% The tags are in complementary distribution within each tag column. % Tag syntax for the larger POS % (this is an attempt at clarification, it is not final): % N % Prop|Actio|Actor % Sg|Pl % Nom|...|Ess % Attr % PxSg1|...|PxPl3 % Qst|Foc % A % Attr|Sg|Pl % Nom|...|Ess % Attr % PxSg1|...|PxPl3 % Qst|Foc % V % Neg % j % Pass % Inf|PrfPrc|PrsPrc|Sup|VGen|VAbess % Ind|Pot|Cond|Imprt % Sg1|...|Pl3 % ConNeg % Qst|Foc % Adv % Sg|Pl % Nom|...|Ess % Qst|Foc % Pron % Pers|Dem|Interr|Refl|Recipr|Rel|Indef % Attr % Sg|Pl % Sg1|...|Pl3 % Nom|...|Ess % PxSg1|...|PxPl3 % -P DER -P POS -P % SUBPOS -P ATTR -P GRADE -P NUM -P CASE -P POSS -P POL -P DIA -P VN -P % MOOD -P TNS -P PN -P CLT -P PUNCT #DER Dimin adda ahtti alla asti d eaddji eamos1 eapmi g geahtes goahti h heapmi hudda huhtti huvva j l las1 lágan meahttun mus1 n s1 st stuvva us vuohta #POS N A V Adv Pron CS CC Adp Po Pr Interj Pcle Num Prop #SUBPOS Prop Actio Actor Pers Dem Interr Refl Recipr Rel Indef Card Ord #ATTR Attr #GRADE Comp Superl #NUM Sg Pl #CASE Ess Nom Gen Acc Ill Loc Com #POSS PxSg1 PxSg2 PxSg3 PxDu1 PxDu2 PxDu3 PxPl1 PxPl2 PxPl3 #POL Neg #DIA Pass #VN Inf PrfPrc PrsPrc Sup VGen VAbess Ger Act #MOOD Cond Imprt ImprtII Ind Pot #TNS Prs Prt #PN Sg1 Sg2 Sg3 Du1 Du2 Du3 Pl1 Pl2 Pl3 ConNeg #CLT Qst Foc #PUNCT ABBR ACR CLB PUNCT LEFT RIGHT