Testing tools for the sámi language technology project

Table of Content

1. Purpose

To test the quality of morphological analysis and generation, that is, whether they produce what we want or not. In effect, this will also test the correctness of the two-level rules, although one should perform more testing than is the case at present.

2. Intro

All the tools used are language independent, and follow a pretty simple procedure. The needed infrastructure consist of a testing directory, and a Makefile; these are language independent. Then you need a simple list of all the tags relating to the POS you want to test. Finally you need one file for each test case, containing all word forms for the test word, in the same order as the tag list.

The test bed was first developed for South Sami, and in the testing/ subdirectory you will find examples on how all this is done. As a convenience, a more detailed example follow further down.

When the setup is complete, all you have to do is to type make<return> on the command line. This will run tests for all test cases in the testing directory.

3. Easy setup and first test

Assumption: Somebody else has created the needed infrastructure (test directory, Makefile configuration, dummy tag files).

Do the following:

  1. Edit the noun-codes.txt file so that it contains the morphological tags for the whole paradigm of a regular noun. There should be one tagset on each line, corresponding to one form in the paradigm. See the south Sami tag file example below.

  2. Repeat the step above for verb-codes.txt (verb inflection) and adj-codes.txt (for adjectives).

  3. Then for each part of speech, create one test file for each test case you need/want, each file consisting of one word fully inflected. The forms of the word need to be in the same order as the codes in the code file (see the example below). You should pick words that easily can uncover errors in the two-level rules, or holes in the paradigm, or errors in the morphological descriptions. The names of the test files should follow a certain pattern.

  4. Finally, type make<return> on the command line, and all test cases will be run. You can see the output of the test runs either in the report files (two files for each test case, one for morphological analysis and one for generation), or in the summary files (two for each POS, one for analysis, and one for generation). See below for more on how to interpret the test reports.

4. Example

Below is an example from South Sami, illustrating the structure of both a word file (the actual test case) and a code file. The example is given for nouns, and covers the whole inflection of regular nouns (and unless you really don't want to test all inflections, your code should also cover the whole paradigm):

A word file (noun) with inflection corresponding to the tags (= a test case)

The noun-codes.txt file


As illustrated above, when there are more than one possible form of a word for a given inflection (number & case for nouns), they should be listed on the same line, separated with a comma, and nothing else.

The word files/test case files need to be named according to a certain pattern.

The codes are identical to the ones given by the Xerox tools when analysing word forms, and must be. The codes should be in files with the following names:

  • noun-codes.txt - codes for noun inflection

  • verb-codes.txt - codes for verb inflection

  • adj-codes.txt - codes for adjective inflection

All these files, both the code files and the test cases, should be added to CVS for version control.

5. More on running tests

There are two types of tests available, one where the test result is checked against a predefined correct result, and one where the output is a full paradigm, with no further checking.

5.1 Tests with test reports

Below is a table of all available tests that include automatic verification of the test results. These tests are divided in two, one set for testing word form analysis, and one for testing word form generation. The analysis take a list of preanalysed word forms, and check whether the analyser produces the same result (it should). In the test report, all differences between the premade analysis and the test result are highlighted (see further down for details). The word form generation tests take the base form, combines it with all the codes, and generate inflected forms. These forms are compared with the premade paradigm, and any differences are highlighted in the report (again, see further down for details).



make all

Default test: Run all the tests described in the rest of this table. Presently, this is the same as typing make all-n (see below) (this is true for North and South Sami), as there are still no test cases for verbs or adjectives.

make all-n
make all-v
make all-a

To run all the noun tests (or verb tests, or adjective tests). The same as typing make n-a.summary n-g.summary etc.

make n-a.summary
make n-g.summary
make v-a.summary
make v-g.summary
make a-a.summary
make a-g.summary

For each of these commands, all tests for the given POS (n-, v-, a-) and test type (-a = analysis, -g = generation) will be run. The test results will be in single *.areport or *.greport files, corresponding to each test case, and in a summary file named exactly as the make command.

