## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ## Copyright (C) 2011 Samediggi ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . ####### Distribution files, *.oxt and MacVoikko : ####### # rsync options: do not use -av - -v is for verbosity, and that is now # controlled by $(VERBOSITY). -a implies -t, which keeps the timestamp from the # source location. This makes the rsynced files look older than the source for # 'make', causing the targets built using rsync to be constantly out-of-date, # and thus constantly being rebuilt. The option list given corresponds to # -a without the -t option. RSYNC_OPTIONS=-rlpgoD # wget options: -r for recursive, -nH to skip the host name as the first local # dir, --cut-dirs=2 to ???, --no-parent to avoid wget going upwards in the dir # hierarchy, and finally -e robots=off to actually traverse the dir tree (we # have a robot.txt file to avoid Google etc to constantly index our svn tree). WGET_OPTIONS=-r -nH --no-parent -e robots=off --reject "index.html*" SCP=scp -q #### LibreOffice-Voikko version: #### # This value corresponds to the version in the dir name of # the oxt template in prooftools/toollibs/LbreOffice-voikko/: LOVOIKKO_VERSION=5.0 OXT_FILES= MACVOIKKOFILE= MACVOIKKOZIPFILE= MOZVOIKKO_FILE= # Variable to collect all final targets - needs to be conditional on whether # we are able to actually build the targets INST_FILES= if WANT_SPELLERS if CAN_HFST # Only build final speller packages if is enabled (default=yes): if WANT_HFST_DESKTOP_SPELLER # Generate target file name dynamically based on the variables LOVOIKKO_VERSION # and GTLANG2. LO-voikko 5.0+ OXT_FILES+=$(GTLANG2)_LO-voikko-$(LOVOIKKO_VERSION).oxt # Generate target file names dynamically based on the variables VK_VERSIONS # and VK_PLATFORMS, whose cross product is available in VOIKKO_VERS_PLATFORMS. # The resulting file names follow this pattern: # #$(GTLANG2)_LO-voikko-4.0-win.oxt OXT_FILES+=$(addsuffix .oxt, \ $(addprefix $(GTLANG2)_LO-voikko-,$(VOIKKO_VERS_PLATFORMS))) # Generate target filename as follows: # # MacVoikko-North_Sami-se.service LANGSTRING=$(shell echo "${GTLANGUAGE}" | sed -e 's/ /_/g') MACVOIKKO_STEM=$(addsuffix $(LANGSTRING),MacVoikko-) MACVOIKKOFILE+=$(addsuffix .service,$(addsuffix -$(GTLANG2),$(MACVOIKKO_STEM))) MACVOIKKOZIPFILE+=$(addsuffix .zip,$(MACVOIKKOFILE)) MOZVOIKKO_FILE+=Mozvoikko2-$(GTLANG2).xpi if CAN_LOCALSYNC TOOLLIBS_DIR=$(GIELLA_LIBS) GET_LIBS_COMMAND=$(RSYNC) $(RSYNC_OPTIONS) $(VERBOSITY) TARGET_DIR=. # The following variable only makes sense for wget: SKIP_DIR_NUM= INST_FILES+=$(OXT_FILES) \ $(MOZVOIKKO_FILE) \ $(MACVOIKKOFILE) \ $(MACVOIKKOZIPFILE) \ $(ALT_WS_OXT_FILES) \ $(ALT_ORTH_OXT_FILES) else if CAN_REMOTE_SYNC TOOLLIBS_DIR=https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/trunk/giella-libs GET_LIBS_COMMAND=$(WGET) $(WGET_OPTIONS) $(VERBOSITY) TARGET_DIR=--directory-prefix=. # The following variable is required to remove intermediate dirs that clutter # the dir structure when building the final speller packages: SKIP_DIR_NUM= --cut-dirs= INST_FILES+=$(OXT_FILES) \ $(MOZVOIKKO_FILE) \ $(MACVOIKKOFILE) \ $(MACVOIKKOZIPFILE) \ $(ALT_WS_OXT_FILES) \ $(ALT_ORTH_OXT_FILES) endif # CAN_REMOTE_SYNC endif # CAN_LOCALSYNC endif # WANT_HFST_DESKTOP_SPELLER endif # CAN_HFST endif # WANT_SPELLERS #### Voikko versions: #### # 3.4.1 # 4.0 # # These values corresponds to the version ID in the dir name of # the oxt template VK_VERSIONS=4.0 # LO-Voikko platforms: VK_PLATFORMS=mac win VOIKKO_VERS_PLATFORMS=$(foreach version,$(VK_VERSIONS), \ $(addprefix $(version)-,$(VK_PLATFORMS))) OXT_ROOT_DIR=$(TOOLLIBS_DIR)/LibreOffice-voikko MACVKO_ROOT_DIR=$(TOOLLIBS_DIR)/mac/MacVoikko MOZVOIKKO_DIR=$(TOOLLIBS_DIR)/Mozvoikko #### OXT file: #### # - mkdir build dir # - rsync into build/subdir # - cp zhfst # - modify oxt index file - (?) - looks like this is not done anymore. # - zip build/subdir to ./ $(GTLANG2)_LO-voikko-4%.oxt: $(GT_SPELLING_HFST) $(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@ && \ $(MKDIR_P) build/4$*/ ; \ if test "x$(SKIP_DIR_NUM)" != "x" ; then \ remdirnum=$$(echo $(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/4$*/ \ | sed 's|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/||' | tr '/' '\n' \ | wc -l) ; \ fi ; \ cd build/4$* && \ $(GET_LIBS_COMMAND) $(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/4$*/ $(TARGET_DIR)/ \ $(SKIP_DIR_NUM)$$remdirnum && \ cp ../../$< 3/ && \ $(ZIP) -r $(VERBOSITY) $(ZIPFLAGS) ../../$@ * $(GTLANG2)_LO-voikko-5%.oxt: $(GT_SPELLING_HFST) $(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@ && \ $(MKDIR_P) build/5$*/ ; \ if test "x$(SKIP_DIR_NUM)" != "x" ; then \ remdirnum=$$(echo $(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/5$*/ \ | sed 's|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/||' | tr '/' '\n' \ | wc -l) ; \ fi ; \ cd build/5$* && \ $(GET_LIBS_COMMAND) $(OXT_ROOT_DIR)/5$*/ $(TARGET_DIR)/ \ $(SKIP_DIR_NUM)$$remdirnum && \ cp ../../$< voikko/3/ && \ $(ZIP) -r $(VERBOSITY) $(ZIPFLAGS) ../../$@ * #### MacVoikko: #### # - create package dir # - rsynk package content from template # - cp zhfst file # - replace und language code with correct language code %.service: %.zhfst $(AM_V_GEN)rm -rf $@ && \ $(MKDIR_P) $@ $(AM_V_GEN)if test "x$(SKIP_DIR_NUM)" != "x" ; then \ remdirnum=$$(echo $(MACVKO_ROOT_DIR)/MacVoikko.service/ \ | sed 's|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/||' | tr '/' '\n' \ | wc -l) ; \ fi ; \ $(GET_LIBS_COMMAND) $(SKIP_DIR_NUM)$$remdirnum \ $(MACVKO_ROOT_DIR)/MacVoikko.service/ $(TARGET_DIR)/$@/ $(AM_V_at)sed "s/und<\/string>/$*<\/string>/" \ < ./$@/Contents/Info.plist > ./$@/Contents/Info.plist.tmp $(AM_V_at)mv -f ./$@/Contents/Info.plist.tmp ./$@/Contents/Info.plist $(AM_V_at)cp $< $@/Contents/Resources/Dictionaries/3/$< # Rename service dir: $(MACVOIKKO_STEM)-%.service: %.service $(AM_V_at)rm -rf $@/ $(AM_V_MV)mv $< $@ # Zip service dir for distro (for now): %.service.zip: %.service $(AM_V_GEN)$(ZIP) -r $(VERBOSITY) $(ZIPFLAGS) $@ $< #### Mozvoikko: #### # - create package build dir # - rsynk package content from template # - cp zhfst file # - zip to target file Mozvoikko2-%.xpi: %.zhfst $(AM_V_at)$(MKDIR_P) build/$@ $(AM_V_GEN)cd build/$@ ; \ if test "x$(SKIP_DIR_NUM)" != "x" ; then \ remdirnum=$$(echo $(MOZVOIKKO_DIR)/ \ | sed 's|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/||' | tr '/' '\n' \ | wc -l) ; \ fi ; \ $(GET_LIBS_COMMAND) $(SKIP_DIR_NUM)$$remdirnum \ $(MOZVOIKKO_DIR)/ $(TARGET_DIR)/ && \ cp ../../$< voikko/3/ && \ $(ZIP) -r $(VERBOSITY) $(ZIPFLAGS) ../../$@ * #### Upload for distro: #### #### #### Variable defs: #### DATE=$(shell date +%Y%m%d) UPLOADUSR=sd UPLOADSRV=divvun.no UPLOADDIR=static_files UPLOADSITE=$(UPLOADUSR)@$(UPLOADSRV):$(UPLOADDIR) #### #### Targets: #### # Upload everything: upload: uploadoxt uploadxpi uploadzip uploadzhfst # Upload OXT only: uploadoxt: $(OXT_FILES) $(ALT_WS_OXT_FILES) $(AM_V_GEN)for file in $^ ; do \ if [ -e $$file ]; then \ stem=$$(basename $$file .oxt) ; \ $(SCP) $$file $(UPLOADSITE)/oxts/$$stem-$(DATE).oxt ; \ ssh $(UPLOADUSR)@$(UPLOADSRV) "cd $(UPLOADDIR)/oxts/ && \ ln -sf $$stem-$(DATE).oxt $$file" ; \ echo " SYMLINK $$file" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK this version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/oxts/$$stem-$(DATE).oxt" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK newest version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/oxts/$$file" ; \ fi \ done # Upload XPI only: uploadxpi: $(MOZVOIKKO_FILE) $(AM_V_GEN)for file in $^ ; do \ if [ -e $$file ]; then \ stem=$$(basename $$file .xpi) ; \ $(SCP) $$file $(UPLOADSITE)/xpis/$$stem-$(DATE).xpi ; \ ssh $(UPLOADUSR)@$(UPLOADSRV) "cd $(UPLOADDIR)/xpis/ && \ ln -sf $$stem-$(DATE).xpi $$file" ; \ echo " SYMLINK $$file" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK this version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/xpis/$$stem-$(DATE).xpi" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK newest version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/xpis/$$file" ; \ fi \ done # Upload ZIP only: uploadzip: $(MACVOIKKOZIPFILE) $(AM_V_GEN)for file in $^ ; do \ if [ -e $$file ]; then \ stem=$$(basename $$file .zip) ; \ $(SCP) $$file $(UPLOADSITE)/zips/$$stem-$(DATE).zip ; \ ssh $(UPLOADUSR)@$(UPLOADSRV) "cd $(UPLOADDIR)/zips/ && \ ln -sf $$stem-$(DATE).zip $$file" ; \ echo " SYMLINK $$file" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK this version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/zips/$$stem-$(DATE).zip" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK newest version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/zips/$$file" ; \ fi \ done # Upload ZHFST only: uploadzhfst: $(GT_SPELLING_HFST) $(ALT_WS_ZHFST_FILES) $(AM_V_GEN)for file in $^ ; do \ if [ -e $$file ]; then \ stem=$$(basename $$file .zhfst) ; \ $(SCP) $$file $(UPLOADSITE)/zhfsts/$$stem-$(DATE).zhfst ; \ ssh $(UPLOADUSR)@$(UPLOADSRV) "cd $(UPLOADDIR)/zhfsts/ && \ ln -sf $$stem-$(DATE).zhfst $$file" ; \ echo " SYMLINK $$file" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK this version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/zhfsts/$$stem-$(DATE).zhfst" ; \ echo " DWNLOAD LINK newest version: http://$(UPLOADSRV)/$(UPLOADDIR)/zhfsts/$$file" ; \ fi \ done