!!!North Sámi adjective lexicon * __LEXICON LEXATTR __ This lexicon is here to give the tags to the compounding * __LEXICON At __ gives +A+Attr and directs to K * __LEXICON PrfPrc __ Gives +A+Attr and Sg/Pl Nom and directs to K * __LEXICON FINJU- __ compounds only, directs to Rreal and NAMAT * __LEXICON ALIT __ Both second-part compound and independent adj. čáhppesalit bábir, alit bábir * __LEXICON Eahpe_Adjective __ is a long list of lexicalised eahpe-prefixed adjs * __LEXICON Adjective __ is the main adjective list * __LEXICON AdjectivePx __ Px-forms are restricted to this lexicon Move adjs that may take Px from __Adjective__ to this lexicon. * __LEXICON AdjectiveNoPx __ is the main adjective list, not taking Px