Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages !!!North Saami adjective declension file !!Bisyllabic adjectives * __LEXICON BUORRE __ For this adj only * __LEXICON BUOROT __ SUB, Southern dialect * __LEXICON ALKI __ Bisyll V-Adj, -es-Attr, no WeG. * __LEXICON SEARRA __ Bisyll. V-Adj's with s-Attr in WeG. * __LEXICON HOHPI __ Bisyll. V-Adj's with s-Attr. in WeG & Adv. * __LEXICON LAIKI __ Bisyll. V-Adj's with es-Attr. in WeG & Adv. * __LEXICON LODJI __ bisyll V-Adj with -es and -is Attr in WeG * __LEXICON JUHKKIS __ Bisyll. V-Adj. with s-Attr; no Adv. * __LEXICON HAHTTI __ Bisyll. V-Adj. no Adv. * __LEXICON NUORRA __ Bisyll. V-Adj. w/CG, w/o Sep. Attr; no Adv. * __LEXICON RIEKTA __ Bisyll adj w/o obl sg forms, WeG Attr * __LEXICON VIELG __ adj with -es -attrib. (cns final adj) * __LEXICON VIELGAT __ just a sublexicon to VIELG * __LEXICON VIELG_NOCOMP __ adj with -es -attrib. (cns final adj) * __LEXICON VIELGAT_NOCOMP __ just a sublexicon to VIELG_NOCOMP * __LEXICON CAHKK __ -at final adj with attr -es and -dis * __LEXICON JALGAT __ only jalgat, attr jalga and jalges * __LEXICON UHCC __ uhcci, unni, seaggi, attr uhca, unna, seakka * __LEXICON JEAGOHEAPMI __ caritives * __LEXICON BIVNNUHEAPME __ no bivnnuhis here, special, beacause popular and unpopular collide in attribute form :) * __LEXICON JEAGOHEAPMI_NOCOMP __ caritives, no comparative * __LEXICON OATNI __ only this adj, no attr !!Consonant-final even-syllabic adjectives * __LEXICON ISSORAS __ issoras and certain as-adj. also derivations, final -s * __LEXICON IHKALAS-DABALAS __ loan adjectives ending on -ihkalaš - kritihkalaš etc * __LEXICON DABALAS __ -laš adjectives with short Attr and SgNom Comp forms - dábálet, dábálut etc * __LEXICON NVDCompAttr_ISSORASSA- __ sublexicon to DABALAS * __LEXICON DEARVVASLAS __ -laš adjectives without short Attr and SgNom Comp forms. The word dearvvaslaš/dearvvašlaš is not directed here, but to DABALAS * __LEXICON DEARVVASLAS2 __ only to lift out ISSORASSA-, see DEARVVASLAS * __LEXICON STUORIBUS __ -buš comparatives * __LEXICON ASEHAS __ 5 words with -is attr: asehis, asihis, oanehis, vuollegis, vuolligis * __LEXICON UNOHAS __ for this word only * __LEXICON IPMAHA __ Tris. Gradating C-adj:s, The Troms declension: imaš:ipmaha, gáđaš:gáhtaha !!Trisyllabic adjectives * __LEXICON MEAHTTUS __ meahttun-adj. with comp. and superl. forms -seabbo, -seamos etc. * __LEXICON BEAKKAN __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. without Separate Attr. * __LEXICON BEAKKAN_NOCOMP __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. without Separate Attr. No comparatives * __LEXICON GEARDAN __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. without Separate Attr. * __LEXICON JOHTIL __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. with is-Attr. * __LEXICON HEITTOHA __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. with is-Attr. * __LEXICON GUOHCA __ Trisyll. Gradating V-Adj., no sep. Attr. * __LEXICON GARAS __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a-Attr. and final s Pred * __LEXICON LINIS __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a-Attr. and final s Pred * __LEXICON SUVRRIS __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. weak grade a-Attr. and final s Pred * __LEXICON NANUS __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. weak grade u-Attr. and final s Pred * __LEXICON LOSSAT __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a-Attr. and final t Pred. geahppat and lossat, words with bisyllable form comparatives in addition to trisyllable form: geahpit, losit * __LEXICON CAVGAT __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a/es-Attr. and final t Pred, both -but and -eappot comparatives * __LEXICON CIENAL __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Strong Grade is-Attr. * __LEXICON NJUORAS __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj., with Strong Grade a-Attr. * __LEXICON DILDDAS __ ,-ld-(#=is) Trisyll Grad., facult is-Attr. * __LEXICON VUOGAS __ Trisyll. adj. with gradation I-III and no sep. attr. only this word, vuogas, vuohkkasat * __LEXICON HEAHKAS __ ,-hkk-#=is heahkka Trisyll Grad., is-Attr & heahkka * __LEXICON EATTAS __ ,-dd-#=is Trisyll. Grad. C-Adj. with WeG -is Attr. * __LEXICON BOAKKAS __ ,-gg-#boagge9- Trisyll no attr * __LEXICON FARGAT __ :d#Ø Trisyll no attr * __LEXICON GAPPUS __ -bbo- Trisyll, attr same as pred * __LEXICON VATTIS __ Trisyll CG, -es/-is Attr * __LEXICON BIEKKUS __ ,-iggo-#=is Trisyll Grad, is-Attr, * __LEXICON LIEKKUS __ ,-iggo-(#=is) Trisyll Grad, attr same as pred * __LEXICON GUOROS __ guoros and luovos, Trisyll Grad, attr same as pred * __LEXICON NUOLUS __ ,-u8llo-(#nuolo9s) * __LEXICON GEARGGUS __ ,-ergo-#gearggo9s * __LEXICON VUDDJII__ * __LEXICON VUDDJII_DECLINED __ misses most cases * __ LEXICON JIEDNAI __ * __ LEXICON JIEDNAI_DECLINED __ misses most cases * __LEXICON BOARIS __ As GAPPUS, but with different attr. * __LEXICON BOARIS_NOCOMP __ * __LEXICON RAMIS __ A new adj? Found in corp. Only a couple of forms as a start * __LEXICON AKTIIVA __ loans ending with -a, same attr as pred * __LEXICON BOREALA __ AKTIIVA without comparatives * __LEXICON SPANSKA __ spánska, dánska, fránska, ránska. WeG attr * __LEXICON ALLAT __ allat, gassat, govdat, attr: alla, gassa, govda. Trisyllables with Bisyllable compforms: alit, gasit, govddit * __LEXICON ALLAGA __ sublexicon to ALLAT and word árrat !!Contracted adjectives * __LEXICON FIINNIS __ ,-dná-(:Ø)#fiinna, western comp: fiidnát, eastern comp: fiidnásabbo/-sut/-sat * __ LEXICON DEAHTIS __ as fiinnis, but with StrGr in Attr * __LEXICON SMAVIS __ as deahtis, but with even more Attr forms and comparative smávit in addition * __LEXICON STUORIS __ As fiinnis, but with different comparation * __LEXICON NJALGGAT __ Comp+Sg+Nom: njálgát, njálgásut/-sit/-sut/-sat, njálgáseabbo/-sabbo * __LEXICON CAPPIS __ western comp: čábbát, eastern comp: čábbásabbo/-sut/-sat * __LEXICON VIISSIS __ Contr, CG and -is -> -á, attr -es/-is, western and eastern comp forms * __LEXICON RAHPIS __ Contr, CG and -is -> -á, attr -es, with long and short comp forms * __LEXICON HARVVIS __ Contr, CG and -is -> -á, attr -e, short comp forms * __LEXICON MALLASadj- __ * __LEXICON MALLASadj-_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON MALLASI-/NUORABUadj- __ * LEXICON DEVNVCASE bisyllabic nominal declension * LEXICON GOAHTI-OBLadj * __LEXICON GOAHTI-NEadj __ * __LEXICON GODIIadj- __ * __LEXICON GOADIadj- __ * __LEXICON NomVadj __ * __LEXICON EssVadj __ !!Special cases * __LEXICON NomActVEARA __ hardcoded postposition frases with veara, for speller * __LEXICON VEARA_PO __ * __LEXICON VEARA __ !!Final note on the adjective sublexica todo: Rewrite the adj lexica so that the attr variation is kept separate from the otherwise uniform declension. * __LEXICON VUDDJI- __ * __LEXICON BOHCCOadj __ * __LEXICON BOHCCUadj __ !!!Adjective declension * __LEXICON ATTR __ This is the normal lexicon for ATTR forms * __LEXICON ATTRCONT __ This lexicon is for forms with non-sub Attr, where we sub the rest. * __LEXICON LAIKI0 __ Directing adjectives ... it does not have the Prop tag. it does not have the Prop tag. * __LEXICON JOHTOLAT0 __ * __LEXICON JOHTOLAHKA- __ * __LEXICON ISSORASSA- __ * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS __ comparision for trisyllable adjectives * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_CONT __ * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_CONT_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON EAMOS_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_CONT-contracted __ for certain contracted adjectives, divided dialect-naziwise * __LEXICON SHORTCOMP __ * __LEXICON SHORTCOMP_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON SHORTCOMP_PRED_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON EABBU __ eastern form -abbo as well * __LEXICON EABBUCASE1 __ * __LEXICON EABBUCASE2 __ * __LEXICON EABBU_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON EABBUCASE1_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON EABBUCASE2_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags * __LEXICON BU/MUS __ Bisyllabic adjectives comparision * __LEXICON BUStem __ * __LEXICON EAMOS __ eastern form -amos as well * __LEXICON GAPPUS0 __ Almost id. to MALIS0. MALIS0 has no VUOHTA, GAPPUS0 has no Px Ess., and shouldn't have either. * __LEXICON GAPPUS- __ GOAL: Keep GAPPUS- and MALLAS- apart, because of the Px(1)V issue, but unify the rest. GAPPUS- and MALLAS- differ in the A and N treatment of Pl Nom Px (only 1st p. for A and all persons for N). Now that MALLASI- is deleted, GAPPUS- and MALLAS- are identical. We check by pointing GAPPUS- to MALLAS-. Look into this. and remove GAPPUS- for MALLAS- eventually. * __LEXICON MEAHTTUN __ Deverbal adjectives. * __LEXICON LEXATTR_GEAHTES __ trisyllabic stems: geahtes for trisyll, heapmi for bisyll * __LEXICON GEAHTES __ geahtes for trisyll, heapmi for bisyll * __LEXICON OVDDIT __ Inherently comparative adjectives, bisyll * __LEXICON MADDELEABBO __ Inherently comparative