Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages !!!North Saami noun declension !!Bisyllabic nouns * __LEXICON IIVA __ -iivva loan words. * __LEXICON GOAHTI-A __ divided into a-i-u due to errortag-branch * __LEXICON GOAHTI-I __ divided into a-i-u due to errortag-branch * __LEXICON GOAHTI-U __ divided into a-i-u due to errortag-branch * __LEXICON GOAHTI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * __LEXICON PROFIILA __ -iila Loan words. * __LEXICON VARRA __ varra and uvdna. No -laš, to get rid of varalaš and uvnnalaš from speller * __LEXICON AKCU __ Only 'ákču': No -heapme, no wg+Foc/han (thereby avoiding ávččuhit, ávččuhan, ávččuhat in speller) Short nom-compound-form ákčo-,long/short gen * __LEXICON GOAHTI-IU __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen * __LEXICON GOAHTILONG __ Long nom-compound-forms, long gen * __LEXICON GOAHTILONGSHORT __ Sometimes long nom-compound-forms, long gen * __LEXICON ALBMI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * __LEXICON ALBMILONG __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. * __LEXICON ALBMILONGSHORT __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. * __LEXICON LOTLOHKU __ words on -lotlohku. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. * __LEXICON AIGI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen. * __LEXICON BEALLE __ words ending -bealle. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen. * __LEXICON BASSI __ words on -bassi. Long nom-compound-forms, short gen, long heapmi-caritive * __LEXICON MUOHTU __ words on -muohtu. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen, long heapmi-caritive * __LEXICON EADNI __ eadni, gudni, ádnu. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen, short caritive * __LEXICON VALDI __ words on -váldi. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen, short caritive * __LEXICON RAFI __ words on -ráfi. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. short heapmi-caritive * __LEXICON OLGU __ only olgu. Short nom-compound-form, short gen. Incomplete paradigm * __LEXICON MIEHTI __ nuorta, nuorti, oarji, miehti. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. Incomplete paradigm * __LEXICON LULLI __ lulli and davvi. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. Incomplete paradigm * __LEXICON DAHPPA __ dahpa, dáhpa and dáhppa. to avoid dáhpahuvvat, dahpahuvvat etc in speller * __LEXICON LAHKI __ the words on -láhki. Because in speller we want to aviod boasttoláhkái, borranláhki etc. (borran láhkai) * __LEXICON BEARRI __ to avoid unfortunate diminutives like bearáš and salaš in speller (bearaš, sálaš) * __LEXICON TAXI __ dákse and tákse * __LEXICON ACTOR __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * __LEXICON ACTORCT __ nowadays tagged NomAg. Long compound-forms * __LEXICON ACTOR-PL __ Plurals * __LEXICON ACTORLONGSHORT __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * __LEXICON ACTORLONGSHORTCT __ nowadays tagged NomAg. Sometimes long compound-forms * __LEXICON ACTORSHORT __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * __LEXICON ACTORSHORTCT __ nowadays tagged NomAg. Short compound-forms * __LEXICON ACTORLEX __ lexicalized actors because we have restricted verb derivation for speller. Long compound-forms * __LEXICON STAHTA __ Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; i-Illative * __LEXICON IIJA __ loan words ending -iija; Illative -iijai as well -iijii: kopiijai, kopiijii * __LEXICON GADDI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. * __LEXICON GADDILONG __ long compound forms, short -heapme * __LEXICON GADDILONGSHORT __ NB! No SgIll and SgLoc (not directed to GOADI-, GODII- or GOAHTAI) because 'davvi' is the only word this far Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comp. Forms, long-short nomcmp, long gencmp * __LEXICON GADDISHORT __ Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short nom-compound-forms, SHORT gen. * __LEXICON OARJI __ máddi, nuorti, nuorta, oarji. Comparative Forms. