# This script reshuffles sub-POS tags to follow the main POS. # The script is language specific, and covers only the sub-POS # tags relevant for North Sámi. # G3 & G7: "+N" "+G3" <- "+G3" "+N" , "+N" "+G7" <- "+G7" "+N" , # Sem + NomAg "+N" "+NomAg" <- "+NomAg" "+N" , "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum" <- "+Sem/Hum" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum" <- "+Sem/Hum" "+NomAg" "+N" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum" <- "+Sem/Hum" "+N" "+NomAg" , # Sem + NomAg tags identified by Lene in bug #2340: "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Ani" <- "+Sem/Ani" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Ani_Hum" <- "+Sem/Ani_Hum" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Ani_Veh" <- "+Sem/Ani_Veh" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Dummytag" <- "+Sem/Dummytag" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum" <- "+Sem/Hum" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum_Org" <- "+Sem/Hum_Org" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum_Tool-it" <- "+Sem/Hum_Tool-it" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum_Veh" <- "+Sem/Hum_Veh" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Obj" <- "+Sem/Obj" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Obj-el" <- "+Sem/Obj-el" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Org" <- "+Sem/Org" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Plant" <- "+Sem/Plant" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Plc" <- "+Sem/Plc" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Time" <- "+Sem/Time" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Tool" <- "+Sem/Tool" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Tool-catch" <- "+Sem/Tool-catch" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Tool-it" <- "+Sem/Tool-it" "+N" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Veh" <- "+Sem/Veh" "+N" "+NomAg" , # The other pattern reported in the bug report by Lene: POS Sem NomAg "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Ani" <- "+N" "+Sem/Ani" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Ani_Hum" <- "+N" "+Sem/Ani_Hum" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Ani_Veh" <- "+N" "+Sem/Ani_Veh" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Dummytag" <- "+N" "+Sem/Dummytag" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum" <- "+N" "+Sem/Hum" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum_Org" <- "+N" "+Sem/Hum_Org" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum_Tool-it" <- "+N" "+Sem/Hum_Tool-it" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Hum_Veh" <- "+N" "+Sem/Hum_Veh" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Obj" <- "+N" "+Sem/Obj" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Obj-el" <- "+N" "+Sem/Obj-el" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Org" <- "+N" "+Sem/Org" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Plant" <- "+N" "+Sem/Plant" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Plc" <- "+N" "+Sem/Plc" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Time" <- "+N" "+Sem/Time" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Tool" <- "+N" "+Sem/Tool" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Tool-catch" <- "+N" "+Sem/Tool-catch" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Tool-it" <- "+N" "+Sem/Tool-it" "+NomAg" , "+N" "+NomAg" "+Sem/Veh" <- "+N" "+Sem/Veh" "+NomAg" , # The pattern reported in bug report #2414: ACRO propers: # +N +Sem/xxx +Prop -> +N +Prop +Sem/xxx "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Build" <- "+N" "+Sem/Build" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Build-part" <- "+N" "+Sem/Build-part" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Dummytag" <- "+N" "+Sem/Dummytag" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Event" <- "+N" "+Sem/Event" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Group_Hum" <- "+N" "+Sem/Group_Hum" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Hum" <- "+N" "+Sem/Hum" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Measr" <- "+N" "+Sem/Measr" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Money" <- "+N" "+Sem/Money" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Obj" <- "+N" "+Sem/Obj" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Obj-el" <- "+N" "+Sem/Obj-el" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Org" <- "+N" "+Sem/Org" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Org_Prod-audio" <- "+N" "+Sem/Org_Prod-audio" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Org_Prod-vis" <- "+N" "+Sem/Org_Prod-vis" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Plc" <- "+N" "+Sem/Plc" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Prod-vis" <- "+N" "+Sem/Prod-vis" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Route" <- "+N" "+Sem/Route" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Rule" <- "+N" "+Sem/Rule" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Sign" <- "+N" "+Sem/Sign" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/State-sick" <- "+N" "+Sem/State-sick" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Substnc" <- "+N" "+Sem/Substnc" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Tool-it" <- "+N" "+Sem/Tool-it" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Txt" <- "+N" "+Sem/Txt" "+Prop", "+N" "+Prop" "+Sem/Veh" <- "+N" "+Sem/Veh" "+Prop", # Sem + Dial: "+v1" "+Dial/-GG" "+N" "+Sem/Plc" <- "+Sem/Plc" "+v1" "+Dial/-GG" "+N" , "+v2" "+Dial/-KJ" "+N" "+Sem/Plc" <- "+Sem/Plc" "+v2" "+Dial/-KJ" "+N" , # -dihte Err/Orth's: { dihte} "+v1" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v1" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v2" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v2" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v3" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v3" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v4" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v4" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v5" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v5" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v6" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v6" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v7" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v7" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v8" "+CmpN/SgN" <- "+v8" "+CmpN/SgN" { dihte}, # There are a few cases of -dihte Err/Orth's with more CmpN tags: { dihte} "+v1" "+CmpN/SgN" "+CmpN/SgNomLeft" "+CmpN/SgGenLeft" "+CmpN/PlGenLeft" "+OLang/NOB" <- "+v1" "+CmpN/SgN" "+CmpN/SgNomLeft" "+CmpN/SgGenLeft" "+CmpN/PlGenLeft" "+OLang/NOB" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v1" "+CmpN/SgN" "+CmpN/SgNomLeft" "+CmpN/SgGenLeft" "+CmpN/PlGenLeft" <- "+v1" "+CmpN/SgN" "+CmpN/SgNomLeft" "+CmpN/SgGenLeft" "+CmpN/PlGenLeft" { dihte}, { dihte} "+v2" "+CmpN/SgN" "+CmpN/SgNomLeft" "+CmpN/SgGenLeft" "+CmpN/PlGenLeft" <- "+v2" "+CmpN/SgN" "+CmpN/SgNomLeft" "+CmpN/SgGenLeft" "+CmpN/PlGenLeft" { dihte};