected". */ @interface XCTestRun : NSObject { #ifndef __OBJC2__ @private id _internalTestRun; #endif } /*! * @method +testRunWithTest: * Class factory method for the XCTestRun class. * * @param test An XCTest instance. * * @return A test run for the provided test. */ + (instancetype)testRunWithTest:(XCTest *)test; /*! * @method -initWithTest: * Designated initializer for the XCTestRun class. * * @param test An XCTest instance. * * @return A test run for the provided test. */ - (instancetype)initWithTest:(XCTest *)test NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /*! * @property test * The test instance provided when the test run was initialized. */ @property (readonly, strong) XCTest *test; /*! * @method -start * Start a test run. Must not be called more than once. */ - (void)start; /*! * @method -stop * Stop a test run. Must not be called unless the run has been started. Must not be called more than once. */ - (void)stop; /*! * @property startDate * The time at which the test run was started, or nil. */ @property (readonly, copy, nullable) NSDate *startDate; /*! * @property stopDate * The time at which the test run was stopped, or nil. */ @property (readonly, copy, nullable) NSDate *stopDate; /*! * @property totalDuration * The number of seconds that elapsed between when the run was started and when it was stopped. */ @property (readonly) NSTimeInterval totalDuration; /*! * @property testDuration * The number of seconds that elapsed between when the run was started and when it was stopped. */ @property (readonly) NSTimeInterval testDuration; /*! * @property testCaseCount * The number of tests in the run. */ @property (readonly) NSUInteger testCaseCount; /*! * @property executionCount * The number of test executions recorded during the run. */ @property (readonly) NSUInteger executionCount; /*! * @property failureCount * The number of test failures recorded during the run. */ @property (readonly) NSUInteger failureCount; /*! * @property unexpectedExceptionCount * The number of uncaught exceptions recorded during the run. */ @property (readonly) NSUInteger unexpectedExceptionCount; /*! * @property totalFailureCount * The total number of test failures and uncaught exceptions recorded during the run. */ @property (readonly) NSUInteger totalFailureCount; /*! * @property hasSucceeded * YES if all tests in the run completed their execution without recording any failures, otherwise NO. */ @property (readonly) BOOL hasSucceeded; /*! * @method -recordFailureWithDescription:inFile:atLine:expected: * Records a failure in the execution of the test for this test run. Must not be called * unless the run has been started. Must not be called if the test run has been stopped. * * @param description The description of the failure being reported. * * @param filePath The file path to the source file where the failure being reported * was encountered or nil if unknown. * * @param lineNumber The line number in the source file at filePath where the * failure being reported was encountered. * * @param expected YES if the failure being reported was the result of a failed assertion, * NO if it was the result of an uncaught exception. * */ - (void)recordFailureWithDescription:(NSString *)description inFile:(nullable NSString *)filePath atLine:(NSUInteger)lineNumber expected:(BOOL)expected; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END