Files: ====== /main/gt/sme/src/sme-lex.txt /main/gt/sme/script/ /main/gtcore/giella-shared/smi/src/syntax/functions.cg3 #instead of /main/ /gtsvn/ is possible too #withing noun-sme-lex.txt: cat ~/source/giellatekno/langs/sme/src/morphology/sme.all.lexc | grep -o '+Sem\/[^+:@!]\+' | sed 's/ *//g' | sort -u gtsvn/gt/common/src/tag-not-save-regex # Semantic tags: 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Ani, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Body, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Build, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Clth, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Edu, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Event, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Fem, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Food, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/AniProd, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Money, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Lang, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Group, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Hum, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Act, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Mal, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Measr, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Obj, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Org, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Plant, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Plc, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Route, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Sur, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Time, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Txt, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Veh, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Wpn, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Wthr, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Mat, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Semcon, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Ctain, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Furn, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Obj-clo, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Obj-el, 0 (<-) %+Sem%/Obj-surfc, 0 (<-) %+Sem/Clth-jewl, 0 (<-) %+Sem/Curr, 0 (<-) %+Sem/Build-part, 0 (<-) %+Sem/Feat-psych, 0 (<-) %+Sem/Perc-Emo, 0 (<-) %+Sem/Sbstnc, sme-lex.txt ! Semantic tags to help disambiguation & synt. analysis: (before POS) +Sem/Ani !!= * @CODE@ = Animate +Sem/Body !!= * @CODE@ = Bodypart +Sem/Build !!= * @CODE@ = Building +Sem/Clth !!= * @CODE@ =Clothes +Sem/Edu !!= * @CODE@ = Education +Sem/Event !!= * @CODE@ = Event +Sem/Fem !!= * @CODE@ = Female name +Sem/Food !!= * @CODE@ = Food +Sem/AniProd !!= * @CODE@ = Animal Product +Sem/Group !!= * @CODE@ = Animal or Human Group +Sem/Hum !!= * @CODE@ = Human +Sem/Act !!= * @CODE@ = Activity +Sem/Lang !!= * @CODE@ = Language +Sem/Mal !!= * @CODE@ = Male name +Sem/Measr !!= * @CODE@ = Measure +Sem/Obj !!= * @CODE@ = Object +Sem/Org !!= * @CODE@ = Organisation +Sem/Plant !!= * @CODE@ = Plant +Sem/Plc !!= * @CODE@ = Place +Sem/Route !!= * @CODE@ = Route +Sem/Sur !!= * @CODE@ = Surname +Sem/Time !!= * @CODE@ = Time +Sem/Txt !!= * @CODE@ = Text (girji, lávlla...) +Sem/Veh !!= * @CODE@ =Vehicle +Sem/Wpn !!= * @CODE@ =Weapon +Sem/Wthr !!= * @CODE@ = The Weather or the state of ground +Sem/Money !!= * @CODE@ = Has to do with money, like wages, Not Curr(ency) +Sem/Mat !!