#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# convert2cwb --tags=<tag_file>
# Perl script for converting CG2 output to a format 
# which is required for creating an IMS Corpus Workbench binary corpus.
# In the output, each word is in its own line followed by base form,
# and the list of tags, separated by tab.
# The script reads STDIN and takes one command line argument --tags
# which is the  name of the file where the names of the tag classes
# and tag names are specified.
# $Id$

# Use the local character class. 
# It means that variable \w contains Latin-1 alphabet.
use locale;

# permit named arguments
use Getopt::Long;

my %tags;
my @classes;

my $tags_file;
GetOptions ("tags=s" => \$tags_file);

# Read from lex-file and write to abbr file.
open TAGS, "< $tags_file" or die "Cant open the file: $!\n";

#read from the beginning of the file.
my $current;
my $tag_class;

while (<TAGS>) {
		if (/^%/) {
		if (/^$/) {
		if (s/#//) {
			$tag_class = $_;
			push @classes, $tag_class;
		$tags{$tag_class}{$_} = 1;
close TAGS;

#foreach my $key (keys %tags) {
#	print "JOO $key JES\n";
#	for my $tag ( keys %{ $tags{$key} } ) {
#		print "$tag\n";
#	}
#print @classes;

my $word; 
my $correct="";
my $base;
my @tag_list;

while (<>) {

	#If at the start of a cohort, read the word and go to next line.
	if (/^\"</) {
		$word = $_;
		$correct = "";
	#Read next line if the start of the cohort is not yet read.
	# or if the analysis was not correct.
	if(!/<Correct!>/ || $correct ) {
	$correct = $_;
	$word =~ s/^\"<(.*)?>\".*$/$1/;
	$correct =~ s/^\s+//;
	$correct =~ s/\s*<Correct!>//;
	($base, @tag_list) = split(/\s/, $correct);
	$base =~ s/\"//g;

	my %curr_tag;
	for my $tag (@tag_list) {
		foreach my $class (keys %tags) {
			if ( exists $tags{$class}{$tag} ) {
				$curr_tag{$class} = $tag;
	my @list;
	for my $class (@classes) {
		if ( exists $curr_tag{$class} ) {
			push @list, $curr_tag{$class};
		else {
			push @list, "";
	my $line = join "\t", $word, $base, @list, "\n";
	print $line;