## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ## Copyright (C) 2011 Samediggi ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . #### Define variables: #### if HAVE_ALT_ORTHS if CAN_HFST if WANT_SPELLERS if WANT_ALT_ORTH_SPELLERS GT_ALT_ORTH_ERRMODELS=$(shell for ld in $(ALT_ORTHS); do\ echo "errmodel.$$ld.hfst" ; \ done) GT_ALT_ORTH_SPELLER_ACCEPTORS=$(shell for ld in $(ALT_ORTHS); do\ echo "acceptor.$$ld.hfst" ; \ done) ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_FILES=$(shell for ld in $(ALT_ORTHS); do\ echo "$(GTLANG2)-x-$$ld.zhfst" ; \ done) ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_BASENAMES=$(basename $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_FILES)) ALT_ORTH_NOCOMP_ZHFST_FILES=$(addsuffix -nocomp.zhfst, \ $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_BASENAMES)) # Only build final speller packages if is enabled (default=yes): if WANT_HFST_DESKTOP_SPELLER # Variables for the final installable packages: if CAN_LOCALSYNC # Generate target file names dynamically based on VOIKKO_VERS_PLATFORMS. # The resulting file names follow this pattern: # #$(GTLANG2)-Cans_LO-voikko-3.4.1-win.oxt ALT_ORTH_OXT_FILES_TMP=$(foreach \ version,$(VOIKKO_VERS_PLATFORMS), \ $(addsuffix $(version), \ $(addsuffix _LO-voikko-, \ $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_BASENAMES)))) ALT_ORTH_OXT_FILES=$(addsuffix .oxt, $(ALT_ORTH_OXT_FILES_TMP)) # LO 5.x oxt's: ALT_ORTH_OXT_FILES+=$(addsuffix _LO-voikko-$(LOVOIKKO_VERSION).oxt, \ $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_BASENAMES)) # Generate target filename as follows: # # MacVoikko-Plains_Cree-crk-Cans.service ALT_ORTH_MACVOIKKO_STEM=$(shell for ld in $(ALT_ORTHS); do\ echo "$(MACVOIKKO_STEM)-$(GTLANG2)-x-$$ld.service" ; \ done) MACVOIKKOFILE+=$(ALT_ORTH_MACVOIKKO_STEM) endif # CAN_LOCALSYNC endif # WANT_HFST_DESKTOP_SPELLER endif # WANT_ALT_ORTH_SPELLERS endif # WANT_SPELLERS endif # CAN_HFST endif # HAVE_ALT_ORTHS #### Build rules: #### # Alternative based on the raw fst instead of the standard orthography: acceptor.%.hfst: \ $(GT_SPELLER_HFST) easteregg.%.hfst \ $(top_builddir)/src/orthography/raw-to-%.compose.hfst $(AM_V_GEN)cat $< \ | $(HFST_COMPOSE) $(HFST_FLAGS) -F \ -2 $(top_builddir)/src/orthography/raw-to-$*.compose.hfst \ | $(HFST_PROJECT) $(HFST_FLAGS) --project=lower \ | $(HFST_MINIMIZE_SPELLER) $(HFST_FLAGS) \ | $(HFST_DISJUNCT) - easteregg.$*.hfst \ | $(HFST_FST2FST) $(HFST_FLAGS) -f olw \ -o $@ # Build rule for acceptors for alternate writing systems: acceptor.%.hfst: \ $(GT_SPELLER_HFST) easteregg.%.hfst \ $(top_builddir)/src/orthography/$(DEFAULT_ORTH)-to-%.compose.hfst $(AM_V_GEN)cat $< \ | $(HFST_COMPOSE) $(HFST_FLAGS) -F \ -2 $(top_builddir)/src/orthography/$(DEFAULT_ORTH)-to-$*.compose.hfst \ | $(HFST_PROJECT) $(HFST_FLAGS) --project=lower \ | $(HFST_MINIMIZE_SPELLER) $(HFST_FLAGS) \ | $(HFST_DISJUNCT) - easteregg.$*.hfst \ | $(HFST_FST2FST) $(HFST_FLAGS) -f olw \ -o $@ # Build rule for zhfst files for alternate writing systems: $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_FILES): \ $(GTLANG2)-x-%.zhfst: \ $(srcdir)/index.%.xml \ acceptor.%.hfst \ errmodel.%.hfst $(AM_V_at)rm -f $@ $(AM_V_at)$(MKDIR_P) build/$@ $(AM_V_at)rm -f build/$@/* $(AM_V_at)cp $(srcdir)/index.$*.xml build/$@/index.xml $(AM_V_at)cp acceptor.$*.hfst build/$@/acceptor.default.hfst $(AM_V_at)cp errmodel.$*.hfst build/$@/errmodel.default.hfst $(AM_V_ZIP)cd build/$@/ && $(ZIP) $(ZIPFLAGS) ../../$@ * $(AM_V_ZIP)cd build/$@/ && $(ZIP) -0 $(VERBOSITY) \ ../../$(basename $@)-nocomp.zhfst * $(AM_V_at)$(MKDIR_P) 3 $(AM_V_at)cp -f $@ 3/ # Build rule for 5.0 oxt files for alternate writing systems: # The more specific pattern match first. $(GTLANG2)-x-%_LO-voikko-5.0.oxt: $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_FILES) $(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@; \ if [ -d "$(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/$(LOVOIKKO_VERSION)" ]; then \ $(MKDIR_P) build/$(LOVOIKKO_VERSION)/ && \ cd build/$(LOVOIKKO_VERSION) && \ $(GET_LIBS_COMMAND) \ $(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/$(LOVOIKKO_VERSION)/ $(TARGET_DIR)/ && \ cp ../../$(GTLANG2)-x-$*.zhfst voikko/3/ && \ $(ZIP) -r $(VERBOSITY) $(ZIPFLAGS) ../../$@ * ; \ else \ echo " SKIP $@: Not yet supported." ; \ fi # Build rule for 4.x oxt files for alternate writing systems: $(GTLANG2)-x-%.oxt: $(ALT_ORTH_ZHFST_FILES) $(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@; \ orth="$$(echo $* | cut -d'_' -f1)"; \ version="$$(echo $* | cut -d'_' -f2 | sed 's/LO-voikko-//')"; \ if [ -d "$(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/$$version" ]; then \ $(MKDIR_P) build/$$version/ && \ cd build/$$version && \ $(GET_LIBS_COMMAND) \ $(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/$$version/ $(TARGET_DIR)/ && \ cp ../../$(GTLANG2)-x-$$orth.zhfst 3/ && \ $(ZIP) -r $(VERBOSITY) $(ZIPFLAGS) ../../$@ * ; \ else \ echo " SKIP $@: Not yet supported." ; \ fi