make TESTCASE.areport

Replace TESTCASE with the name of a test case file, minus the ending .txt. Then, only the analysis test will be run for this test case. The test report will be place in a file named exactly as the make command. Example:

If you have a test case named 'n-even-col5-oe-none.txt', the make command should look like 'make n-even-col5-oe-none.areport'. The test result will be placed in a file named 'n-even-col5-oe-none.areport'. You can view this file by typing 'less n-even-col5-oe-none.areport'.

make TESTCASE.greport

The same as above, but instead of doing a word form analysis, word form generation testing will be done. This is close to paradigm generation (see next), with the addition that the generated paradigm is compared with a premade paradigm, for automatic reporting of unexpected results.

It is a good idea to clean the test directory before testing, to remove all previous test results. This way, you will avoid confusion about the actual test results. To clean the test directory, type 'make clean' in that directory.

5.2. Generating paradigms, one word at a time

In the previous tests described, you can only test the words for which you have made a test case. On the other hand, you get a direct report on any mismatches between the correct forms and what the system actually produces. When you generate paradigms following the procedure below, you can choose freely any word (as long as it is found in the lexicon), and the testing tools will generate the paradigm for the word. But it will not generate a test report for you, and it is up to you to tell whether the generated paradigm makes sense or not. Hopefully it does, if not, there are one or more errors that need to be corrected somewhere. And that is your job;)

In the directory testing/, write the command

make clean

Thereafter, write

make n-paradigm WORD=johka

if you want to generate the paradigm for the noun johka. Similarly, if you want to generate paradigms for verbs or adjectives, the commands are:

make v-paradigm WORD=aVerb
make a-paradigm WORD=anAdjective

respectively. Note that it is still not possible to test Northern or Southern Sámi verbs or adjectives, and that it is still not possible to test Lule Sámi at all. But it is forthcoming.

The generated paradigm is automatically displayed with the command 'less' (see the beginning of 6. How to read the test reports for some more info about 'less'). The generated paradigm is also saved in a file named 'WORD.paradigm', where WORD is the word you generated the paradigm for.

6. How to read the test reports

There are two set of test report files: Either a test report for each test case, or a summary of all test reports for a given POS and test category (analysis or generation). Their file names and corresponding content is summarised in the table below:


There is one such file pair for each test case. That is, if you only want to look at the test result for one specific case, have a look at these files (*.areports for word form analysis tests, *.greports for word form generation tests). The part of the file name represented by the star (*), is similar to the test case before the ending .txt.

similar for verbs (v-) and adjectives (a-)

The summary reports are two files for each POS, containing all *.areports or *.greports for that POS. That is, if you want to look at all test results for noun word form analysis tests, look at n-a.summary. And similar for the other POSes.

The usual command to use you when you want to look at a file, is less, as in 'less n-a.summary'. Press the spacebar to go one page down in the file, and press 'b' (for back) to go one page back. Press 'g' to go to the beginning of the file, and 'shift-g' to go to the end of the file.

The test reports are generated by the Unix command diff, and looks like below (word form analysis for a South Sami test run):

[sjur@frontend-0 testing]$ less n-a.summary 
(... some other test case reports skipped ...)
Opening file n-even-col5-oe- <
aaltoe+N+Sg+Nom                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Nom
aaltoe+N+Pl+Nom                 aaltoe+N+Pl+Nom
aaltoe+N+Pl+Gen                 aaltoe+N+Pl+Gen
aaltoe+N+Kom                 |  aaltoe+N+Pl+Kom
aaltoe+N+Sg+Acc                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Acc
aaltoe+N+Sg+Gen                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Gen
aaltoe+N+Pl+Acc                 aaltoe+N+Pl+Acc
aaltoe+N+Pl+Ill                 aaltoe+N+Pl+Ill
                             >  aaltoe+N+Ess
aaltoe+N+Pl+Ine                 aaltoe+N+Pl+Ine
aaltoe+N+Sg+Kom                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Kom
aaltoe+N+Ess                 <
aaltoe+N+Pl+Ela                 aaltoe+N+Pl+Ela
aaltoe+N+Sg+Ill                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Ill
aaltoe+N+Sg+Ine                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Ine
aaltoe+N+Sg+Ela                 aaltoe+N+Sg+Ela
Closing file n-even-col5-oe- <
bye.                         <
(... more test case reports follow ...)