= * @CODE@ = Material for producing things +Sem/Semcon !!= * @CODE@ = Semantic concept +Sem/Ctain !!= * @CODE@ = Container +Sem/Furn !!= * @CODE@ = Furniture +Sem/Obj-clo !!= * @CODE@ = Cloth +Sem/Obj-el !!= * @CODE@ = (Electrical) machine or apparatus +Sem/Clth-jewl !!= * @CODE@ = Jewelery +Sem/Curr !!= * @CODE@ = Currency like dollár, Not Money +Sem/Build-part !!= * @CODE@ = Part of Bulding, like the closet +Sem/Feat-psych !!= * @CODE@ = Psychological feauture +Sem/Perc-Emo !!= * @CODE@ = Emotional perception +Sem/Substnc !!= * @CODE@ = Substance, like Air and Water /main/gt/sme/script/ # Fjerner semantiske tagger, # osv: cat $GTHOME/gt/sme/dev/testdis | perl -pe 's/(Sem\/Feat\-psych|Sem\/Sbstnc|Sem\/Perc\-Emo|Sem\/Build\-part|Sem\/Mat|Sem\/Emo|Sem\/Curr|Sem\/Clth\-jewl|Sem\/Obj\-el|Sem\/Obj\-clo|Sem\/Furn|Sem\/Lang|Sem\/Money|Sem\/Ani|Sem\/Body|Sem\/Build|Sem\/Clth|Sem\/Edu|Sem\/Event|Sem\/Fem|Sem\/Food|Sem\/Group|Sem\/Hum|Sem\/Mal|Sem\/Measr|Sem\/Obj|Sem\/Org|Sem\/Plant|Sem\/Plc|Sem\/Route|Sem\/Sur|Sem\/Time|Sem\/Txt|Sem\/Veh|Sem\/Wpn|Sem\/Wthr|Sem\/Mat|Sem\/Semcon|Sem\/Ctain|Sem\/Date|Sem\/Act|Sem\/AniProd|Allegro|v1|v2|v3|v4|v5|v6|v7|v8|) //g' | tr -d "#" > $GTHOME/gt/sme/dev/cleantestdis # Henter gullstandarder, fjerner semantiske tagger, # osv : cat $GTBIG/gt/sme/corp/correct/testkorpus.N.corr.txt $GTBIG/gt/sme/corp/correct/divgullkorpus.N.corr.txt | perl -pe 's/(Sem\/Feat\-psych|Sem\/Perc\-Emo|Sem\/Build\-part|Sem\/Mat|Sem\/Emo|Sem\/Curr|Sem\/Clth\-jewl|Sem\/Obj\-el|Sem\/Obj\-clo|Sem\/Furn|Sem\/Lang|Sem\/Money|Sem\/Ani|Sem\/Body|Sem\/Build|Sem\/Clth|Sem\/Edu|Sem\/Event|Sem\/Fem|Sem\/Food|Sem\/Group|Sem\/Hum|Sem\/Mal|Sem\/Measr|Sem\/Obj|Sem\/Org|Sem\/Plant|Sem\/Plc|Sem\/Route|Sem\/Sur|Sem\/Time|Sem\/Txt|Sem\/Veh|Sem\/Wpn|Sem\/Wthr|Sem\/Mat|Sem\/Semcon|Sem\/Ctain|Sem\/Date|Sem\/Act|Sem\/AniProd|Allegro|v1|v2|v3|v4|v5|v6|v7|v8|) //g' > $GTHOME/gt/sme/dev/cleangullkorpus.dis.corr.txt ! Semantic tags to help disambiguation & synt. analysis: (before POS) +Sem/Ani !!= * @CODE@ = Animate +Sem/Body !!= * @CODE@ = Bodypart +Sem/Build !!= * @CODE@ = Building +Sem/Clth !!= * @CODE@ =Clothes +Sem/Edu !!= * @CODE@ = Education +Sem/Event !!= * @CODE@ = Event +Sem/Fem !!= * @CODE@ = Female name +Sem/Food !!= * @CODE@ = Food +Sem/AniProd !!= * @CODE@ = Animal Product +Sem/Group !!= * @CODE@ = Animal or Human Group +Sem/Hum !!= * @CODE@ = Human +Sem/Act !!= * @CODE@ = Activity +Sem/Lang !!= * @CODE@ = Language +Sem/Mal !!= * @CODE@ = Male name +Sem/Measr !!= * @CODE@ = Measure +Sem/Obj !!= * @CODE@ = Object +Sem/Org !!= * @CODE@ = Organisation +Sem/Plant !!= * @CODE@ = Plant +Sem/Plc !!= * @CODE@ = Place +Sem/Route !!= * @CODE@ = Route +Sem/Sur !!= * @CODE@ = Surname +Sem/Time !!= * @CODE@ = Time +Sem/Txt !!= * @CODE@ = Text (girji, lávlla...) +Sem/Veh !!= * @CODE@ =Vehicle +Sem/Wpn !!= * @CODE@ =Weapon +Sem/Wthr !!= * @CODE@ = The Weather or the state of ground +Sem/Money !!= * @CODE@ = Has to do with money, like wages, Not Curr(ency) +Sem/Mat !!= * @CODE@ = Material for producing things +Sem/Semcon !!= * @CODE@ = Semantic concept +Sem/Ctain !!= * @CODE@ = Container +Sem/Furn !!= * @CODE@ = Furniture +Sem/Obj-clo !!= * @CODE@ = Cloth +Sem/Obj-el !!= * @CODE@ = (Electrical) machine or apparatus +Sem/Clth-jewl !!= * @CODE@ = Jewelery +Sem/Curr !!= * @CODE@ = Currency like dollár, Not Money +Sem/Build-part !!= * @CODE@ = Part of Bulding, like the closet +Sem/Feat-psych !!= * @CODE@ = Psychological feauture +Sem/Perc-Emo !!= * @CODE@ = Emotional perception +Sem/Substnc !!= * @CODE@ = Substance, like Air and Water