! First go at fst-based preprocessor ! original documentation ! https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/KitWiki/HfstPmatch ! Define CapWord UppercaseAlpha Alpha* ; ! Define StreetWordFr [{avenue} | {boulevard} | {rue}] ; ! Define DeFr [ [{de} | {du} | {des} | {de la}] Whitespace ] | [{d'} | {l'}] ; ! Define StreetFr StreetWordFr (Whitespace DeFr) CapWord+ ; ! Define TOP StreetFr EndTag(FrenchStreetName) ; ! First experimental code (note path to hfst file) ! Define word @bin"analyser-gt-desc.hfst"; ! Define TOP Ins(word) EndTag(w) ; Define TOP @bin"analyser-disamb-gt-desc.hfst" EndTag(token); !Compile, usage: ! Kitwiki example: ! hfst-pmatch2fst < streets.txt > streets.hfst ! echo "Je marche seul dans l'avenue des Ternes" | hfst-pmatch -v streets.hfst ! Je marche seul dans l'avenue des Ternes ! The code above: ! $ hfst-pmatch2fst < test.pregex > test.hfst ! $ echo "Mun ja son." | hfst-pmatch test.hfst ! ! Expected result at present: ! mun+Pron+Pers+Sg1+Nom ja+CC son+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Nom.+CLB ! Targeted result at present: ! mun+Pron+Pers+Sg1+Nom ja+CC son+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Nom.+CLB ! Targeted result: To have a preprocessor which works as the present ! $GTHOME/gt/scripts/preprocess, ! and, combined with the transducer of the language in question gives output ! like the following: ! ! Mun mun+Pron+Pers+Sg1+Nom ! ! ja ja+CC ! ! son son+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Nom ! son son+Pcle ! ! . .+CLB ! Issues: ! Ambiguous input ! Ambiguous multiword expessions with ambiguous tokenisation ! Unknown words