The report for each test case begins with the line Opening file TESTCASE (only the 15 first characters of the test case file name is shown), and ends with the two lines Closing file TESTCASE (same restriction as for opening), and bye.. Between these lines you have the actual test report.

The test report is given in three columns: the leftmost column displays the actual output from the analyser, the rightmost column gives the expected output (taken from the *.facit file), and the middle columns indicates differences between the two, if any.

The difference indicators in the middle column should be read as follows:

This line is only found in the test output, not in the facit file, there is likely more forms than expected in the output
This line is only found in the facit file, not in the test output. It is likely that there are some missing forms in the output.
This line was found in both the facit file and the test output, but with differences between the two. It is likely that there are errors in the codes or in the baseform of the output.
This line was found in both the facit and the test output, and they are identical. This line is correct.

In the example above, there is one instance of '|', on the line aaltoe+N+Kom | aaltoe+N+Pl+Kom. As you can see, the +Pl tag is missing in the analyser output. Thus, one needs to look at one of the *-lex.txt files, to find this error and correct it.

Also in the example above, there is one instance of '<' and '>' each, indicating both one extra line and one missing line in the test output. But when you look at the two lines, you see that the missing line is actually the same as the extra line. That is, the two lines come in different orders in the facit file and the test output. This happens from time to time because of the sorting done when preparing the test case, and because the order of output from the analyser is not always predictable. Thus, beware of this "misinformation" in the test reports, and double check that an indicated missing line (or extra line) is actually missing/extra. Also, because of the sorting mentioned, the forms do not come in the "normal" order. This happens only in the analyser tests.

Below is a test report with some more differences:

Opening file n-even-col6-ie- <
gåata+N+Sg+Gen               <
gåetie+N+Sg+Ill                 gåetie+N+Sg+Ill
gåetie+N+Sg+Ine                 gåetie+N+Sg+Ine
gåetie+N+Sg+Ela                 gåetie+N+Sg+Ela
gåetie+N+Pl+Acc                 gåetie+N+Pl+Acc
gåetie+N+Pl+Ill                 gåetie+N+Pl+Ill
gåetie+N+Sg+Nom                 gåetie+N+Sg+Nom
gåetie+N+Pl+Nom                 gåetie+N+Pl+Nom
gåetie+N+Pl+Gen                 gåetie+N+Pl+Gen
gåetie+N+Kom                 |  gåetie+N+Pl+Kom
gåetie+N+Sg+Acc                 gåetie+N+Sg+Acc
gåetie+N+Sg+Gen                 gåetie+N+Sg+Gen
gåetie+N+Pl+Ela                 gåetie+N+Pl+Ela
                             >  gåetie+N+Ess
gåetie+N+Pl+Ine                 gåetie+N+Pl+Ine
gåetie+N+Sg+Kom                 gåetie+N+Sg+Kom
gåetie+N+Ess                 <
gåetie+N+Pl+Acc                 gåetie+N+Pl+Acc
gåetie+N+Pl+Ill                 gåetie+N+Pl+Ill
                             >  gåetie+N+Pl+Gen
                             >  gåetie+N+Pl+Kom
gåetie+N+Pl+Ela                 gåetie+N+Pl+Ela
                             >  gåetie+N+Ess
gåetie+N+Pl+Ine                 gåetie+N+Pl+Ine
gåetie+N+Sg+Kom                 gåetie+N+Sg+Kom
gåetie+N+Ess                 <
Closing file n-even-col6-ie- <

Here we have the same cases as above (the missing +Pl tag in commitative plural, and the swapped essive lines, two times for this word because the essive can take two forms), but we also have genuine cases of missing word forms in genitive and commitative plural. This indicates problems with the two-level rules, as those are usually the cause when a word form is completely missing. Another possible cause is that the actual case is completely missing from the paradigm of a certain word class, but that can easily be verified by either testing other words of the same class, or by checking the lexicon.