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. Incomplete paradigms * __LEXICON LULLILONG __ long compound forms * __LEXICON LUONDU __ this word (+vuohta) because of behavior in compounds, where it is normally in SgGen: luonddubiebmu * __LEXICON RUOKTU __ only this word because of its behavior in compounds, where it is normally in SgGen: ruovttu-/ruovtto- * __LEXICON -RUOKTU __ compounds on -ruoktu, normally in SgGen: ruovttu- * __LEXICON MADIDJA __ máđi and cmp * __LEXICON GENTLEMAN __ gentleman (stem mana-) * __LEXICON DUOHKI __ 'duohki' and compounds, for disamb. reasons * __LEXICON BUDEITA __ Rather special word: buđeita * __LEXICON MANNI __ words on -mánni. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.ILL:mánnii/mánnái !!Trisyllabic nouns * __LEXICON EANA __ eana, eanan, eatnan * __LEXICON MATTAR __ Short compound-forms Tris. Anim. Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON MALIS __ Short compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON DOAVTTIR __ only doavttir. Short compound-forms * __LEXICON MALISLONG __ Long compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON MALISLONGSHORT __ Long and short compound-forms. Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON OVCCIS __ Collective numerals gallis, moattes, moattis, máŋggas * __LEXICON BEANA __ Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Anim. Gradating 0-Nouns * __LEXICON SEAMU __ Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns * __LEXICON SEAMULONG __ Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns * __LEXICON DAHPPAGA __ the dáhpahuvvá fix nr2. to avoid dahpahuvvat in speller * __LEXICON GAHPIR __ Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON ENGEL __ Restricted denominals for speller -eŋgel * __LEXICON GAHPIRLONGSHORT __ Long and short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON GAHPIRLONG __ Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns * __LEXICON DAIVVAS __ Tris. Gradating C-Nouns, The Troms declension: dáivvaš:dáivaha, bearaš:bearraha, njunuš:njunnoha !!Contracted nouns * __LEXICON BOAZU __ Anim. Contracted 0-Nouns. Short compound-forms. * __LEXICON SUOLU __ Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns. Short compound-forms. * __LEXICON SUOLULONG __ Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns. Long compound-forms. * __LEXICON GISTTA __ The Noun gistta, gist - * __LEXICON FALIS __ Contracted Anim. C-Nouns. Short compound-forms. * __LEXICON LASIS __ Contracted Inanim. C-Nouns. Short compound-forms. * __LEXICON CEAHKES __ only -ceahkes * __LEXICON GUOVTTIS __ only -guovttis * __LEXICON GUOVTTU __ only -guovttos * __LEXICON GARGIA __ Vowel-final loan words without Gradation and Ill ^change * __LEXICON BUFFALO __ consonant fin loanwords, some vow fin like revya * __LEXICON ESSAYA __ recent loanwords on vow+a * __LEXICON IDEA __ restricted Px for speller recent loanwords on vow+a, only idea this far * __LEXICON MASAI __ only masai * __LEXICON STRUKTUR __ Recent loanwords on -vra with short cmp-form: struktur- * __LEXICON KULTUR __ -kultuvra, compound forms: kultur-, kulttor- * __LEXICON KANTUR __ word with many forms * __LEXICON MAŠIIDNA __ mašiidna with short cmp-forms as well * __LEXICON BENSIN __ bensiidna with short cmp-forms as well * __LEXICON ADRENALIN __ Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form as well * __LEXICON TELEFON __ Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form as well * __LEXICON AKTION __ akšuvdna with cmp form ákšun- as well * __LEXICON NATION __ naššuvdna with short cmp form náššon as well * __LEXICON KANON __ kanovdna with short cmp form kánon/kánun as well * __LEXICON SOSIAL __ Recent loanwords on -ála with both short and long cmp-form * __LEXICON OLLUVUOHTA __ Exceptional vuohta-Noun * __LEXICON MAGASH __ reciprocals like verddežat, jumežat etc * __LEXICON EGEZHAGAT __ reciprocals like verddežagat, jumežagat etc * __LEXICON EGEZHAHKII __ * __LEXICON BUVSSAT __ Pl. bisyll vow-fin. Short cmp-forms * __LEXICON BUVSSATLONG __ Pl. bisyll vow-fin. Short cmp-forms * __LEXICON MUODUT __ muođut only, plural * __LEXICON DEAHKIT __ like AIGI but plural only * __LEXICON DIEDUT __ like ALBMI but plural only * __LEXICON BADJOSAT __ Pl. bajus:badjosat, short cmp-form * __LEXICON BADJOSATLONG __ Pl. bajus:badjosat, long cmp-form * __LEXICON ALIMAT __ Pl. alin:alimat, like GAHPIR but pl only * __LEXICON CEAKCAGAT __ Like seamu but plural only * __LEXICON BORALMASAT __ like JOHTOLAT but plural only * __LEXICON DURVAT __ like LASIS but pl. only * __LEXICON GIRKOSADDOT __ LIKE SATTU but pl, only * __LEXICON VUOIGNAHAT __ LikeDAIVVAS but only Pl. vuoiŋŋaš:vuoigŋahat !!!Sublexica for nominal stems !!Declension !Noun declension * __LEXICON GOAHTI-NE __ Bisyll. V-Nouns; Nominative Sg. and Essive * __LEXICON NomV __ * __LEXICON EssV __ * __LEXICON GOAHTI-OBL __ * __LEXICON GOAHTI-IU-OBL __ !!Px lexica * __LEXICON NPx12A __ For loan word ending -a * __LEXICON NPx3A __ For loan word ending -a * __LEXICON NPxA __ For loan word ending -a * __LEXICON NPxPlComC __ * __LEXICON NPxVvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change, * __LEXICON NPx12Vvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change, 1. and 2. p * __LEXICON NPx1Vvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change, 1. p * __LEXICON NPx3Vvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change, 3. pers * __LEXICON NPxV __ * __LEXICON NPx1V __ * __LEXICON NPx2V __ * __LEXICON NPx3V __ * __LEXICON NPxC __ * __LEXICON NPx1C __ * __LEXICON NPx12C __ * __LEXICON NPx3C __ * __LEXICON NPxPlComV1 __ !!Some GOAHTE-type lexica... * __LEXICON GOAHTE- __ compound lexicon * __LEXICON GOAHTICMP __ compound lexicon, vowel shortening * __LEXICON GOAHTILONGCMP __ compound lexicon, no vowel shortening * __LEXICON GOAHTILONGSHORTCMP __ compound lexicon, with and without vowel shortening * __LEXICON GOADE- __ genitiv * __LEXICON GOADE-IU- __ genitiv * __LEXICON GOAHTA- __ Lexicon for giving Px 1. and 2. p., pluss illativ * __LEXICON GOAHTAI __ illative * __LEXICON GOADI- __ weak grade * __LEXICON GOADI-_notCmp __ * __LEXICON GODII- __ diphthong simplification * __LEXICON GOADA- __ !!Other lexica * __LEXICON STAHTACASE __ for no cons grad * __!LEXICON HEANDARAT-COMM __ this lexicon is differet from HEANDARAT in that it does not have the Prop tag. * __LEXICON MALIS0 __ as GAPPUS0. MALIS0 has no VUOHTA, GAPPUS0 has no Px Ess * __LEXICON MALLAS- __ * __LEXICON MALLASI-/NUORABU- __ joint cont. lexicon * __LEXICON LEXMUSH __ derived verbs on -muš * __LEXICON MUSHcase __ Deverbal nouns * __LEXICON MUSSHA __ * __LEXICON EAMOSH __ superlatives, western * __LEXICON EAMOSHcase __ Deverbal nouns * __LEXICON AMOSH __ superlatives, eastern * __LEXICON AMOSHcase __ !!Deverbal nouns * __LEXICON BOAHTINLONGSHORT __ Intransitiv action nouns from bisyll verbs, long and short cmp-form * __LEXICON BOAHTIN __ Intransitiv action nouns from bisyll verbs, long cmp-form * __LEXICON BOAHTINcase __ Long compound-forms * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORT __ Intransitiv action nouns from bisyll verbs, short cmp-form * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDAN __ Intransitiv Action nouns from deverbal verbs * __LEXICON BOAHTINLONGSHORTTV __ Transitiv Action nouns. Both long and short compound forms * __LEXICON BOAHTINLONGSHORTTVcase __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON BOAHTINTV __ Transitiv Action nouns. Long compound forms * __LEXICON BOAHTINTVcase __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON BOAHTINTVCT __ * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORTTV __ Transitiv Action nouns. Short compound forms * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORTTVcase __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORTTVCT __ * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDANTV __ Transitiv Action nouns from deverbal verbs * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDANTVcase __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDANTVCT __ * __LEXICON IHTAMAT __ Plural action nouns, from bisyllabic verbs * __LEXICON IHTALUDDAMAT __ ihtaluddamat, plural * __LEXICON FALLA- __ * __LEXICON BOAZU-NE __ * __LEXICON BOHCCO __ * __LEXICON BOHCCU __ * __LEXICON KEAHTTA __ Derivation keahttá/keahtes * __LEXICON KEAHTTA-PRED __ Der/keahtta - only predforms