adjectives, trisyll !!!Nominal derivation !!Noun derivation * __LEXICON VUOHTA __ +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/DefPlGen * __LEXICON VUOHTAMORPH __ * __LEXICON DenominalNounsV __ diminutives from bisyllabic nouns * __LEXICON DenominalNounsC __ diminutives from trisyllabic nouns * __LEXICON EAPMI __ action noun, from bisyll intransitive verb * __LEXICON MUITTASJEAPMI __ action noun, from trisyll intransitive verb * __LEXICON EAPMITV __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON EAPMITVCT __ action noun, from bisyll transitive verb * __LEXICON EAPMITVCTcase __ * __LEXICON MUITTASJEAPMITV __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON MUITTASJEAPMITVCT __ action noun, from trisyll intransitive verb * __LEXICON UPMI __ action noun, from passive verb * __LEXICON VUONAT __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * __LEXICON VUONATCT __ derivated nouns, from propers: guovdageainnut, divttasvuonat etc. * __LEXICON ACTORder __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG * __LEXICON ACTORderCT __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Long compound-forms, from intransitive verbs * __LEXICON ACTORderCTcase __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Long compound-forms, from intransitive verbs * __LEXICON ACTORTVder __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft * __LEXICON ACTORTVderCT __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Long compound-forms, from transitive verbs * __LEXICON ACTORSHORTTVder __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Short compound-forms, from transitive verbs !!!Adjective derivation * __LEXICON LAS __ from verbs: čirrolas, bealkálas etc * __LEXICON BUOREMUSS __ superlatives, from bisyll adjectives * __LEXICON BUOREMUS __ * __LEXICON BUOREMUSSA- __ * __LEXICON LEXDIMINC __ diminutives, these comes from noun stems file, from trisyll nouns * __LEXICON DIMINC __ diminutives, these comes from noun affix file, from trisyll nouns * __LEXICON DIMINV __ diminutives, these comes from bisyll nouns * __LEXICON HEAPMI __ caritives * __LEXICON LAGAN __ lágan, lágán and subform lagan as well * __LEXICON LAGAS __ lágaš, lágáš and subform lagaš as well * __LEXICON LAGAN_LAGAS __ * __LEXICON AHKASAS __ derived words on -saš, -haš, -laš * __LEXICON AHKASAS_PL __ derived words on -saš, -haš, -laš, only plural, * __LEXICON SISKKALDAS __ olgguldas, siskkáldas, siskkildas, nuppáldas, that's all * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1 __ caritives and their derivatives (huvva, huhtti), from bisyll nouns * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1Long __ caritives and their derivatives (huvva, huhtti), from bisyll nouns without vowel shortening * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1Short __ caritives and their derivatives (huvva, huhtti), from bisyll nouns with vowel shortening * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV2 __ from bisyllables, muoralaš, gieđalaš etc * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC __ from trisyllables, -laš and caritives on -heapme * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsCLong __ from trisyllables, -laš and caritives on -heapme * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsCShort __ from trisyllables, -laš and caritives on -heapme * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV3 __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG !from Propernames * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV3case __ from bisyllabic propers * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC2 __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG !from Propernames * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC2case __ from trisyllabic propers * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV4 __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG from Propernames * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV4case __ from bisyllabic propers (subbed) * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC3 __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG !from Propernames * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC3case __ from trisyllabic propers (subbed) * __LEXICON LASJOBL __ * __LEXICON HEAPMIOBL __ sublexicon not only for caritives on -heapmi/-heapme !!Adverbs from adjectives * __LEXICON ADVV __ adverb from bilysll stems * __LEXICON ADVC __ adverb from trilysll stems !!Adjectives from nouns * __LEXICON AGAdj __ mostly words like guovttejagat, allajoccat etc