The word form generation test report looks the same (except that we now have word forms instead of baseform + codes; also, the generation output is given in the "normal" order):

[sjur@frontend-0 testing]$ less n-g.summary 
Opening file n-even-col1-ie-fu    <
klihtie                                 klihtie
klihtiem                                klihtiem
klihtien                                klihtien
klyhten                           <
klæhtan                                 klæhtan
klihtesne                               klihtesne
klihteste                               klihteste
klihtine                                klihtine
klihtieh                                klihtieh
klihtide                                klihtide
klihtiej                                klihtiej
                                  >     klihti
klihtide                                klihtide
klihtine                                klihtine
klihtijste                              klihtijste
                                  >     klihtiejgujmie
                                  >     klihtigujmie
klihtine                                klihtine
Closing file n-even-col1-ie-fu    <
bye.                              <

As can be seen, there is one extra form (klyhten), which is incorrect and most likely a result of too loose two-level rules. Then there are several missing forms that needs to be investigated.

The above examples illustrates the main benefit of using the test tools: as an aid to find errors and mistakes in the linguistic description, and thus be able to improve the linguistic tools in a systematic and organised way.

7. Full setup

Follow the procedure below for the first-time setup:

  1. Create a subdirectory named testing/ in the language directory:
    $ mkdir testing<return>

  2. Add this directory to the cvs repository:
    $ cvs add testing<return>

  3. $ cd testing

  4. Copy the makefile from the south sami test directory:
    $ cp ../../sma/testing/Makefile ./<return>

  5. Add the makefile to cvs as well

  6. Create a tag list for nouns, and store it in a file named noun-codes.txt; repeat for verb-codes.txt and adj-codes.txt (or, as a minimum, create dummy tag files to be finished later). The tags should be exactly as output by the morphological analyser, and should cover the whole paradigm for a regularly inflected noun. See the example above.

  7. Continue as in "Easy setup".

8. How to add new test cases

To create new test cases, simply make a new file, and type in all inflections of the word you want to test, as illustrated above. Be consistent when naming the test case files, though, it makes it easier in the longer run (see next for one idea).

9. File names for test cases

The test case files, one for each test, should be named with certain restrictions. They need to end in .txt, they should start with one of n-, v- or a- for nouns, verbs and adjectives respectively. In between these prefixes and the suffix, you should put a short but descriptive name. Here is the naming scheme for South Sami nouns:

^   ^   ^   ^   ^    ^
|   |   |   |   |    |- file extension - obligatory as .txt
|   |   |   |   |------ degree of Umlaut (not all nouns utilize Umlaut)
|   |   |   |---------- noun ending in ie / stem vowel
|   |   |-------------- column 6 in Bergsland's Umlaut table (1994 grammar)
|   |------------------ even or odd-syllable
|---------------------- POS (part-of-speech, obligatory as n-, v- or a-)

I have chosen this pattern because it clearly describes the variables I need to be concerned about regarding South Sami nouns, and thus the test cases themselves. For other Sami languages there can (and probably should) be different naming schemes, but this is one idea.

10. How to clean up the test directory

The testing procedure creates a lot of files, and even though many of them are deleted upon completion of the test run (only the reports are kept), it is still quite a few files. To delete everything but the source files (the ones from which everything else is made), type:

$ make clean

It is a good habit to allways clean before running a test.

11. How to test irregular words

xxx - to be written

12. Technical details

The intermediate files created are the following:

All the above files are deleted when the testing is complete.

There will be another page for further details about the scripts used, and the makefile. -- (still to be written)


Last modified: Fri Jun 7 19:48:28 CEST 2002